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927 lines
Main Manual
Version 2.9
by Steve Brown
April 10
Copyright (C) 1992
PlaneWrap Software
An ASCII Cataloging System
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: i
TITLE Page #
===== ==== =
Table of Contents i
Introduction 1
Overview (Quick Start) 1
Listing of Changes and Additions to 2.9 4
Disk Filer Installation 4
Getting to the Main Menu 5
Main Menu 6
Print Menu 10
View Menu 10
Last Minute Findings or Changes 11
Problems Solved 11
Why Use Disk Filer 11
Warranty/Disclaimer 12
History 13
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 1
This program is to catalog or file the files of your hard
drive, or your diskettes of any type you may be using, such as;
360K, 720K, 1.2Meg., 1.44Meg. It does not matter to DF which type
of diskette you are using or which drive is being used, A or B.
Disk Filer (DF) was designed to be simple, flexible, and utilize
chkdsk.com, find.com, more.com, and label.com, which is usually
included in any version of DOS from 2.x or later.
In Disk Filer 2.9, every effort has been made to insure that
the Menu Instructions are clear and that the program has a good
overall appearance.
In the Hard Drive Menu the Volume Label feature has a
"CAUTION" Message so you don't inadvertently change the Hard Drive
volume Label or diskette volume label. Some cataloging programs
use a database format and therefore are not very flexible. This
inflexibility of being in a database format, is what caused Disk
Filer to be written. Using an ASCII format allows for the
collected data to be used outside of Disk Filer if you choose.
Hence the difference in concept over other disk catalogers, and DF
being part of an overall system.
(Quick Start)
===== =====
This section contains a brief overview to familiarize the
operator with a few items, primarily concerning the path
statement. There are mainly three choices you should consider
when installing this program: 1. Copy the entire "dskfil29.zip"
contents into a subdirectory of its own, without being in the
path statement, and then work only from that subdirectory using
for example, CA through CE, and not DA or other combinations. 2.
Probably the better method is to put the "\dskfiler" subdirectory
in the path statement. 3. Place the following files in a
subdirectory that is already in your path statement: PPT.EXE,
CAPSLOCK.COM, SCRN??.COM, ASK.COM. Floppy users see
"installation" in the section labeled: "FLOPPY USERS" for specific
information on your set up needs.
This being a utility type program, it will work more
efficiently and without as much complication if placed in the path
statement. However, it can be used without being placed in the
path statement, if all of the Disk Filer files are either on the
same diskette or in the same subdirectory (\dskfiler). A path
statement is placed in the "autoexec.bat" file that is on your
boot up diskette or hard drive. An example would be:
If you need more information on this subject consult the DOS
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 2
You will find that by simply typing a letter or two as
outlined by the "<" (less than sign), and ">" (greater than sign)
such as <Q> for quit, and then pressing the Enter key, sometimes
referred to as the Return key, the command will then execute.
Here, I will refer to the term "Enter" to mean; press the enter
key. Also when it is stated to "press any key" or something
similar, press the SPACE BAR unless otherwise stated to press the
Enter key or another key. It was also decided that to eliminate
confusion, that all letter commands such as; <PI> or <D>, will be
in the manner of: type the command at the prompt then press the
Enter key. There is only one exception, and that is the "Q" to
quit the screen savers and return to the DF Main Menu. This will
automatically happen upon pressing the letter "Q". Only when
selecting a number command will the command automatically happen
without having to press the Enter key first. Be sure to allow
about 50 - 100K more than your largest storage file size so Disk
Filer won't crash or lock up. Disk Filer uses several temporary
files in it's operations.
To redo a previously filed diskette, simply delete the
diskette's ID#, then place said diskette back in the drive you
have set up as your logged drive to file and RE-ADD it to the Disk
Filer program. To more simply explain, Delete the ID# (# =
Number) you want to redo or update from the Disk Filer program,
and then place that diskette in the drive you are using and type
<A> for add and supply the information asked at the prompts in the
add menu and you will then have the new update in the Disk Filer
program storage file.
