Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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A summary of EZDOS commands follows. Some commands have a short form which is
shown with the letters in uppercase. To execute the command, you may enter
either the short form or the entire commmand. The switches which can be used
with each command are also listed. Square brackets ([]) surround optional
entries, and an entry which must be supplied by the user (a filename, for
example) is shown in lowercase. Drive letters are represented by an "x:". For
additional details, see the Command Summary in the January 1988 issue of
COMPUTE!'s PC Magazine.
Tells EZDOS whether or not ANSI.SYS is installed. If you notify EZDOS that
ANSI.SYS is installed, you can use the K command to send the current
function-key definitions to ANSI.SYS. If ANSI.SYS is installed, the SF and CF
key definitions can be longer than 20 characters.
Sounds the speaker. Use this command in batch files to alert the operator that
some operation has finished, or that something must be done.
Reboots the system. A power on self-test (POST) is performed, and a complete
cold start is completed. If an XMA memory card is present, it is reset. This
command differs from the REBOOT command, which is for IBM computers only. See
the entry for REBOOT.
BW40 /C/E
BW80 /C/E
Sets a color monitor to 40- or 80-column monochrome mode without using the DOS
MODE program.
Parks the hard disk heads.
CFn `definition' /A/C/E
Sets function key definitions for the Ctrl-function key combination. The n is
a number between 1 and 6, representing the function key being defined. The
definition between single quotes is automatically typed when Ctrl and function
key n are pressed at the same time. You must use the WRITEZ command to make
these assignments permanent. A carriage return can be included in the key
definition by including the caret (^). The strings are normally limited to a
length of 20, but can be extended if ANSI.SYS is installed.
CO40 /C/E
CO80 /C/E
Sets a color monitor to 40- or 80-column color mode without using the DOS MODE
Enter the color name to set the background and border color on a color
monitor. The text is white. You must reload EZDOS when a color command is
executed for the first time.
COpy [x:]source_filename[.ext] [x:]target_filename[.ext]
Copies source file to target file. This command allows the use of switches to
determine which files are copied and which aren't. No pathname (entered with a
backslash \ ) can be used. If the filename contains a path, the command is
passed to DOS for execution, and a syntax error results.
D [x:][filename][.ext] /A/C/D/E/F/H/P/R/S/T
Shows the directory sorted by filename. The drive identifier can be combined
with the command to speed up typing. For example, DA gives the directory
listing for drive A, DB for drive B, and so on. The /S switch sorts the list
by file size rather than by filename. /D sorts the list by date. A carriage
return can be included in the key definition by including a caret (^).
DELete [x:]filename[.ext] /A/C/E/Q/T/!
Deletes the specified file. This command is like the DOS command of the same
name, but it adds the versatility of the switches and displays the filenames
as they're deleted. It cannot accept a path in the filename. If a pathname is
indicated by a backslash (\), the command is passed to DOS for execution; if
an EZDOS switch was used, a syntax error results.
Adjusts the timing parameters of the floppy disk drives to allow faster and
quieter operation. Note: This command should be used only on standard IBM PC
or XT, not on a PCjr, PC AT, or compatible. If you are using DRIVER.SYS to
support 3.5" drives, do not use DPARM.
Includes or excludes the default drive id in the system prompt.
Installs a memory-resident extension to DOS that handles disk I/O. If any disk
errors occur, you'll see a message in the upper right corner of the screen
showing a summary of disk activity, including the track and sector of the last
disk error. DSTAT is a memory-resident function, so installing it causes EZDOS
to terminate when it's installed. Simply run EZDOS again.
DUMP [x:][path]filename[.ext] /A/C/E/F/P
Displays the contents of the selected file in both hexadecimal and ASCII
(character) format in blocks of 128 bytes. The last block is padded with zeros
to make it easier to find the end of the file. No wildcard characters may be
Ends EZDOS and returns to normal DOS. Note: You MUST exit from EZDOS before
you run any memory-resident programs. After they are installed, you may rerun
EZDOS. This command is the same as the Quit command.
