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Version 2.0
Users Manual
Copywrite 1992, Roger W. Thompson, All rights reserved
RTW Software
P.O. Box 710292
Houston, TX 77271
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 2
Please feel free to evaluate CONTROL-SIM and distribute copies of
CONTROL-SIM as long as all files are unaltered and distributed
together. If you continue to use CONTROL-SIM you are obligated
to register this program by sending a U. S. check or money order
for $35 ($32 + $3 handling) to:
Roger W. Thompson
RTW Software
P.O. Box 710292
Houston, TX 77271
Texas residents should include 8.25% sales tax.
Upon registration, you will receive the latest version of
CONTROL-SIM, without the shareware screen. In addition,
QuickBASIC source files for the main program and controller
subroutines, plus library files, will be included to allow
controller development. You will also be notified of future
updates. The registered version of CONTROL-SIM will be licensed
to you for single computer system use and it may not be
distributed in any manner.
Please send any comments or suggestions you may have with regard
to CONTROL-SIM. If feasible, they may be incorporated in future
Although CONTROL-SIM has been tested extensively and is believed
to produce accurate results if used correctly, no guarantee is
provided. RTW Software disclaims all warranties relating to this
software, whether express or implied, as to the merchantability
or fitness of this program for any purpose. RTW Software also
assumes no liability for any damages, either direct or
inconsequential, which may result from use of this program.
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 3
This program simulates operation of a simple plant control loop. It
is intended to be used by engineers and students involved in
practical digital control system design and application. Significant
uses include:
Tuning a controller
Specification (modeling) of a plant response
Evaluation of PID and other types of controllers
Simulation of a typical bounded controller output and input
Evaluation of effects of quantization and sample rate
Time response of LaPlace transforms
Conversion from LaPlace transforms to state equations
Development of control algorithms (registered users only)
The program is designed to be easy to use allowing the user to
concentrate on control system performance characteristics rather than
program commands and variables or extensive math. Full featured
menu's and an initial (default) example permit the beginner to
experiment quickly, while the more advanced user can create,
evaluate, and save plant configuration files for future reference.
a. CONTROL-SIM System Requirements:
* IBM PC, XT, AT or compatible
* EGA OR VGA color display
* IBM/Epson compatible printer
* MS-DOS 2.1 or higher
b. Installation
For backup, make a working copy of the original distribution disc.
CONTROL-SIM can be run from either a floppy disc or from the hard
disc. If hard disc operation is desired, create a new separate
directory and copy all CONTROL-SIM files to the new directory.
For example, at C:\ prompt enter:
MKDIR ctrl
COPY A:\*.* C:\ctrl
The original disc and the new directory should contain the following
README Initial instruct PROCESS.PLT Sample config file
CS.EXE Program TEMP.PLT Sample config file
MANUAL.DOC Documentation SERVO.PLT Sample config file
DX1.PRX Utility file EXAMPL1.PLT Sample config file
CTRLBLK.EGX Picture file EXAMPL2.PLT Sample config file
DAT1.PRN Sample data file COMPCKT.PLT Sample config file
FZVALVE.PLT Sample config file
FZSERVO.PLT Sample config file
PIPDEL1.PLT Sample config file
PIPDEL2.PLT Sample config file
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 4
Begin CONTROL-SIM operation by entering at C:\ prompt:
After introductory screens are displayed, the Main Menu will appear
with the following selections available:
The first 3 selections will display time response data as follows:
DISPLAY DATA - Meter and Bar Graph
PLOT DATA - Chart Recorder traces
In all three, the user can enter setpoints, activate a load change,
change loop mode (open or closed), print or record data, and observe
elapsed time from setpoint initiation. The DISPLAY DATA/DISPLAY
BLOCK DIAGRAM DATA selections also provide an IAE (Integrated
Absolute Error) indication to aid in tuning. The PLOT display allows
user selection of up to 4 chart speeds depending on sample rate.
The MODIFY PLANT MODEL selection is concerned with plant
configuration, consisting of the plant model (LaPlace transform),
delay time (or system lag time), sample rate, and equation display
The MODIFY CONTROLLER selection is concerned with controller
selection, control constants, quantization level, and range of
controller output.
