Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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SWAP Version 1.2
(c) Copyright 1988-1989 Nico Mak and Mansfield Software Group
All rights reserved
March 5, 1989
SWAP provides an application independent method for one MS-DOS
application to run another, even if both would normally not fit in
memory at the same time. A typical use is to temporarily swap out a
text editor so that you can run memory hungry compilers, linkers, or
even debuggers without losing your place in an editing session.
SWAP works by copying conventional memory used by the currently running
application to expanded memory, extended memory, or to a disk file,
thereby freeing conventional memory used by the application. SWAP then
runs the desired program before restoring the original environment.
SWAP is compatible with most MS-DOS programs. However, before relying
on it, you should test SWAP with your own configuration in case of
conflicts with TSRs and other software.
SWAP operation and internals are detailed in an article in the April,
1989 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal. The article includes source code.
SWAP version 1.1 includes these new features:
- It will swap to extended memory if your system supports XMS (the
Extended Memory Specification).
- SWAP is easier to use from Personal REXX (see the example below).
Version 1.2 includes these new features:
- If the -d and -x options are NOT used and if SWAP can't swap to EMS,
it will try to use XMS. If it can't swap to XMS it will automatically
swap to disk.
- When swapping to disk, the process id of the program that gets swapped
out is included in the fileid, so that you can swap to disk
SWAP command syntax
The SWAP command can be entered at the DOS prompt, or it can be part of
the command string that your application sends to DOS to run another
program. See below for examples.
SWAP [options] command [command-parameters] [ > fileid]
Brackets indicate optional parameters. Valid SWAP options are:
-C Copy redirected output to the console.
-D Disk file C:\SWAPxxxx.TMP is used instead of expanded memory
(where xxxx is the process id of the program that gets swapped out).
-F Forces SWAP to continue even if an interrupt vector points to the
program that gets swapped out. Use this option when possible, but
only if you are sure that the program that gets swapped out does not
hook interrupt vectors.
-Q Quiet operation. Informational messages are not displayed.
-R REXX interface - required when used from Personal REXX.
-X XMS (extended) memory is used instead of expanded memory.
"command" is any command that can be issued at the DOS prompt.
"command-parameters" are parameters or options for the command.
"fileid" is a DOS file or device to which output from command can be
Assume you have shelled to DOS from within your editor in order to
compile a program. If the command you normally use to assemble your
program is
MASM filename;
then the command to run your assembler with SWAP becomes
SWAP MASM filename;
To run SWAP to swap out dBase and load your favorite editor, you could
enter the dBase command
RUN SWAP -F KEDIT filename
Alternately, you could at the following line to your CONFIG.DB file:
and subsequently enter the following dBASE command to edit a file:
To run SWAP in a REXX program to swap out Personal REXX, use the -R
option. For example,
'SWAP -R -F dBase'
Note that SWAP cannot swap REXX out if REXX was made resident.
This document and the program file SWAP.COM ("the software") are
copyrighted by the author. The copyright owner hereby licenses you to:
use the software; make as many copies of the program and documentation
as you wish; give such copies to anyone; and distribute the software and
documentation via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the
However, you are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting
donations, for any such copies, however made; and from distributing the
software and/or documentation with commercial products without prior
No copy of the software may be distributed or given away without this
document; and this notice must not be removed.
There is no warranty of any kind, and the copyright owner is not liable
for damages of any kind. By using this free software, you agree to
Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome. You can contact me on
CompuServe at 70056,241 or on BIX as Nico_Mak. Alternately, you can
write to me at P.O. Box 532, Storrs, CT 06268.