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A strategic boardgame by D.E.K. van der Kolk.
Please share this game with anyone you know.
Do not delete this file!
In order to save space in the exe-file this is the only documentation
you've got!
1. Story and object of the game.
2. Rules and instructions.
3. Starting the game.
4. Minimum system requirements.
5. Credits.
6. Disclaimer.
7. Filelist.
You're a sailor who's ship wrecks in a varocious storm.
As the only survivor you strand on a nearby island and are taken in
by a tribe of natives.
They take care of you and soon you regain your health.
In return they ask of you but one favor: help them beat the other tribes.
It appears that a long time ago there was only one tribe living united
on the islands.
Then disaster struck, evil penetrated the minds and hearts of the people
and they got divided into twelve tribes.
Ever since then they battle each other.
It's your job to assist the tribe that helped you.
If you succeed in gaining control of all villages on all islands they will
build you a ship strong enough to get you home.
If not, well... you will be stuck on these islands for the rest of your
life, doomed to live in a land devided by war.
Not a pretty future.
Try your best shot!
1. Start Game:
There are three levels of play which you can choose from:
easy, medium and hard.
2. Load:
Allows you to load a saved game.
3. About:
Some interesting information about the program.
4. Exit To Dos:
Well, just what it says, back to Bill's world...
You start out with villages on two islands.
First you will see a map.
Use the left and right arrow keys to hop from one island to another.
Press enter to choose an island.
Once you're on an island you see a little man dressed as a native.
That's you, customized to the tribes culture.
If you have control over more then one village on an island you can use
the arrow keys to select one.
Press enter again to bring up the actions menu for that specific village.
From the actions menu you see a variety of choices:
1. Produce Warriors.
2. Train Warriors.
3. Collect Food.
4. Collect Wood.
5. Attack a tribe.
6. Attack an island.
7. Transfer.
8. Continue (not visible).
In order to keep up with the other tribes you will have to produce warriors,
increase their strength, collect food etc.
For each action you will have to choose a number of men, who will not be
able to help defend your village(s) for a set amount of time.
If you're lucky your village(s) can be left without men for a while, but
this is quite risky.
Select wisely!
1. Producing Warriors:
Producing warriors is limited to the amount of available women in the
current village.
If you send more then one man a woman will be added to the village up to
a maximum of fifteen women.
The maximum number of men in a village is 255.
This is also the case for your strength, the number of food units etc.
It will take two days to produce the warriors (never mind reality) thus
leaving your village in a less defensive state for that period.
With apologies to all you suffragettes out there!
(By the way, if you're a woman, just think of the leading figure as a
woman...(unless you rather play a man's role, which some women do. Well,
that's enough!)).
2. Training Warriors:
You can send as many men as you like (and have).
They will be out in the jungle for four days, practicing various war
When they return, their strength will be doubled.
3. Collecting Food:
Again, the number of men you can send is only limited to the amount of
men present in the village.
Collecting food is a necessity.
Every two days one food unit will be used to feed the tribe in a village,
and two units when the number of men and women exceeds 50.
If you collect wood you will at some time receive a food bonus.
If the bonus includes cattle and the number of inhabitants exceeds 50 only
one food unit will be used.
The men will be out for two days.
Watch Out!: if the number of food units drops below the strength it will be
decremented by one each day (the strength, that is)!
if both your food and strength are at zero each day one man
will starve to death.
4. Collecting Wood:
As I mentioned above, you will receive an upgrade each time you collect
a specified amount of wood.
Here's a list:
-At 50 pieces you will get your first upgrade which will be one
of strength, to be precise 30 units.
-At 60 pieces you will get your second upgrade which will be one
of cattle, thus decreasing your food usage.
-At 70 pieces you will get your third upgrade which will be one
of strength, this time 40 units.
You will get a food supplement as well consisting of 40 units.
-Finally, at 80 pieces you will receive a strength upgrade of
50 units. Again, you will get a food supplement, this time
consisting of 50 units. This is your final upgrade.
Each time you reach the amount necessary the number of wood units will
be decreased by the number of units needed for the upgrade.
Every upgrade will be shown graphically.
Don't worry, villages do not decay, upgrades are permanent.
(except for strength and food).
The men will be out for three days.
5. Attacking A Tribe:
You can attack a tribe when you feel like it.