The PLAYBACK DATA selection permits the user to view data text files
recorded previously.
CONFIGURATION FILES provides the means to save and retrieve
plant/controller configuration files and to designate an alternate
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 5
The simulated system includes the CONTROLLER and the PLANT. The
CONTROLLER includes data acquisition and control output functions,
controller function, loop mode function, and display of setpoint,
measurement, and control values. The PLANT consists of the plant
transfer function, transport delay, and load change function.
The CONTROLLER simulates a typical hardware digital control system
where conditioned analog data (voltage) from a PLANT sensor is
sampled and converted to a digital value. The resolution of the
digital value, or measurement, depends on the quantization level of
the analog-to-digital converter. Typically, 12 bits is used,
resulting in 4096 resolvable steps. The measured value is then
compared with the user input setpoint value within the controller
function. The difference between setpoint value and measured value,
or error, is then used as input to the controller algorithm. The
controller algorithm produces an output signal which is then
converted from digital to analog and sent to the PLANT actuator as a
voltage signal. Again, the resolution of the digital-to-analog
converter is dependant on the quantization level, typically 12 bits.
If the output is allowed to swing both positive and negative about
zero, it is said to be bipolar and the resolution applies to the
complete range. For example, 12 bits, or 4096 steps, would actually
be 2048 steps above zero and 2048 below zero.
The PLANT is simulated by a transfer function and a delay. The
transfer function is assumed to represent all the elements of the
plant loop from actuator input to sensor output. The transport delay
is the total deadtime of the plant loop which is the sum of the time
delays attributable to each element, including transport time between
elements. The transfer function can be as simple as a single time
constant or as complex as a multiple of time constants up to 4th
order. Typical plant hardware elements are actuators, control
valves, servo valves, electrical power controls, motors, heaters,
sensors, and signal conditioners.
The user can specify the plant transfer function as a LaPlace
transform. As an example, the LaPlace transform of a simple
integration function is:
1 .5
G(s) = -------- = --------
(2s + 1) (s + .5)
where .5 = the reciprocal of the time constant, 2 seconds
this is equivalent to the following RC network:
R = 2 megohm
INPUT ___ C = 1 microfarad OUTPUT
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 6
CONTROL-SIM converts the LaPlace transform into state equations (also
called state space or state variables) for ease of computation. A
further conversion is necessary from the continuous form of state
equations to discrete form state equations, to account for the
effects of sampled data. The resulting difference equations, which
are updated each scan cycle, are simple multiply and add/subtract
operations which the computer performs handily.
4.1 DISPLAY DATA Selection
Process - the 3 basic control system variables are displayed in
both bar graph and digital form. The (S)etpoint value, or
reference value, is the desired value set by the user. The
(C)ontrol value (also called manipulated variable) is the value
output by the Controller. The (M)easure value (also called
controlled variable) is the Plant output value. This is the
variable which the control system is attempting to control.
Elapsed Time - is displayed in seconds. The time is reset to 0
when a setpoint or load change is set, to reflect the response
time of the plant.
Mode indicator - shows the loop status (see Mode change below).
Integrated Absolute Error (IAE) - is displayed to give a measure of
relative performance of the same upset conditions (setpoint or
load change) with different tuning constants or other
controller/plant settings. It is reset to 0 when a setpoint or
load change is activated. IAE is a measurement of the area
existing between the setpoint value and the measured value
User Controls
Setpoints - Enter setpoint value (0 - 100) and depress the S key to
activate the new setpoint. All system inputs and outputs are
represented as 0 to 100% full scale. An audible beep is sounded
to signify acceptance of the new value.
In event an incorrect number is entered, the X key can be used to
erase the entry, prior to activating the setpoint. If a
numerical key is held depressed, the new value will become 100.
AUTOSET is a feature that, when activated by the A key, causes
the last 2 setpoints entered to be reset. Each time the S key is
depressed, the setpoints alternate. This simplifies repeated
execution as when evaluating the effects of tuning changes.
Load transient - the L key causes the Control value (input to Plant
transfer function) to change by 50% full scale for 1 sample. The
load change alternates polarity each time L is depressed. This
allows evaluation of the control response to a plant upset.
