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ZYAC (Version 1.2) User's Guide
Author: Gregory D. Elder
Updated: February 17, 1987
No, not Yet Another Compiler but Zenith Yet Another
Calculator (ZYAC) program! I wrote ZYAC specifically for the
Z100. It allows you to use a Z100 as a scientific-like
calculator. With ZYAC 1.2, I created a version for the IBM-PC.
ZYAC was written entirely using Computer Innovation's C compiler.
ZYAC is released to the public domain. It may not be sold or
exchanged for gain of any sort without written permission from
ZYAC is distributed with the following files:
ZYAC.DOC - Documentation file (this file).
ZYACZ100.EXE - Version of ZYAC for Z100's.
ZYACIBM.EXE - Version of ZYAC for IBM-PC's.
EXAMP.ZYC - Example of a ZYAC save file.
Before using ZYAC, copy the appropriate version to your working
disk and rename the program to ZYAC. For example, if you are
using a Z100, copy ZYACZ100.EXE to your working disk. Then,
rename the file with the DOS rename command as shown below:
To start ZYAC, simply type ZYAC<CR> or ZYAC filename<CR> at
the DOS prompt. (The symbol <CR> represents the RETURN key.
Whenever you see it in this manual it means to press the RETURN
key.) The optional filename may be a file containing initial
values for ZYAC's two memory registers and programmable function
keys. More about this feature will be explained later.
After ZYAC starts operating, various windows are drawn on
the screen. The middle of the screen will display the image of a
calculator. At the top of the calculator is a window I call the
numeric window (NW). The numeric window echoes the numbers you
type in, as well as displaying the results of any operations you
perform. For Z100 users, the keys shown on the calculator
correspond to the keys on the Z100's keypad. For example,
pressing the UP-ARROW key on the keypad causes ZYAC to perform a
multiplication operation. For IBM-PC users, the calculator keys
do NOT relate to any particular keyboard keypad layout. This is
because of the different types of keypads found on IBM-PC's and
IBM clones. The various key operations will be described later.
On the left hand side of the screen is the menu/help window.
This window displays the two ZYAC menus. In addition, a brief
description of ZYAC is shown in this window whenever the <HELP>
key is depressed on the Z100, or the H key on the IBM-PC. On the
ZYAC Version 1.2 Users Guide Page 2
right hand side of the screen are five windows. The operator
window at top displays the current operator key depressed by the
user. The two memory windows located below the operator window
show the values saved in memory1 and memory2. Finally, below the
memory windows are windows for function keys F1 and F2. These
windows show the current calculator functions programmed for
these two keys. The bottom of the screen displays a menu showing
the operations for certain function keys.
Numbers may be entered by typing the numeric keys on the
keypad or keyboard. Real numbers as well as integers may be
typed in. Furthermore, for very large or very small numbers,
scientific notation is supported.
When typing in numbers, you may enter in as many digits as
will fit in the numeric window (16 characters). ZYAC, however,
will only display real numbers out to 8 decimal places with non-
significant zeros dropped off. For example, if you entered the
number 9999.012345678 and then added 0 to it, ZYAC would display
9999.01234568. (Since it only displays out to the eighth decimal
place it rounded the 7 up to an 8.) Furthermore, ZYAC will
display results in scientific notation as needed. A scientific
notation number is one in the form of [-]x.xxxxxxxxE[-]xxx. The
x's represent digits and the minus signs are optional (if they
aren't there then the number is positive). E, of course,
represents power of ten. For example, 2.983E008 means 2.983
times 10 raised to the 8th power. This would be the number
Users may use the 'E' key on the keyboard for entering
numbers in scientific notation if desired. Simply type in the
numeric part followed by 'E'. If the exponent is to be a
negative value, then hit the <+/-> key after the 'E' to change
the sign. Finally, type in the exponent part. (The <+/-> key is
the <HOME> key or the '~' key on Z100's. On IBM-PC's, the '~'
key is the <+/-> key.) Notice that hitting the <+/-> key after
typing the exponent will result in changing the sign of the
number and not its exponent. You can only change the sign of the
exponent after you have typed the 'E' and before you have entered
the actual exponent part. If you have already entered the
exponent and wish to change its sign, simply use the BACKSPACE or
DELETE key to backup to the 'E'. Then, change the sign and
reenter the exponent part.
