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ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
General Requirements:
Hardware - IBM PC, PC/XT, AT, or Compatible Computer
Mono, CGA, and EGA (in CGA mode)
1 Disk Drive
512K RAM minimum
DOS 2.1 or higher
Pro. Version Required Software Version
2.00TC Borland Turbo C 1.5 or higher
2.00TP Borland Turbo Pascal 4.0 or higher
2.00QB Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.0 or higher
***** LEGAL NOTICE *****
This documentation, it's accompanying source code, header
files, and executable code is copyrighted by Daniel P. Stasinski.
You are hereby granted a 30 day trial period to evaluate this
package, after which you are required to pay a registration fee to
obtain a license to use this package.
If after 30 days you decide that this package does not
fulfill your present needs, you are required, by law, to remove it
from your possession.
You are permitted to distribute this package by any means you
deem fit, to any persons you deem fit. But you are specifically
prohibited from charging any type of fee, implied or actual, for
this distribution without written consent from this author.
You are prohibited from making any modifications, to the
ProWindows *LITE* library, object code, header files, or
documentation. All copyright notices must remain intact in each
of these files.
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
The 'User Supported Software' Concept
'User Supported Software' means exactly that. If you like
this product, and use it, then you should pay for it. If you do
not like it, then you are to delete it from your files, or pass it
along to a friend. By supporting the efforts of this author, he
is allowed to spend his time enhancing this product to make it
better for you, the end user.
This product is no different. If you keep it and/or use it,
you must send in the registration and license fee of $7.50
(American dollars) to:
Daniel P. Stasinski
30 North Street
Willits, CA 95490
An obtained license grants you full permission to use
ProWindows *LITE* in any public domain, ShareWare, commercial, or
user software, that you develop. THERE ARE NO ADDITIONAL
For $15.00 (American dollars) you can obtain the same
license, plus ProWindows *LITE* - Version 3.00.
Version 3.00 has 30 additional window styles, is faster, and
can produce considerably smaller executable files. It also comes
with a certificate for a $10.00 discount on ProWindows *PLUS*, the
most advanced "Software Development System" that is currently
Registered users are offered almost unlimited support. If
you need assistance, just mail a letter to the above address and I
will respond as fast as humanly possible.
If you are not a registered user, please write and tell me
why. It is possible I can enhance this product so that you will
want to register. Send me your suggestions.
If you discover a bug (I hope there are none), report it
immediately and it will be corrected immediately.
As demand grows, I will be adding a telephone support line
for all of my software products. When this becomes
available, all registered users will receive a notice.
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
│ F O R T H E S E R I O U S P R O G R A M M E R S │
>>>>>>>>>> AVAILABLE OCTOBER 15, 1988 <<<<<<<<<<
ProWindows *PLUS* and 'ProDesigner'
only $34.95 for the dual package
ProWindows *PLUS* is the ultimate professional "Software
Development System". It adds dozens of new, and many enhancements
to the existing ProWindows *LITE* routines.
NEW *PLUS* routines include:
PopHelp - Instant Full Color Help Screens.
PopMenu - vertical or horizontal menus.
PopList - vertical or horizontal scrolling menus.
PullMenu - pull down (QB style) menus.
GridMenu - X-Y grid list with scrolling.
PopCalander - instant calanders with date highlight.
PopCalc - pop up calculator with tape and paste.
PopAdd - pop up adding machine with tape and paste.
StopWatch - up to 255 separate event timers.
FillScreen - fills the screen with pattern and color.
Validate - multi-answer validator.
Query - Single line entry editor.
GetColor - Custom color coordinator.
and much much more...........
When using "ProDesigner", creating all type of menu's, entry
screens, and help screens is a snap. You use the "ProDesigner"
easy to use "Menu Editor" to create or modify each of your menus.
Then you use the "Help Editor" to create FULL COLOR, single or
multi page, help screens which can correspond to ANY menu
selections, or can be made to appear instantly anywhere in your
"ProDesigner" can also generate most of the support source
code for each of these functions.
