Purpose: Permits varying the amount of expanded memory allocated to a RAM
disk without rebooting, when used on systems equipped with memory that conforms
to the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft specification.
Format: In CONFIG.SYS file:
DEVICE=XPANDISK.SYS [/Dn][/Sn][/En][/Mn][/An]
At DOS command prompt:
XPANBOSS [d:][/Dn][/Sn][/En][/Wn][/Rn][/Mn][/An]
Remarks: XPANDISK makes use of an Expanded Memory Manager. The
DEVICE=XPANDISK.SYS entry must, therefore, follow the DEVICE=EMM.SYS (driver
name will differ with manufacturer) line already in the CONFIG.SYS file.
XPANBOSS varies the parameters of the RAMdisk d: created by XPANDISK. Note that
while this does not require rebooting, changing parameters other than /R (Read-Only) does reformat d:, whose contents are thereby lost. A confirmation warning
is given to allow saving the RAMdisk files before the reformatting. The
optional switch parameters for XPANDISK.SYS and XPANBOSS.COM are as follows:
/Dn Disk size, variable from 16K to 32,768K; default 64K.