ZYAC is an Algebraic Operating System (AOS) calculator,
i.e., it operates similar to a Texas Instrument calculator and
not a reverse polish notation system. This means you enter the
numbers and operators the same as if they were written on paper.
For example, to do 10 - 5 + 3 = 8 you would enter 10, hit the
minus operator, enter 5, hit the plus operator, enter 3, and then
hit the equal operator. The result, 8, would finally be
ZYAC Version 1.2 Users Guide Page 3
displayed. ZYAC does not have any operator precedence rules.
All operations are performed left to right. Therefore, 10 - 6 *
8 is processed like (10 - 6) * 8 and not 10 - (6 * 8).
Each ZYAC command is shown and described below.
==== ====== ========
UP-ARROW * Multiplication operator (*). The UP-ARROW
* on the Z100 keypad and the '*' key on the
keyboard may be used for multiplication
operations. The '*' key on the IBM-PC is
the only valid key for multiplication.
DOWN-ARROW + Addition operator (+). The DOWN-ARROW on
+ the Z100 keypad and the '+' key on the
keyboard may be used for addition
operations. The '+' key on the IBM-PC is
the only valid key for addition.
RIGHT- / Divison operator (/). The RIGHT-ARROW on
ARROW, / the Z100 keypad and the '/' key on the
keyboard may be used for divide operations.
The '/' key on the IBM-PC is the only
valid key for division. If a divide by
zero is attempted, a "DIVIDE BY 0"
message will be shown in the numeric
LEFT- % Percent operator (%). The LEFT-ARROW on
ARROW, % the Z100 keypad and the '%' key on the
keyboard may be used for percent
operations. The '%' key on the IBM-PC is
the only valid key for percent operations.
Percent simply divides the current number
by 100.
- - Minus key (-) on the Z100 keypad or
keyboard performs a subtraction operation.
ENTER RETURN Equal operator (=). The ENTER key on the
RETURN = Z100 keypad, the RETURN key on the
= keyboard, and the '=' key may be used for
equal operations. The RETURN key and '='
key on the IBM-PC are the only valid keys
for equal operations. The equal operator
completes all processing for intermediate
and final results.
ZYAC Version 1.2 Users Guide Page 4
==== ====== ========
HOME ~ Change sign operator (+/-). The HOME key
~ on the Z100 keypad and the '~' key on the
keyboard may be used for change sign
operations. The '~' key on the IBM-PC is
the only valid key for change sign
operations. This is used to change the
sign of a number or its exponent part.
When this key is hit a positive number will
be changed to negative, and a negative
number will be changed to positive. If the
current number is positive and completely
fills the numeric window display (16
characters long), the sign will not be
changed since the addition of the '-' would
overflow the numeric window. To change the
sign of an exponent, 'E' or '-' must be the
last character shown in the numeric window.
Otherwise, the sign of the numeric part
will be changed. To change the sign of an
existing exponent, delete the exponent up
to the 'E' or '-', change the sign, then
retype the exponent.
BACKSPC BACKSPC Deletes the last part of a number the user
DELETE DELETE has entered. Hitting the BACKSPACE key or
DELETE key for a result returned by ZYAC
will clear the numeric window and leave a
0 in the display. For example, the user
could enter 23.5, hit the BACKSPACE or
DELETE twice and type 5 to change the
number to 235. However, if the user
entered 200 + 35 =, ZYAC would return 235.
Hitting a BACKSPACE or DELETE here would
result in 0 being displayed.
| | Reciprocal operator (1/x). Takes the
number in the numeric window and divides
it into 1. Returns the result to the
numeric window.
! ! Factorial operator. Returns the factorial
of the number in the numeric window.
Factorial is only valid for positive
integers. Entering a negative number for
factorial will result in a 0. If a
positive real number is entered, the
fractional part will be dropped and the
factorial operation will be applied to the
remaining integer part. 170! is about the
ZYAC Version 1.2 Users Guide Page 5
==== ====== ========
largest factorial that can be computed
before the values begin to overflow. If
you attempt to find the factorial of a
number larger than 170, "TOO BIG" will be
displayed in the numeric window.
> > Square operator. Returns the square of the
number displayed in the numeric window.
