Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Text File
11,763 lines
│ │
│ │
│ Released 11/1/89 │
│ │
│ │
Copyright (c) 1987, 1989
Mustang Software, Inc.
Post Office Box 2264
Bakersfield, CA 93303
│ Office/Technical Support │ ORDERS ONLY │
│ (805) 395-0223 │ 1-800-999-9619 │
Table of Contents
What is WILDCAT! TEST-DRIVE...............................6
Included with registration..............................6
TEST-DRIVE Features.....................................8
System Requirements....................................10
Technical Support......................................11
Limited Warranty.......................................12
Distribution Policy and Copyright......................13
The Source Code........................................13
Background and Databases...............................15
Chapter 3 - Installation.................................17
Quick Start............................................17
Other Requirements.....................................18
Chapter 4 - MAKEWILD Program.............................19
General Information ...................................21
Sysop's name........................................21
BBS name............................................22
Sysop paging hours..................................22
Date of first call..................................22
Total number of calls received......................22
WILDCAT! registration number........................23
Frame 3 - Modem Information - Part 1...................24
Which communications port do you want to use........24
Maximum number of seconds to wait for carrier.......25
Enter the string to reset your modem................25
Modem startup string # 1-3..........................25
Modem initialization after every call...............25
Modem delay #1-3....................................26
Initialize your modem at which baud rate............27
Lock the DTE setting at the initialized baud rate...27
Frame 4 - Modem Information - Part 2...................28
Answer phone using Ring Detect?.....................28
Determine baud rate using Result Codes?.............28
Numeric codes for each baud rate....................29
Command to place modem Off-hook.....................29
Command to [place modem on-hook.....................29
Number of milliseconds to delay before PRELOG file..29
Does your modem support CTS/RTS flow control?.......29
Frame 5 - New User Defaults............................31
Are you running a closed board......................31
New user default security level.....................32
Ask for their phone number..........................32
Ask for their birthdate.............................32
Ask for their computer type.........................32
Force new users to fill out the questionnaire.......32
Time limit for first call...........................33
Number of lines per page............................33
Place them in these message folders.................33
Frame 6 - Security Information.......................35
Mustang Software, Inc. 2
Allow remote sysops to drop to DOS..................35
Verify telephone number after every xx logons.......35
Verify birthdate after every xx logons..............36
Minimum security level to overwrite on uploads......36
Should the sysop screen public messages.............36
Can users leave private messages....................37
Minimum security to read sysop (and private) mail...37
Total number of different security levels...........37
Echo the user's password on the screen..............37
Display password protected files in file listing....37
Security level for MASTER sysop.....................37
Frame 7 - System Configuration - Part 1................39
Allow 300 baud callers..............................39
Is the bulletin menu optional.......................39
Time compensation ratio on uploads..................39
Display the quote of the day........................40
Display a download/upload ratio warning at xx.......40
Will you be offering color ANSI menus...............40
Total number of Bulletins offered...................40
Place the modem off-hook when WILDCAT! is down......41
Message range is xx to yy...........................41
Path for menu files.................................41
Path for help files.................................41
Path for display files..............................42
Path for external protocols.........................42
Path for bulletins..................................42
Frame 8 - System Configuration - Part 2................44
How many message folders do you have................44
Number of different File areas......................44
Number of external file transfer protocols..........44
Maximum logon time limit............................45
Monitor type........................................45
Screen foreground attribute.........................45
Automatically clear screen before menus.............45
Drop WILDCAT! to Errorlevel 60 after each call......45
Frame 9 - Message Folder Setup.........................46
Frame 10 - File Section Setup..........................47
Frame 11 - Main Menu Definition........................48
Call letter.........................................49
Frame 12 - Message Menu Definition.....................51
Frame 13 - File Menu Definition........................52
Frame 14 - Sysop Menu Definition.......................53
Frame 15 - Security Level Definition...................54
Message & download access...........................56
Daily time limit....................................56
ANSI menus..........................................56
Frame 16 - Security Level Definition Con't.............58
Upload area access..................................58
Download bytes and number of files..................58
Frame 17 - File Path Definitions.......................60
Mustang Software, Inc. 3
Frame 18 - External Protocol Definition................61
Chapter 5 - Initial Operation & File Definition..........63