********** I M P O R T A N T N O T E **********
********** I M P O R T A N T N O T E **********
all other screen design programs. This software uses very
advanced techniques that grab entire screens and compress them up
to 90%. These routines are so fast that you can display 25 (yes
25) full page screens in less than 1 second.
********** I M P O R T A N T N O T E **********
********** I M P O R T A N T N O T E **********
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
***** Method of Operation *****
ProWindows *LITE* & *PLUS* is more than just a windowing module,
in a way, it is more like a special operating system. Both of
these packages are based upon the "PRO-WLS" (Professional Window
Logic System) unit. The "PRO-WLS" unit manages every function
used to create, print to, clear, and finally, remove a window.
When you call the 'popwindow' function, many important procedures
take place. First, "PRO-WLS" saves the portion of the current
screen you are about to place the window over. Then, using a
proprietary compression algorithm, the old screen is squeezed to
sometimes less that 80% it's original size. This is intended to
save you plenty of memory space. Also, your compressed screen is
stored in 'far' memory so you will save that valuable 'string
space' too.
After compression, every parameter you gave 'popwindow' is placed
onto the window stack. The window stack is used to tell the other
ProWindows functions where and how they can place text within the
intended screen. In addition, it also holds vital information as
to how your old screen is to be decompressed and redisplayed when
you call the 'removewindow' function. This version comes with a
default stack that can hold up to 25 simultaneous windows. The
registered version can display 100 simultaneous windows.
All this happens in about 1/20th of a second.
When you call the 'removewindow' function, the exact opposite
happens. The "PRO-WLS" unit locates your old screen, decompresses
it, and places it back on your current screen, and at the correct
location too. Cleanup procedures automaticly free the memory
where your window was stored. Never is a byte wasted.
Nothing could be easier.
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
***** Data Structures *****
There is only one data structure in use by ProWindows *LITE*.
struct {
int row;
int col;
int rows;
int cols;
int attribute;
int border;
int shadow;
int zoom;
char far *data;
int abytes;
int cbytes;
} wcb;
The wcb structure is used by every ProWindows *LITE* function to
coordinate saving, printing to, and removing windows.
The first eight elements contain the information just as you
called 'popwindow'.
'data' is a far pointer to the memory location where your old
window is stored. 'abytes' and 'cbytes' contain specific
information as to the proper methods of decompressing your old
Your routines must not modify the contents of any variable in this
structure. Doing so will cause unexpected results.
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
Name: CREATEMODE - display window reference number flag
Usage: extern int CREATEMODE = 1;
Declared in: prowindc.h
Desc: 'CREATEMODE' controls whether ProWindows will
display the current window reference number at the
lower right portion of the screen.
The default CREATEMODE = 1 to display reference
Name: WI - index to current window
Usage: extern int WI;
Declared in: prowindc.h
Desc: 'WI' contains an integer value corresponding to the
current window number being displayed.
The program must never modify the contents of this
Name: SCREEN_MODE - current video adapter mode
Usage: extern int SCREEN_MODE;
Declared in: prowindc.h
Desc: 'SCREEN_MODE' contains the value to the current
video mode.
0x02 V_BW80 80 * 25 b/w text
0x03 V_CO80 80 * 25 color text
0x07 V_MONO 80 * 25 mono text
0xff V_INVALID Not a supported video mode
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
***** ERROR HANDLING *****
ProWindows *LITE*, by design, is a very delicate system. It's
error handling procedures were designed so that in the event of a
major error, the program terminates. As you may realize, this
forces you to write programs with special attention to accuracy.
When a fatal occurs, an error message is displayed, and the Turbo
C 'exit(int error)' function is called, with the ProWindows *LITE*
'error number as the argument.
Possible errors are:
1 - ProWindows *LITE* not initialized.
2 - Memory allocation error.
3 - Not enough memory in far heap.
4 - No window to remove.
5 - Too many windows.
6 - Not a supported video mode.
9 - Invalid copyright.