< < Square root operator. Returns the square
root of the number displayed in the
numeric window. If you try to find the
square root of a negative number, the
message "NEGATIVE SQRT" will be displayed
in the numeric window.
^ ^ Power operator (x raised to the y power).
Returns 0 if both x and y are 0 or if y
is negative and is not an integer. Will
return 1E300 if the result would overflow.
L L Log base 10 operator. Returns the
logarithm to the base 10 of the number
displayed in the numeric window. Returns 0
if the number is 0 or negative.
CTRL-L CTRL-L Natural log operator. Returns the natural
logarithm for the number displayed in the
numeric window. Returns 0 if the number is
0 or negative.
C C Cosine operator. Returns the cosine of
the number displayed in the numeric window,
where the number represents degrees.
CTRL-C CTRL-C Arc cosine operator. Returns the inverse
cosine of the number shown in the numeric
window. Results are returned in degrees.
Returns 0 if the number is greater than
S S Sine operator. Returns the sine of the
number displayed in the numeric window,
where the number represents degrees.
CTRL-S CTRL-S Arc sine operator. Returns the inverse
sine of the number shown in the numeric
window. Results are returned in degrees.
Returns 0 if the number is greater than
ZYAC Version 1.2 Users Guide Page 6
==== ====== ========
T T Tangent operator. Returns the tangent of
the number displayed in the numeric window,
where the number represents degrees.
Returns a number greater than 1E300 for
numbers close to 90 degrees.
CTRL-T CTRL-T Arc tangent operator. Returns the inverse
tangent of the number shown in the numeric
window. Results are returned in degrees.
CTRL-E CTRL-E Exponential operator. Returns the
exponential function of the number
displayed in the numeric window, i.e., e
raised to the power of the number being
displayed. Returns 1E300 if the result
would be too big.
P P Pi. Returns the value of pi out to 8
decimal places (3.14159265).
F0 F10 Clear all operator (CLR). Function key F0
on the Z100 and F10 on the IBM-PC clears
the numeric display to 0, and also clears
the two memory registers (windows).
F1 F1 Function 1 operator. Function key F1
performs the operation currently defined
for F1.
<SH>F1 <SH>F1 Define function 1 operator. Shift
function key F1 allows the user to program
an operation for function key F1. Use
CTRL-X to end the definition.
F2 F2 Function 2 operator. Function key F2
performs the operation currently defined
for F2.
<SH>F2 <SH>F2 Define function 2 operator. Shift
function key F2 allows the user to program
an operation for function key F2. Use
CTRL-X to end the definition.
F3 F3 Store memory 1 operator. Function key F3
stores the current number displayed in the
numeric window into memory register 1.
The stored value is shown in the memory 1
ZYAC Version 1.2 Users Guide Page 7
==== ====== ========
<SH>F3 <SH>F3 Recall memory 1 operator. Shift function
key F3 recalls the value stored in memory
register 1. The returned number is then
displayed in the numeric window.
F4 F4 Store memory 2 operator. Function key F4
stores the current number displayed in the
numeric window into memory register 2.
The stored value is shown in the memory 2
<SH>F4 <SH>F4 Recall memory 2 operator. Shift function
key F4 recalls the value stored in memory
register 2. The returned number is then
displayed in the numeric window.
F5 F5 Clear numeric window only operator (CE).
Function key F5 clears the numeric window
only, and sets it to 0. The memory
registers are left unchanged.
? ? Next menu operator. Displays the next
menu in the menu window.
HELP, H H Help operator. Displays a brief message
about ZYAC in the menu window. (Really
not much help, but it does refer the user
to this document.) Use the HELP key or
the H key on a Z100 for help, use the H
key only on an IBM-PC for help.
CTRL-X CTRL-X Exit operator. Exits the ZYAC program.
If values are stored in the memory
registers, or functions defined for F1
and F2, ZYAC will ask if you want to save
the memory registers and functions in a
file before exiting.
ZYAC allows you to program functions for function keys F1
and F2. You do this by typing shift F1 or shift F2. At that
point, you may enter ZYAC commands as if you were working
interactively. The key strokes will be displayed at the bottom
of the screen. When you have finished entering the function,
type CTRL-X. The function will then be displayed in the
appropriate function window.
