Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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WordStar Document Converter
(c) 1988, All Rights Reserved
Craig Miller
Honolulu, HI
August 10, 1988
This program is for Wordstar (TM) users, who have on occasion a
need to convert their Wordstar files to plain (vanilla)
textfiles. There are other programs which will do this
conversion, WS2ASCII for example. HardSoft will also convert
plain textfiles into Wordstar files, which will then have a
single Return at the end of the Paragraph, instead of at the end
of each line. I know of no other program in the MS-DOS world
that will convert files in this direction. For example, suppose
you write up a quick note with SideKick (TM) (or similar
program), and later you want to integrate that quick note into a
larger Wordstar file. You can do a ^KR (Control K R) to read in
the file, but there will be a return at the end of each line. In
order to reformat the text with ^B, you will have to take out all
those returns by hand, or use HardSoft.
There is a CP/M program which will do the conversion mentioned
above in both directions. I have never seen the program, but I
know that it is called HardSoft. The reason it is called
HardSoft, is because it changes the Returns at the end of each
line into a Hard or Soft Return. While editing in Wordstar, a
Hard Return has a '<' at the right hand side of the screen, while
a Soft Return shows nothing at the right.
Wordstar not only inserts soft returns when it automatically word
wraps for you, but it also modifies the last character in each
word, so that it can micro justify you text for you. All this
happens without the user knowing it takes place. Until, you go
to send this file across the phone lines on your modem, then you
see some really strange gibberish, which is barely recognizable
as your file.
HardSoft 'looks' at your plain text file (that you created with
SideKick, for example) and sets the hi bit in the last character
of each word, just like Wordstar does, and it sets the hi bit of
the returns at the end of each line (making them into soft
returns) until HardSoft 'detects' the end of a paragraph where it
leaves the return alone.
Going from a Wordstar file to a plain text file is the easy part,
HardSoft, merely resets all the hi bits in the characters that
are in the file.
MS-DOS has an ability called I/O redirection. At the Command
line, the user can specify what file the program will 'see', and
what file the program will create and 'write' to. MS-DOS uses
the '<' and '>' characters to specify the input file, and the
output file using I/O redirection. (for more info regarding I/O
redirection look in your MS-DOS manual. SORT uses I/O
redirection, for example)
HardSoft also uses I/O redirection, it makes writing utilities
easier, and the resulting program is smaller. In order to use
HardSoft, you must type the following EXACTLY:
Note there is a space between hardsoft, and the '<' character,
and another between the Wordstar file name, and the '>', and
still another between the textfile name, and the '-H'. You NEED
3 (three) spaces on the command line in the above positions, or
it won't work!
To make the conversion in the other direction, that is to create
a Wordstar file from a plain text file, type the following:
Note the 3 (three) strategically placed spaces!
If you type:
by itself, hardsoft will display the above examples in a concise
manner, and give you the ShareWare info.
HardSoft is written in Turbo Pascal v 4.0. Credit, therefore,
must go to Borland International for their fine implementation of
Pascal. The entire source code was written by me, and I have no
one else to blame for any of it's shortcomings.
I chose to use I/O redirection in this program, because I wanted
to write a quick and dirty, but fast and effect program. I/O
redirection, means that this program will take up less room on
your disk. The -H and -S switches are standard UNIX (TM) type
format. I've only dabbled in UNIX, but I do try to adhere to
Should the responce to this utility be great enough, that is I
can quit my regular job, and do full time programming (so send in
your $2 today), I can consider making this utility more user
friendly in a future version.
The author, that's me, has been a resident of Honolulu for the
past 12 years, and has been working with computers for an equal
amount of time. The first digital computer (yes the Navy still
had analog computers in the mid '70's) I worked on was a Navy CDC
computer that had a whole 8K of ferrite core memory, and not a
single IC in the whole computer! I have been interested in
Mircocomputers since 1983, when I bought a Commodore VIC 20. I
out grew that in 2 weeks, and bought an Apple ][+. I have since
owned an Apple //c with CP/M and a Meg of RAM, a Toshiba 1100+, a
Mac SE, and a Mac Plus. I still own the last three computers.
Programmers are people too. We like to eat, go to the theater,
send our kids to school and even buy new computer equipment now
and then. A good deal of time goes into the writing and debugging
of programs such as this and we do like to know that our efforts
are appreciated.
I am an enthusiastic believer in the concept of shareware. Paying
the shareware fee is tangible positive feed back for the author.
Everyone benefits from shareware, the user, who gets to use good
software, and the author, who receives support thru the shareware
If you use this program and feel that it has saved YOU some
labor, you can express your appreciation very simply by putting
two one-dollar bills, one two-dollar bill, or even eight
twenty-five cent stamps into an envelope and mailing it to me,
postage pre-paid, of course. I will accept a check, but I hardly
think anyone will rob the post office for two bucks.
Please send the envelope (with two (2) dollars in it) to:
Craig Miller
2115 Haena Drive
Honolulu, HI 96822
Should you have any problems or questions regarding this
shareware you can write to me at the above address, or leave me
mail on GEnie, I am CVMILLER there.