Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
Copyright (C) 1987, KyCorp Information Group, Inc.
Table of Contents
Create a blinking color attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Set the video border color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Draw a box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Create a high intensity attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Check the display in 80 column mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Create a color attribute byte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Change the cursor size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Send a character directly to the screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Send a string directly to the screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Remove your program from memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Erase a section of the screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Exchange a portion of the screen and a window . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Get the current cursor position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Have the program go memory resident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Hide the cursor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Change a section of the screen's attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Draw a horizontal line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Check to is if a color card is being used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Pass a string to the keyboard buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Move a window with the keypad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Check to see if the routine is already memory resident . . . . . . . . . 22
Create a window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Move a window directly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Set the cursor to default size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Save a portion of the screen in a window buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Set the amount of acceptable screen "flicker" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Set the cursor position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Produce a sound through the speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Set the size of the stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Check to see if another program is loaded on top of yours . . . . . . . 31
Create and underline attribute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Draw a vertical line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Window definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Appendix A: Warrantee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Appendix B: Instructions for compiling & linking TEST.C . . . . . . . . 36
Appendix C: License for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
int blinking (attribute)
int attribute; Attribute to be modified to blinking
Description: This function can be used to modify either monochrome or
color display attributes to cause a blinking color.
Return Value: (attribute | 0x80)
#include <resident.h>
main ()
int dis_color = MONOCHROME; /* assume monochrome */
if (iscolor ())
dis_color = color (YELLOW, BLUE);
dis_color = blinking (dis_color);
dis_str (10, 20, "This display is blinking", dis_color);
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void border (color)
int color; Color attribute for the display border
Description: Changes the border of the display to "color" attribute.
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
border (BLUE);
SEE ALSO: color
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void box (upper_row, left_column, lower_row, right_column, type, color)
int upper_row, left_column Upper left corner of the box
int lower_row, right_column Lower right corner of the box
int type Type of box to draw
int color Color attribute of the box
Description: Draws a particular "type" of box.
"type" NULL uses the SPACE character to draw the box (for
erasing a box).
"type" 1 uses all double lines.
"type" 2 uses all single lines.
"type" 3 draws the vertical lines double and the horizontal
lines single.
"type" 4 draws the vertical lines single and the horizontal
lines double.
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
dis_str (11, 21, "This box is a blinking", color (YELLOW, BLUE));
while (!kbhit ()) {
box (10, 20, 12, 43, 1, color (YELLOW, BLUE));
sound (0, 18); /* one second delay */
box (10, 20, 12, 43, 0, color (YELLOW, BLUE));
sound (0, 18);
SEE ALSO: hor_line, ver_line, make_window, WINDOW
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
int bright (attribute)
int attribute; Attribute to be modified to bright
Description: This function changes a display attribute to high intensity.
On colors that are already at high intensity, such as YELLOW
and WHITE, this function has no effect.
Return Value: (attribute | 8)
#include <resident.h>
main ()
int dis_color = MONOCHROME;
if (iscolor ())
dis_color = color (RED, BLACK);
dis_str (10, 20, "This is bright & blinking",
bright (blinking (dis_color)));
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
int chk_video ()
Description: A macro function which returns TRUE if the video is in 80
character display mode (modes 2, 3, or 7). This function
should be used in conjunction with the window features since
they will not operate correctly with the display in a
graphics mode.
Return Value: TRUE if the video is in mode 2, 3, or 7, and FALSE for any
other video mode.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
if (chk_video ())
printf ("The display is in an 80 column mode");
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
int color (letters, background)
int letters; Color byte for the characters
int background; Color byte for the background
Description: A function to combine two colors into an attribute byte for
the video display functions.
Return Value: (background << 4 | letters)
#include <resident.h>
main ()
dis_str (10, 20, "On a color display this is yellow on blue",
color (YELLOW, BLUE));
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void cursize (top_line, bottom_line)
int top_line; Cursor top scan line
int bottom_line; Cursor bottom scan line
Description: The "cursize" function makes a call to the video bios to
change the size of the cursor.
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
cursize (11, 12); /* normal cursor size for monochrome display */
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void dis_chr (row, column, character, color)
int row, column; Position on the screen to put the character
int character; Character to be displayed
int color; Color attribute of the character
Description: Displays the "character" at position "row" and "column" with
the "color" attribute.
