CorpTech Explore Database
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CorpTech offers information on America's 40,000 technology
companies on a variety of print and electronic media:
* Printed directories
* Databases
* Custom reports
* Mailing labels
* Diskettes and magnetic tape
The information provided on magnetic tape and diskettes is offered
in a choice of seven ASCII formats:
1. Comma delimited Diskette Labels
2. Comma delimited Diskette Telemarketing Lists
3. Comma delimited Diskette Marketing Summaries
4. Comma delimited Diskette Company Profiles
5. Fixed length field Labels on tape
6. Fixed length field Company Profiles on tape
7. Variable length field Extended Company Profiles on tape
Custom selections and full database files can be provided in any of
the above formats, but CorpTech's standard regional and state
selections are only available in comma delimited format.
Sample Diskette Contents
The Sample Formats Diskette contains the documentation and test
data for the comma delimited formats. In each SAMPLE file: the
first record contains the field layout used in the data files; the
second contains the data in the example column of the Diskette
documentation; the third is an additional sample record.
On the diskette you will find 9 files:
* READ-ME.SCD A copy of this sample comma delimited formats
* READ-ME.CDL A copy of the comma delimited Diskette Label format
* SAMPLE.CDL A sample Diskette Label data file with three records.
* READ-ME.CDM A copy of the comma delimited Diskette Telemarketing
List format documentation.
* SAMPLE.CDM A sample Diskette Telemarketing List data file with
three records.
* READ-ME.CDS A copy of the comma delimited Diskette Marketing
Summaries format documentation.
* SAMPLE.CDS A sample Diskette Marketing Summaries data file
with three records.
* READ-ME.CDP A copy of the comma delimited Diskette Company Profile
format documentation.
* SAMPLE.CDP A sample Diskette Company Profile data file with three
Diskette Labels
* Mailing labels on a PC or Macintosh compatible diskette in industry
standard comma delimited format.
* Create your own mailing list database
* Generate form letters with correct salutations on your letterhead
* Each record includes the company name, address, the executive of
your choice, the executive's title, and their responsibility code.
Diskette Telemarketing Lists
* Telemarketing list information on a PC or Macintosh compatible
diskette in industry standard comma delimited format.
* Create your own marketing database
* Produce telemarketing lists
* Use the included FAX numbers to communicate immediately with key
* Each record includes the company name, address, phone, FAX, the executive of your choice, title
and responsibility code.
Diskette Marketing Summaries
* Marketing summaries in comma delimited format provide a corporate
* Search your database for companies in specific sales or employee
* Target those companies that are growing or declining in growth.
* Select prospects by Primary Industry Code.
* Each record includes the company name, address, phone, FAX, the
executive of your choice, title, responsibility code, employee
figures, growth figures, sales figures, and the company's primary
industry code.
Diskette Company Profiles
* Company profiles in comma delimited format provide the ultimate in
detail and potential, using your favorite IBM PC or Macintosh
compatible software
* Select business opportunities by location, company size, products
manufactured, government contractor status, minority ownership, and
* Display, or print, full company descriptions
* Select, by responsibility, the optimum executive for direct mail.
* Choose the CEO, Sales, Marketing, R&D, or Finance executive
* Target high-growth companies that your competitors don't know about
* Company Profiles contain detailed information on each company,
- Company name, address, phone, FAX
- 5 executives: titles and names in dual format (CEO, Sales,
Marketing, Finance, R&D)
- Annual sales, % exported, employee number and growth rate
- Company description, including products sold
- Government contractor and female/minority ownership status
- Ownership, year formed, source of start-up capital, number of SBIR
awards won
- Products manufactured are defined using both CorpTech's 250+ Major
- Product Groups and the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
For further details, please call your supplier, or CorpTech's
support line: (800) 333-8036.
Record Layout
Each record is terminated by a carriage return/line feed sequence
(ASCII characters 013/010).
Records are in ASCII Comma Delimited Format. The same type of
information is always included in the same sequence. Thus the 6th
field is always the ZIP code. Each `field' is enclosed by double
quotes () and fields are separated by a comma (,). Thus the city,
state and ZIP fields for CorpTech (field sequence 4, 5 and 6) would
be Woburn,MA","01801".
Most popular database software packages can readily import this
data format. Check the documentation of your database software
(under comma delimited format or importing data), or call your
software developer's customer support line.
