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CorpTech provides data on IBM compatible diskettes. The
documentation diskette is outside the sealed product package and
contains the following six files:
1. READ-ME.CDS A copy of this comma delimited Diskette Summar-
ies Documentation.
2. SAMPLE.CDS A sample file with three records; the first record
contains the field layout used in the data files, the second two
records are samples.
3. ANALYSIS.DOC A document file containing a demographic analysis
of the data in your files. Companies are analyzed by ownership,
size, growth, location and technology.
4. CT-DATA.BAT A DOS batch file that converts data files from
compressed to machine readable format.
5. PKUNZIP.EXE Software (developed by PKware Inc.,
Brown Deer, WI) that performs the data decompression.
6. SUMMARY.TXT A text file containing field names which can be used as a
header during the import process.
The data diskette(s) are inside the sealed product package. Please
check the specifications on the envelope before opening it.
Installing on Windows based PCs
Step 1: Decompressing your files
CorpTech's files have been compressed in order to facilitate
delivery. You will need about 500k per file available on
your hard drive in order to decompress the CorpTech files. You will be
using a decompression utility called CT-DATA.BAT. This utility decompresses
each file, creates a text file (.TXT), and deletes the original compressed
version from your hard drive. Detailed instructions follow.
Using FileManager from Windows 3.X
1. From FileManager, ensure you are in the root of C:\ by double-clicking
on the folder for C:\.
2. From the File menu, select Create Directory...
3. In the Create Directory dialog box, name the new directory CORPTECH and
click OK.
4. Insert each disk provided into your floppy drive A:\ and use the COPY
command to copy the contents of all CorpTech diskettes into C:\CORPTECH.
To do this, from the File menu, select Copy... You will see the Copy dia-
log box. In the From: box, type A:\. In the To: box, type C:\CORPTECH.
Click OK to begin the copy. Repeat this procedure for every disk prov-
5. To decompress the files, click on the CORPTECH folder on the C:\ drive.
You will see all the files which you just copied. Double-click on CT-DATA.
BAT to begin the decompression.
Using Explorer from Windows 95
1. From the Windows Explorer, ensure you are in the root of C:\ by clicking
on the folder for C:\.
2. From the File menu, select New, then Folder.
3. Name the new folder CORPTECH.
4. Insert each disk provided into your floppy drive A:\ and use the COPY
command to copy the contents of all CorpTech diskettes into C:\CORPTECH. To
do this, click on the folder for A:\. Your CorpTech files on A:\ will ap-
pear. Hold down the [CTRL] key and click on each of the listed files in A:\
until all of them are highlighted. From the Edit menu, select Copy. Click
on the folder for C:\CORPTECH. From the Edit menu, select Paste. The files
from A:\ will be copied into C:\CORPTECH. Repeat this procedure for every
disk provided.
5. To decompress the files, click on the CORPTECH folder on the C:\ drive. You
will see the files which you just copied. Double-click on CT-DATA.BAT to be-
gin the decompression.
Step 2: Combining Multiple Text Files Into One File for Importing (Optional)
If you received a large number of CorpTech records, the files may have been
split up for delivery on disk. If this has been the case, after you decompress
the files you will see multiple .TXT files on your hard drive. If you intend to
import CorpTech's data into a third-party software package, you will want to
combine these files together so that you only need to do one import. To combine
multiple text files together:
1. Exit to the DOS prompt.
2. Change to the directory where the CorpTech data is located by typing
CD\CORPTECH from the C:\ prompt.
3. Use the DOS Copy command to copy the files together:
(Where FILEX.TXT represents each of the CorpTech uncompressed files in the
CORPTECH subdirectory and NEWFILE.TXT represents your new file name. You may
use up to 127 characters in this statement).
4. This new file is now ready to be imported into your database, spreadsheet, or
word processor.
See the back of this documentation for a list of software packages which import
comma delimited data. If you need assistance with your software, please call
the support number for that package or reference your user manual.
Installing on a Macintosh
Unless previously requested, CorpTech has provided to you readable disks for DOS
in comma delimited format. Although we can provide data converted into a MAC
format, we do not have the capability to create a tab delimited format.
Note: If you cannot convert CorpTech's DOS files into a Macintosh format,
CorpTech can convert the files for you. However, as we have no Macintosh
computers, we can neither verify the conversion's success, nor provide software
support. If you cannot use CorpTech's files on your Macintosh,
we will issue a full credit upon receipt of all the diskettes we have shipped and
your certification that all copies have been deleted and/or destroyed and that none
of the data has been retained by you.