F [x:][filename][.ext] /A/C/D/E/F/H/O/P/R/S/T/X
Displays an alphabetically sorted directory list. The drive identifier can be
combined with the command to speed up typing. FA gives the directory listing
for drive A, FB for drive B, and so on. Unlike the D command, the list
produced by this command omits the date and time stamps.
Fn `definition' /A/C/E
Defines function keys. The n is the number of a function key (between 1 and
10). The definition between single quotes is automatically typed when function
key Fn is pressed. This data is stored in EZDOS, which is then rewritten on
the default disk with the name EZ.COM. A carriage return can be included in
the key definition by typing a caret (^).
Help /C/E/H/P/X
Displays the help screens. If the default disk has a file named EZHELP.DOC, it
is displayed or printed.
HELPON (the default) tells EZDOS to load a file named EZHELP.DOC after the
internal help screens. If HELP is ON, an error message is issued if EZHELP.DOC
isn't in the current directory. HELPOFF disables this action. After changing
this setting, use WRITEZ to make the selection permanent.
HIDE [x:]filename[.ext] /C/E
Hides the specified file or subdirectory. Hidden files don't show in a
directory listing, and the DOS copy command can't copy them to another disk.
Use UNHIDE to make a file visible.
ID[ON/OFF] text
Displays up to 24 characters of text in the EZDOS prompt. This text shows at
the beginning of the prompt.
K /C/E
Turns on the function key definitions for keys F1-F10 and displays line 25
defined with the L25 command. If ANSI.SYS is installed, and you've used the
ANSI command to notify EZDOS, the stored key strings are sent to it as well.
Thus, you can use key definitions after quitting EZDOS.
L25 /A/C/E
Changes the message displayed in reverse video on line 25. When prompted,
enter the text as you want it to appear.
Label x:[new label] /A/E
Displays the current Volume Label for the selected drive if it's already
labeled. If you specify a new label, the disk is relabeled using this name.
LOG [x:] /C/E/P/Q
Copies all files created or changed today to the specified drive. This command
is equivalent to the EZDOS command COPY *.* [x:] /D/T. It copies today's files
only once, so subsequent changes in today's files made today won't be sent to
the specified disk.
MOVE [source_path]source_file_name[.ext] [target_path] /A/C/E/Q/T/X
Moves the source file from the specified directory and puts it into the target
directory. MOVE can't be used to move files to or from directories on another
drive. It is for use on the current drive only.
Name x:[new name]
If the 11-character DOS labels are insufficient for floppy disk
identification, you can add a longer string. The name is visible when you use
the F and D commands, but not the DOS DIR command.
Turns off the F1-F10 function key definitions as defined with the Fn command,
and also turns off the line 25 display. See the K command, which turns these
back on.
Turns the NumLock key off. Include this command in an AUTOEXEC.BAT file if you
have an AT-style enhanced keyboard; these computers irritatingly boot with the
NumLock key turned on.
P [x:]filename[.ext] /C/E/F/X
Prints the specified files on the printer (LPT1). If the /F switch is used, a
formfeed is sent to the printer after each file is printed. The filename can
include wildcards.
Shows current DOS PATH settings. Unlike the DOS PATH command, this command
cannot be used to change the PATH settings. EZDOS uses only the environment it
inherits when it loads, so the PATH must be set before EZDOS is loaded.
Includes or excludes the current directory name in the EZDOS prompt.
Sets the IBM Graphics Printer to double-strike mode.
P3/6/8 /C/E
P3 sets the IBM Graphics Printer to 3 lines per inch, 30 lines per page
(double space). P6 selects 6 lines per inch, 60 lines per page (single space).
P8 selects 8 lines per inch, 80 lines per page.