Unlike earlier versions, Disk Filer 2.9 no longer requires
the use of: PREF-ID2.TXT in order to track the last number used
for any preface or category. This process is now done within Disk
Filer itself. Also, it will not be necessary to search for the
sheet that was last used in order to find the ID#. This procedure
is done via a separate database program that will record the last
used number in any category and also allow use of # or - to
denote Diskette Density. The "PI" sub-routine code has been
COMPLETELY re-written and uses a different method entirely than
did the code used in version 2.7 of Disk Filer.
If you have been a user of Disk Filer 2.7 you may desire to
use the existing file by using OLDPI rather then to transfer all
the categories and numbers to version 2.9 by hand. If this is the
case, when finished recording disks with DF and want to record the
last usage data for the next use, you will have to leave DF, start
OLDPI, enter your data then leave that program. If you do not
wish to use version 2.7 files with Disk Filer 2.9, then all that
is required is to simply type "PI" at the Main Menu and press
Enter, then answer the prompts which in the following is
explained. When the command <PI> is used and Enter is pressed, a
Main Menu screen will appear that has 0 - 4 options on it. Also
you will find a brief statement about using the "0" option. When
using <PI> for the first time it is necessary to use the "0"
option to create a new database file. If a previous one exists,
it will copy the old one to "dlabel00.dta". This is a built in
safety feature to prevent deleting old data should you ever want
to use it at a later time.
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 3
If you want to keep this you can use the <CF> command to rename
the file to a number that is added to the amount provided. Once
you make the database file you will want to keep it for it will
serve as a record of what was done and when.
Type "0" to make a new PI data file, if starting new, or
another new data file is needed.
If the "1" option is chosen you will be able to add or enter
the data on what you have done with Disk Filer. When the ADD Menu
is used you will be prompted for the 3 character preface, which
there is a list of examples listed under the title of the screen
and other examples. You will be prompted for the 3 digit number,
then will be prompted for the diskette type. The last prompt will
ask for the date the previous information was entered.
If the "2" option is selected you will then be able to SEARCH
in two ways, either by preface or date. When prompted for search,
from the search Menu, simply type in either a preface or date,
press Enter and the records will display in a somewhat slow mode
scroll so that each record can be viewed. When you see what you
are looking for then press the pause key or scroll lock key, jot
the information on paper, press enter for the slow mode scrolling
to continue. When at the end of a search you will be given a
chance to search again, or return to the main "PI" menu.
While still in the "PI" menu, the #3 selection is used to
delete a record from the database. When a record is deleted the
record number will be retained but all data will be removed.
When the Pack or #4 command is chosen the records will be
reorganized and the empty records will be removed from the
database. (Version 2.9 at initial release does not have the #4
command yet.) If "4" is chosen you will be returned to Disk
Filers Main Menu.
There are two other command functions that we want to point
out that are different in version 2.9 than previous versions. The
"B" command now runs a command to backup your data files of Disk
Filer. The "S" command starts the Screen Saver program.
The new format of the Disk Filer 2.9 program is the 8
character format used in the preface ID# for diskettes only. The
Hard Drive HDDI uses only 7 characters.
Other changes in Disk Filer 2.9 from earlier versions will be
listed in the History section and a straight listing follows
in the next section.
Copy your DLABEL.DTA file from version 2.7 of Disk Filer to a
diskette before using Disk Filer or the "PI" command. For further
explanation see the "PI" command section in this documentation.
It is also recommended that you read README29.1ST text file before
using Disk Filer 2.9.
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 4
======= == ======= === ========= == ===
To get a good overall general idea of the changes in version
2.9 of Diskfiler refer to the paragraph in the "History" section
that describes version 2.9. Here I will just straightly list the
changes or additions:
l. Color changes to be more catagorized, such as one color
denotes text, another prompts, another warnings, another general
menu, and etc.
2. The Menus themselves took different color, text changes,
and additions of features.
3. The delete and find screens are more user friendly and
the delete screen is somewhat amusing.
4. The initial DOS shell screen is now in DF blue instead of
bright white, not so hard on the eyes.
