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THIS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE! If you paid a "public domain" vendor
for this program, you paid for the service of copying the
program, and not for the program itself. Rest assured that noth-
ing ever gets to the originators of this product from such a
sale. You may evaluate this product, but if you make use of it,
you must register your copy.
We offer several inducements to you for registering. First of
all, you receive the most up-to-date copy of the program that we
have -- and we do update the product on a regular basis. You
also receive support for CHECKPRO; which can be quite valuable at
times. And finally, we have a few utilities not included in the
evaluation package. The evaluation package, however is a fully
functional version of CHECKPRO and not "crippled" in any way.
The non-commercial single-user registration fee for CHECKPRO is
$15.00 US. The commercial and multisystem site fee for CHECKPRO
is $50.00 US.
Mail to:
Kenneth W. Illig CompuServe 76566,3020
13118 Brushcreek Lane
Dallas, TX 75240 214-239-4659
Name __________________________________
Company __________________________________
Street __________________________________
City, State, Zip __________________________________
Registration Fee for Single-
System CHECKPRO License $15.00 ...........___________
Registration Fee for Multi-
System Site License $50.00 ...........___________
We normally ship 5.25" 360K diskettes. Check here if you
need CHECKPRO on 3.5" 720K diskette................________
Where did you learn of CHECKPRO ? _________________________
Page 2
This is "user-supported" software. You are hereby granted a
license by K W Illig to distribute Checkp, the evaluation copy of
Checkpro and its documentation, subject to the following conditions:
1. Checkpro may be distributed freely without charge in
evaluation form only (Checkp).
2. Checkpro may not be sold, licensed, or a fee charged for
its use. If a fee is charged in connection with
Checkpro, it must cover the cost of copying or dissemina-
tion only. Such charges must be clearly identified as
such by the originating party. Under no circumstances
may the purchaser be given the impression that he is
buying Checkpro itself.
3. Checkpro must be presented as a complete unit, including
this documentation. Neither Checkpro nor its documenta-
tion may be amended or altered in any way.
4. By granting you the right to distribute the evaluation
form of Checkpro, you do not become the owner of Checkpro
in any form.
Any other use, distribution or representation of Checkpro is
expressly forbidden without the written consent of K W Illig.
CHECKPRO Ver 7.0, Copyright 1992, KENNTH W ILLIG. All rights reserved
Page 3
Free Ram memory of 384K minimum recommended for operation of this program.
To use this program on a hard disk, place master disk in drive A and at the
A prompt (>A) type INSTALL ,and follow instructions.
For use with two floppy drives, Drives must be at least 720K capacity.
place master disk in drive A and at the A prompt (>A) type INSTALLF
and follow instructions.
To run program, at the DOS prompt, type 'CHECKPRO' and press enter.
If you used an earlier version, note checkbook balance before converting
to version 7.0: Then start 7.0 by entering balance from SETUP menu.
Before using this program for the first time, you may enter all items
(checks, deposits & withdrwals) starting at your choice of a date. If you
would like to have data available for a calendar year, I suggest you start
at Jan 1 of a year.
Then using the SETUP menu:
1) Enter the balance from your checkbook
2) Enter the checkbook balance again under 'STARTING BALANCE'
3) Use the check codes screen: Edit &/or make your own codes.
4) Use Reconciliation menu to key all items on bank statements, and
also key which items you want to appear on next Monthly Print
5) Go back to the main menu & start using the program.
6) If you have UTILS, enter you choice of name for the Title Screen
(Otherwise, I suggest start by entering all items that were not on your
last bank statement, and then go to step 1 above)
Specific instructions are given in prompts on all the screens. General
instructions are available at the start of every screen by pressing F1
Note that you use the check numbers on your checks (up to 99999):
For entry of deposits , number each deposit (starting with #1).
For entry of withdrawals, number each withdrawal (starting with # 1)
The account balance is constantly updated and shown on the screen
of each of the three data entry modules.
The first time one of these modules is entered, the highest number that
you have used in the file is shown at the top left of the screen.
Use POST to enter checks, deposits, withdrawals, expenditures (cash or
credit card) or Budget. The data will be recorded in the files after the
last box on the line has been completed (and you press enter if you did
not type in the last space); therefore, you may go back and forth between
the entry boxes as much as you want, to correct errors. Also, you may
bring the line up again (by entering the item number) to make
corrections if necessary.
