Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Assembly Source File
282 lines
; Program: lockup.com
; Author: Paul W. Carlson
cseg segment para public 'CODE'
assume cs:cseg
org 100h
begin: jmp init
lkey db 38 ;scan code for L key
adapt db 0 ;0 = CGA, 1 = MDA
onflag db 0 ;busy flag
vmode db 0 ;video mode
dmode db 0 ;message display mode
pal db 0
vpage db 0 ;video page
bufsiz dw 0 ;video buffer size
vidseg dw 0 ;video segment
curpos dw 0 ;cursor position
curmod dw 0 ;cursor mode
envals db 2ch,28h,2dh,29h,2ah,2eh,1eh
messag db 'C',135,'O',135,'M',135,'P',135,'U',135
db 'T',135,'E',135,'R',135,' ',135,'I',135
db 'S',135,' ',135,'I',135,'N',135,' ',135
db 'U',135,'S',135,'E',135
oldint label dword ;old interrupt vector
oldvec dw 2 dup (0)
buffer dw offset init
kbint proc near
cmp onflag,0 ;are we holding?
jne leave ;yes, exit
sti ;enable interrupts
push ax ;save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push ds
push es
in al,60h ;get keyboard scan code
cmp al,lkey ;was the 'L' key pressed?
jne exit ;no, exit
mov ah,2 ;get shift key status
int 16h ;BIOS does it
and al,8 ;is the Alt key depressed?
jne gotit ;yes, continue
exit: pop es ;no, restore registersand exit
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
leave: jmp oldint ;exit to BIOS routine
gotit: call kreset ;reset keyboard and send EOI
push cs ;ds and es = cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es
assume ds:cseg
mov ah,15 ;get video mode and page
int 10h ;BIOS does it
cmp al,8 ;is mode < 8 ?
jb modeok ;yes, mode ok
done: pop es ;no, restore registers and exit
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
iret ;return from interrupt
modeok: mov vmode,al ;save video mode
push es
mov ax,40h
mov es,ax
mov al,es:[66h]
mov pal,al
pop es
mov vpage,bh ;save video page
mov onflag,1 ;set flag to on
mov ah,3 ;get the cursor shape
int 10h ;BIOS does it
mov curmod,cx ;save it
mov curpos,dx ;save cursor position
cmp adapt,0 ;CGA?
jne sscrn ;no
call discga ;disable CGA video
sscrn: call savscr ;save screen contents
call dismes ;display the message
cmp adapt,0 ;CGA?
jne getkey ;no
call enacga ;enable CGA video
getkey: mov ah,0 ;wait for keypress
int 16h ;BIOS does it
cmp ah,lkey ;was 'L' key pressed?
jne getkey ;no, try again
mov ah,2 ;check keyboard status flags
int 16h ;BIOS does it
and al,8 ;Alt key pressed?
je getkey ;no, try again
cmp adapt,0 ;CGA?
jne setvmd ;no
call discga
setvmd: mov ah,0 ;set video mode
mov al,vmode
int 10h ;BIOS does it
call resscr ;restore video memory contents
mov ah,5 ;set video page
mov al,vpage
int 10h ;BIOS does it
cmp vmode,3 ;is video mode > 3 ?
jbe docur ;no
cmp vmode,7 ;video mode = 7 ?
jne nocur ;no, don't restore cursor
docur: mov ah,2 ;position cursor
mov bh,vpage
mov dx,curpos
int 10h ;BIOS does it
cmp adapt,0 ;CGA?
