Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Text File
181 lines
EZEDIT 1.0 is a line-oriented full-screen text editor designed for editing
batch files, program source files, and message files. Features include:
* Small 6K program, requiring as little as 19K of memory
* Easy to learn (uses very few special keys)
* On-line help
* Supports 35- and 43-line EGA (if active initially, like TED)
* 128-column lines (your AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH won't be truncated)
* Up to 4096 lines (space allocated as needed)
* Dual file editing (you can paste text across files)
* Cutting and pasting of text boxes (like Snipper)
* Double-line drawing with cursor movement (like WordPerfect)
* Repeating a character with cursor movement
* Case-insensitive text search capability
* Supports full ASCII character set (via the ALT key as in DOS)
* Cursor anywhere
* Initial mode (like Rbedit) by itself good for touch-ups
* Reasonably fast (even on an 8088 crawler)
* Free for non-commercial or government use
This utility may not replace whatever you comfortably use now, but it will
give you quick access to some nice features with minimal hassle.
From the DOS prompt, type EZEDIT, optionally followed by a filename. A help
screen appears, with a filename prompt on the top screen line, followed by
the first DOS command line argument, if any. Enter/edit the filename (edit
by backspacing) and then press Return. If the file cannot be opened or if
the name is blank, the program assumes you want to edit a new file. The
file is read in otherwise. On file read, tabs are expanded and any lines
longer than 128 columns are split. Isolated linefeeds and end-of-file marks
are also stripped. An abort due to insufficient memory or to a file read
error will be signaled by a beep.
During editing, the top-of-screen status line displays the current active
mode -- typeover, insert, linemark, boxmark, draw, repeat, or findtext. F3
toggles the mode and Esc provides a quick return to typeover mode. Although
Esc, BackSpace, Tab, and Return are control keys, you may insert them into
text with their ALT key equivalents. The status line also shows any active
function keys, the current cursor line/column, and the current filename (or
'New file'). Occasionally, a flashing yes/no prompt or a text search string
will also appear in the status line.
Typeover mode:
Typeover mode is the initial editing mode. Text is treated as a rectangle
128 columns wide by however many lines long. Within the rectangle you may
cursor anywhere. Move left/right/up/down with the four cursor arrows. Move
to column 1/128 with the Home/End keys. Move to the next right/left tab
stop with Tab/Shift-Tab. Move up/down one full screen with the PgUp/PgDn
keys. Move to the top/bottom line of text with Ctrl-PgUp/Ctrl-PgDn. There
is no cursor wrap.
The Return key positions the cursor at column 1 of the next line. This also
appends a blank line when at the last line of text. The end of text is
followed on screen by inverse blank lines.
Elsewhere in the text rectangle, you may insert a blank line with F1 or
delete a line with F2. If there is no room to append/insert a line, the
program will beep. F1:INS and F2:DEL appear in the status line in typeover
mode to remind you of the F1/F2 functions.
New text overwrites existing text. To insert text without leaving typeover
mode, first tap the Ins key to open spaces (a beep will signal a full line).
Tapping the Del key deletes text from the right. The Backspace key spaces
Insert mode:
In insert mode, new text pushes existing text right. A beep sounds if the
line is full. Exactly the same editing keys are available as in typeover
mode, but with the changes in function described next.
The Return key splits a line by moving text right of the current cursor
position to the next line. When the cursor is at column 1, the BackSpace
key joins the current line to the previous line at its last non-space
character. When the cursor is in the white space region to the right of
all text in a line, the Del key pulls the next line back to the cursor.
Any characters that would exceed the line length (128) in joined lines are
retained left-adjusted in the lines from which the characters are moved.
Linemark mode:
This mode lets you cut and paste blocks of lines. Initially, the status
line will display F1:PASTE if there is an active block in the paste buffer.
If so, you may press the F1 key to insert that block before the current
line. The block remains in the paste buffer until replaced by other text
cut in linemark or boxmark mode or until destroyed by a file read/write.