Local keyboard control keys............................65
Internal files used by WILDCAT!........................69
Display files used by WILDCAT!.........................71
ANSI Color.............................................82
Customized files.......................................82
Embedded codes.........................................83
Using MPE (Mustang Personal Editor)....................85
Using THEDRAW..........................................86
Chapter 6 - WILDCAT! in Action...........................88
Batch file operation...................................88
Signing on the first time..............................89
MAIN menu commands.....................................90
MESSAGE menu commands..................................94
FILE menu commands.....................................99
SYSOP menu commands...................................102
Chapter 7 - Advanced Features...........................107
Creating Events.......................................107
Event X............................................108
Event Y............................................108
Events A - J.......................................108
Call processing Event (errorlevel 60)..............110
Event timing.......................................111
Remote drop to DOS....................................112
Using remote DOS...................................114
External Protocols....................................116
Operational overview...............................116
Batch file creation................................116
Download example...................................117
Upload example.....................................119
Viewing compressed files..............................122
Net and EchoMail......................................124
Chapter 8 - WILDCAT! Support Programs...................127
WAIT! & WAITFOR!...................................138
FIX Series.........................................139
Chapter 9 - Registered Feature Overview.................140
Cautions, concerns, and caveats....................143
Carrier detect monitoring..........................143
Ctrl-Break lockout.................................144
User verification on return........................145
Multi-line Operation .................................148
Mustang Software, Inc. 4
How it works.......................................148
Local area networks..............................149
Slave Cards......................................150
Software and structure.............................151
Peer-to-peer networks (LANtastic, etc.)..........158
Slave cards......................................159
Operational considerations.........................162
Chapter 9 - Appendices..................................166
Appendix A - Modems...................................166
General Modem information..........................166
Hardware error checking............................166
Modem related connection problems..................166
Modem switch and register settings.................167
Modem-specific settings............................170
Appendix B - ANSI codes and DOS colors................172
Appendix C - Distribution for Profit..................173
Appendix D - Errors and troubleshooting...............174
Appendix E - Record formats...........................176
INDEX ..................................................178
Mustang Software, Inc. 5
This TEST DRIVE version of WILDCAT! is a full-featured BBS
system. It is designed to allow the user to be able to evaluate
WILDCAT! and determine if it meets their needs. The TEST DRIVE
release is not the latest release of the program, however, and
does not include all the features of the REGISTERED USER VERSION.
This TEST DRIVE release includes full documentation and
information on obtaining the REGISTERED USER VERSION. Print the
file VENDOR.DOC and READ.ME for additional information.
- A copy of the latest release of the REGISTERED USER VERSION;
- A more comprehensive, updated, typeset operations manual;
- 90 days free technical support by phone between 9:00am and
4:30pm pacific time;
- Automatic notification of any major program updates;
- A card redeemable at any time for $50 toward any Mustang
Software product or service. This includes, but is not
limited to future updates, enhanced versions of WILDCAT!,
supplemental programs such as the PRO! Series, extended
support, or other Mustang Software products.
- Additional program updates at a significantly reduced rate.
- Access to proprietary utility programs, written by both
Mustang and other authors, which enhance and add features.
- 24-hour access to the private multi-line Registered Users
BBS at Mustang Software.
The REGISTERED USER VERSION version of WILDCAT! has many features
not found in the TEST DRIVE release. These features include but
are not limited to:
- Full support for multi-line operation of 250 nodes;
- Capability for running DOORS, with configurable security
level restrictions for each;
- Enhanced Net & EchoMail operation for callers and the sysop.
- Enhanced Message Area functions, including abilities to read
folder-specific mail from previously opened Mail folders and
Mark mail while Scanning, for reading later;
- Capability to lock DTE at up to 38,400 baud, which can
actually increase throughput, even with a 2400 baud
- Custom NON-color as well as color menus;
- Increased support for more embedded control codes, including
codes to reflect "Who's on-line" on your other Nodes
(Multi-Line operation);
- Up to 50 definable security levels, 32 more than the TEST
DRIVE version.
Mustang Software, Inc. 6
A registration form is supplied on disk in the text file
REGISTER.FRM. You can print this file with the command
You may also call our toll-free ORDERS ONLY HOTLINE at
1-800-999-9619 to place your order with VISA, MasterCard,
American Express, or even COD. For information, technical
support or other questions please call 805-395-0223.