jne nocur ;no
call enacga
nocur: mov ah,1 ;unblank the cursor
mov cx,curmod ;restore cursor scan lines
int 10h ;BIOS does it
mov onflag,0 ;set flag to off
mov al,pal
and al,32
jz l1
mov bl,1
jmp l2
l1: mov bl,0
l2: mov ah,11
mov bh,1
int 10h
mov ah,11
mov bh,0
mov bl,pal
int 10h
jmp done ;exit
kbint endp
;---- Procedure to save the user's screen
savscr proc near
push ds ;save data segment
assume ds:nothing
mov ax,vidseg ;set ds to video RAM
mov ds,ax
mov di,buffer ;init. dest. index
xor si,si ;init. source index
mov cx,bufsiz ;no. of words to move
cld ;forward direction
rep movsw ;move the screen data to buffer
pop ds ;restore data segment
assume ds:cseg
savscr endp
;---- Procedure to restore the screen
resscr proc near
push es ;save extra segment
assume es:nothing
mov ax,vidseg ;set ex to video RAM
mov es,ax
mov si,buffer ;init. source index
xor di,di ;init. dest. index
mov cx,bufsiz ;no. of words to move
cld ;forward direction
rep movsw ;move buffer to screen
pop es ;restore extra segment
assume es:cseg
resscr endp
;---- Procedure to display the message
dismes proc near
mov ah,0 ;set video mode
mov al,dmode ;video mode 2
int 10h ;BIOS does it
mov ah,5 ;set video page
mov al,0 ;video page 0
int 10h ;BIOS does it
mov ax,0600h ;clear the screen
xor cx,cx ;from 0,0
mov dx,0184fh ; to 24,79
mov bh,7 ;set attribute
int 10h ;BIOS does it
mov ah,1 ;hide the cursor
mov ch,32 ;set bit 5 of ch
int 10h ;BIOS does it
push es ;save extra segment
assume es:nothing
mov ax,vidseg ;set es to video RAM
mov es,ax
lea si,messag ;set si to message
mov di,1982 ;set di to video RAM offset
mov cx,36 ;36 bytes to move
rep movsb ;display message
pop es ;restore extra segment
assume es:cseg
dismes endp
;----- Procedure to disable the CGA
discga proc near
mov dx,3DAh ;status register
wait: in al,dx ;get status
test al,8 ;in vertical retrace?
je wait ;no, try again
sub dx,2 ;mode select register
mov al,25h ;turn off bit 3 to
out dx,al ; disable video
discga endp
;---- Procedure to enable the CGA
enacga proc near
mov ah,15 ;get mode
int 10h ;BIOS does it
lea bx,envals ;bx points to enable values
xlat ;al has enable value
mov dx,3D8h ;mode select register
out dx,al ;enable video
enacga endp
;--- Procedure to reset keyboard and send end-of-interrupt
kreset proc near
in al,61h ;get port value
mov ah,al ;save it in ah
or al,80h ;set bit 7
out 61h,al ;reset port
mov al,ah ;send original value
out 61h,al ; to enable keyboard
cli ;disable interrupts
mov al,20h ;20h is EOI
out 20h,al ;send EOI
sti ;enable interrupts
kreset endp
;---- Initialize, terminate and stay resident
init proc near
mov adapt,0 ;assume CGA
mov vidseg,0b800h
mov bufsiz,8096
mov dmode,2
mov ah,15 ;get video mode
int 10h
cmp al,7 ;is it mode 7?
jne itscga ;no, it's a CGA
inc adapt ;yes, it's monochrome
mov bufsiz,2048
sub vidseg,800h ;adjust segment for monochrome
mov cx,0C0Dh ;monochrome cursor
mov dmode,7 ;display message mode 7
cmp al,7 ;video mode 7?
jmp short setcur ;yes
itscga: mov cx,0607h ;no, cursor scan lines 6 and 7
setcur: mov ah,1 ;set cursor
int 10h
;--- Save the old interrupt 9 vector and replace it with ours
mov ah,35h ;get keyboard (int 9) vector
mov al,9
int 21h
mov oldvec,bx ;save vector offset
mov oldvec[2],es ;save vector segment
mov ah,25h ;set vector to point to
mov al,9 ; our procedure
lea dx,kbint
int 21h
;--- Terminate and stay resident
mov dx,offset init+16192
int 27h ;terminate and stay resident
init endp
cseg ends
end begin