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 7
Often times a system tuned for best response to setpoint change
will not fare as well during a load transient as a system tuned
for best load response. The converse is also true.
Mode change - the M key changes the loop mode from Closed Loop to
Open Loop or vice versa. The default Closed Loop mode causes the
measurement of plant output to feedback to the Controller
algorithm, thereby allowing corrections to made in the next
Controller output. The Open Loop mode bypasses the Controller
algorithm and connects the setpoint value directly to the
Controller output. Open Loop allows the Plant response to be
evaluated without any controlling influence. For example, if the
simple integration transfer function illustrated previously is
implemented in Open Loop, the resulting time response will be
indicated as 63.2% (approx. 1 - 1/e) of the setpoint change at 2
Print/Record - the P key is used to start or stop data recording.
Initially, when P is depressed, the user is requested to select
File or Printer.
If File is selected, the user is then requested to enter the file
name (without extension), after which all data is logged to the
disc file. The extension .PRN is automatically appended. If the
file already exists, the user is given opportunity to change the
name or reuse the same name. Files are limited to approx. 900
records, or samples, to conserve disc space and to aid in data
review. If longer runs are desired, reselect and enter another
file name (e.g. DAT1, DAT2, etc).
If Printer is selected, data printing begins immediately. In
both cases, a header is recorded followed by elapsed time,
setpoint, control, and measure values for each sample point.
Logging continues until the P key is once again depressed or the
T key is used to terminate the display.
Terminate - the T key is used to terminate the display (or plot)
operations and return to the initial selection menu. All
variables are retained and if one of the display operations is
again selected, all values will resume from the point of
Same as DISPLAY DATA except that data is displayed in meter form
only and related to the CONTROL-SIM Block Diagram, as test points.
See 3.0 System Description for block diagram discussion.
4.3 PLOT DATA Selection
Chart Display
Data is presented in a strip chart type display, except that the
"pens" move and the "paper" remains still. When the right edge
of the screen is reached, the "pens", or vertical bar, continue
from the left edge, erasing old traces and writing new traces as
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 8
it proceeds. Grid markers are also written to provide
appropriate time scaling.
User Controls
User controls are the same as DISPLAY DATA with the addition of:
Chart Speed - can be changed to better depict the area of interest
for a given sample rate. Speed is increased by depressing the
"+" key and decreased with the "-" key. Four possible settings
are available. For each setting, the elapsed time between grid
marks (vertical dots) is displayed in seconds. Depending on
sample time selected, some speed positions may not be effective,
resulting in grid marks too dense, or too spread out, to be
useful. If the Space bar is depressed, all updates are suspended
until the Space bar is pressed again.
4.4 MODIFY PLANT MODEL selection
After selection, a window is opened containing a display of the
current Plant Transfer Function in factored form. In addition to
the transfer function, the current transport delay (deadtime) is
indicated as Td and the current sample period is indicated as Ts.
The user is asked "Is the plant correctly defined?" and a "yes"
response results in computation of state equations and return to
the main menu.
If "no", or any key other than "y", is entered, the PLANT MODEL
MODIFICATION menu is presented.
Modify Transfer Function
When selected, the format of the transfer function is displayed
as follows:
b0(s + b1)(s + b2)(s + b3)
Gp(s) = ---------------------------------
1(s + a1)(s + a2)(s + a3)(s + a4)
and the user is asked to enter the nominator term, b0. Term b0
must be a non-zero constant. After each term is entered, the
next in sequence is requested, proceeding through the nominator
terms, b0 to b3, and then the denominator terms, a1 to a4. The
b(i) terms are the "zeros" and the a(i) terms are the "poles" of
the plant transfer function, which can be fourth order.
Entering "0" for a term results is the operator "s" only, as in
the case of a "pole" at zero value. The operator "s" is
equivalent to jw (j omega = j2(pi)f). Depressing the Enter key
without a constant, terminates entry of the b(i) terms, jumping
to the a(i) terms. Depressing Enter again without constants
terminates all entry and the previous display of the actual
transfer function is presented again for review. The program
checks for a(i) values that match b(i) values and if present,
both terms are negated, since they cancel each other.
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 9
At this point, if the user is satisfied with the result, he can
answer "yes" to compute state equations, or he may enter "no" to
Modify Delay Time
When selected, a value for delay time in seconds can be entered.