5. The Add screen is now a Menu with four questions or
prompts. There are three features added here. One, is that you
can now preview the diskette you are about to file. Two, you can
in 15 characters state where this diskette is stored. Three, you
now can add a two line beginning comment for each diskette, or if
you choose not to, it will not add any extra bytes to the storage
file, which took extra coding but saves on storage file size.
6. CF now supports changing a numbered filename back to its
original or root filename. It also works more acurately and does
some helpful chores for you while in this subprogram. CF also
increases a numbered filename by adding the number you provide at
the Menu prompt.
7. PI took on a complete new code and is fast, powerful, and
I believe will serve everyone better in the time to come of its
future use.
8. You will find the help screen is now set up with
reference points and a reference list at the top so you can
quickly get to the area you want most for help.
9. This documentation file was redone to look better, and
have page numbers, also, to retain the margins for better usage.
There is also a new documentation file "Quick 29.DOC" that gives
a user a faster understanding of Diskfiler.
10. You will find a quicker entry to the program and a nicer
looking main opening screen, with no help question being asked.
==== ===== ============
To have Disk Filer installed easily to either diskette in A
or B drives, or on your hard drive c:, D:, or E:, use the install
batch file. The install batch file has been written to install TO
A - E and FROM A - F. All that is required to, let's say, install
to C: drive from A: drive is type the following at the DOS prompt:
install C A. If you will note; put where to install "TO" first
and install "FROM" second.
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 5
It is a MUST that Disk Filer be placed in its own
subdirectory name (\dskfiler), and should be put in the path
statement. The second alternative is to put the following files
in an already existing subdirectory that is in the path statement.
They are: scrn??.com, (?? = number), capslock.com, ask.com,
ppt.exe and the rest in the "\DSKFILER" subdirectory. Then check
to insure that the following DOS files are in the DOS subdirectory
in the path statement, or on the root of either the hard drive or
diskette. The DOS files are: chkdsk.com, find.com, more.com, and
label.com. There is also one other Shareware program that is
recommended to be added. That is "List.Com" by Vernon D. Buerg.
Because of copyright laws this cannot be packaged with this
software. This can be obtained through Shareware vendors, BBS
services if you have a modem. If you want you can use a true
ASCII Editor. In using an ASCII Editor it must be renamed "REN"
(REName) to "L.EXE" or "L.COM", or for whichever executable
extension yours uses. List or the ASCII Editor is a method used
to allow scanning of the storage file one screen at a time, or one
line at a time which ever is preferred. This also provides the
opportunity to print a selected amount of data if you so choose.
To use Disk Filer it is not essential to have List or an Editor
but it will make DF easier to use.
FLOPPY USERS: It is important to make sure that you have all
the above mentioned files for both DF and DOS on your main
diskette as well as a bootable diskette. If you do not want it to
be bootable, you must include "command.com" on it at least, in
addition to the above mentioned files. Also include DF.* and the
other files that were decompressed from the "dksfil29s.zip" file.
If you have unlike drives, for example 360K and 720K drives you
will need to install a copy of DF for the 360K and one for the
720K. Use the program disk opposite of the drive you are going to
file. You will still answer the prompt as it pertains to your
set-up needs. Again remember disk density has no bearing on Disk
======= == === ==== ====
After a brief pause at the opening main screen you will go
straight to the "drives going to be used set-up menu", henceforth
referred to as; "drive set-up menu". The drive set-up menu is
where you tell Disk Filer where you are going to store the
collected data and what drive is going go be filed. The first two
choices are for storing on a Floppy drive, either A or B, and
filing the opposite on the other drive. The remaining 12 choices
are for the different Hard Drive selections. To help simplify
these selections there is a need to remember the following: You
can now store your collected data on drives A thru E, and file
drives A thru E. With this in mind let's use two examples to help
to better understand how to make your selection. Example 1: If
you select <CA>, this means you will Store on C: drive and File a
diskette in your A: drive. Example 2: If you select <CD>, this
means that you will Store on C: drive and File D: drive.
