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@Node ARTI "STCCG.guide/Universe/Card List/Artifacts"
@{i}Rarity Name Card Type Description
R OS @{"Betazoid Gift Box" link BGB} immediately look for and pull 3 cards from draw deck
R AU @{"Cryosatellite" link CRYOS} container seed at space location, seed there up to one artifact and up to three AU icon personnel
R AU @{"Data's Head" link DATAHEAD} Equipment Head has CUNNING=19, Computer Skill. On a ship, RANGE, WEAPONS and SHIELDS are +2.
R OS @{"Horga'hn" link HORGAHN} Event Take double turns for remainder of game
R AU @{"Iconian Gateway" link ICGATE} Event Play on planet. While in play, any personnel/equipment can move from Gateway to any other planet
R OS @{"Interphase Generator" link INTGEN} Equipment Nullifies Chalnoths, Archers, Rebels, Impassable Doors, Phased Matter, Crystaline Entity, Armus and Nausicaans
R OS @{"Kurlan Naikos" link KURLAN} Event Ship Range, Weapons and Shields tripled if 7 personnel types aboard
R AU @{"Ophidian Cane" link OPHCANE} Interrupt Allow 3 through Devidian Door OR double Devidian Foragers OR double Empathic Touch
R AU @{"Receptacle Stones" link RECSTONE} Event Play on opponent's ship, all space Dilemmas encountered this turn are applied to that ship/crew too
R AU @{"Ressikan Flute" link FLUTE} immediately get X=5 points for each Music personnel in play, destroyed with The Devil
R AU @{"Samuel Clemens' Pocketwatch" link SCPW} Interrupt One action that MUST happen next on your turn happens now instead
R OS @{"Thought Maker" link THMAK} Interrupt Rearrange opponent's draw deck
R OS @{"Time Travel Pod" link TTP} Interrupt Ship disappears for up to 5 turns
R OS @{"Tox Uthat" link TOX} Event/Interrupt Enable Supernova/Prevent Supernova
R OS @{"Varon-T Disruptor" link VARON} Equipment Doubles personnel STRENGTH
R OS @{"Vulcan Stone of Gol" link VSOG} Event Kills everyone on Away Team without Youth or CUNNING>7
For a description of terms used see @{"Legend" link LEGEND}.
@Node BGB "STCCG.guide/Cards/Artifacts/Betazoid Gift Box"
@font diamond.font 12
@{b}@{u}Betazoid Gift Box@{ub}@{uu}
@{"Artifact" link ARTI} rare Original Set
play immediately
@{i}"Traditional device for presenting important gifts. Its
sculpted face comes to life boisterously presenting its
contents for the recipient."@{ui}
@{b}Immediately look through your draw deck for up
to thirty seconds and choose three cards to
place in your hand. Reshuffle draw deck and
discard artifact.@{ub}
What tells Habib in his @{"COTD" link "STCCG:cotd.guide/COTD9"} us about the card?
Any questions? See the @{"FAQ" link "STCCG:faq.guide/FAQ33"}