Note, that the program only allows delay time that is a multiple
of sample time. In the event a delay less than sample time is
entered, the resulting delay will be 0. When satisfied with
value, depress "E" to exit to previous menu.
Modify Sample Time
When selected, a value for sample period in seconds can be
entered. The sample period should be less than 1/2 the plant
time constant to insure data integrity and maintain control.
Note, that although sample time is really a Controller parameter,
it is included here because it affects the discrete state
equation computation. When satisfied with value, depress "E" to
exit to previous menu.
Display Equations
This selection allows the user to display the resulting plant
continuous and discrete state equations, in matrix form. In both
cases, state variables, input variables, and output variables are
shown. Depress "C" to change the display status (ON/OFF) and "E"
to exit.
Exit from PLANT MODEL MODIFICATION returns to the current
transfer function display and subsequent computation of state
equations, if the user is satisfied with its definition.
The menu of changes to the Controller includes the following
Select Controller
Three controller choices are currently available: PID, FUZZY, &
(a) The PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) Controller is the
default controller. It is a general purpose, widely used
technique that allows the user to adjust control system
performance to accommodate various plant characteristics.
The transfer function of the PID controller is:
Gc(s) = Kp + Ki/s + Kds
The 3 constants are user specified and affect proportional gain,
reset rate (inverse integral time), and derivative time
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 10
If Ki and Kd are set to zero, the controller output is
proportional to the error between setpoint and measurement. The
amount of output can be changed with the proportional gain (Kp)
factor. This factor is also called Proportional Band which is
100/Kp. The proportional band is the band over which the control
output is allowed to swing. With Kp = .1, the proportional band
is 10% of the 100% control output range. A disadvantage of
proportional control is that an offset results between the
setpoint and the measured value.
To overcome offset error, Integral, or Automatic Reset, action is
used to slowly shift the controller output as long as an error
exists. The Ki factor is the number of repeats per second, or
the number of repeats of proportional action required to equal
the integral action. The inverse of Ki is the reset time
constant, which is the amount of time it takes the integral
control to produce the same action as proportional control.
Since the reset action can build to a large number in certain
situations, resulting in excessive overshoots, the reset windup
action is limited to the range of the control output. This
feature is also called anti-reset-windup.
The fast action of the proportional control and the slow action
of integral control are adequate for many applications, but the
reset action may result in too much overshoot. By adding
derivative control, also called rate action, to the controller,
it is possible to decrease the effect of sudden change in the
measurement value by anticipating the effect on controller
output. The Derivative time constant (Kd) is the time in seconds
for the proportional controller to produce a signal equal to the
rate signal.
(b) The FUZZY Controller is a rule based algorithm which responds to
classes of current error and past error. The current error
between setpoint and measurement is classified as positive big,
positive small, zero, negative small, or negative big. With this
fuzzy relationship established for both current and past errors,
a rule will fire resulting in a controller output signal which is
similarly classified. If the change in setpoint is larger than
the big classification, the class definitions are scaled up by an
order of magnitude. When the errors become less than the big
classification, the class definitions are scaled back down. This
controller allows the user to determine constants from subjective
evaluation of the plant response, including non-linear action.
The user can define the class sizes in the Modify Control
Constants menu selection. Kp is used to specify positive &
negative big, Ki is used to specify positive & negative small,
and Kd is used to specify zero.
(c) The PIP Controller is a predictive PI controller. In this design
the derivative portion of the PID controller is replaced with
another integration function. The derivative function has no
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 11
effect on long delays. This controller is especially suited for
plants with long deadtimes with respect to the plant's dominant
time constant. The predictor portion integrates the difference
in control outputs between present and delayed values. The
significance of the predictor portion is determined by the users
estimate of L, the total deadtime. The resulting response is
considerably faster than the PI controller alone.
For this controller, the user has 3 adjustments available. The
Kp and Ki constants are similar to the PID controller, but the Kd
constant should be used to specify deadtime in seconds.
After controller selection is complete, enter E to return to the
Modify Control Constants
This selection allows the user to enter values for the 3
controller constants. After depressing the P, I, or D key, the
value for the Kp, Ki, or Kd (or equivalent) constant may be
entered. Depressing E returns to the Main menu.