Mustang Software, Inc. 7
At first glance, WILDCAT! may look like just another bulletin
board program. This was by design. Much effort was spent
incorporating popular features of other BBS systems, including
many of the command options, although that is where any
similarity ends. Powerful extended features have been added to
what at first appear to be familiar routines. Other features and
utility functions of Wildcat! are precedent-setting in a BBS
This TEST DRIVE version is a fully-functioning Bulletin Board
System designed to give newcomers to the WILDCAT! arena a taste
of the REGISTERED USER version of WILDCAT!.
Features of this TEST-DRIVE version include:
- Fast B-Tree indexed access to all data files including
Users, Files and Messages.
- Easy set-up via an interactive installation program which
configures system defaults.
- Dynamically-built menus based on security level definitions
in the configuration file.
- Three Color Menu Levels allow you to only show options to
your users that they have access to.
- Flexible security for users and files, 18 levels available.
- Date of Birth and Phone Number available as security check
- Include/exclude 300 baud calls based on sysop preference and
system needs.
- Supports up to 19,200 baud modems, including data transfer
over normal phone lines.
- More than 100 customizable display files, including
placement of any available system information in user
defined displays.
- Message features include Reply, Forward, Carbon Copy, Return
Receipt and Print.
- 26 Message Folders available, including Comments to the
sysop within messages.
- Wastebasket message Folder which holds deleted mail until
killed by sysop.
- Ability to move messages from folder to folder.
- ANSI graphics support in menus, file descriptions, messages
and system prompts.
- Multiple line file descriptions, including download time
based on the callers baud rate
- Automatic caller notification of bulletin updates based on
bulletin file date and time.
- Multiple questionnaire files available, including one for
new users, and others selected by menu choice.
- The MAKEQUES.EXE program to create branching questionnaires
with free-form or formatted output.
Mustang Software, Inc. 8
- Questionnaire pre-formatted to accept dates, SS #, Visa/MC,
AMEX, text strings, multiple choice and Yes/No with
- Remote event timer support for scheduled activities outside
of the WILDCAT! system.
- Configurable screen pauses based on each callers screen
- System and Menu help files available, both in normal and
ANSI color mode.
- Stackable menu commands available in many areas for advanced
- Most sysop functions available from remote sysop log-on,
including system update and maintenance.
- Additional upload and download support, including multiple
file transfer using external protocols (KERMIT, YMODEM-G,
YMODEM Batch, ZMODEM, etc.)
- Net & EchoMail support for the sysop.
- Hot Key entry of single-character caller selections.
- Default User Up/Download protocol.
- Prelog display file sent prior to any other information.
- Drop to DOS capabilities and return.
- Closed System option configurable with special
questionnaire, forced comment or immediate log off.
- Birthday message display file sent on users birthday!
- Ability to View a compressed file contents from the Files
- Easy reading of any ASCII text file from the Files menu.
- Support for up to 2 billion users, files and messages,
limited only by disk space.
Mustang Software, Inc. 9
After reviewing the first few pages of the installation
procedure, you will undoubtedly begin to think that WILDCAT! is
preoccupied with security. If so, you're absolutely right.
Although WILDCAT! is perfectly capable of serving the needs of
the hobbyist telecommunications enthusiasts, it was designed with
a business environment in mind, an environment in which the
integrity of information is of paramount importance. WILDCAT!'s
security is second to none. Since it's first release in 1986 the
security provisions have never been overcome as the result of a
software deficiency or compromise of the program code. The file
database structure allows sensitive non-BBS data to reside on the
same hard disk as the WILDCAT! system, since ONLY the
specifically authorized database files are ever allowed access.
The system operator has full control of the security setup.
WILDCAT! was written on the premise of being used in business
applications. No attempt has been made to make the product
compatible with single or dual floppy drives and computers with
limited memory capacity. It is necessary that your memory and
storage areas are capable of accommodating the many files and
work areas that are required by the code during normal run-time.
Mustang Software has no plans of changing the program to
accommodate systems with minimal capacity. The following list
represents the minimum configuration your system should have to
be capable of properly maximizing the potential of the program.
- IBM Personal Computer (or true compatible) with 384K
(minimum) RAM, 200K free for Wildcat!