If you need assistance with the Macintosh software you are using, please call the
support number for that software package or reference your user manual.
Record Layout
Each record is terminated by a carriage return/line feed sequence
(ASCII characters 013/010).
Records are in "ASCII Comma Delimited Format" and each company record is made up
of 24 'fields'. The same type of information is always included in the same se-
quence. Thus the 6th field is always the ZIP code. Each `field' is enclosed by
double quotes (") and fields are separated by a comma (,). Thus the city, state
and ZIP fields for CorpTech (field sequence 4, 5 and 6) would be
"Woburn, "MA", "01801".
Most popular database software packages can readily import this
data format. Check the documentation of your database software
(under "comma delimited format" or "importing data"), or call your
software developer's customer support line.
The following fields are included and appear as they are
sequentially presented in each record:
# Field Max Len Example
-- ----- ------- -------
1 REC.NO 5 char 12345
A unique 5 digit record number assigned by CorpTech
2 COMPANY 50 char XYZ Corp
Formal name of the company
3 STREET 40 char 1 Main St.
Street address
4 CITY 30 char Ourtown
5 STATE 2 char CA
Postal abbreviation for state
6 ZIP 5 char 02134
5 digit postal code
7 PHONE 13 char (617)932-3939
Phone number with area code
8 FAX 13 char (617)932-6335
Fax number with area code
9 EMP.RANGE 1 char 5
A one digit code that corresponds to a range of employees. Valid
values are:
0 under 10 employees
1 10 to 24 employees
2 25 to 49 employees
3 50 to 99 employees
4 100 to 249 employees
5 250 to 499 employees
6 500 to 999 employees
7 1,000 to 2,499 employees
8 2,500 to 4,999 employees
9 Over 5,000 employees
A null entry indicates that information was declined
10 EMP.ACT 9 char 250
Actual number of employees or, if the actual number is declined and
the range is known, the range (e.g. 10 to 24). A null entry
indicates that the range was also declined.
11 EMP.QUAL 1 char E
Indicates that the employee figures apply to the parent or the
P Parent
E Entity
12 HIST.GRTH 4 char 20
From historical employee data we compute the number of employees 12
months prior to the last update and the percentage change between
those two dates. This field may be null, a whole number value or
a negative value. A null entry indicates that the employee growth
is unknown.
13 PROJ.GROWTH 4 char 30
From the number of employees projected in 12 months from the last
update we compute the percentage change between those two dates.
This field may be null, a whole number value, or a negative value.
A null entry indicates that the projected employee growth is not
14 SALES.RANGE 1 char 5
This is a one digit code corresponding to a range of sales. Valid
values are:
0 Under $1m annual sales revenue
1 $1m to $2.5m annual sales revenue
2 $2.5m to $5m annual sales revenue
3 $5m to $10m annual sales revenue
4 $10m to $25m annual sales revenue
5 $25m to $50m annual sales revenue
6 $50m to $100m annual sales revenue
7 $100m to $250m annual sales revenue
8 $250m to $500m annual sales revenue
9 Over $500m annual sales revenue
A null entry indicates that information was declined
15 SALES.ACT 9 char 25
Actual sales in $ millions, or, if the actual number is declined
and the range is known, the range (e.g. 1 to 2.5). A null entry
indicates that the range was also declined.
16 SALES.QUAL 2 char E
Indicates that sales figures apply to the parent or the entity and
are actual or estimated. Valid values are:
E Actual figures for this entity
C Calculated figures for this entity
P Actual figures for the parent company
PC Calculated figures for the parent company
Indicates the CorpTech industry code from which a company gains
most of its annual revenue.
18 PRIMARY.SIC 4 char 3715
Indicates the SIC code which most closely relates to a company's
primary high tech product.