P132 /C/E
PP132 /C/E
Sets the IBM Graphics Printer to compressed print mode, 8 lines per inch. P132
also sets the printer to 80 lines per page. P132 should be used for
unformatted documents (no embedded formfeeds), while PP132 should be used for
documents that are already formatted (contain formfeeds).
Sets the IBM Graphics Printer for very small print (15 lines per inch, 132
columns). PTINY also sets the printer to space across the page perforations
for unformatted files. PTINY should be used with unformatted files, while
PPTINY is for use with files that include formfeeds.
Quit /C
Ends EZDOS and returns you to normal DOS. Note: You MUST exit from EZDOS
before installing any memory-resident programs. You can then rerun EZDOS. This
is the same as the EXIT command.
For IBM PCs and XTs only; not for ATs or compatibles. If your system has a
nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) switch installed, this command will reboot the
system when you activate the switch. This command adds an NMI interrupt
handler to DOS which causes an exit from EZDOS when it is executed. It
installs a small keyboard routine that causes a fast boot when the
Ctrl-Alt-Del keys are pressed. A cold (complete) boot is performed with the
Ctrl-Alt-Ins combination instead of Ctrl-Alt-Del.
REMOVE [x1:]filename[.ext] [x2:] /E/N/P/Q/X/!
Removes files from drives or subdirectories. It builds a list of the files on
x1 which have the same name as the files on x2 and deletes all files in the
list from x2. If x2 isn't specified, it's the current directory or drive. The
filename and extension can include wildcard characters.
REName [x:]present_name[.ext] [x:]new_name[.ext] /A/C/D/E/T/Q/X
Changes the name of a file to a new name. This command is similar to the DOS
command, except that it allows use of switches to add flexibility. It also
displays filenames as they are changed. It cannot handle a pathname (inclusion
of a backslash). If the command contains a backslash, it is sent to DOS for
execution, and the EZDOS switches, if any, provoke a DOS error message.
When TYPEing a file or BASIC listing, press the Scroll Lock key to pause the
listing after displaying 22 lines. Press the left Shift key to display 22 more
lines. Press the right Shift key to advance one line. When you've stopped the
display with the Scroll Lock key, you'll see a message in the top right corner
of the screen. Since SCROLL installs itself as a DOS extension, its execution
causes EZDOS to terminate. EZDOS will have to be run again. Note: SCROLL does
not work on some computers.
Shows current environment, including the PATH and the value of the COMSPEC
variable. Unlike the DOS SET command, it cannot be used to change the
environment. EZDOS uses only the environment it inherits when it is loaded.
Causes EZDOS to set a user-selected error code before exiting. This way you
can put menus into batch files. See the SETCODE entry in the magazine Command
Summary for details.
SFn `definition' /A/C/E
Sets function key definitions for the Shift-function key combinations. The n
is a number between 1 and 10, representing the function key being defined. The
definition between single quotes is automatically typed when Shift and
function key n are pressed at the same time. You must use the WRITEZ command
if you wish to make these assignments permanent. A carriage return can be
included in the key definition by typing the caret (^). The maximum length of
the data string is 20 characters, but this may be extended if ANSI.SYS is
Status /C/E/F/P
Displays how much memory is available; the number of configured floppy disk
drives; the addresses of the serial and parallel ports; the first 20
characters of the Shifted function keys; and the presence of a game adapter.
If the DSTAT command has been executed, the status counters for disk activity
are also displayed.
REPEAT[H] command /E
Executes the specified command in not only the current directory, but also all
of its subdirectories. If REPEATH is entered, hidden subdirectories will be
accessed also. All switches belonging to the command are honored.
T [x:]filename[.ext] /C/E
Displays a file on the screen. It is similar to the DOS TYPE command, except
that it allows the use of wildcards in the file specification. It won't accept
a pathname.
UNHIDE [x:]filename[.ext] /C/E
Turns off the hidden-file attribute for the named file or subdirectory. Use
HIDE to turn it back on. It can unhide either files or subdirectories.
Includes or excludes the current time in the EZDOS prompt.
