C001 Encyclopedia C Radcliffe, R. 11.95 0.0019911026Bargain Books Sybex C 1991Comments on each book may be entered here. C002 Visual Basic (Norton Prog. Library) Holzner 43.05 0.0019911213B. Dalton Brady Programm. 1991And here. C003 Ventura Publisher for Windows Berst et al 0.00 29.9519911215Gateway Microsoft Press Ventura 1991And so on. C004 Borland C++ Handbook, 2e Pappas, Murray 22.00 24.9519920606D-K McGraw-Hill C 1992 C005 Microsoft C Bible, 2e Barkakati 22.50 0.0019920221TechB Sams C 1990 C006 Quick C for Win, Do it Yourself Long 15.00 0.0019920221TechB Sams C 1992 C007 Concepts of Object-Oriented Prog. Smith 0.00 24.9519920228D-K McGraw-Hill Programm. 1991 C008 Reusability & Software Construction Smith, J.D. 8.00 0.0019920228B-A-M Wiley C 1990 C009 MS Windows Guide to Programming Microsoft staff 10.00 0.0019920228B-A-M Microsoft Press Windows 1990 C010 Learning C++ (w/disks) Swan 0.00 39.9519920306GB Sams C 1991 C011 Write Prog. Language Using C++ Smith (Norman) 13.50 14.9519920324D-K Wordware C 1992 C012 Data Handling Utilities in MS C Radcliffe, Raab 4.50 0.0019920330BookWorld Sybex C 1988 C013 Win 3.0 Power Programming TechniquesNorton, Yao 5.50 0.0019920330BookWorld Bantam Windows 1990 C014 Quick C for Windows Holzner 32.00 0.0019920427TechB Brady C 1992 C015 Windows 3.1 Instant Reference Moseley 9.45 9.9519920501B. Dalton Sybex Windows 1992 C016 Local Area Networking w/ Microcomp. Lehrman 5.00 0.0019920519B. Dalton Brady Networking 1986 C017 Using Borland C++ 3, 2e Atkinson & Atkinson 0.00 29.9519920604GB Que C 1992 C018 Turbo C++ By Example Perry, Johnson 20.25 0.0019920709BookStar Que C 1992 C019 MS Word for Windows, v2.0 Shepherd 8.50 0.0019920911BookStar Sybex Windows 1992 C020 Word for Windows Companion Crane, Stone, Poor 27.71 0.0019920923BookStar Microsoft Press Windows 1992 C021 C Programming Holzner 10.00 0.0019921009WaldenBooks Brady C 1991 C022 C++ Programming, Waite Group's, 2e Berry 10.00 0.0019921009WaldenBooks Sams C 1992 C023 Turbo Pascal 7 Handbook Feibel 24.46 29.9519930115Readme.doc McGraw-Hill Pascal 1993 C024 Using Access for Windows, special edJennings 24.46 29.9519930225Readme.doc Que Access 1993