Lady Megan Lloyd-George, presiding last night at the Albert Hall, where several thousand women representing all the allies met for the London celebration of International Women's Day, declared that women believed they had a special contribution to make to peace. "I hope," she said, "we shall do our utmost to see that a woman is sent to the conference at San Francisco to represent us."
A charter on the rights of women, which was adopted enthusiastically, demanded:-
AS MOTHERS- The right to bring children into a world free form the fear of want and war; the provision by every Government of decent health services; and houses fit to live in.
AS WORKERS- The right to enter all industries and professions; to receive equal pay for equal work, and the same opportunities as men for training and promotion to all responsible positions; the ending of exploitation of women as cheap labour; and the improvement of working conditions.
AS CITIZENS- The right to equal status with men and to full democratic expression; the opportunity to vote, to serve on committees, juries, and public bodies, whether national or international.
Mr Eden, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, is to be asked to receive a deputation, when the charter will be placed before him for presentation at the San Francisco conference.