- PC-DOS or MS-DOS, Ver. 3.0 or later (other operating
environments such as DESQview may be used, see the
appendices for details.)
- Asynchronous communications (serial port) adapter
- RS-232 cable with the standard 9 pins connected (some modem
cables do not have all the pins hooked-up).
- Intelligent AT command set modem
- 80 column monochrome or color monitor
- Voice-grade telephone connection for modem
- Hard disk drive
Mustang Software, Inc. 10
WILDCAT! was designed for ease of use, and this manual should
contain the answers to most of your questions. Read it first and
check the appendices for trouble-shooting procedures. If you're
still stumped, technical support is only a phone call away. You
may first want to call our own WILDCAT! Public-access system at
805-395-0650 for valuable insight by other sysops. Feel free to
look around, download any files on the system that may be of use
to you, or leave a [C]omment to the Sysop if you need a question
answered. This method of obtaining support is especially good if
you want expert guidance regarding the more advanced features.
Another alternative is CompuServe where we are a part of the PC
Vendor Support Forum. You reach us by typing GO PCVEN and then
selecting Sub Topic 9. Our PIN is (75236,3312). We also have
Regional Support Centers all over the world for those users
outside of the United States. Current locations are in the
United Kingdom, Holland, Australia, and Canada. At the time of
this writing we are looking into locations in Japan, Switzerland,
and West Germany. If any or all of these Regional Support
Centers are of interest to you, feel free to call or write and we
will mail you our current Regional Support Roster.
If you are unable to find the answer to a question or just need a
quick explanation, please give us a call between 9am and 4:30pm
PST. You can reach technical support at (805) 395-0223. We
must, however, limit tech calls to those problems not resolved
after reading this manual. Technical support is not (and should
not) be a substitute for this manual. Bear in mind that most
other software companies will not even support a product until it
is registered. We want to extend special support to users of
this TEST-DRIVE release, but need your cooperation in checking
the manual first.
Mustang Software, Inc. 11
This product is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
The entire risk as to the results and performance of the program
is assumed by you. Should the program prove defective, you (and
not Mustang Software, Inc. or it's dealers) assume the entire
cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. Further,
Mustang Software, Inc. does not warrant, guarantee, or make
representations regarding the use of, or the results of the use
of this program in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability,
currentness, or otherwise; and you rely on the program and it's
results solely at your own risk. Mustang Software, Inc. cannot
accept responsibility for system damage, loss of profit, or any
other special, incidental, or consequential damage resulting from
the use or inability to use this product.
Mustang Software, Inc., DOES warrant to the original licensee of
a REGISTERED product that the program disk(s) on which the
program is recorded be free from defects in materials and
workmanship under normal use and service for a period of ninety
(90) days from the date of delivery as evidenced by a copy of
your receipt. Mustang Software, Inc.'s entire liability and your
exclusive remedy shall be replacement of the disk not meeting
Mustang Software, Inc.'s Limited Warranty.
Mustang Software, Inc. 12
Regardless of the method of marketing, WILDCAT! is not in the
public domain. It is copyrighted by Mustang Software, Inc.. All
rights are reserved. Copying, duplicating, selling or otherwise
distributing this product except as expressly permitted in the
TEST-DRIVE Distribution Policy below is a violation of the Law.
However, we grant you the right, in fact encourage you to make
and distribute as many copies of this TEST-DRIVE version as you
wish, using any acceptable medium of exchange, with the following
-- TEST-DRIVE Distribution Policy --
1. Please feel free to distribute this TEST-DRIVE version as
often as you like, to any interested parties.
2. Please do not distribute the program without all of its
original related files, addendum files, and documentation.
3. Please obtain our written permission prior to distribution
with any "Bundled" software packages.
4. Please do not accept payment for the program; a copying fee
of $10.00 per diskette may be charged when distributed by a
non-profit user-group.
5. Please do not alter the program or documentation in any
6. NOTE - Individuals, groups, vendors, or other software
distribution companies which market diskettes containing
shareware or other TEST-DRIVE programs for profit must
obtain written permission from Mustang Software, Inc. prior
to distribution. See Appendix C for an easy-to-process
application form.
DISTRIBUTION of the REGISTERED USER version of the program is in
violation of license agreements and copyright Law!