Error 1 is a result of the failure to call 'initpro' prior to
creating a pop up window. Simply stated, if you do not call this
feature, you can not create windows.
Error 2 will probably result if there is not enough memory while
the ProWindows WLS (Window Logic System) is storing or restoring
a screen.
Error 3 is invoked when you do not have enough memory in the far
heap. As a rule, ProWindows requests an average 400 bytes per
Error 4 means that you have tried to delete more windows than you
have displayed.
Error 5 occurs if you attempt to create more windows than is
permitted for your version.
Error 5 occurs if you attempt to display or remove a window while
in a graphics mode.
Error 9 is important. If this ever occurs, you have committed a
very serious crime. Intentionally altering or removing a
copyright from a product is a federal crime and is punishable with
a $10,000 fine and 5 years in prison. Please do not ever degrade
yourself by modifying the copyright.
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
Name: initpro - initialize ProWindows *LITE*
Usage: #include <prowindc.h>
void pascal initpro(int row, int col,
void pascal (*userscreen)(),
int snowcheck);
Desc: This function initializes the ProWindows *LITE*
package, sets up global variables, and displays the
default copyright window. ProWindows specific
functions can not be used until initialized.
You may not create popup windows before
initializing but you may create a type void pascal
function that contains the code you need to create
your startup screen. Upon exiting this function,
the default ProWindows copyright message is
displayed at the coordinates 'row' and 'col', and
execution is paused for 3 seconds. You may then
remove the copyright message and/or your startup
screens. (Note: Version 3.00 users are not
required to display the ProWindows copyright
message, and have the option to disable it along
with the 3 second delay).
The final parameter, snowcheck, determines whether
the windows will suppress snow on old or sloppy CGA
cards. You might want to make this an option in
your end program since most new CGA cards
automatically suppress snow. Snow checking
minutely decreases window speed.
#include <prowindc.h>
void pascal userscreen()
popwindow(5, 5, 15, 70, attr(15, 1), 1, 0, 1);
titlewindow(2, "[ My fantastic program ]");
void main()
initpro(8, 20, userscreen, 0);
removewindow(); /* first the copyright */
removewindow(); /* then your screen */
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
Name: attr - video attribute calculator
Usage: #include <prowindc.h>
int pascal(int foreground, int background);
Desc: Returns an integer as a video attributes. Valid
foreground ranges are 0 to 31. Valid background ranges
are 0 to 7.
This function is used with most ProWindows *LITE* &
*PLUS* routines.
#include <prowindc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int color;
color = attr( 15, 1); /* Highlight White on Blue */
printf("The attribute is : %3d\n", color);
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
Name: popwindow - create a user defined window
Usage: #include <prowindc.h>
void pascal popwindow(int row, int col,
int rows, int cols,
int attribute,
int border, int shadow,
int zoom);
Desc: Each displayed window begins at coordinates 'row',
'col', and is 'rows' deep and 'cols' wide.
'attribute' determines the window's color.
5 'border' styles,
0 - No Border
1 - Single line box
2 - Double line box
3 - Single Horizontal - Double Vertical
4 - Double Horizontal - Single Vertical
5 to 15 - Version 3.00 only
2 'Shadow%' styles,
0 - No Shadow
1 - Bottom Left
2 to 4 - Version 3.00 only
2 'Zoom%' styles,
0 - No Zoom (Instant)
1 - Grow from Center
2 to 9 - Version 2.5 only
Prior to displaying each window, the current
portion of screen which the window will occupy is
automatically stored.
Warning: DO NOT EVER USE 'attr(8, 0)'. This particular
attribute generates a code that will completely
corrupt the screen compression routine and will
cause your computer to lock up. Since those two in
combination create black on black, you should never
have a reason to use them.