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
dis_str (10, 20, "This is a right arrow: ", color (YELLOW, BLUE));
dis_chr (10, 43, 26, color (YELLOW, BLUE));
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void dis_str (row, column, string, color)
int row, column; Position on the screen to display
char *string; String to be displayed
int color; Color attribute of the display
Description: Displays the "string" at position "row" and "column" with the
"color" attribute.
See SCREEN_SPEED for setting either very fast display time or
a "snow free" display.
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
dis_str (10, 20, "Hi there!", MONOCHROME);
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
int drop_tsr (void)
Description: Check's to see if a resident program is loaded on top of your
routine and if there isn't it will remove the program from
memory and immediately exited.
Return Value: TRUE if a resident program loaded on top and unable to remove
the program from memory.
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void erase (row, column, length, color)
int row, col; Position on screen to start erasing
int length; Number of characters to erase
int color; Color attribute of erase section.
Description: This function will replace "length" number of characters with
the SPACE character starting at position "row" and "column"
using the "color" attribute.
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
while (!kbhit ()) {
dis_str (10, 20, "This slowly blinks", color (YELLOW, BLUE));
sound (0, 18); /* one second delay */
erase (10, 20, 19, color (YELLOW, BLUE));
sound (0, 18);
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void exch_window (window)
struct WINDOW *window; Structure defining the window
Description: The "exch_window" function exchanges the characters and color
attributes of the area of the display screen (as defined by
the appropriate members of the "window" structure) with those
in "(*window).buffer".
Return Value: None.
For an example of proper usage, see the TEST.C file.
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
int getcur ()
Description: Returns the position of the cursor on page zero as a
hexadecimal number RRCC where RR is the row and CC is the
Return Value: The cursor position on page zero.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
int position;
position = getcur ();
printf ("Cursor position on page zero is row %d, column %d",
position / 256, position % 256);
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
int go_resident (routine, scan1, scan2, scan3)
void (*routine) (); Routine to be called from the keyboard
int scan1; Primary key to activate routine
int scan2; Modifier key
int scan3; Modifier key
Description: The "go_resident" function first checks to ensure "routine"
has not already been made resident by calling "loaded",
closes all open files, resets the stack to STACK_SIZE, sets
up the system to execute the function "routine" whenever
"scan1", "scan2", and "scan3" are held down at the same time,
and then exits to DOS.
If you wish to have "routine" called up on only two keys then
set either "scan2" or "scan3" to NULL. Likewise if you wish
it to call up on only one key set both "scan2" and "scan3" to
NULL. "scan1" must always be set.
Note that the primary key ("scan1") is never seen by the
system so keys such as KEY_NUM_LOCK can be used without
changing the status of the system. However, the modifier
keys ("scan2" & "scan3") are seen by the system and must be
held down before the primary key is press.
Return Value: Returns (1) if "routine" has already been made resident or if
"go_resident" is called during the execution of "routine".
Returns (0) if "scan1" is set to zero.
#include <resident.h>
void resident_function ()
sound (440, 2);
main ()
go_resident (resident_function, KEY_CAPS_LOCK, KEY_ALT,
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void hidecur ()
Description: This function is a macro which causes the cursor to
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
hidecur ();
display_routine ();
normalcur ();
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void hilight (row, column, length, color)
int row, column; Position on screen to start hilighting
int length; Number of characters to hilight
int color; Color attribute to change characters to
Description: Changes the color attributes of a section of the display
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
int low_color = MONOCHROME, hi_color;
int row = 10, column = 20;
static char string [] = "This is blinking in intensity";
if (iscolor ())
low_color = color (RED, BLACK);
hi_color = bright (low_color);
dis_str (row, column, string, low_color);
while (!kyhit ()) {
sound (0, 9); /* half second delay */
hilight (row, column, strlen (string), hi_color);
sound (0, 9);
hilight (row, column, strlen (string), low_color);
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void hor_line (row, column, length, character, color)
int row, column; Position on screen to start drawing
int length; Length of the line to draw
int character; Character to use for the line
int color; Color attribute of the line
Description: Draws a horizontal line starting at position "row" and
"column" by displaying "length" number of "character" onto
the screen with the "color" attribute.