Mustang Software, Inc. is always in need of your opinion on all
our products so that we may continue to improve our software. We
encourage you to evaluate this TEST DRIVE version of WILDCAT! and
let us know of your findings. Printed reviews by user groups or
other publications may be mailed to us at P.O. Box 2264,
Bakersfield CA 93303-2264 and marked to the attention of Rick
Heming, VP Marketing.
The source code for WILDCAT! is not available. This decision
gives us the ability to guarantee the integrity of our product in
Mustang Software, Inc. 13
this era of software contamination. It is not available either
under the TEST DRIVE concept, or as a Commercial product. To
those who may have security concerns about running a BBS program
without being able to see or alter the code we can only offer
this assurance:
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ "Mustang Software has every intention of │
│ continuing to strengthen our position │
│ as a supplier of quality computer software. │
│ │
│ To do so, we must rely heavily on our │
│ reputation in the international electronic │
│ community. We would not compromise that │
│ reputation for anything! │
│ │
│ You can trust that WILDCAT!'s source code │
│ has no undocumented features which could │
│ compromise the security aspects of our product." │
│ │
│ │
│ - Mustang Software, Inc. │
│ │
│ │
│ │
Mustang Software, Inc. 14
WILDCAT! combines flexibility and security, but when these two
factors are mixed in a thoughtless manner, the security loses.
It is possible to intentionally or mistakenly reduce WILDCAT!'s
built-in security to that available on the cork bulletin board at
the neighborhood grocery store! This is mentioned as a first
caution to check your installation security settings very
carefully prior to taking your first call.
During the installation process reviewed in this manual you will
be provided with representations of the actual configuration
screens to serve as guides in setting up your own custom BBS
application. To guard against mistakes you are strongly
encouraged to study the default information provided, and if you
change any option, the first thing to do is to test the results
of that change in your application. The second thing to do is to
test it again! This may seem redundant and time consuming, but
experience has shown that this is the fastest route to successful
bulletin board operation.
The operation and setup of a WILDCAT! system requires
understanding several concepts which may be new even to the most
experienced BBS operator. A thorough reading of the following
information on databases and the folder concept will ease the
installation process.
WILDCAT! uses an internal database system to keep track of three
major groups of system information, USERS, FILES and MESSAGES.
Each of these databases is independent, and is ONLY able to be
updated from within the program. Each consists of a data file
(.DAT) as well as up to three index files (.IDX) to speed up
searches. All database files are composed of records, which can
be thought of as index cards containing information about any ONE
User, File or Message. When a WILDCAT! system is first started,
all database files are empty. Database entries can be made in a
number of ways which are discussed below under the appropriate
database type.
The USER database is just what it sounds like; a file containing
records for each and every user on the system. The first record
added will most often be the system operators name, a process
that is more fully described later in this manual. Other user
database entries are usually made automatically as new users call
the system, but names may be added manually by the sysop. As
users are added the database expands, and as they are deleted,
the space is made available for new users.
The FILE database may be a new concept to even experienced BBS
sysops. Although many BBS programs track the lists of files
available on the system as text listings, WILDCAT! uses the
Mustang Software, Inc. 15
database method. File organization in this manner has many
advantages, not the least of which is additional security and
flexibility. No file on your computer system may be accessed
through WILDCAT! unless it is first listed in the file database.
Each record in the file database contains a file name, size, date
added to the system, file area letter (which tells where it is
located and what security is required), a 2 line description, as
well as other information. Since the file database is empty on a
new WILDCAT! system, file records must be added either manually
by the sysop or by using our file addition utilities CONVERT,
ADDFILES or, with the Registered version, the PRO! Series.
CONVERT will read a standard text file listing used by a number
of BBS programs or the DIR command, and place the information
into the WILDCAT! file database. ADDFILES is an easy method of
adding the filenames already on your disk and optionally entering
the descriptions as they are added. F-PRO!, one of the PRO!
Series utilities for the Registered version of WILDCAT! also
manipulates the file database. See the appropriate sections of
this manual for details about CONVERT & ADDFILES.
Changes made to the file database cause the appropriate changes
to be made on disk, if indicated. For example, changing the file
name will cause DOS to actually rename the file on disk, and
deleting a database entry optionally allows deletion of the file
on disk also. A change of the file area letter will cause the
file to be copied to the new drive & subdirectory and then
deleted from the old one.
