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This file contains the documentation specific to the VMS version of POV-Ray.
Note: PLEASE SEE POVLEGAL.DOC. The VMS version in ZIP format is an
officially supported format and can be distributed as is. You MAY NOT
re-package the archive file or distribute any changes to it. If you
do post it on a BBS or network, you must provide at least the data
files and documentation files with the executables. See POVLEGAL.DOC
for complete details.
This version of POV-Ray for the VAX has only been tested on an Alpha AXP 500
running OpenVMS. It may need tweaking for your compiler.
At this stage, no executables are provided.
See the note at the end of this file about this subject.
Running POV-Ray:
Assign a foreign symbol to the executable. The syntax is:
povray :== $<your_disk>:[<directory>]povray
An example symbol might look like:
povray :== $dua100:[povray.build]povray
povray :== $dua100:[povray.build]povray +w320 +h200 +d +v [for example]
You may also like to add your include file path to the symbol.
When running POV-Ray, be sure that you have a large working set.
You will need to use the '+d' option for the X version to display anything.
File Formats:
The default file format for the Vax is "targa" format (+ft).
Dump or raw may be specified on the command line or in the
povray.def file. The TGA2GIF program (not included in this archive)
may be used to convert the output to a GIF file.
Building the source:
To compile POV-Ray from the original source, follow the following instructions:
You will of course need a properly set up C compiler.
If you want to use the X version you will need X and the X libraries.
You may need to edit the POVRAY.OPT file for your X library path.
Motif is NOT needed, as POV runs with X and Xt only.
#define X_GETS_ARGS in vaxconf.h if you want to use X options such as
'-display xxx:n.n'. Note that some may conflict with POV options.
1) create a [.source] directory.
2) copy the files from POVSRC.ZIP's SOURCE directory into this directory.
3) copy the files from POVSRC.ZIP's MACHINE\VAX directory into [.source].
4) rename vaxconf.h to config.h
5) execute "@vaxbuild" for a NON XWindows executable.
6) execute "@xvaxbld" for an XWindows executable.
Note that if you switch between X and non-X versions you MUST recompile
Post-processing Images:
POV-Ray images can be post-processed using the PBMPLUS utilities.
The program TGA2GIF (source available on Compuserve in GRAPHDEV section 8
as TGAGI2.ZIP) will run on a VAX and does a nice job of converting Targa
output files into GIF files.
Displaying Images:
There are various programs around that can display GIF files under X
windows. At a later stage I may upload one into GRAPHDEV, so have a look.
Some DECwindows systems come with a program called PICT.EXE, which will do a
good job of displaying GIF files, also.
For those with a Postscipt printer, you can use PBMPLUS to convert POV-Ray
files to Postscript and then print them.
The VMS X Windows code was developed and tested by Christopher J. Cason under
DECWindows on a DEC Alpha AXP 500.
Questions and problems in the VAX/VMS version can be directed to Chris Cason on
Compuserve via mail or in the POV source section of GRAPHDEV. (currently 8).
I will continue to enhance this code and test it other machines.
If you had to make any modifications to get it to compile, please let me know
so that I may update this source accordingly. This particularly applies to
the build files. By doing so, you will be helping others.
If you have any problems getting it to build, you may like to contact me or
check the POV section of GRAPHDEV on Compuserve to see if there are updated
files. Try scanning for the keyword VMS or XWINDOWS.
Expect to find a significantly enhanced X version in the near future.
(Sometime in late 1993 or early 1994). This will include a Motif shell.
We may also make pre-compiled executables available for VAX and Alpha.
(But there is no guarantee of this).
Chris Cason.