When you select the first example <CA>, you will then go to the
Main Menu of the Diskette division. When the second example is
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 6
selected, then you will go to the Hard Drive Main Menu Division.
I speak of these two Main Menus as Divisions and you should as
well, because when you are in one Menu REMAIN there for all your
operations until you are ready to change. Though both Main Menus
appear the same, they are functionally different. The consistency
factor of like Menus, is to keep operation of Disk Filer simple to
use. There is only one or two differences between the two Main
Menus. To change between the two Main Menus is by selecting the
<R> command, which is for Re-select, and will send you to the
drive set-up Menu. When at the drive set-up menu you again select
the drive combination and you will automatically be put in the
right Main Menu you need to do your operations. If you are using
a shareware copy there are some features that will not function.
Otherwise the program is fully operational and should work as
stated in this documentation.
==== ====
When arriving at the Main Menu, you will find a flashing
statement saying: "ALL ENTRIES MUST BE UPPERCASE". This function
was done when DF was started by turning on the capslock key and
will turn it off upon leaving the program. It must be remembered
to keep the capslock key on at all times from the flashing
statement onward.
When help is needed with Disk Filer, press <H>, then Enter
from the Main Menu. A screen will come up with a reference
listing and an RF## (## ='s number) after it, to aid in getting to
the section that will help you most without having to scan through
the entire help file. After finding the area in which help is
needed, simply press the space bar until you get to the Reference
number needed. Do remember, this is only a very short and brief
set of helps. Refer to this documentation for more detailed
If you need to make a New "d_stor.dta" Storage File (SF)
press <N> and then press the Enter key to make a new one. When
this is done again, it will copy the old SF to "d_stor00.dta"
storage file and then make another New SF. If you want to keep
this "d_stor.dta" SF you can rename it to something like
"d_stor02.dta" using the <CF> feature.
If in the Hard Drive Menu when the <N> option is selected a
"h_stor.dta" SF will be made. The <CF> feature on this file can
also be used once <N> or <MD> has been used to cause the filename
to be re- written as"h_stor00.dta".
CF stands for Change Filename. It is useful since the 7th &
8th characters of my filenames are usually numerical. CF will
automatically rename the filename which was typed in with the
number part being higherby the amount you stated at the Menu
prompt. Example: Type in "h_stor00.dta" and CF will change the
SF to "h_stor02.dta". CF will now support changing a numbered
filename back to its root or original filename without any
numbers. When in CF and "B" is selected for changing a numbered
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 7
file to an original or root file, there will be a file made that
has "49" as the 7th and 8th characters of the file. This is a
safety feature to prevent losing the root file currently in use.
The "49" file will be re-written every time the "B" option is
chosen from the main CF menu. If the "49" file is needed to be
saved, you will need to use the "A" option to give it an increased
number for storage. The number will be added to the amount you
provide. For Example: If the filename ends with a number of 10,
and you provide the number 11, the total will be 21 for the New
filename. You will also find a menu of 7 more choices to do
different actions with Disk Filers files. If "A" option is
selected you will then see a listing of the files, then a prompt
for you to type in the filename to be raised by a number you
provided. If "B" is selected you will see a list of files and a
prompt for which file to change to root, with no numbers. For the
other 7 features of CF refer to the paragraph on page 8 of
There is a second way to make a New Storage File (SF) for
either Hard Drive or Diskette and that is <MD>. The main use of
<MD> is to Make a Subdirectory for the storage files except on
diskettes. If a subdirectory already exists it will not harm it
but will simply come to a question as to whether you want to make
a storage file for <D>iskette or <H>ard Drive or <N>one. If <D>
is selected a "d_stor.dta" SF will be made. If <H> is selected a
"h_stor.dta" SF will be made. If <N> is selected you will then be
asked which procedure you are going to perform, <D>iskette or
<H>ard Drive. Make this selection according to the choice you