The following fields are included and appear as they are
sequentially presented in each record:
# Field Max Len Example
-- ----- ------- -------
1 REC.NO 5 char 12345
A unique 5 digit record number assigned by CorpTech
2 COMPANY 50 char XYZ Corp
Formal name of the company
3 STREET 40 char 1 Main St.
Street address
4 CITY 30 char Ourtown
5 STATE 2 char CA
Postal abbreviation for state
6 ZIP 5 char 02134
5 digit postal code
The above fields are included in the Diskette Labels data, followed by
one executive name in the format outlined in fields 61-66.
7 PHONE 13 char (617)932-3939
Phone number with area code
8 FAX 13 char (617)932-6335
Fax number with area code
The above fields (1-8) are included in the Diskette Telemarketing
List data, followed by one executive name in the format outlined in
fields 61-66.
9 EMP.RANGE 1 char 5
A one digit code that corresponds to a range of employees. Valid
values are:
0 under 10 employees
1 10 to 24 employees
2 25 to 49 employees
3 50 to 99 employees
4 100 to 249 employees
5 250 to 499 employees
6 500 to 999 employees
7 1,000 to 2,499 employees
8 2,500 to 4,999 employees
9 Over 5,000 employees
A null entry indicates that information was declined
10 EMP.ACT 9 char 250
Actual number of employees or, if the actual number is declined and
the range is known, the range (e.g. 10 to 24). A null entry
indicates that the range was also declined.
11 EMP.QUAL 1 char E
Indicates that the employee figures apply to the parent or the
P Parent
E Entity
12 HIST.GRTH 4 char 20
From historical employee data we compute the number of employees 12
months prior to the last update and the percentage change between
those two dates. This field may be null, a whole number value or
a negative value. A null entry indicates that the employee growth
is unknown.
13 PROJ.GROWTH 4 char 30
From the number of employees projected in 12 months from the last
update we compute the percentage change between those two dates.
This field may be null, a whole number value, or a negative value.
A null entry indicates that the projected employee growth is not
14 SALES.RANGE 1 char 5
This is a one digit code corresponding to a range of sales. Valid
values are:
0 Under $1m annual sales revenue
1 $1m to $2.5m annual sales revenue
2 $2.5m to $5m annual sales revenue
3 $5m to $10m annual sales revenue
4 $10m to $25m annual sales revenue
5 $25m to $50m annual sales revenue
6 $50m to $100m annual sales revenue
7 $100m to $250m annual sales revenue
8 $250m to $500m annual sales revenue
9 Over $500m annual sales revenue
A null entry indicates that information was declined
15 SALES.ACT 9 char 25
Actual sales in $ millions, or, if the actual number is declined
and the range is known, the range (e.g. 1 to 2.5). A null entry
indicates that the range was also declined.
16 SALES.QUAL 2 char E
Indicates that sales figures apply to the parent or the entity and
are actual or estimated. Valid values are:
E Actual figures for this entity
C Calculated figures for this entity
P Actual figures for the parent company
PC Calculated figures for the parent company
Indicates the CorpTech industry code from which a company gains
most of its annual revenue.
The above fields (1-17) are included in the Diskette Telemarketing
Summaries data, followed by one executive name in the format
outlined in fields 61-66.
18 PRIMARY.SIC 4 char 3715
Indicates the SIC code which most closely relates to a company's
primary high tech product.
The CorpTech Major Code(s) (see Major Product Groups chart) that
define the company's high-tech products, separated by a space
20 SIC 249 char 3572 3674 7372
The SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Code(s) that apply to
this company's products, separated by a space.
21 DESC.1 250 char Manufacturer of computer...
The first 250 characters of the company description.
22 DESC.2 250 char Software runs on ...
The company description in excess of 250 characters.
23 INTL.BUS 2 char 1
This field indicates the percentage of a company's revenue that
comes from international business. Valid values are:
-1 No international business
0 International business % unknown
1 0% to 2.5% from international business
2 2.5% to 10% from international business
3 10% to 25% from international business
4 Over 25% from international business
A null entry indicates that information is unknown
24 OWN 3 char PRu
Indicates the type of company ownership. Valid values are:
PR Private
PU Public
PA Partnership
GO Government
NP Non-Profit
FO Non-US entity
If the OWN field ends with a u the company is an operating unit of
a larger corporation
25 FORMED 4 char 1979
Year of formation
26 VOL.PAGE 6 char 2-341
This indicates the volume and page where this company is profiled
in the current edition of the national CorpTech Directory
27 GOVT.CONT 3 char P S
Indicates whether or not this company is a government contractor.