Functions are only allowed to be 68 characters long (this
includes the space between operators and operands automatically
ZYAC Version 1.2 Users Guide Page 8
supplied by ZYAC). If you wish the value in the numeric window
to be used in the function, type 'N' at the appropriate place
during the function definition. 'NW' will be displayed (stands
for numeric window). For example, to define function F1 to add
100 to the numeric display and then divide by 7 you would enter
shift F1, followed by 'N', '+', '10', '/', '7', '=', CTRL-X. The
F1 window would display 'NW + 10 / 7 ='. Then, each time you hit
the F1 key, the defined function would be applied on the value
currently in the numeric window. By the way, if your defined
function is too long for its display window, only as much of it
as possible will be shown.
The BACKSPACE and DELETE keys may be used during function
definitions to make corrections before you type the CTRL-X.
These keys will either delete an entire operator or one digit at
a time, depending on the last entry in the definition (whether
it's a number or an operator). To delete a defined function,
simply begin the function definition and type CTRL-X (you're
defining nothing this way).
One final note on functions, they cannot perform memory
stores or other function calls. They can, however, do memory
If you have a specific function or number you use
frequently, you can store it in a save file. Then, ZYAC will be
able to initialize its memory registers and function keys (F1 and
F2) to the information in that file the next time you use ZYAC.
To create such a file, simply use an editor like WordStar
and create a file with a '.ZYC' extension. To initialize memory
1 enter 'M1: ' in the file, followed by the number to initialize
memory 1 by. For example, to initialize memory 1 to 2.88976
enter the following line in the file:
M1: 2.88976
Memory 2 may be initialized the same way, except use 'M2: '
instead of 'M1: '.
Defining function keys F1 and F2 is similar. Start with a
line containing 'F1: ' or 'F2: '. Then type in a function using
numbers and ZYAC commands. When entering commands in a file this
way, you need to type in the corresponding acronym for the
command. These are listed below.
========= =======
addition +
subtraction -
multiplication *
division /
ZYAC Version 1.2 Users Guide Page 9
========= =======
sign change ~
equals =
reciprocal |
factorial !
percent %
square >
square root <
power ^
pi PI
numeric window NW
natural log LN
exponential func. XP
log base 10 LOG
cosine COS
sine SIN
tangent TAN
inverse cosine ACOS
inverse sine ASIN
inverse tangent ATAN
recall memory 1 1RC
recall memory 2 2RC
For example, to define function key F1 to cube the number in
the numeric display, divide the result by pi, and then take the
natural log, you would type a line like the following in the
F1: NW ^ 3 / PI = LN
Notice that you must separate the numbers and operators by at
least one space. If you want a certain number in a function
definition to be negative, you must use the '~' operator. A '-'
by itself will be taken as a subtraction operation. For example,
to multiply -23.109 by the numeric window value, the function
defintion would look like
F1: NW * 23.109 ~ =
The '~' will change the sign of 23.109 before the multiplication.
The one place where a negative sign is valid is in scientific
notatation. You can enter a number like 2.88741E-5.
Once you have created your save file, you can use it with
ZYAC. Typing ZYAC followed by a space and the filename causes
ZYAC to initialize the memory registers and function keys to the
values/definitions in that file. For example, to use the
information supplied with the example save file, EXAMP.ZYC, type
ZYAC EXAMP at the DOS prompt. You can type out the EXAMP.ZYC
file to see an example of a save file. By the way, function F1
in the example file converts Fahrenheit temperatures to their
Celsius equivalents.
ZYAC Version 1.2 Users Guide Page 10
If you have saved values in memory registers and/or have
defined functions F1 or F2 while using ZYAC, you will be asked if
you want to save the memory contents and functions upon exiting
ZYAC. If you answer yes, ZYAC will prompt for a filename and
save the memory values and functions in that file.
8 Sep 1985 - Version 1.0. Initial release of ZYAC. This
version for the Z100 only.
12 Sep 1985 - Version 1.1. Corrected bug in factorial function.
Earlier version would attempt to find factorial of
any number, even those larger than 170.
17 Feb 1987 - Version 1.2. Version for IBM-PC's created. Writes
to the screen for the Z100 version now faster under
MS-DOS 2.x.
I'm open to any comments or suggestions anyone might have
after using this program.
Gregory Elder
710 Sykes Cir.
WPAFB, OH 45433