Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Sysgen V1.32 - Roger Link 12/11/89
The Link sysgen program is a utility to help configure and maintain
MS-DOS configurations files. Through the use of a sysgen configuration
file, the program can generate files such as AUTOEXEC.BAT and
CONFIG.SYS for different system needs. This can be very useful if you
are constantly tampering with your autoexec.bat and config.sys because
one program wants this or that, and "this or that" interferes with
everything else in the system. Some programs want extended memory,
others want expanded. Some things (like LAN programs) have large
device drivers, or some device drivers refuse to coexist with another.
With this program, you can change system configuration files by simply
issuing a command (with a value indicating the number of the system
desired), and rebooting the computer. Sysgen also has a simple menu
system to prompt the user for the sysgen value to determine which
system to build. Sysgen allows for up to nine different systems to be
stored in a single configuration file (Multiple configuration files are
allowed.). A utility is included to read your current autoexec.bat and
config.sys into a configuration file ready for sysgen.
The sysgen configuration file is a line oriented file, read from left
to right. The primary use of each line is determined by the first
character in the line. The two most important "commands" are the "F"
and the "-". The "F" file command determines where the following data
lines will be output. The "-" indicates a data line. The nine
characters following either of these commands determine which of the
nine system(s) will use that line. For example:
-12 8 Path C:\;C:\system;
This "-" data line would only be used with a sysgen value of 1,2 & 8.
Another example shows how the path can be changed for each system:
-1 Path C:\sys\dos;C:\Fred;
- 2 Path C:\sys\dos;C:\Andy;
- 3 Path C:\sys\dos;C:\Allen;
The actual characters used in columns 2-10 aren't important, just
their position. In the above example the "1", "2", "3" would have
worked just as well if they had been "X"'s. The sysgen program checks
each position for a space/no space test. I use numbers since they are
equal to the sysgen value.
A more complete sysgen configuration file follows:
-1 Path C:\sys\dos;C:\Fred;
- 2 Path C:\sys\dos;C:\Andy;
- 3 Path C:\sys\dos;C:\Allen;
-123 Chkdsk /f
- 2 cd \Kermit
- 2 Kermit
-12 device = C:\sys\dos\ansi.sys
- 3 device = C:\sys\public\sansi.sys
This example shows the use of the "F" file command. The "F" command
names the output file to put the following data lines in. For example
if sysgen was run with the above configuration file, the following
output files (autoexec.bat & config.sys) would be produced depending on
the sysgen value input to the sysgen program.
Sysgen Value = 1
C:\autoexec.bat would contain
Path C:\sys\dos;C:\Fred;
Chkdsk /f
C:\config.sys would contain
device = C:\sys\dos\ansi.sys
Sysgen Value = 2
C:\autoexec.bat would contain
Path C:\sys\dos;C:\Andy;
Chkdsk /f
cd \Kermit
C:\config.sys would contain
device = C:\sys\dos\ansi.sys
Sysgen Value = 3
C:\autoexec.bat would contain
Path C:\sys\dos;C:\Allen;
Chkdsk /f
C:\config.sys would contain
device = C:\sys\dos\sansi.sys
The "E" echo primary command will conditionally echo the data portion
of the line to the user while sysgen is interpreting the configuration
file. Columns 2-9 determine which sysgen value(s) will trigger this
line to be echoed as sysgen builds the output files:
E1 ** Disk Cache System Sysgen **
E 2 ** Turbo Debug Sysgen **
E 3 ** EasyNet System Sysgen **
The "." primary command is a meta command, with column 2 determining the
function of the line. There are two (oh boy!!) functions. A ";" is a
comment line with no sysgen action, and a "E" is a unconditional echo
to the user.
.;* SYSTEM.CFG for Gem 20mhz '386
.;* RAL - 12/08/89
.E SYSTEM.CFG - RAL - 12/08/89
When the above is interpreted by sysgen, the only visible response will
be a echo to the user of the "SYSTEM.CFG - RAL - 12/08/89" message.