A null entry indicates that information is unknown. Valid values are:
P Prime contractor
S Sub-contractor
P S Prime and sub-contractor
28 CAPITAL 5 char P V C
Indicates initial sources of capitalization. This information was
collected for smaller companies which were formed in the last ten
years. A null entry indicates that information is unknown. Note:
this field is incomplete for some companies. Valid values are:
C Corporate investment
V Venture capital
P Private investment
29 FEM.MIN 1 char B
Indicates if this company is registered female or minority owned or
both. A null entry indicates that information is unknown. Valid
values are:
F Female owned
M Minority owned
B Both female and minority owned
N Neither female nor minority owned
30 SBIR 1 char 5
A code indicating the number and level of Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) awards won. Note: this field only contains data
relating to awards made through January 1, 1989. Valid values are:
5 15 or more SBIR awards with at least 5 Phase II
4 9 or more SBIR awards with at least 2 Phase II
3 3 or more SBIR awards with at least 1 Phase II
2 2 or more SBIR awards
1 1 SBIR award
A null entry indicates no awards
31 CEO.NAME 40 char Dr. Fred R. Moody III, Ph.D.
Name of CEO with salutation
32 CEO.TITLE 40 char President
Title of CEO
33 CEO.SAL 5 char Dr.
Salutation prefix
34 CEO.FIRST 25 char Fred
First name of CEO
35 CEO.LAST 25 char Moody
Last name of CEO
36 CEO.CODE 25 char C
Executive responsibility code(s)
37 FINANCE.NAME 40 char Mr. John F. Brown
Name of executive responsible for finance
38 FINANCE.TITLE 40 char Controller
Title of finance executive
39 FINANCE.SAL 5 char Mr.
Salutation prefix
40 FINANCE.FIRST 25 char John
First name of finance executive
41 FINANCE.LAST 25 char Brown
Last name of finance executive
42 FINANCE.CODE 25 char F
Executive responsibility code(s)
43 MARKETING.NAME 40 char Ms. Sandra M. Peters
Name of executive responsible for marketing
44 MARKETING.TITLE 40 char Marketing manager
Title of marketing executive
45 MARKETING.SAL 5 char Ms.
Salutation prefix
46 MARKETING.FIRST 25 char Sandra
First name of marketing executive
47 MARKETING.LAST 25 char Peters
Last name of marketing executive
Executive responsibility code(s)
49 SALES.NAME 40 char Mr. Samuel Smith
Name of executive responsible for sales
50 SALES.TITLE 40 char VP of Sales
Title of sales executive
51 SALES.SAL 5 char Mr.
Salutation prefix
52 SALES.FIRST 25 char Samuel
First name of sales executive
53 SALES.LAST 25 char Smith
Last name of sales executive
54 SALES.CODE 25 char S
Executive responsibility code(s)
55 R&D.NAME 40 char Ms. Jane J. Jones
Name of executive responsible for research
56 R&D.TITLE 40 char Research Director
Title of research executive
57 R&D.SAL 5 char Ms.
Salutation prefix
58 R&D.FIRST 25 char Jane
First name of the research executive
59 R&D.LAST 25 char Jones
Last name of the research executive
60 R&D.CODE 25 char R
Executive responsibility code(s)
61 OPTIONAL.NAME 40 char Mr. Jack O. Rogers
Name of optional executive
62 OPTIONAL.TITLE 40 char Director
Title of optional executive
63 OPTIONAL.SAL 5 char Mr.
Salutation prefix
64 OPTIONAL.FIRST 25 char Jack
First name of optional executive
65 OPTIONAL.LAST 25 char Rogers
Last name of optional executive
66 OPTIONAL.CODE 25 char M
Executive responsibility code(s)
All of the above fields are included in the Diskette Profiles data.
When more than one executive is listed, in some cases executive
names may not be unique because an executive is responsible for
more than one job within the company. In these cases the executive
information is repeated in the appropriate position.
If an optional 6th executive is requested in the Profile format the
NAME, SAL, TITLE, FIRST, LAST, and CODE will be placed in fields 61
through 66.