made at the drive set-up menu. The Filing drive is what is being
used, and that determines which Main Menu to choose now, <D> or
<H>. Use <MD> mainly when needing to make a New storage
subdirectory on another drive. Yes, <MD> can be used to short cut
from one Main Menu to another without using the <R> command. But
AVOID this practice! Just remember this one simple rule
concerning Drives Set-up Menu, and the <N> and <MD> commands; if
you are doing a Diskette operation STAY completely in Diskette
Operations and set-ups. If you are doing a Hard Drive operation
STAY completely in Hard Drive Operations and set-ups until ready
to change via the <R> command or quit. The <PI> command was well
explained in the "Overview" section, therefore if there are any
questions, return to the overview section and re-read the "PI"
The <B> command is to <B>ackup the data files to a diskette,
either A or B drive. After typing B and pressing Enter, there
will be a short pause, then you will be prompted to type in which
drive you want to Backup to. All storage files are backed up and
they are: H_STOR.DTA, D_STOR.DTA, DLABEL.DTA and other numbered
*.DTA files. These three files and the others, if any, you should
find on your back up disk that you have marked with something
like: "Disk Filer Storage Files Backup". When the files are
backed up you then get a directory of the diskette so you can see
that all is copied to diskette safely. Then after pressing the
space bar you will return to Disk Filer. Also remember that the
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 8
procedures that are described are mainly written in the diskette
content. But will apply to Hard Drive as well when using the same
commands in the Hard Drive Menu, unless otherwise mentioned. Also
remember that all instructions in this documentation will refer to
the NEW 8 character format for the ID#, even if you chose to
remain with the 7 character OLD way, most all will work for it as
To catalog or file a diskette, put a diskette in the
designated drive, press <A> and then Enter. Then you will come to
the "ID# and Storage unit screen". The first prompt will ask if
you want to see a directory of the diskette your about to file.
If you respond with a "Y" you will see a directory of the
diskette. If you respond with an "N" you will then go to the next
prompt. Pressing Enter will also bring up the next prompt. DF
will ask for a Label Identifier of NO LESS and NO MORE than 8
characters. You could enter something like "dsk3-001" or
"prg5-002" which would give you up to 999 disks in each category.
The next prompt will ask for "the name of the storage unit of the
diskette:. This can be a location, a diskette box, or drawer, or
whatever you want to put here with a maximum of 15 characters and
spaces can be used as well. If this prompt is left blank it will
still use storage file space for the statement "Diskette Stored".
Also between the colon and the edge of the screen are 15 spaces.
The next prompt and the last is if you want to add a comment to
this diskette. If you respond with an "N", Disk Filer will then
proceed to file the diskettes' contents and not use any extra
bytes in the storage file. If you respond with a "Y" you will
then be prompted to put in the first comment line. Also please
take note that there is a "|" (Vertical Bar ='s VB) at the end of
the statement. This VB is a marker to let you know you have
reached 65 characters, DO NOT PASS THIS VERTICAL BAR! Press enter
and you will be prompted to put in a second line of comment. If
you pass the VB, the storage file will be filled with garbage.
When Enter is pressed here, Disk Filer will then process the
information and file the diskette. Then be sure to put this Label
Identifier on your diskette that was just read by Disk Filer.
With DF 2.9 there is an audible sound and statement to remind you
of this and a brief display of the ID# you used. Repeat this
process until all the disks are filed that you wanted to do.
For the Hard Drive Date Identifier, (HDDI), it is recommended
to use an alpha character and a numerical date format. For
example: CO92191 or T100191. The alpha character is used to
denote the hard drive letter that was filed and then the date it
was done. In the first example it would read as: C-drive,
09-Month, 21-Day, 91-year. There is one Rule which MUST BE
followed for DF to function properly. There MUST BE 7 characters,
NO LESS and NO MORE. Also, the first character MUST BE Alpha, any
letter such as A, B, C, Z, Q, J, U, or whatever in uppercase.
If you want to change the drive to file the diskettes on,
just type <R> and press Enter. You will then be at the drive
set-up menu and the new selection may be chosen according to the
desired set-up.
