DP Tool Club 8
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Chapter 1 Registering AceComm
Registering AceComm gives you access to one of the most
powerful communications programs available.
o Registering AceComm allows you to legally use the product after
the trial period.
o You need only Register AceComm 1 time
o Registration gives you a license to use the AceComm
package for un limited use, and the following advantages.
- Up to date printed bound manual
- Major Version upgrade notices sent
- Commercial AceComm on Disk
Eventually Registered copies of AceComm versions will run 1
year or more ahead of the publicly available "try before you
buy" versions. AceComm will continue to provide "pace
setting" features, "intelligent software technology" making
the most of your on line time.
- Unlimited software support (See SUPPORT.DOC)
- 1 Free upgrade to a version of your choice
The FREE upgrade package includes the above and can be
obtained at any time down the road by sending in an AceComm
order form with the FREE upgrade information line filled out.
Most importantly, registered users know they are helping to make
sure that high-quality software like AceComm continues to be
offered at low cost.
To place an order, please use the order form contained in
the file "ACEORDER.FRM".
Chapter 1 Registering AceComm
AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Version 1.7
Name: ____________________________________________________
[Company]: ____________________________________________________
[Title]: ____________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________________________
State: ___________________________ Zip Code: ______________
Country: ___________________________ Phone: _________________
AceComm Software
3003 N. Central Ave. #121-171
Phoenix, AZ 85012 USA
┌─────┴───┐ │ (R)
──│ │o │──────────────────
│ ┌─────┴╨──┐ │ Association of
│ │ │─┘ Shareware
└───│ o │ Professionals
──────│ ║ │────────────────────
└────╨────┘ MEMBER
Chapter 1 Registering AceComm
AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Version 1.7
Telephone (602) 846-4563 AceComm Support Services
AceComm BBS (602) 846-2940 3003 N. Central Ave Suite 121-171
CompuServe 75120,3306 Phoenix, AZ 85012 USA
Individual Registration Licensing use of AceComm and Utilities
- commercial version software & documentation on diskette
- printed bound manual, upgrade notices)
- 1 upgrade sent FREE (you choose the version)
- all future upgrades at very low cost of 20%
1'st FREE & all future upgrades include disk/printed manual
for MS-DOS: 1 Purchase at $45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ______
INTERNAL SITE LICENSE for the use of AceComm & Utilities for DOS
- commercial version software & documentation on diskette
- 1 upgrade sent FREE (you choose the version)
- all future upgrades at very low cost of 20%
Quantity Registrations
10 - 50 .. at $32 each, nbr computers ___x 32 _____
50+ call for special discount
custom features available
call for quantity manual pricing
Overseas add $7.00/order for shipping and handling _____
Diskette format (choose one) 5.25" disk (__) 3.5" disk (__)
Sales tax for Arizona residents 6.5% _____
For payment by non-USA BANK CHECK, add $40.00 _____
Payment method: TOTAL ENCLOSED _____
( ) Check ( ) Cash
( ) Money order ( ) Send FREE Upgrade
Page 1
Chapter 1 Registering AceComm
( ) Credit card - See instructions in file CREDIT.CRD
AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: __________________________________________
TITLE: ____________________________________ DATE: _____________
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Chapter 1 Registering AceComm
AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Version 1.7
Credit Card Order Form
As a service to AceComm customers who want to register by credit
card, arrangements have been made with the Public Software
Library (PSL) to handle all credit card registrations. PSL
accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Card.
Non-U.S. residents are encouraged to register by credit card.
In many cases, paying by credit card will be easier than
acquiring U.S. funds.
PSL will take the order information and forward it to the AceComm
author, MGP Programming Services & Michael G Phelps for
processing and shipping.
Page 3
Chapter 1 Registering AceComm
AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Version 1.7
AceComm Software Credit Card Registration Form
PSL Part number 10805
The PSL part number for AceComm is: 10805
Credit card registrations may be made by the following methods:
-- Phone PSL at:
800-242-4775 (Toll free) To register by credit card.
713-524-6394 To register by credit card and for order
Be sure to have BOTH the credit card form at the end of this file
PLUS the order form in the file ORDERFRM.DOC available to give
order information to PSL.
ACCURACY in phone ordering is important! Misspellings can result
in delays or an erroneous registration.
-- FAX PSL at 713-524-6398
-- Email PSL at CompuServe user id 71355,470
-- Write PSL at:
The Public (Software) Library
P.O. Box 35705
Houston, TX 77235-5705
PSL Part number 10805
For FAX, email, or mail to PSL, send BOTH the credit card form at
the end of this file PLUS the order form in the file
The Public Software Library also maintains a vast library of
shareware and public domain programs and prints a monthly
magazine announcing new releases and general software news.
Page 4
Chapter 1 Registering AceComm
AceComm & Utilities (Tm)
Version 1.7
AceComm Software Credit Card Registration Form
PSL Part number 10805
Please complete this form AND the regular order form in the file
ORDERFRM.DOC and send BOTH *** DIRECTLY *** to:
The Public (Software) Library
P.O. Box 35705
Houston, TX 77235-5705
Date ________________________
Name: _____________________________________________________
[Company:] _____________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
: _____________________________________________________
: _____________________________________________________
Payment by: ( ) MasterCard ( ) Visa
( ) American Express ( ) Discover Card
Card #: ______________________________ Exp. Date: ___________
Signature of card holder: ______________________________________
PSL Part number 10805
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Chapter 1 Registering AceComm