The last item on the data entry screen for checks and expenditures is
a single digit code. These codes are used to list items by catagory
from commands in the menu. The list may be on screen or Print. The
choice CODES (under SETUP) allows you to the make up your own codes (or
modify existing codes), and up to nine sets of codes are stored in memory,
and may be selected for viewing or use.
Each time an entry is written to the files, it is marked as an "Open"
item. When the monthly statement comes from your bank, use choice
RECONCILE to check the account balance, and print a report. Use the
sub-menu choices to mark items on the bank statement; the program
will re-mark these items on the statement "R" (returned on bank statement)
The monthly report lists all entries which were not printed
the previous month, with all items which you have entered, but were not
returned by the bank marked "*". After the print has been run, all returned
items will be keyed to not print the next time you use PRINT STATEMENT.
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The first five choices on the reconciliation menu may be run over and
over as many times as you wish. After the trial balance you may go back
to the main menu: however it is recommended to print the monthly report
immediately after the trial balance. You may use a different interval between
prints, if desired.
The main menu has a choice LIST to list all open items on the screen.
to list items by date (or checks by date [all or by code]) and the program
allows you to choose the starting date and ending date of the selected
items you have chosen to list. This makes it easy to bring up the
desired listing (info for tax purposes etc.), and the program will give
you a total amount for the items you have selected. After viewing on
the screen, you have the option to print the list.
The SETUP menu has choices to enter a new account balance, Miscellaneous
data necessary for record keeping, enter codes, and if you have UTILS
enter your choice for the Title Screen.
The UTILITIES menu has choices; Rebuild files (reindex in case of problems)
List hot keys, and if you have UTILS; To transfer selected data files to
another disk, Import the old back, and Restore from Backup Disk. With
UTILS a more sophisticated back up routine is furnished, which is faster
as it appends new data to the backup, and also will back on as many disks
as required to hold all the data. Use Reset backup to start new Backup.
Make corrections and use each choice (except PRINT) on the reconcilliation
menu as many times as you want, and you should arrive at a balance. You may
go back to the main menu at any time, but remember that the Print list will
be long if you do not use it within a reasonable period of time. After
printing the balance report, the program will key all items that
have been on a bank statement, and they will not print the next time unless
you change the key back to print (go back to Main entry screen & overwrite)
When exiting the program (via <Esc>) there is an automatic data back up
routine if you so chose. (you do always back up don't you ?) The back up
disk must be formated. The program will check available space on the
backup disk before each file is updated, and wait for you insert another
disk if the space is not sufficient for the next file copy or append.
CHECKPRO on diskettes has Install program (hard drive or two floppy drives).
Files used are: checkpro.exe, code.dbf, ckdata.dbf, dpdata.dbf, wddata.dbf,
disburse.dbf, budget.dbf, cphelp.dbf, cpdict.dbf, gendata.dbf, redolist.dbf
hboxdim.dbf (dBASE compatable files) and additional index files which will
be created the first time you use the program. The dpdata.dbf file was
changed in Version 5, so anyone that has been using an earlier version than
5 will need to copy the new disburse.dbf into their working directory, and
re-enter any deposit data they wish to use. Budget data is now stored in
budget.dbf, and also must be in your working directory (if you wish to make
budget entries).
I put the first version of this program into use in 1985, and find
it very usefull. Many refinements have been incorporated into this latest
version. If you find CHECKPRO fast, easy, and convenient to use,I encourage
you to register your copy. By resistering, you'll receive CHKUTILS, free
phone support and notice of any updates.
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All Screens
Alt-C Abort (Terminate out of program)
F1 Brings up help screen
Note: The individual data entry blocks are refered to as "GETS"
Typing until a character is entered in last space of the GET
or pressing Enter will normally result in a READ of your entry
(following lists some exceptions).
Full-screen Navigation Keys
Left arrow Character left. Does not move cursor to previous GET
Right arrow Character right. At end of GET, cursor moves to next GET
Ctrl-Left arrow Word left
Ctrl-Right arrow Word right
Up arrow Previous GET
Dn arrow Next GET
Home Beginning of GET
End Last character of GET
Full-Screen Editing Keys
Del Delete character at cursor position
Backspace Destructive backspace
Ctrl-U Restore current GET to original value
Full-Screen Escape Keys
PgDn Terminate READ saving current GET
Return Terminate READ from last GET
Esc Terminate READ without saving current GET
Full-Screen Mode Keys
Ins Toggle insert mode