If the selection <L> is made and you press Enter, you will
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 9
get a listing of the SF's where the storage subdirectory or
storage diskette is located. This will let you know when to start
another new Storage File. The storage file or SF should not be
larger than 300K for AT's and 600K for 386's and up. The SF can
be larger but operations will be slower in performance.
To do a search type <F> and press Enter. You will be
prompted for a character string to search for. It can be from 3
to 12 or more characters in length. This search does not have to
be for a diskette label Identifier or Hard Drive Date Identifier.
For example, let's say that we want to know how many files have a
*.com, or *.zip extension. We would type in com, or zip, and
press Enter. You will then be prompted if you want to print this
specific search or not. Simply type or press <Y> or <N> and you
will find out what files and on what diskette Label Identifier
they are located on. Another unique factor about DF is that you
can search for whatever you want. If you are looking for some
graphics and know what format they are in, *.pcx for example,
just type PCX and press Enter. If diskettes with graphics have
been filed you will be shown their location. If you want to find
graphics or other items on the Hard Drive, press <R> and select
for instance <CC> and then <F>, then type PCX and press Enter. It
will show on the screen whether there are PCX graphics on the Hard
Drive or not. If you have filed other Hard Drives such as D:, E:,
that information is in the same Storage File (SF) and therefore
will be found upon the same search if present.
To delete a diskette Label Identifier (ID#) or a HDDI select
<D> and press Enter. A screen will appear prompting you for an 8
character ID# or 7 character HDDI. If the incorrect number of
characters are used an error message will result. Also with our
previous example DSK3-001, if only DSK-00 was entered and the last
number was not present or a typo occurred, an error message will
be displayed. This is a safety factor to prevent accidental
deletion. A deletion can only occur when an EXACT match to what
is in the SF is typed. When a diskette ID# or HDDI is typed in
correctly two lines will appear. One saying "deleting label
identifier..... Please wait...", while the other on a line just
beneath it will make a flashing statement saying, "deleting label
identifier....". Also the screen will change color, a sound like
an alarm will sound only when DF is actually deleting the ID#. In
the Hard Drive Menu when deleting, only the screen will change
color with the flashing statement when it is actually deleting the
HDDI. There is no alarm that will sound. When DF is finished
deleting it will state what ID# or HDDI was deleted, or was NOT
deleted if there was NO flashing statement.
If while working with Disk Filer you wish to take a break or
be away from the computer for a period of time, DF can run a
screen saver program for you. All you need to do is select <S>
and press Enter. A prompt will ask if you want to leave yourself
a message. You can use this one line message to remind yourself
where you left off or an appointment, etc. Press Enter if you do
not want a message, or select <N> and press Enter. If <Y> is
selected a 60 character message will be displayed along with
date and time. All 1 to 3 message bars will randomly move about.
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 10
When desiring to return to the Main Menu, just type <Q> and the
Main Menu will appear without having to press Enter.
When you press the <V> option it will call up the DOS Label
program with the drive to be labeled already furnished.
Therefore, you will see if a volume label already exists. If one
does exist it can be changed or left as is. Likewise, if a volume
label does not exist then one can be typed and afterward press
Enter. This function is not automatically done. The reason is
that some commercial software writers use the volume label as a
means for their install programs to identify the proper disk in
order to continue the installation. Use caution in using the
label feature. Pressing the Enter key will return to the Main
Menu screen.
===== ====
From the Main Menu, selecting <P> and pressing Enter, a short
Menu will appear. This is the "Print Menu". It will ask if you
want a complete printout <CP> or a partial printout <PP>. A
complete printout will print the entire SF by a complete DOS copy
command to your printer. A partial printout will use the List or
the Editor program to display and /or print a partial or selected
part of the SF. This is where having List or an Editor makes Disk
Filer more efficient and easier to use. Having one of these
programs is what will make the <PP> selection of any use.