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
hor_line (10, 20, 20, 205, color (YELLOW, BLUE));
/* draws a double line horizontally that is 20 characters long */
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
int iscolor ()
Description: This function returns TRUE if a color display mode is being
Return Value: Returns FALSE if the display is not in mode 7.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
int low_color = MONOCHROME;
if (iscolor ())
low_color = color (YELLOW, BLUE);
dis_str (10, 20, "Hi there!", low_color);
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void keystrokes (string, int_array)
char string []; String to be passed
int int_array []; Storage space for scan code conversion
Description: When control is given back to the host program "string" is
passed into the keyboard buffer via the storage space
"int_array". "int_array" should be large enough to hold the
same number of elements as "string" plus one, i.e. if
"string" is 10 characters then "int_array" should be able to
hold at least 11 elements.
Note that "int_array" must global since local variables are
not preserved beyond the lifetime of their associated
Return Value: None
#include <resident.h>
int int_array [ 11 ];
void resident_function ()
static char string [] = "0123456789";
keystrokes (string, int_array);
main ()
go_resident (resident_function, KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT, KEY_ALT, KEY_CTRL);
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void key_window (key, window);
int key; Scan code for keypad key
struct WINDOW *window; Structure defining the window
Description: The "key_window" function uses the scan code for a particular
key on the keypad to move a window. For example, if "key" is
equal to KEY_PGUP then the window defined by the structure
"*window" is moved to the upper right-hand corner of the
screen. Similarly, if "key" is equal to KEY_UP the window is
moved up one row.
Note that by using "key_window" the window will not be moved
outside the boundaries of the screen. Also, if "key" is not
equal to a scan code corresponding to the keypad (i.e. not an
arrow or paging key) no action is taken.
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
struct WINDOW window_one;
int window_one_buffer [ (37 + 2) * (3 + 5) ];
window_one.row = 10;
window_one.col = 20;
window_one.hlen = 37;
window_one.vlen = 3;
window_one.color = color (YELLOW, BLUE);
window_one.buffer = window_one_buffer;
window_one.vtype = DOUBLE_LINE;
window_one.htype = DOUBLE_LINE;
make_window (&window_one); /* makes a window at 10, 20 */
while (!getch ())
key_window (getch (), &window_one)
/* moves "window_one" around the screen so until a key is press
that does not produce a two byte code (NULL then scan code). */
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
int loaded (void)
Description: The "loaded" function polls the chain of memory resident
functions in the system to see if any have a function call
equal to the function pointer "routine". If one responds
then the function returns TRUE; if there is no response the
return is FALSE.
Return Value: TRUE if "routine" already loaded.
FALSE if no memory resident function responds to the
"routine" pointer poll.
#include <resident.h>
void resident_function ()
sound (440, 5);
main ()
if (loaded ())
printf ("The resident function has already been loaded.");
go_resident (resident_function, KEY_R, KEY_LEFT_SHIFT,
/* note that the "go_resident" function also checks to see if
"resident_function" is loaded and does nothing if it is */
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void make_window (window)
struct WINDOW *window; Structure defining the window
Description: The "make_window" function saves the video characters and
color attributes where the window is to be made into
"(*window).buffer", erases that section of the screen, and
draws the appropriate box based on "(*window).vtype" and
Note that "(*window).vlen" and "(*window).hlen" refer to the
inside dimensions of the box, therefore the size of
(*window).buffer should be the horizontal length plus two
multiplied by the vertical length plus two. The plus two is
to account for the borders of the box. For example, a window
with inside dimensions of 3 by 10 should have a buffer of
"int window_buffer [ (3 + 2) * (10 + 2) ]".
Also note that "(*window).row" and "(*window).col" refer to
the position of the upper left-hand corner of the window box.