See Also: attr, initpro, removewindow
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
#include <prowindc.h>
void pascal userscreen()
popwindow(5, 5, 15, 70, attr(15, 1), 1, 0, 1);
titlewindow(2, "[ My fantastic program ]");
void main()
int x;
initpro(8, 20, userscreen, 0);
removewindow(); /* the copyright */
for(x = 1; x <= 15; x++)
popwindow(x, x * 4, 5, 10, attr(x, 4), 1, 1, 1);
for(x = 1; x <= 15; x++)
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
Name: titlewindow - titles the current window
Usage: #include <prowindc.h>
void pascal titlewindow(int location, char *text);
Desc: Places specified text at any of six border
locations in the current window. Foreground and
background colors are set to the default for that
particular window. Multiple calls are allowed, so
you may places text at all six locations if you
Border positions permitted:
1 - Top Left.
2 - Top Center.
3 - Top Right
4 - Bottom Left.
5 - Bottom Center.
6 - Bottom Right.
7 - Vertical Left - Version 3.00 only
8 - Vertical Right - Version 3.00 only
#include <prowindc.h>
void pascal userscreen()
int location;
popwindow(5, 5, 15, 70, attr(15, 1), 1, 0, 1);
for(location = 1; location <= 6; location++)
titlewindow(location, "[ Title ]");
void main()
initpro(8, 20, userscreen, 0);
removewindow(); /* the copyright */
removewindow(); /* your screen */
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
Name: clearwindow - clears contents of current window
Usage: #include <prowindc.h>
void pascal clearwindow();
Desc: Clears out entire contents of the current window.
Does not remove the border or any titles or text
on window borders.
See Also: RemoveWindow
#include <prowindc.h>
void pascal userscreen()
int location;
popwindow(5, 5, 15, 70, attr(15, 1), 1, 0, 1);
for(location = 1; location <= 6; location++)
titlewindow(location, "[ Title ]");
wprint(3, 3, "Some Text");
wprint(7, 5, "More Text");
void main()
initpro(8, 20, userscreen, 0);
removewindow(); /* the copyright only */
clearwindow(); /* window from userscreen() */
wprint( 4, 2, "This Text");
wprint( 8, 9, "That Text");
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
Name: removewindow - removes the current window
Usage: #include <prowindc.h>
void pascal removewindow();
Desc: Removes current window being displayed and restores
the screen back to its original contents.
Displays an error message and exits with exit code
4 if no windows are none on the stack.
See Also: PopWindow
#include <prowindc.h>
void pascal userscreen()
/* Does nothing but needs to be here */
void main()
initpro(8, 20, userscreen, 0);
removewindow(); /* the copyright only */
popwindow(5, 30, 10, 30, attr(14 ,4), 1, 1, 1);
titlewindow 5, "[ One moment please... ]");
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski
ProWindows *LITE* - Version 2.00TC
Name: wprint - default color text in window
cwprint - custom color text in window
wcprint - default color text in window center
cwcprint - custom color text in window
Usage: #include <prowindc.h>
wprint(int row, int col, char *text);
cwprint(int row, int col, int attr, char *text);
wcprint(int row, char *text);
cwcprint(int row, int attr, char *text);
Desc: Places text at the specified position relative to
the inner coordinates of the current window.
'wprint' assumes that the text is to be displayed
in the default colors for that window. 'cwprint'
allows you to specify exact colors. These routines
are meant to be your first choice option of
printing text to your window, the following two are
supplied as supplementary routines only.
'wcprint' and 'cwcprint' are the same except that
the text is automatically centered within the
current window so you need not specify a column.
#include <prowindc.h>
void pascal userscreen()
{ /* Does nothing but needs to be here */ }
void main()
initpro(8, 20, userscreen, 0);
removewindow(); /* the copyright only */
popwindow(5, 30, 10, 30, attr(14 ,4), 1, 1, 1);
titlewindow 2, "[ Here is a title ]");
wprint(3, 5, "Default Color Text");
cwprint(4, 5, attr(15, 1), "Different Color Text");
wcprint(5, "Default Color Centered Text");
cwcprint(6, attr(15, 5), "Different Color Centered Text");
(c) Copyright 1988 Daniel P. Stasinski