=== ==== ====
At the Main Menu pressing the Enter key will cause the View
Menu to appear. The View Menu offers 3 choices. If <VS> is
selected and Enter is pressed you will view the SF one screen at a
time. When you have read to the bottom of the screen, just press
the space bar to continue to the next screen. When finished
viewing the SF you will return to the Main Menu. If you wish to
stop before reaching the end of the SF file, simply press CTRL-C
keys simultaneously, then press the space bar to return to the
Main Menu. If <VL> is selected and Enter is pressed, you will use
the List or your Editor program. Use it's commands to navigate
the screen. Also a block or selection could be printed at this
time as well. When exiting either program you will return to the
Main Menu. The third choice is the DOS shell. Select <S> and
press Enter to shell out to a second command processor. Doing
this will allow you to perform regular DOS functions. The Main
return to DF type EXIT and press Enter. At this point if you want
to quit DF, select <Q> and press Enter. In version 2.5 and later
you are reminded to type EXIT to get back into DF. Remember, DO
NOT load another application or program in this DOS shell. This
is merely to allow you to do a DOS procedure or other light duty
program. When finished in the DOS Shell, type Exit and press
Enter to return to the Main Menu.
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 11
==== ====== ======== =======
Changes to Version 2.9
Disk Filer 2.9 has certain upgrades and enhancements from
previous versions. For a general overview of these changes read
the paragraph in the "History" section about version 2.9. If you
want more detail of the changes and improvements of version 2.9
read the paragraph in the "Quick29.DOC" documentation.
======== =======
It has been found that old originals of old XT computers
(such as Tandy 1000 originals) architecture, that the DF.COM file
will cause the computer not to run the Disk Filer program. If
this occurs, do the following: ren df.exe dff.exe , Press the
Enter key
Then to start the Disk Filer program, type: DFF , Press Enter.
=== === ==== ======
Disk Filer has several advantages. I'll only mention a few
which I consider important ones. First and foremost, the file
which stores the diskettes and hard drive information is a pure
ASCII file. This means that you can extract, print, transfer,
export this information that has been collected to other
applications such as a database. In keeping Disk Filer as simple
as possible, it allows the user to develop his own diskette or
hard drive identification method. Also DF allows a search in any
way a person needs, such as, Id# or HDDI, or for that certain file
to retrieve but not quite sure of the name or spelling. DF also
allows the use of a diskette volume label by using the <V>
command. As pointed out earlier, be cautious with Volume
Labelling for some installation programs use the volume label for
disk identification in the install process. DF includes a file
handling ability called CF. This and all combined features make
Disk Filer a work horse program for filing the hard drive and
diskettes. A complete cataloging and locating system.
Disk Filer is compatible on a computer of 256K or higher of
RAM and is an IBM compatible computer system. The version of DOS
you need to use is from 2.0 and later. It is my hope you find
Disk Filer as useful and helpful as I have and those who have
tested it for me.
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 12
Thank you for selecting and trying Disk Filer. If you find
yourself using Disk Filer for 30 days or more and continue to use
it, please send $l7.50 U.S. currency to:
Steve Brown
835 1/2 South A Street
Arkansas City, Ks 67005
All paid users of Disk Filer will receive one new version of Disk
Filer upon it's release. Upon receipt of payment, a non-shareware
version of the latest release will be sent to you as soon as it's
released. If you want a later version than the 1 free upgrade,
you will be eligible to get it at half price of the current
registration fee. You must include the date and time of the
DF.EXE in order to receive the free upgrade. Your thoughts and
suggestions are welcome, even if you don't send the Registration
fee. When you Register PLEASE state which version you currently
have and the date of the DF.EXE file. There is a Registration
Form included in the "Quick29s.DOC" file.
Disk Filer is not freeware but is being distributed as
shareware. It is a copyrighted program. Shareware is a try
before you buy concept. Therefore, ease your conscience and mine
and send $17.50. This will show interest so that I will know to
continue improving Disk Filer and it will provide some
compensation for my efforts for much time spent in creating Disk
Disk Filer is distributed strictly as is with NO warranty of
any kind, written, implied or otherwise. This program has been
tested to work as described in the documentation, but in no way
means it will work in all situations. Therefore, I will not be
held responsible or liable for any damage in any way from inuse,
misuse, failure of any kind, inability to use, equipment
operation, or any damage to equipment or possible infringement,
consequentially or in consequentially, directly or indirectly.