Instead of pasting, you may move the up/down cursor arrows to highlight a
block of up to 64 lines. As soon as any are highlighted, F1:PASTE
disappears from the status line and F2:CUT appears. Press F2 to cut the
highlighted text from the rest and move it to the paste buffer. After a
paste or cut, you will be returned to typeover mode.
Boxmark mode:
In this mode, you may cut or paste boxes of text. Aside from the different
size blocks, this mode differs from linemark mode in that no lines are added
to or deleted from existing text. Pasting a box overwrites existing text
and cutting a box blanks out existing text.
As in linemark mode, if there is initially an active block in the paste
buffer, F1:PASTE appears in the status line. If you press F1, the box of
text to be replaced (as much as is visible) is highlighted on screen. This
box has its upper left corner at the current cursor position. The prompt
PASTE? flashes in the status line. If you respond Y, the highlighted box is
replaced by the box in the paste buffer. Respond N to cancel the paste.
Any part of the paste buffer box that would extend beyond column 128 or
below the last text line is ignored by the current paste operation.
Instead of pressing the F1 key, you may highlight a box to cut (up to 64
lines by 127 columns) by using the cursor arrows. The cursor will remain
one line and one column ahead of the highlighted box, so both a horizontal
and a vertical movement must be made before any highlighted text appears.
At this point, F1:PASTE disappears from the status line and F2:CUT appears.
Press F2 to move the highlighted text to the paste buffer and blank out the
area left behind. The cursor will move back to the upper left corner of the
blanked area should you wish to restore the original text later.
After a paste or cut, you will be returned to typeover mode. Note that
lines may be pasted in boxmark mode and boxes pasted (left-adjusted) in
linemark mode.
Draw mode:
In draw mode, the four cursor arrow keys let you to draw with double bar
lines, including corners and intersections.
Repeat mode:
In this mode, movement with the four cursor keys repeats whatever character
is currently under the cursor. Change the repeating character by pressing a
new key. Some common characters to repeat are light, medium, and dark
blocks (Alt-176, Alt-177, and Alt-178). The space character is also
convenient to repeat for erasing.
Findtext mode:
When you toggle to findtext mode, the cursor flips to the status line.
Enter up to 10 characters of text to search for, or, if you have done a
previous search, edit the old search text, backspacing as needed. When
done, press Return to start the search. The search begins just right of
the current cursor position in the document and works downward. If a match
is found, it is highlighted in the document. The cursor will remain in the
status line. Press Return again to look for the next match, and so on. If
no match is found, you will be returned to typeover mode, with the cursor
positioned at the last match found or at the original cursor position, if
no previous matches were found.
Search text will appear in upper case, but searches are case insensitive. A
search in progress will be signaled by a temporary shift in the status line
cursor position.
The F7 key is the program exit key. After pressing it, the prompt ABORT?
flashes in the status line. Respond Y to abandon the current edit. This
exits you from the program, or exits you to the remaining file, if you were
editing two files. If you respond N, the prompt SWITCH? flashes in the
status line. Respond Y to switch to a second file. If two file edits were
active, this flips you back to continue the other edit. If not, you will be
prompted for a filename, just as at the start of the program. The two edits
are distinguished by reversal of normal and inverse video. The status line
filenames may also differ.
If you respond N to both the abort and switch prompts, you will be prompted
for a filename under which to save the current edit. Leave the name blank
or press Esc to continue editing. Otherwise enter/edit the name and press
Return to save the file and exit the program (or exit to the remaining file,
if two file edits were active). If there is a problem saving the file
(e.g., open drive door or writing back to a read-only file), a beep will
sound and you will be returned to the save prompt. There you may try a new
name or else fix the problem and retry the same name. When saving a file,
the program strips trailing spaces from lines. No backup file is retained.
CRH -- 20 Apr 89