Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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ARCvert Version 2.1
A utility to convert from one archive
format to another.
David Pitts
6620 Danbrooke Park Drive
Charlotte, NC 28227
I don't promise or warrant a single thing about this program. If
you use it and it doesn't work then too bad. I have no reason to
believe that it could possibly harm anybody's hardware or other
software but I won't accept responsibility for anything.
I am NOT releasing this to the public domain. I just don't
choose to charge for it right now. I reserve all rights to all
parts of the program.
You are however free to copy and distribute this program to
anyone you like as long as you charge nothing at all for it. No
disk or distribution fees or anything at all. If you can't just
give it away then don't do anything with it.
Thanks for downloading ARCvert. I would be very pleased to
receive any positive or negative comments about this program that
you would care to make.
I can be reached at the address on the cover page. I can also be
reached on GEnie at CLAGRAPH.
ARCVERT.DOC You are reading it. Congratulations.
ARCVERT.CFG The configuration file. It MUST be in the
directory that you start ARCvert from. It
does many important things. Read the .DOC
file carefully to learn more.
ARCVERT.EXE This is the program file.
-Converts from ANY archive format that uses the conventional
command string. Including but not limited to:
-Converts to ANY of the above formats or any other archive format
if the program uses the conventional command string.
-Automatically determines the extraction commands required
-You decide the format to convert to
-Capable of being run from a batch file without human intervention
-No hard disk required (But it is much faster with one)
-Un-archive from any drive and re-archive on any other drive
-Does not alter or delete the original file
-Save your configuration for future use
-Easy user interface
Type ARCVERT at the DOS prompt. Any of the archiving programs
that you wish to use to archive and un-archive your files must
be in the default directory OR in the DOS path somewhere. The
file ARCVERT.CFG MUST be in the directory that you start
ARCvert from. If this is not the case then you will get an error
message and you will have to start over. Please understand that
ARCvert is only a front-end system for other archiving programs
and that it does not archive or extract files by itself.
This command allows you to access the directory window
for the input directory that is displayed on the screen.
This will allow you to scroll the information up and down
in order to see all of the files listed. Only files as
specified in the INPUT PATH will be shown.
This does the same thing as the previous command except
it shows all files in the OUTPUT PATH.
This starts the conversion process. Here is what actually
happens after the program starts.
1. Copy the first file that matches the FILE MASK from
2. Shell to DOS and UN-ARCHIVE the file into the empty
WORK PATH directory using the program commands specified
3. Delete the original archive file leaving only the
files that were formerly archived under the old format.
4. Shell to DOS and ARCHIVE all the files in the WORK
PATH directory into a single archive using the the
program commands specified by the ARCHIVE SEQUENCE.
5. Copy the newly created archive file to the directory
specified by OUTPUT PATH.
6. Delete ALL files in the directory specified by WORK
7. Copy the next file from INPUT PATH to the WORK PATH
and start the process over until all files are complete.
Go from the command line
ARCvert can also be started from the command line by
typing the command line as ARCVERT GO. If ARCvert is
started in this manner the program will immediately
proceed to execute based upon the default parameters
already in place in ARCVERT.CFG. This will allow you to
use ARCvert to convert all uploads to a given file type
as a timed "event". Since ARCvert does not do the actual
conversion it is impossible to trap for errors during
the actual conversion. You should check the files in the
destination directory against the files in the input
directory BEFORE deleting the original files.
This command allows you to shell to DOS. Type 'exit' to
return to the program.
View Defaults
This lets you look at all your default settings at once.
It is a good idea to check them before beginning the
file conversion process.
ESC to Exit
This exits the program.
This command allows you to set up the program for nine
different settings. These settings are:
1. Input Path
The input path is the file directory and file mask that
tells the program which files to transfer. The program
will attempt to transfer all files shown in the Input
Directory window. Some valid input paths are:
Always include a drive specifier, the complete path, and
a file mask. None of the files in this directory will be
altered or deleted. Any files that do not have an archiving
program specified for their file extension in ARCVERT.CFG
will NOT be converted. Any files that have an extension
matching a specified extension in .CFG file will be converted
using the un-archive command string given in the .CFG file.
2. Output Path
The output path is the drive and directory that the files
archived in the new format will be transferred to. Always
include a drive specifier and directory information. If you
are specifying the ROOT directory of a drive DO NOT include
a backslash. Some examples of valid Output Paths are:
Always leave off the last backslash of any specification.
3. Work Directory
This is the name of a directory that will be created as a
subdirectory of the default directory. This is where all
the work will be performed. This directory will be deleted
when the program is finished with the transfers. I
recommend that this be left as $work$ so it will be
easily identified if something should prevent it from
being deleted.