Also I will not be held responsible or liable for any loss of
profit, or any other monetary matters which may have been incurred
in the use of this product.
It is my desire that all persons using Disk Filer will enjoy
it. You will certainly know where your files are using Disk
Filer, the different concept system.
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 13
Diskfiler started out as a very simple and limited program
with only about 30 - 40 lines of programming code. That equals
about 1/2 - 2/3rds of a sheet of paper. The current version (ver.
2.7) is about 10 full pages of programming code. The old original
I rated at about .5 or .9 version. The reason being so low was
that it took the 30-40 lines of code as one unit, which when first
used set itself up for one specific task and job, which was
diskette catalog of one drive. Therefore, you needed about four
different little programs to do each specific need, and there was
no common factor among any of them. But I saw that this little
program had potential, because it used ASCII. So, from a need and
the ASCII ability, I started developing what became after several
name changes in the developmental process; "Disk Filer". The first
released version was 1.9 on August 30, 1991. Then on October 16,
1991, version 2.5 was released. Version 1.9 did only diskettes in
either A, B, or C drive for storage and operation. The original
release had only a WordPerfect file for a form to keep track of
last number used for any category. A later interim release then
included an ASCII form so any printer could print it out.
Version 2.5 was a major rewrite. As a result it was more
powerful, did more for the user, and included filing of hard
drives C:, D:, and E:, and could be stored on drives A - D. The
"CF" and "V"olume Label features were added as well. The menus
took a different shape with more direct usage statements of the
letter(s) command. With the release of version 2.5 there was a
shareware version made to encourage users to register the program.
In 2.5 the data storage files changed and a conversion program was
included. Also, there are two different looking screen savers to
help you remember which procedure you were doing without leaving
the screen saver.
With version 2.7 there is an equal drive arrangement, file
drives A - E, and store on drives A - E. A bug correction or two
and the Menus took on a different look. Added a caution statement
on using Hard Drive Volume Label command and added a new feature
to Backup the storage files. Also, another new feature called
"PI" to replace the print out form to keep track of last number
used in any category was added. There is an improvement to the
deletion ability of DF, which lets you know more distinctly
whether your ID# was deleted or not. You will also find that DF
is more user friendly at the user input screens. Also with this
version converted to the 8 character ID# format. I do believe
that this version is getting close to doing most of what one could
expect a filing system to do without getting too large to be on a
360K diskette and still be able to hold a fair sized storage
file. This does not mean that diskfiler is not under development
at this time for further improvement and enhancements.
In version 2.9 of diskfiler there has been a lot of work and
changes made as well as improvements. I will try to mention a few
of them here. First, foremost, and most painful for me was the
"PI" command code being completely rewritten for better service in
DISK FILER, A Different Cataloging System! Page: 14
the long haul use of DF. Also made color changes more
synchronized, not so many changes or flashy. Also improved Main
Menu screen again and other Menu screens have been improved as
well as some features added to them. You may also notice in 2.9
that the program runs faster and more positively for that neat,
clean, tight action feeling one likes in a good program. I have
made DF version 2.9 even more user firendly and with more feed
back information in the different procedures. CF now will change
a file name with a number back to its root or original. CF also
has some other user friendly choices. You will find more features
within the Add option Menu. You can now preview the diskette you are
about to file, then type the ID#, and then where the diskette is
stored, and then have an opition to make a comment about the files
on the diskette. These four procedures are done at the beginning
and no more questions or prompts or actions are required until the
next diskette is to be filed. When done filing the diskette DF will
remind you to put your ID# on the diskette with the ID# displayed
for a brief time. There are two or three less asscessory files,
hfil and dfil.bat is no longer used, for the operations are done
within diskfiler. The third file which is optional to delete is
scrn05.com. I do believe that diskfiler is becoming a real
full featured Disk Filing SYSTEM!
Enjoy Diskfiler, the ASCII Disk Filing System!