If both your strength and number of men is less then that in the village
you chose to attack there will be no attack (I will have to protect you
from being plain stupid, I hope you don't mind).
You will see an attack-status before the actual attack takes place.
Just before every attack you have a chance to retreat without loss of
men or honour.
Once engaged in an attack you can press Q(uit) at any time to retreat.
Attack progression is determined by the number of men and their strength.
If the number of men gets close to zero and if it is equal on both sides
the attack will be stopped.
The winning tribe inherits the goodies of the conquered village.
Any actual attack will end your turn automaticaly.
6. Attacking A Tribe On Another Island:
The map will appear from which you can choose an island to attack.
Once on the island the rules of engagement are the same as mentioned above.
7. Transfer:
Transferring men can only take place from a village you occupy to another
one on the same island.
8. Continue:
Pressing escape will end the action-selection.
This will bring back the little man that represents you.
Your turn ends when you want to (except after an attack or a change of
island), so you can change from village to village and select actions
whenever you want to.
If you decide to hop to another island you will have to press M(ap).
(not from the actions menu!).
On the top-left corner of the screen you will see a miniature of the
Dark Green dots indicate your presence on an island, bright green dots
indicate that you control an island completely and red dots indicate the
islands you're not on.
Moving to another island will end your turn automatically.
Pressing S allows you to save a game.
You can select from seven slots.
Pressing C(ontinue) will end your turn.
Then the action starts!
Tribes will attack (like crazy!) each other or you, and even villages you
control yourself on islands you are not presently on will attack other
You see a status box indicating attack progression in the lower right corner
of the screen.
This box will only appear if an attack takes place towards or from the
island you are currently on.
Every random number of turns events will take place.
These events include snake bite, alligator attack etc.
They can cost you or another tribe one man each time an event takes place.
Finally, villages you control on other islands will take care of themselves.
(if you play like me, that's the best thing to do!).
Though beware, the leader left in charge is not allways as wise as you
want him to be, so you could have a lot of men and still be beaten by
another tribe if too many men are out for wood, food etc.!
You will have to conquer such a village again!
Most actions (like selecting an item in the menu) are done with the
following (general) keys:
Choose: Left-Right-Up-Down Arrows.
Accept: Enter.
Continue: Space.
Back Out: Escape.
Whenever this is different (like moving to the map, which is done by
pressing M) you are notified about this (so you can't shout Why Aren't I
Notified About These Things!).
Type ISCONQ <enter> at the dos-prompt...
A 286 processor.
A VGA monitor capable of displaying a resolution of 640x350 (medium-res).
439 Kb of free memory.
A harddisk with 265 Kb of free space.
The game can be run from floppy but this is not recommended.
(it will slow down the loading of the graphics).
│ 5. CREDITS: │
Written in Borlands Turbo-C 2.01 (c) Borland 1988.
Graphics made with Spredit1.exe (c) Dek 1995 (that's me).
Exefiles compacted with LZexe (c) Fabrice Bellard 1989.
Thanks to Frank Karsten for providing Turbo-C.
Thanks to my brother Niels for general mental support.
Thanks to myself for being an autodidact (what bugs?).
Thanks to you for playing!
Well, you did, didn't you?
The author (that's me again) will and can not be held responsible for any
loss or damage due to the use of ISCONQ.EXE and accompanying files.
No-one on this planet is allowed to change even the smallest bit of
ISCONQ.EXE and accompanying files.
Please keep the lot in one piece.
This program is FREEWARE, meaning that no-one is allowed to charge money
for ISCONQ.EXE and accompanying files, with the exception of distribution
costs (diskmagazines etc.).
│ 7. FILELIST: │
Please use the installation utility (INSTALL.EXE) to initially install
ISLAND CONQUEST after unpacking the files.
After installation your ISCONQ directory should look like this:
\isconq.exe - main program.
\isconq.doc - this file.
\readme.exe - fileviewer.
\goth.chr ─┐
\litt.chr ├ fonts.
\trip.chr │
\sans.chr ─┘
\intro.spr ─┐
\story.spr │
\map.spr │
\island.spr ├ various graphic-files.
\events.spr │
\menu1.spr │
\menu2.spr │
\menu3.spr ─┘
\egavga.bgi - graphics driver.
│ Have Fun! │