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
struct WINDOW window_one;
int window_one_buffer [ (37 + 2) * (3 + 5) ];
window_one.row = 10;
window_one.col = 20;
window_one.hlen = 37;
window_one.vlen = 3;
window_one.color = MONCHROME;
window_one.buffer = window_one_buffer;
window_one.vtype = DOUBLE_LINE;
window_one.htype = DOUBLE_LINE;
if (iscolor ())
window_one.color = color (YELLOW, BLUE);
make_window (&window_one); /* makes a window at 10, 20 */
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void move_window (window, row, column)
struct WINDOW *window; Structure defining the window
int row, column; Position where window is to be moved
Description: The "move_window" function moves a window by first exchanging
the display with "(*window).buffer", then setting
"(*window).row" and "(*window).col" to the new values, and
finally exchanging the display again with "(*window).buffer".
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
struct WINDOW window_one;
int window_one_buffer [ (37 + 2) * (3 + 5) ];
window_one.row = 10;
window_one.col = 20;
window_one.hlen = 37;
window_one.vlen = 3;
window_one.color = color (YELLOW, BLUE);
window_one.buffer = window_one_buffer;
window_one.vtype = DOUBLE_LINE;
window_one.htype = DOUBLE_LINE;
make_window (&window_one); /* makes a window at 10, 20 */
move_window (&window_one, 0, 0);
/* moves "window_one" to the upper left-hand corner of the screen */
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void normalcur ()
Description: This is a macro function to cause the cursor to return to its
default size.
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
hidecur ();
display_routine ();
normalcur ();
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void save_window (window)
struct WINDOW *window; Structure defining the window
Description: The "save_window" function saves the characters and color
attributes of the area of the display screen (as defined by
the appropriate members of the "window" structure) in
Note that this function in conjunction with "move_window" can
be used to copy sections of the screen from one location to
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
struct WINDOW window_one;
int window_one_buffer [ (37 + 2) * (3 + 2) ];
window_one.row = 10;
window_one.col = 20;
window_one.hlen = 37;
window_one.vlen = 3;
window_one.color = MONOCHROME;
window_one.buffer = window_one_buffer;
window_one.vtype = NO_LINES;
window_one.htype = NO_LINES;
save_window (&window_one);
move_window (&window_one, 0, 0);
/* copies the section of the screen defined by the structure
"window_one" to the upper left-hand corner of the screen */
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
Description: SCREEN_SPEED is a global variable which determines how the
video routines send there data to the screen. With some
video cards, if the CPU and the video card are trying to
access the video memory at the same time you will get snow on
the display screen.
Setting SCREEN_SPEED to SCREEN_SLOW causes the video routines
to check to ensure the raster is in a vertical retrace
(sometimes referred to as a vertical blank) before sending a
piece of data to the screen. While the raster is in vertical
retrace the video card is not accessing memory and the video
memory can be changed without any snow on the screen.
Setting SCREEN_SPEED to SCREEN_FAST causes the video routines
to just check to ensure the video card is not accessing
memory, such as when the raster is in horizontal retrace.
There is a small amount of overlap when data is sent to
display memory right before the raster has completed it's
horizontal retrace. This sometimes results in a small amount
of snow in the first 4 or 5 columns on the left side of the
Setting SCREEN_SPEED to SCREEN_DIRECT causes the video
routines to ignore the state of the video display which could
result in snow in various places on the screen depending on
the type of display card used. Some of the newer cards do
not have problems with snow.
SCREEN_SPEED has no effect if the display is monochrome.
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void setcur (position)
int position; Hexadecimal cursor position
Description: Places the cursor at a particular location on the screen.
Return Value: None.
example1 ()
int row = 10;
int col = 20;
setcur (row * 256 + col);
example2 ()
int save_position;
save_position = getcur ();
display_routine ();
setcur (save_position);
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void sound (frequency, duration)
int frequency; Frequency in cycles per second
int duration; 18.6 duration units per second
Description: The "sound" function will cause the speaker to emit a tone at
the pitch specified by "frequency" for "duration" / 18.6
seconds. Passing a "frequency" of NULL produces no tone, but
halts execution of the program for "duration".
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
sound (440, 5);
sound (0, 2);
sound (220, 5);
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
unsigned int STACK_SIZE;
Description: STACK_SIZE is a global variable used to set the size of the
stack when the "go_resident" function is executed. The
default value is 2000. Changing the value of STACK_SIZE to
something larger before the "go_resident" function is execute
creates a bigger stack - and a bigger program in memory. The
default value should be sufficient for most needs unless you
are using large local variables or routines that are heavily
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
int top_tsr (void)
Description: Returns TRUE if the program is currently the topmost resident
program. This is done by checking that all the interupt
vectors modified by GO_RESIDENT are still set to their
original values.