Modify Quantization Level
This selection permits the user to change the resolution of the
simulated analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters.
The default selection is 12 bits which is fairly standard in
hardware. This results in an full scale continuous input signal
being quantized into 4096 steps (or approx. .0244 %FS per step).
As less bits are used, control becomes less smooth. A maximum of
128 bits is permitted. Depressing B allows entry of Number of
bits with resulting step size indicated. Depressing E returns to
the Main menu.
Change Output Range
The default controller output signal is UNIPOLAR, ranging from 0
to 100 %FS. While this range is suitable for many plant devices
such as valves which move from closed to open, some devices such
as servo motors benefit from a BIPOLAR control signal, which can
move from -100 to 100 %FS. Note that when bipolar output is
specified though, that the selected resolution (say 12 bits)
applies across the complete range (200 %FS) resulting in a step
size of .0488 %FS. Depress C to change the range selection and E
to return to the Main menu.
If data has been recorded under the display menu selections, it can
be reviewed with the PLAYBACK selection. All files having the .PRN
extension are displayed with size, date, and time shown. The
highlight bar can be moved up and down to select the desired file.
The data is displayed in column format identical to printer output,
with Elapsed Time, Setpoint, Control, and Measure values presented.
The arrow up and down keys, PgUp and PgDn keys, plus Home and End
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 12
keys can be used to scroll to the desired section of the file.
Note that the recorded, or printed, data includes more decimal
places than the display screens indicate, to provide better detail
of the control action. The header at the beginning of the file
contains the name of the configuration file (.PLT) in use when the
data was recorded as well as the mode (open or closed loop) and the
The Esc key is used to terminate the data file playback and return
to the Main menu or select another data file for review.
The CONFIGURATION FILES selection results in choices of RETRIEVE,
When selected, Retrieve presents a display of all configuration
files (.PLT), including size, date, and time. The highlight bar
can be moved up and down to select the desired previously saved
A retrieved configuration file contains all the user specified
selections. Upon retrieval, the state equations are computed for
the saved transfer function with return to the Main menu.
This selection is used to save all the configuration
characteristics of the current PLANT MODEL and CONTROLLER.
The user is requested to specify the file name, without an
extension. In the event file already exists, the user is
prompted to choose another name or rewrite the file.
This selection displays the current directory, including disc
drive and subdirectories. A change in directory is accomplished
by depressing "D" and entering desired new directory. "E" is
depressed to return to the CONFIGURATION FILES menu. After a
directory has been changed, all file actions, including data
recording and playback will use the current directory until
program termination. The default directory is where CONTROL-SIM
is located.
Returns selection to the Main menu.
A few examples of CONTROL-SIM use are included as follows:
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 13
Although there are only 3 adjustments to make, selecting the
proper values to obtain optimum performance can be tedious.
Several techniques have been devised to at least get the
controller into the 'ballpark'. At that point it may still come
down to fine corrections by trial and error to get the desired
One of the most popular and oldest techniques for tuning a PID
controller is called the Zeigler and Nichols Method. First the
integral (Ki) and derivative (Kd) constants are set to zero.
Then the proportional gain factor is increased until the loop
just becomes unstable and a small setpoint change results in
sustained oscillation. The period of the oscillation (Pu), in
seconds, is then noted along with the value of Kp (Ku). The
constants are then set according to the following formulas
depending on which type of control is desired (or maybe works
Proportional only Kp = .5 Ku
PI control Kp = .45 Ku, Ki = 1/(.8 Pu)
PID control Kp = .6 Ku, Ki = 1/(.5 Pu), Kd = .125 Pu
Open Loop Characteristics
To determine the time response of a transfer function, enter the
transfer function and select DISPLAY & PRINT DATA. Enter a file
name, or just depress to output to printer, and then select Open
Loop by depressing M. To determine a unit step response, enter 1
then depress S. Depress T to terminate when measurement value
has settled. Note that some transfer functions are very unstable
and the result will be quickly out of range. Examine the
printout, or select Playback of the file, to see the time versus
measurement values.