Although the file database uses letters of the alphabet as area
identifiers, these identifiers are NOT related in any way to the
message folder letters in the message database.
The MESSAGE data file consists of groups of message lines, one
after the other. The index files which are created and updated
whenever a message is entered is used to locate the actual lines
of any specific message within the database. As messages are
deleted, the message data line space becomes available for other
new messages. The index files keep track of where the message
lines for each new message are located, an absolute necessity
since they may or may not remain in a contiguous sequence. The
user need not concern himself with the actual operation of the
message database except to understand that there is ONLY ONE
message database. The Message Folder Concept also makes use of
index file to allow access to different groups of messages.
Mustang Software, Inc. 16
Although we strongly suggest that all operators become familiar
with WILDCAT! by reading the entire manual prior to starting the
program, we realize that many users may feel comfortable with
other methods of learning the program features. For those
already familiar with the disk operating system, paths, file
handling and/or have run other bulletin board systems in the
past, you may do the following:
. Create a subdirectory to contain the WILDCAT! files;
. Extract all WILDCAT! files into your new subdirectory;
. Create or modify your CONFIG.SYS file according to
"Other Requirements" on the next page;
. Set your modem switches correctly (see appendix A);
. Run MAKEWILD to set-up your configuration;
. Use the HOME key for function key assistance;
. Use the F1 function key to logon and enter your SYSOP
information (remember, you are a new user the first
. At the Main Menu, use the function key F9 to upgrade
your status to that of SYSOP;
. Refer back to this documentation as a reference guide
for more detail, for tips on special configurations,
and for explanations of the various display files.
This Quick Start procedure is ONLY suggested for those who feel
comfortable learning on their own. A step-by-step startup
procedure will be outlined in the chapters that follow.
There are many files generated either by the System operator or
by the normal run-time requirements of the program. You should
create a special sub-directory especially for WILDCAT! and it's
peripheral programs and files. Each file is reviewed in detail
later in this manual, but for now just provide a place for them
to be stored once they are created.
First, you should be at the root directory of your hard disk.
Usually this means that you will be viewing "C:\>", but this
depends on how your system is configured. To more easily
determine your location, you may wish to type the following line
from the command level:
prompt $p$g <ENTER>
where <ENTER> means press your [ENTER] or carriage return key.
From this point, the <ENTER> will be assumed as being required
following a typed entry unless otherwise indicated. Now, place
the WILDCAT! files WILDCAT1.EXE and WILDCAT2.EXE in your newly
Mustang Software, Inc. 17
created directory. If you are unclear on how to create this
directory, type in the following at your command-level prompt:
Your screen You type
----------- -----------
Note: The two files WILDCAT1.EXE and WILDCAT2.EXE are
self-extracting archive files. Typing the filename will
cause the file to self-extract it's contents into the
directory it was typed from. Be sure you copy these two
files into the proper directory BEFORE you execute them!!
In order to work within the confines of DOS at maximum
efficiency, WILDCAT! also requires that several system parameters
be established. The following DOS changes should be done prior
to actually running the program.
Add the following lines AT THE TOP of the CONFIG.SYS file,
located in the root directory of your hard drive;
FILES=40 (failure to do so will result in an error)
WILDCAT! contains a built-in color driver, so installing ANSI.SYS
is not required to run in color mode. Other programs will
require your ANSI.SYS driver, however and no compatibility
problems exist between the two. If your present CONFIG.SYS calls
the ANSI driver, WILDCAT! will just ignore it.
Note: If you do not have an existing CONFIG.SYS file, refer
to your DOS manual for additional information.
Mustang Software, Inc. 18
A separate program called MAKEWILD.EXE is used to create and
maintain the many options and menus available in WILDCAT!. To
start the initialization routine, make sure that you are in the
WILDCAT subdirectory that was previously created.