Example Record - Diskette Labels
12345",XYZ Corp.","12 Main St.",Ourtown, "CA","02134","Dr. Fred
Moody III, Ph.D.","President","Dr.","Fred","Moody","C"
Example Record - Diskette Telemarketing Lists
12345",XYZ Corp.","12 Main St.",Ourtown, "CA", "02134","(617)
932-3939","(617) 932-6335", "Dr. Fred Moody III, Ph.D.","President",
"Dr.", "Fred","Moody","C"
Example Record - Diskette Telemarketing Summaries
"12345",XYZ Corp.","12 Main St.","Ourtown","CA", "02134","(617)
932-3939","(617)932-6335", "5","250", "E","20","30","5","25","E",
"COM","3715","Dr. Fred Moody III,Ph.D.", "President",
Example Record - Diskette Profile
12345",XYZ Corp.","12 Main St.","Ourtown,"CA","02134","(617)932-3939",
"COM-CM SOF-UT SUB-SE","3572 3674 7372",Manufacturer of computer memory
devices; and semiconductors. Publisher of utilities software. ","Software
runs on IBM personal computers and clones.","1","PRu","1979","2-341",
"P S","P V C","B",5,"Dr. Fred Moody III, Ph.D.","President","Dr.","Fred",
"Moody","C","Mr. John Brown","Controller","Mr.","John","Brown","F",
"Ms. Sandra M. Peters","Marketing Manager","Ms.","Sandra","Peters","N",
"Mr. Samuel Smith","VP of Sales","Mr.","Samuel","Smith","S","Ms. Jane J.
Jones","Research Director","Ms.","Jane","Jones","R","Mr. Jack O. Rogers",
Executive Responsibility Codes
The following is a list of the codes representing each type of
Z = Chairman of the Board
C = Chief Executive Officer
F = Chief Financial Officer
S = Sales
N = Marketing
L = International Sales
R = Research and Development
M = Manufacturing
E = Engineering
I = Manager of Information Systems
T = Technology Transfer
P = Personnel
B = Purchasing
A = Administration
D = Corporate Development
G = Strategic Development
O = Other
Popular Software Packages
The following software packages claim to support the importing of
comma delimited data files.
Word Processors
Microsoft Corp. Microsoft Word (206) 454-2030
WordPerfect Corp. WordPerfect (801) 222-6000
Lotus Development Corp. AmiPro (508) 988-6400
Database Managers
Alpha Software Corp. Alpha FOUR (617) 229-2924
Borland International dBASE for DOS (408) 431-9060
(800) 841-8180 dBASE for Windows (408) 431-9060
Paradox for DOS (408) 461-9155
Paradox for Windows (408) 461-9166
DATAEASE International, Inc DATAEASE (203) 374-2825
Lotus Development Corp. Lotus Approach for Windows (508) 988-2500
Lotus Approach for DOS (508) 988-6400
Microrim, Inc. R:Base (206) 649-9551
Microsoft Corp. FoxPro (206) 454-2030
Microsoft Works (206) 454-2030
Remote Control International TeleMagic (619) 929-0193
Sales Technologies, Inc. SNAP Software (603) 623-5877
SNAP Software Group
Symantec Corp. Q&A (503) 465-8600
ACT! for DOS (503) 465-8600
ACT! for MAC (503) 465-8600
1stACT! for Windows (503) 465-8600
Borland International, Inc. Quattro Pro for DOS (408) 461-9122
(800) 841-8180 Quattro Pro for Windows (408) 461-9188
Lotus Development Corp. Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows (508) 988-2500
Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS (508) 988-6400
(Note: Limited to 254 bytes/record)
Microsoft Corp. Microsoft Excel (206) 454-2030
Note: While the above information is believed to be correct,
CorpTech does not guarantee its accuracy. If any errors are
detected, please notify CorpTech so that they may be corrected.
CorpTech is a trademark of Corporate Technology Information
Services, Inc.; Microsoft Word, Microsoft Works, FoxPro, and Excel
are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.; WordPerfect is a trademark of
WordPerfect Corp.; dBASE, Paradox and Quattro Pro are trademarks of
Borland International, Inc.; DATAEASE is a trademark of DATAEASE
International, Inc.; R:BASE is a trademark of Microrim, Inc.; Alpha
FOUR is a trademark of Alpha Software Corp.; SNAP Software is a
trademark of Sales Technologies, Inc.; TeleMagic is a trademark of
Remote Control International; Q&A, ACT! and 1stACT! are trademarks
of Symantec Corp.; Lotus 1-2-3, AmiPro, and Approach are
trademarks of Lotus Development Corp.
Copyright 1994, Corporate Technology Information Services, Inc.