5. Archive Command
This is the command string that will be used to RE-
archive the files designated in the Input Path. Basically
what this should be is everything that normally goes on
the command line except the name or names of the files to
be archived. Some examples are
for LHARC the archive string is 'LHARC a'
for PKZIP the archive string is 'PKZIP'
for PKZIP with extra compression the
archive string is 'PKZIP -ex'
for ZOO the archive string is 'ZOO -a'
Other options and switches may be set by simply putting
them in this command. The program will supply the
filenames and destinations. After setting the Archive
command you will be prompted to give the New File Extension.
6. New File Extension
This is the file extension that the program that you
specified as the ARCHIVING program uses as its default.
You MUST change this EVERY TIME that you change the
ARCHIVE command to a different program. If this is not
set correctly the program will name the new file wrong.
I could have made this an automatic feature of the
program but chose not to because there may be a new
program out tomorrow that is better and faster than any
out there today with a different file extension. Done
this way you can use it even if I've never heard of it.
7. Color Toggle
Type Color if you want color. Type Mono if you want mono.
If you wish to change the colors used by the program you
will need to edit ARCVERT.CFG with your word processor.
Be sure to save ARCVERT.CFG as an ASCII file. Your word
processor's format may mess up the file if you are not
careful. If it is not immediately clear to you how to
change the colors in the .CFG file then you probably should
not mess around with it. Always make a backup copy of a
current .CFG file BEFORE you edit it.
8. Snow Toggle
Set this to Slow if you are getting snow on your monitor.
Leave it on Fast if you are not.
9. Save Configuration
This writes all the things that we just discussed to a
file called ARCVERT.CFG. This file must be in the directory
that ARCvert is started from. If it is missing the program
will bomb out.
Changing and adding the commands that EXTRACT archives
It is possible to add new programs that will be automatically
executed by ARCvert. The file ARCVERT.CFG has these lines at
the bottom of it as supplied with the program:
ext=.zip pkunzip
ext=.arc pkxarc
ext=.lzh lharc e
ext=.zoo zoo -e
ext=.dwc dwc e
ext=.pak pak e
end of file
If you use a different program to extract .ARC files then you
will need to change the line that says "ext=.arc pkxarc" to
use the program that you desire. To change it to use ARCE
you would edit the line to read "ext=.arc arce".
To add another program simply insert another line in front of
the line that says "end of file". The program will allow you
to use up to 24 different extraction commands for 24 different
file extensions. DO NOT alter the line that indicates the
end of the file. This line MUST be the last non-blank
line in the file. It MUST be all lower case.
To break it down a little further:
The first four characters on an extraction command line
are always "ext="
The next four characters are always a period and the
file extension of the type of file to be extracted.
The next character is always a space
The next characters are the program name and any
options required to properly un-archive the file.
I would first like to make it clear that I have never written and
never will write an archiving program. I am in awe of all those
that have written the programs that this program makes use of. I
do not advocate any particular archiving program. They each have
their strengths and I think everyone should choose for themselves.
This program simply makes it easier to convert from those that
you don't like to the one that you do like.
This program was written in QuickBasic 4.5. It is not a miracle
of modern programming by any stretch of the imagination but it
works damn well. I have used several routines from the ProBas
(tm) libraries from Hammerly Computer Services, Inc. These have
proven to be invaluable tools in all the programs that I have
I have found that in the past when I have written similar
utilities that the response from users has been sparse. I pity
the people that are trying to make a living from shareware.
I don't know where the term originated but this program is
classified as "FOOLWARE". I'd be a fool if I thought you would
send me any money for it. This is my way of thumbing my nose at
all the "BEGWARE" and "CRIPPLEWARE" authors out there.
These are NOT to be confused with legitimate "SHAREWARE" authors
that do a great job. I just cannot stand a program that BEGS
every thirty seconds or so for me to register my copy or flashes
every screen. Worse is the DATABASE program in which the
unregistered version lets you save two whole records to disk
before ceasing to work.
If you have comments or suggestions about this program please
feel free to mail me a letter at the address on the cover page or
contact me on GEnie at CLAGRAPH.
PKZIP/PKUNZIP is copyright (c)1989 PkWare, Inc.
DWC is copyright (c)1986,87,88 Dean W. Cooper
LHARC is copyright (c)1988,89 Haruyasu Yoshizaki
PAK is copyright (c)1988,89 NoGate Consulting
ZOO is copyright (c)1988 Rahul Dhesi