Return Value: Returns FALSE if another resident program is loaded on top,
i.e. an interupt vector has been changed.
#include <resident.h>
test ()
if (!top_tsr)
dis_str (10, 20, "This is not the top-most resident program",
bright (MONOCHROME));
main ()
go_resident (test, KEY_T, KEY_CTRL, KEY_ALT);
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
int underlined (attribute)
int attribute; Monochrome attribute underline
Description: Modifies a monochrome attribute to one that is underlined.
If used on a color attribute the color will be changed to
either a BLUE or LT_BLUE character with the background color
left unchanged.
Return Value: ((attribute | 1) & 0xf9)
#include <resident.h>
main ()
dis_str (10, 20, "This is underlined, bright, & blinking",
underlined (bright (blinking (MONOCHROME))));
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
void ver_line (row, column, length, character, color)
int row, column; Position on screen to start drawing
int length; Length of the line to draw
int character; Character to use for the line
int color; Color attribute of the line
Description: Draws a vertical line starting at position "row" and "column"
by displaying "length" number of "character" onto the screen
with the "color" attribute.
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
ver_line (10, 20, 10, 186, color (YELLOW, BLUE));
/* draws a double line vertically that is 10 characters long */
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
struct WINDOW
unsigned int row, col; Upper left-hand corner position
unsigned int hlen, vlen; Window's inside dimensions
unsigned int color; Window's color attribute
int *buffer; Storage space
unsigned int vtype, htype; Window line types
Description: This structure should be used to define a window which can be
easily passed to other functions such as "make_window" and
Note that if either "vtype" or "htype" is set to NO_LINES
then a type NULL box is drawn with the MAKE_WINDOW function.
Otherwise these members should be set to either SINGLE_LINE
Return Value: None.
#include <resident.h>
main ()
struct WINDOW window_one;
int window_one_buffer [ (37 + 2) * (3 + 2) ];
/* allocate enough storage space for all characters & color
attributes for a window with inside dimensions of
3 rows by 37 columns */
window_one.row = 10;
window_one.col = 20;
/* put upper left-hand corner of the window at 10, 20 */
window_one.hlen = 37;
window_one.vlen = 3;
/* make inside dimensions 3 rows by 37 columns */
window_one.color = color (YELLOW, BLUE);
/* make color attribute yellow characters on a blue background */
window_one.buffer = window_one_buffer;
/* use window_one_buffer as the storage space */
window_one.vtype = SINGLE_LINE;
window_one.htype = DOUBLE_LINE;
/* draw the box using single lines for the vertical sides and
double lines for the top and bottom */
make_window (&window_one); /* makes a window at 10, 20 */
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
Appendix A: Warrantee
This software and instructions are provided "as is" without warranty of any
kind either expressed or implied including but not limited to fitness for a
particular purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the
software is assumed by the user.
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
Appendix B: Compiling & Linking TEST.C
The only requirement while compiling and linking with these library modules
is to use the small memory model and suppress the stack checking. For Turbo
C this is the default model. For Microsoft use the /Gs switch.
Microsoft C:
msc test /Gs ;
link test ,,, msres201
Turbo C:
tcc test tbres201.lib
KyCorp Memory Resident Library Version 2.01
Appendix C: License for Use
These KyCorp Memory Resident Library modules may be copied, distributed
(free of charge), and used non-commercially provided that they are not
modified in any way.
If you would like to use these routines in a program to be distributed for
profit (this includes shareware programs) then send a check or money order
for $65 to the mailing address below.
Send all electronic correspondence to:
70441,3353 on CompuServe
Mailing Address:
KyCorp Information Group, Inc.
725 Market Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
If you find these routines useful, please do me a favor and let me know what
you think of them. As a fellow programmer you probably know how I love to
get constructive feedback on my work almost as much as getting paid for it.
Remember, I said almost.
Happy Programming!
- Mark C. Peterson
Programmer and Chief Bottle Washer
KyCorp Information Group, Inc.
P.S. That's pronounced "KEY-corp"!