DP Tool Club 15
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Item: 2434 by fee@waikato.ac.nz [Conan J. Fee]
Subj: XPNDR - A menu & softkey expander util
Date: 21 Dec 1992
Hello all.
Here is a Christmas present - a utility which I just finished developing
(with the help of Detlef Muller). Basically, as the attached documentation
shows, it is a utility for expanding the current menu and providing more
than the standard 6 menu softkeys (up to 36, to be exact). It is VERY
simple to operate (self-explanatory) and doesn't take up much room. Try it.
I posted this to comp.sources.hp48 but that newsgroup is empty right
now, and there is no indication as to when it will be updated.
[Note: Also see XMENU for an alternate approach. -jkh-]
XPNDR v1.0
Conan J. Fee
University of Waikato, Hamilton,
New Zealand.
email: fee@waikato.ac.nz
DESCRIPTION: XPNDR version 1.0 is a utility which shows all pages of
the current menu on screen at once and allows you to choose any of
the menu functions by pressing a key ie: you now have up to six rows
of softkeys, not just the first row.
If you have ever had to search through several pages of an unfamiliar
menu in search of the command you want, not known whether to press NXT
or PREV to get the menu page you want, or not known whether the
programming command you seek is in the TEST, BRANCH or CONTROL menu,
let alone which page, then XPNDR is for you!
OPERATION: Assign XPNDR to a user key (I use BLUE-NXT) and then
whenever you execute XPNDR, you will see all pages (six pages
maximum) of the current menu, whether it is a library, a user
directory or a built-in menu such as the MTH menu, shown on screen at
The first four rows of keys then act as softkeys for the corresponding
functions. If the menu has more than 4 pages (this is rare for
built-in menus, but try it with the STATS menu), on-screen
instructions tell you what to do. If you press a key that doesn't
correspond to a function - no problem. XPNDR quits without taking
action. XPNDR not only executes the function shown but works as a
typing aid and works with all shift planes.
Try it to convert units, to recall a variable's contents or to store an
object in a user-variable. ie: it works the same as softkeys.
It's that simple!
1. Download XPNDR to your HP48.
2. Store the resulting directory wherever you like.
3. Enter the directory, recall the contents of XPNDR to the stack and store
it as XPNDR in the home directory.
4. Recall (don't evaluate) the contents of SETUP to the stack - you
should get the name XPNDR on the stack.
5. Assign the result of 4, above, to whatever key you like (I think BLUE-NXT
is a pretty logical choice).
6. Purge everything except the copy of XPNDR in the home directory.
Away you go!
NOTE: Please use SETUP to put the name XPNDR on the stack for assigning to
a key - merely entering the name 'XPNDR' from the keyboard will not
allow XPNDR to function correctly. (The contents of SETUP are actually
a sys_RPL routine with source code comprised of :: TakeOver ID XPNDR ;)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Thanks VERY much to Detlef Muller for his absolutely
invaluable help and suggestions in working out this routine. Detlef -
you're a marvel!
SUGGESTIONS: You'll notice the routine is a little slow (but still faster
than searching individual menu pages), especially for more than 4 menu pages.
This is virtually unavoidable for sys_RPL, since the menu grobs are not
stored internally but must be redrawn each time a new menu page is
Anyone who is a machine-code ace can probably speed this up a bit.
Feel free to do this and please let me have a copy.
The maximum number of menu pages is six - this is because the routine
would get cumbersome, large, slow and require more interaction from the
user to get more than this number of functions on-screen at once. I
don't think the extra complexity is worth it for the very few menus that
might have more than six pages. If you disagree, you are welcome to modify
the routine. Just let me know if you do.
DISCLAIMER: This routine is provided free and without any warantee
You don't have to use this and I don't want to be sued for providing
freeware!!! (On the other hand, if you're the litigious type and you're
really bent on suing me despite this disclaimer, go ahead - you're welcome
to take over every cent of my substantial overdraft.)
REPORT: Bugs, comments and suggestions to me via email:fee@waikato.ac.nz
Conan J. Fee _ fee@waikato.ac.nz
Centre for Technology (_)o
University of Waikato, Hamilton /\ \ Phone: +(64)(7)8384206
Private Bag 3105, New Zealand Fax: +(64)(7)8384324