Here is a quick command summary:
F1 C:\autoexec.bat - "F" File select line
-1 Path c:\ - "-" Data line
V1 ** Variable line ** - "V" Variable line
E1 ++ Conditional Echo ++ - "E" Conditional echo
.;* This is a comment line - ".;" Comment line
.E $$ Unconditional Echo $ - ".E" Unconditional echo
The sysgen command has the following syntax:
SYSGEN [-Ffilename.type] [-Q] [-?] [?] [#]
- Square brackets "[ ]" indicate an option
- filename.type is the configuration file to use
- # is the sysgen value in the range 0-9
- ALL OPTIONS MUST have spaces proceeding and preceding that option
A "sysgen" with no parameters will enter "query" mode, and ask the user
for a sysgen value. Sysgen will search the sysgen.cfg (When used with
no parameters, sysgen will default to sysgen.cfg.) configuration file
for all "V" variable lines to make up a menu for the user. Columns
2-10 indicate what sysgen value(s) this "V" line is intended for, and
what menu select number(s) to show with the line. When the user
replies to the prompt, he can only enter sysgen values that a "V"
variable has selected as available. Sysgen will automatically add a
menu line for the "0"/"No system" sysgen value (and allow a zero input
to select it!!). Here is a example configuration file, and the menus
that will be produced:
V1 ** Fred's System **
V 2 ** Andy's System **
V 3 ** Allen's System **
V 4 --- Autocad System ---
Sysgen menu produced:
0 ** NO autoexec.bat / NO config.sys
1 ** Fred's System **
2 ** Andy's System **
3 ** Allen's System **
4 --- Autocad System ---
Enter number of system desired ->
No error checking is done on the variable "V" lines. It is
possible to have more than one sysgen value per "V" line as:
V12 ** Multiple V's per line **
Sysgen menu produced:
0 ** NO autoexec.bat / NO config.sys
1 2 ** Multiple V's per line **
Enter number of system desired ->
It is also permissible to have a variable "V" line with no sysgen
value. This will output as a "comment" line in the menu area. If a
sysgen configuration file other than the default sysgen.cfg is desired
in the query mode, use the -Ffilename.type option. Replace
filename.type with the desired config file. There is NO SPACE between
-F and the first letter of the file name!!! If no sysgen values
(values 0-9) are found on the command line, sysgen will enter query
mode. If you want to force query mode, add a "-Q" on the sysgen
command line.
For a single page sysgen help screen use either the "-?" or "?" on the
command line.
sysgen ? or sysgen -?
If a sysgen value is found on the command line, sysgen will use that as
the sysgen value. A sysgen value equal to 0, indicates NO SYSTEM,
which means \AUTOEXEC.BAT and \CONFIG.SYS will be ** ERASED ** after
user approval. No other files will be modified/erased. If the sysgen
value is in the range 1-9, sysgen will read and interpret the selected
config file. No error checking is done to guarantee that this sysgen
value matches ANY lines in the configuration file.
Options can be entered and combined in any order that the user desires.
The help command options have precedence over all other options, with
the query option following. The options are scanned from left to right
(with validity checking for each). Options that are repeated on the
command line will take the value/action of the last scanned option.
Here are a few examples:
sysgen -fconfig5.cfg -q -? ---> Enter help mode
sysgen 1 -q ---> Enter query mode
sysgen -fconfig5.cfg 1 2 3 4 ---> Use config file "config5.cfg"
with a sysgen value of 4.
MakeCFG has been included to help you to create a configuration file
for your system. MakeCFG has the following syntax:
MAKECFG filename.type
Filename.type is the output file that MakeCFG will create. Since
sysgen defaults to the file "sysgen.cfg", this command would be:
MAKECFG sysgen.cfg
This file will be the merged contents of the current drives
\autoexec.bat and \config.sys with appended sysgen command information
on each line. After these two files have been merged, the program will
query the user to see if any more files are to merged into the output
configuration file. After running MakeCFG edit the configuration file
with your favorite text editor, and modify the file as needed.