19 EXEC.NAME 40 char Dr. Fred R. Moody III, Ph.D.
Name of executive with salutation
20 EXEC.TITLE 40 char President
Title of executive
21 EXEC.SAL 5 char Dr.
Salutation prefix
22 EXEC.FIRST 25 char Fred
First name of executive
23 EXEC.LAST 25 char Moody
Last name of executive
24 EXEC.CODE 25 char C
Executive responsibility code(s)
Example Record - Diskette Marketing Summaries
The above examples appear as the second record in the SAMPLE.CDS file in
the documentation diskette. The record is:
"12345",XYZ Corp.","12 Main St.","Ourtown","CA", "02134","(617)
932-3939","(617)932-6335", "5","250", "E","20","30","5","25","E",
"COM","3715","Dr. Fred Moody III,Ph.D.", "President",
Executive Responsibility Codes
The following is a list of the codes representing each type of
Z = Chairman of the Board
C = Chief Executive Officer
F = Chief Financial Officer
S = Sales
N = Marketing
L = International Sales
R = Research and Development
M = Manufacturing
E = Engineering
I = Manager of Information Systems
T = Technology Transfer
P = Personnel
B = Purchasing
A = Administration
D = Corporate Development
G = Strategic Development
U = Quality Control/Assurance
O = Other
Data Updates
Under CorpTech's terms of supply, unless you have purchased this data out-
right, you must either delete CorpTech data from your system or purchase
updated data one year after receipt of the data.
To facilitate this data update/deletion, CorpTech recommends the following
system design criteria:
CorpTech's 5 digit record number should be imported to uniquely identify
each company.
Additional fields should be created for the purpose of adding your own in-
formation (extra contact notes, direct phone numbers, etc...), as CorpTech
fields will be overwritten during the update/deletion.
The routine you create to implement an update should:
1. Read a new CorpTech data file.
2. Locate the unique CorpTech record number of each new record (field 1).
3. Use the CorpTech record number to locate the same records within your
4. Update CorpTech fields in those records without modifying your own
information fields.
If the above criteria are followed, it will be easier for you to:
repurchase the same data selection each year.
repurchase a sub-set of the data, and delete the CorpTech fields in the non
updated records.
delete all CorpTech fields without losing valuable contact notes, should you
decide not to repurchase the updated data from CorpTech after one year.
Popular Software Packages
The following software packages claim to support the importing of
comma delimited data files.
Word Processors
Microsoft Corp. Microsoft Word (206) 454-2030
Corel Corp. WordPerfect (801) 765-4018
Lotus Development Corp. WordPro/AmiPro (508) 988-2500
Database Managers
Alpha Software Corp. Alpha FOUR (617) 229-2924
Borland International dBASE for DOS (408) 431-9060
(800) 841-8180 dBASE for Windows (408) 431-9060
Paradox for DOS (408) 461-9155
Paradox for Windows (408) 461-9166
DATAEASE International, Inc DATAEASE (203) 374-2825
Lotus Development Corp. Lotus Approach for Windows (508) 988-2500
Lotus Approach for DOS (508) 988-6400
Microrim, Inc. R:Base (206) 649-9551
Microsoft Corp. FoxPro (206) 454-2030
Microsoft Works (206) 454-2030
Remote Control International TeleMagic (619) 929-0193
Sales Technologies, Inc. SNAP Software (603) 623-5877
SNAP Software Group
Symantec Corp. Q&A (503) 465-8600
ACT! for DOS (503) 465-8600
ACT! for MAC (503) 465-8600
1stACT! for Windows (503) 465-8600
Corel Corp. Quattro Pro for DOS (801) 765-4018
Quattro Pro for Windows (801) 765-4018
Lotus Development Corp. Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows (508) 988-2500
Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS (508) 988-6400
(Note: Limited to 254 bytes/record)
Microsoft Corp. Microsoft Excel (206) 454-2030
Note: While the above information is believed to be correct,
CorpTech does not guarantee its accuracy. If any errors are
detected, please notify CorpTech so that they may be corrected.
CorpTech is a trademark of Corporate Technology Information
Services, Inc.; Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works, FoxPro, and Excel
are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.; WordPerfect and Quattro Pro are trademarks
of Corel Corp.; dBASE and Paradox trademarks of Borland International; DATAEASE
is a trademark of DATAEASE International, Inc.; R:BASE is a trademark of Microrim,
Inc.; Alpha FOUR is a trademark of Alpha Software Corp.; SNAP Software is a
trademark of Sales Technologies, Inc.; TeleMagic is a trademark of
Remote Control International; Q&A, ACT! and 1stACT! are trademarks
of Symantec Corp.; Lotus 1-2-3, WordPro, AmiPro, and Approach are
trademarks of Lotus Development Corp.
Copyright 1997, Corporate Technology Information Services, Inc.