Type "MAKEWILD". Once the program loads, it will search the
existing directory for the files called CONFIGWC.BBS and
MENUINFO.BBS. If these two files are not found (the first time
MAKEWILD is run), they will be created, along with default values
for the various entries in MAKEWILD. You should be viewing the
following screen:
║ ║
║ TEST-DRIVE 11/1/89 ║
║ ║
║ Section Frame ║
║ ║
║ General Information about the Board & Sysop 2 ║
║ Modem Information & Settings 3..4 ║
║ New User Defaults 5 ║
║ Security Information 6 ║
║ System Configuration 7..8 ║
║ Message & File Folder 9..10 ║
║ Define your Dynamic (Smart) Menu's 11..14 ║
║ Security Level Definitions 15..16 ║
║ Define File Paths 17 ║
║ Define External Protocols 18 ║
║ Quit & Save This Installation 0 ║
║ ║
║ Which Page would you like to go to ? 2 ║
║ ║
║ Copyright (C) 1987, 89 Mustang Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved ║
Select a Starting Page and Press F1 Insert Off
At this point the user should decide which Frame he/she would
like to start at. Simply choose a Frame Number and press the F1
key. It is recommended that the first-time installation begin
with Frame 2.
Moving around within Frames
For purposes of contiguity, the frames will be presented in their
natural order of occurrence. In actual use you may jump from one
installation screen to another at any time without returning to
Frame one just by using the Frame number an F1 combinations. Any
Mustang Software, Inc. 19
changes made to a particular Frame are automatically stored
temporarily to a screen capture buffer.
Editing Keys
During Data entry while in MAKEWILD, the following editing keys
are available:
Left-Arrow Move left one space in current field;
Right-Arrow Move right one space in current field;
Up-Arrow Move to previous field;
Down-Arrow Move to next field;
Shift-Tab Move to previous field;
[ENTER] Move to next field;
Tab Move to next field;
Home Position cursor on first character of field;
End Position cursor at end of field;
PgUp Proceed to previous Frame;
PgDn Proceed to next Frame;
Insert Toggles Insert/Overtype mode. A prompt at
the lower-right of the screen indicates the
present state of the toggle. In insert mode
the characters starting at cursor position
are pushed to the right. In over-type mode
the characters under the cursor are replaced
by those that are typed.
Backspace Delete character to left of cursor;
Delete Delete character immediately under cursor;
Note: The Backspace and Delete keys work the same
regardless of the status of the Insert key.
Mustang Software, Inc. 20
We will review each question in the screen represented below:
║ Frame 2 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 1. What is the SYSOP'S first name ? Jim ║
║ ║
║ 2. What is the SYSOP'S last name ? Harrer ║
║ ║
║ 3. What is the name of your BBS ? Mustang BBS ║
║ ║
║ 4. Sysop's Office <Paging> hours are from 08:00 to 17:00 ║
║ ║
║ 5. Date your board took its first call November 1, 1989 ║
║ ║
║ 6. Number of Total calls your board has received is 0 ║
║ ║
║ 7. Enter your WILDCAT registration number ? 00000 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
1. What is the SYSOP'S first name ? Jim
2. What is the SYSOP'S last name ? Harrer
The system operator's (SYSOP) name which is chosen here is
reflected automatically in a number of places during the
program's execution, a few of which are indicated below:
Leaving comments to the Sysop;
Paging the Sysop;
Entering messages to the Sysop;
Logging on to system locally as Sysop.
Many first generation bulletin board programs used the term
SYSOP to differentiate between the actual System Operator
and the board's callers. A certain level of system security
was built around word SYSOP, so in many programs it was the
no-option default. Contemporary usage indicates a trend
towards the System Operator using his or her actual name in
lieu of SYSOP. Users will quickly adapt to either usage, as
will WILDCAT!. The choice is up to the operator.
If you elect to have the system operator known as SYSOP, you
may leave the last name blank, but remember that these names
Mustang Software, Inc. 21
when coupled with your password are your keys to the system
for both local and remote logons.
3. What is the name of your BBS ? Mustang SW Node 1
This is to identify the official name of your Bulletin Board
System in various areas of the board. Be creative, but some
thought should be given to a title that lends credence to
the actual theme of the board. If a company or corporation
has a title by all means use that name. Likewise in the
event of multiple nodes or installations, suffix the name
with the particular area or node ID.
For example:
XYZ Corporation BBS [primary installation]
XYZ Corporation District 1 BBS [satellite]
4. Sysop's office <Paging> hours are from 08:00 to 17:00
In order to prevent unwanted work interruptions, the system
operator's paging hours may be limited to only certain hours
of the day. During other times, when a user requests that
the system operator be paged, the user will receive a
message indicating the appropriate hours that the system
operator is available, and will be encouraged to leave a
comment or message instead. These hours may be overridden
at any time during program operation by use of the F4 key.