Sysgen and MakeCFG where both written in Turbo Pascal 5.5. The
programs should compile under Turbo Pascal 4.0 with no problems, and,
if need be, under 3.0 with some work. (Of course neither of these has
been tested!!) The programs don't use any clever algorithms or fancy
code. They are written in a straight forward fashion. There are
probably a few minor bugs that I haven't spotted!
This program and source code are placed in the public domain. Use it
as you see fit. There are no guarantees that it will do anything good
for you (but it sure works for me!!!) Please don't claim that you
wrote it, or attempt to make a fortune (ha! ha!) off of it. I should
mention that this program is not a original idea of mine. I saw a
similar program written by a friend/fellow hacker, Phil Benchoff. But
of course I didn't really like the way his worked, so I wasted plenty
of time, and wrote my own!! Thanx Phil!!!! Any bugs/problems
/suggestions can be sent to me using any of the following addresses:
BitNet address:
Mad Bit Twiddler (MBT) Bulletin board in Blacksburg, Va.: (703-552-8767)
US Mail:
Roger Link
RT 2 Box 409
Newport Va., 24128
Here is a copy of my sysgen.cfg for my home system:
.;* SYSTEM.CFG for Gem 20mhz '386
.;* RAL - 12/08/89
.E SYSTEM.CFG - RAL - 12/08/89
E1 ** Disk Cache System Sysgen **
E 2 ** Turbo Debug Sysgen **
E 3 ** EasyNet System Sysgen **
E 4 ** Small System Sysgen **
V1 ** Disk Cache System Sysgen **
V 2 ** Turbo Debug Sysgen **
V 3 ** EasyNet System Sysgen **
V 4 ** Small System Sysgen **
-123456789@echo off
-123456789rem ********************************************
-123456789rem * RAL 12/08/89
-123456789rem ********************************************
-123456789Prompt $e[36m$P$e[32m$G
-123456789echo off
-1234 c:\sys\public\vpt /L
-1 c:\sys\dell\cache.sys /a+ /s:640 /-a /-b
-1234 path c:\sys\dos;c:\sys\public;c:\kermit;c:\kedit;c:\ws4;c:\lang\pal\cupl;c:\lang\tasm;c\lang\td;
-1234 \Sys\Public\ced -F\sys\public\ced.cfg
-1234 \Sys\dos\Chkdsk c:/f
-1234 \Sys\dos\Chkdsk d:/f
-1234 \Sys\dos\Chkdsk e:/f
-1234 \sys\norton\ncc /fastkey
-1 c:\sys\qemm\qemm
- 3 cd \easynet
- 3 netstart /r
- 3 cd \
-1234 c:\sys\norton\tm start /C4/L/N
-123456789mode com2:9600,n,8,1
-1 ECHO ** Disk Cache System Ready **
- 2 ECHO ** Turbo Debug System **
- 3 ECHO ** EasyNet System Ready **
- 4 ECHO ** Small System Ready **
.;* CONFIG.SYS stuff
-1234 device=c:\Sys\sys\nnansi.sys
-1234 DEVICE=C:\Sys\sys\LTMOUSE.SYS 1
-1 device=c:\sys\qemm\qemm.sys
- 2 device=c:\lang\td\tdh386.sys
- 3 device=c:\easynet\netdrive.sys
-1234 BUFFERS=20
-1234 FILES=20
-1234 BREAK=ON
.;* CED stuff
-123456789rem ********************************************
-123456789rem * RAL 12/08/89
-123456789rem ********************************************
-123456789chainch &
-123456789syn turbo3 c:\lang\pascal\tp3\turbo
-123456789syn turbo c:\lang\pascal\\tp55\turbo
-123456789syn make c:\lang\ndmake\make %1 %2 %3 %4
-123456789syn eprom1 c:\etc\eprom\eprom1
-123456789syn hexbin c:\etc\eprom\hexbin
-123456789syn kedit c:\kedit\kedit
-123456789syn x c:\kedit\kedit
-123456789pcall kedit