Displays the directory and subdirectory structure on the specified drive.
Writes a new copy of EZDOS including all settings to the default disk drive.
The new version on the default disk contains the settings, so they don't have
to be reentered.
Xeq command /A/C/E
Some EZDOS and DOS commands have the same name, but have different effects
(COPY, RENAME, and DELETE, for example). The Xeq command lets you send the
command following it to DOS for execution, rather than to EZDOS. Note that the
switches which can be used with EZDOS commands provoke an error message from
Switches are "mini-commands" which can be added after the main command to
modify its operation in some way. Switches can be combined following a
command, but note that some switches have contrary effects. See the magazine
article for more details.
/A Stops the automatic EZDOS translation of semicolon to colon (; to :) and
minus sign to asterisk (- to *). Sometimes you need to enter a semicolon or
minus sign on the command line, but you can't if EZDOS translates them into
another character.
/B Backup mode; when using the EZDOS COPY command, a file is copied only if
it already exists with the same filename on the target disk.
/C Clears the screen before displaying any output.
/D Date or Directory; this switch has the following effects when used with
the following commands:
COPY: Copies a file from one disk to another when the file on the source
disk is more recent than the file on the target disk. This applies only to
files with the same name on both source and target disk, and takes into
account only the date stamp, not the time stamp.
F or D: Files are sorted by the date stamp.
RENAME: EZDOS renames subdirectories contained in the current directory
instead of renaming files.
/E Ends EZDOS after the command is executed. Use this switch only when using
EZDOS commands in a batch file.
/F Formfeed; sends a formfeed to the printer after the command.
/H Hidden switch; has the following effects when used with the following
F or D: Includes hidden files in directory listings.
COPY: Hidden files are copied and marked as hidden files on the target
disk. If the /W switch is specified, the hidden files are erased from the
target disk before the copy starts.
DELETE: Deletes hidden files as well as normal files.
/L Low memory switch; forces DSTAT to use RAM below 640K for disk status
monitoring. This is necessary only if you have RAM in segments D and E that
has not been initialized before the DSTAT command is executed, or if you are
using some expanded memory cards. This will avoid parity check 2 errors or EMS
/N New switch; the reverse of the /B backup switch. The source file is copied
only if it does NOT already exist under the same filename on the target disk.
/O Original switch; used with the F or D command, the directory is displayed
unsorted, like the original DOS DIR listing.
/P Printer switch; output is sent to LPT1 instead of to the video display.
/P When used with COPY or LOG, /P forces the files to be copied into the same
directory on the target drive from which they originated on the source drive.
If this directory does not exist, it will be created. This is a good way to
restore files without having to keep track of what directory the files belong
/Q Query switch; asks for a user response before proceeding with each step of
the command at hand.
/R Remark switch; prompts the user for a remark line to be included in the
directory listing. This is useful when printing the directory listings.
/S Segment switch. When backing up files from high-capacity devices like hard
drives or high-density drives, using the /S switch allows the copy command to
segment a file across multiple target disks. Use the COPY command to recombine
the segments before the file is used.
/T Today switch; use files altered or created today only. The /T switch has
an additional function with the COPY, DELETE, and RENAME commands. If the
command is entered in the form /T=mm-dd-yy, only files with dates the same or
later than the specified date will be copied, deleted, or renamed. Each part
of the date must contain two digits, so use leading zeros when necessary.
/W Wipeout switch. Use it with the COPY command to delete all files from the
target disk before any files are copied.
/X Excludes the file count message after a COPY, RENAME, MOVE, or DELETE.
This makes BAT files run with no visible messages when you turn ECHO OFF. Also
tells EZDOS directory routines not to pause when the screen is full.
/! Used with DELETE or REMOVE, this switch turns off any warning messages
associated with the command. For example, if you enter DEL A:*.* /! you won't
see the message "Delete all files on drive A: Are you sure? Y/N." Use this
switch with caution.