Simulation of a Text Book Example
The closed loop response of a transfer function can be determined
by setting the PID controller proportional gain to 1 (Kp = 1, Ki
= 0, Kd = 0) and examining the response to a setpoint change.
For example, assume the following servo system G(s) is entered.
G(s) = -------
s(s + .6)
Since the closed loop transfer function with unity feedback is
G(s) .32
F(s) = ------------ = -------------
1 + G(s)H(s) s^2 + .6s + .32
with the characteristic form
s^2 + 2(zeta)(omega-n)s + (omega-n )^2
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 14
omega-n, the natural frequency, is equal to 2(pi)f, or f = .09 hz
and zeta, the damping ratio, is equal to .53. The damping ratio
of a second order system is related to per cent overshoot by a
standard curve (or calculation) which in this case is 15%.
With the output range set to bipolar and quantization level set
at 128 bits, CONTROL-SIM will respond to a setpoint change with a
response which indicates 15% overshoot and approximately 11
seconds settling time. Select EXAMPL1.PLT.
This technique then allows evaluation of many control systems
text book examples and problems.
Reset Controller and Plant
Sometimes after modifying the plant or controller, the
measurement or control signals may become saturated due to
excessive internal calculations. It is easy to set up control
loops that are not controllable.
To reset the controller and plant, enter the Controller Selection
menu and reselect the controller. This will return states to
initial conditions.
Example Configuration Files
Name Type Order K Poles Zeros Td Ts Kp Ki Kd Bits Out
PROCESS.PLT PID 2nd 1 -1 .2 .1 2.8 .25 2.5 12 Uni
TEMP.PLT PID 1st .001 -.001 0 10 50 1.3 0 12 Uni
SERVO.PLT PID 3rd .3 0 -1 0 .1 1 .5 .5 12 Bi
EXAMPL1.PLT PID 2nd .32 0 0 .25 1 0 0 128 Bi
EXAMPL2.PLT PID 2nd 10 -1 0 .1 .8 1.2 .4 128 Bi
COMPCKT.PLT PID 4th 63.5 0 -.015 0 .01 3 1.08 1 12 Bi
FZVALVE.PLT FZ 1st 2 -1 0 .25 .2 .05 .005 12 Uni
FZSERVO.PLT FZ 2nd .32 0 0 .1 1 .2 .02 12 Bi
PIPDEL1.PLT PIP 1st 1 -1 5 .25 1 1 5 12 Uni
PIPDEL2.PLT PIP 4th 64 -1 10 .1 1 1.5 11 12 Uni
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 15
The following are references used by the author which the user
should refer to for better understanding of control systems.
Claggett, E. H., "Keep a Notebook of Digital Control Algorithms,
Control Engineering", Cahners Publishing, Denver, CO, October
Del Toro, V. and Parker, S. R., "Principles of Control Systems
Engineering, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY 1960
De Silva, C. W. and Aronson, M. H., "Process Control, A
Professional Course", Measurements and Data Corporation,
Pittsburg, PA, 1976
Franklin, G. F. and Powell, J. D., "Digital Control of Dynamic
Systems", Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1980
Grabbe, E. M., Ramo S., and Woolridge D. E., "Handbook of
Automation, Computation, and Control, Vol 3, Systems and
Components", John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1961
Haaglund, T., "A Predictive PI Controller for Processes with Long
Dead Times, IEEE Control Systems Magazine", IEEE, New York, NY,
February 1992
Hafer, C. R., "Electronics Engineering for Professional
Engineers' Examinations", McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1989
Kuo, B. C., "Digital Control Systems", Holt, Rhinehart and
Winston, New York, NY, 1980
CONTROL-SIM Users Manual Page 16
Bad File Name or Number Enter correctly.
Data Overflow Program automatically terminates due to
excessively large calculated values.
Re-enter program and check plant and
controller settings. Settings may be
Delay storage area Choice of delay time and sample rate
exceeded requires more memory than allocated.
Decrease delay or increase sample time.
Disc Full Change drive path or exit program and
make room.
File Already Exists Determine whether to overwrite.
File Not Found Non-existent file name.
Invalid Value entered not allowed.
Printer Not Ready Turn on printer or check paper.
Redo From Start Entry out of sequence. Enter correctly
or exit and re-enter.