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CKG (tm.)
This is product is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The
entire risk as to the results and performance of the program is assumed by
you. Further more, I the author do not warrant, guarantee, or make any
representations regarding the use of, or the results of the use of the program,
and you rely on the program and results solely at your own risk. I the author
cannot accept responsibility for system damage, loss of profit, or any other
special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use or
inability to use this product.
About CKG Software
In todays modern world, efficiency, performance and reliability are key factors
in our satisfaction with any product or service. When computer software is
needed, ease of use and simplicty also become factors. Finding a company that
understands all of these concerns is diffcult.
CKG Software understands the needs of its clients, and strives to provide
software solutions that are simple to use, yet pouerful enough to handle the
job. All of the CKG series of software is designed to integrate with all of the
other products, so once you learn to operate any of the CKG products, you
already know how to operate them all.
All of the CKG products use pop-up windows, the most effective method of
presenting information to the user, along with full menu operation, you never
have to wonder what key to press, just look at the options that are always
displayed on the screen. In addition to simple operation, the printouts of the
products have been designed to be simple and understandable.
Having the power of a computer at your disposal for storing data is great, but
what do you do with all of that data? CKG software is designed to help you find
those "needles in the datastack", by providing multiple ways to search or print
out data. Look closely at those other products reports before you buy!
In todays modern world, efficiency, performance and reliability are key factors
in our satisfaction with any product or service. The vechicles we drive have
become more reliable and efficient with time, but still require service and
attention to operate properly.
Auto-Track is designed to assist in tracking and analyzing a vehicle (or fleet
of vehicles) performance and service record. Besides monitoring miles per
gallon to determine when a tune-up is required, Auto-Track tracks when service
and maintenance are required, (both by miles driven and time expired). By
tracking individual repairs to your vehicles, you can spot problems that have
not been properly corrected, those repairs that affect warranty, and have
documentation of repairs and maintenance if questiones arise.
If your fleet of vehicles consists of one car, one motorcycle, or a fleet of
trucks, Auto-Track is for you.
Getting Started!
Auto-Track will run fine off a floppy disk drive. But works best off of a hard
drive. First you will need to make a subdirectory on your hard drive called
\ckg(If you are not familar with the dos commands to do this refer to your dos
documentaion). Then copy all files to the \ckg subdirectory. Afterwords all
you need to do is type in is AUTOTRAK to start the program.
Other CKG software!!
For a listing of all products avalible from CKG software, run the CKGINFO
program. To order a copy of the non-demo version of any of the CKG software
family, refer to the order.frm file or call or write the following:
David McCormack (Autorized Agent)
Walnut Grove #11
Warrensburg, Mo. 64093
Voice: 816-747-9138
Data: The Burg BBS