During the quiet hours, the computer will inform callers
that the Sysop is not available for page. If you don't mind
the interruptions, leave the values set to 00:00 and 23:59,
but remember that this puts you on call twenty-four hours a
day! When paging is allowed, the sysop may elect to be
paged via the system bell or silently with only a note on
the display screen, by use of the F5 key. See the function
key assignment section for details.
5. Date your board took it's first call November 1, 1989
The date of origin is to set a starting date for the board's
operations. This establishes a starting date for any files
that are dependent upon this information, such as a call
reporting program or the system's user log. Operators who
are converting to WILDCAT! from other BBS programs may
retain their original start date.
6. Number of Total calls your board has received is 0
The number of calls your board has received defaults to 0,
and should be incremented if you do not wish this value to
be reflected to your users. An example might be switching
from another BBS program, and not wanting Total number of
calls to start all over again. Whatever value is placed
Mustang Software, Inc. 22
here, WILDCAT! will automatically increment it after each
7. Enter your WILDCAT registration number ? 00000
This question is only needed for registered versions of
WILDCAT!. Anything entered into this field in the TEST-
DRIVE version is ignored.
Mustang Software, Inc. 23
The following is a screen representation:
║ MODEM INFORMATION - Part 1 Frame 3 ║
║ ║
║ 1. Which Communications Port do you want to use [ 1 .. 4 ] ? 1 ║
║ 2. Maximum # of seconds to wait for carrier [ S7 Register ] ? 30 ║
║ 3. Enter the string to reset your modem: ATZ ║
║ 4. Enter Modem Startup String #1: ║
║ ║
║ 5. Enter Modem Startup String #2: ║
║ ║
║ 6. Enter Modem Startup String #3: ║
║ ║
║ 7. Enter the string to reinitialize your modem after every call: ║
║ AT V0 M0 Q0 E0 S7=30 &C1 &D2 X1 ║
║ 8. Modem Delays in Milliseconds: ║
║ #1: 3000 #2: 1500 #3: 2500 ║
║ 9. Initialize your modem port at which baud rate [ 300..19200 ] ? 2400 ║
║ 10. Lock the DTE setting at the initialized baud rate [Y/N] ? N ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
Interfacing with many different modems is one of the most
difficult areas of any program that deals with the computer's
communication ports. If your WILDCAT! installation is not
working the way you believe it should, more than likely the
problem will be in this area. The default values represent those
for a generic modem. WILDCAT! requires your modem adhere to the
Hayes AT command set for proper operation.
After completing your modem setup you may want to take the time
to check each entry with information provided in your modem's
user manual. This exercise will help to familiarize you with the
modem initialization being used in your WILDCAT! system.
1. Which Communications Port do you want to use : [ 1 .. 4 ] ? 1
The system can use any communications port number available
on your system from 1 through 4.
Note: COM1 and COM3 make use of the same Interrupt
(IRQ) line and COM2 and COM4 make use of another line. If you
are making use of COM3 or COM4 you may NOT use COM1 or COM2 with
the same IRQ numbers. Duplication of interrupt numbers will
cause erratic operation. As an example, if you connect a mouse
to a standard COM1 (IRQ 4) you may not set your internal modem to
Mustang Software, Inc. 24
COM3 which also uses IRQ4. Note that the REGISTERED USER version
allows configuration of all com port IRQ lines and port
addresses, even to other than standard assignments.
The base port addresses for COM1 through COM4 are standardized,
and this TEST-DRIVE release must use the standard addresses
(03F8, 02F8, 03E8, and 02E8).
2. Maximum # of seconds to wait for carrier [ S7 Register ] ? 30
This setting indicates how long WILDCAT! will wait for a
carrier signal (connect) from a caller. The default of 30
seconds is the standard for most modems, and is the recommended
setting. This value represents how long WILDCAT! will wait
before re-cycling, and MUST agree with your modem's S7 register.
If it is changed to a lower or higher value, be certain to
reflect the change by adding an appropriate S7=# command in the
modem startup strings, as indicated below.
3. Enter the string to reset your modem: ATZ
This is the command string that resets your modem to its
default settings. This command should almost always be ATZ.
4. Enter Modem Startup String #1:
This is the first of three possible modem startup strings
which are sent ONLY upon startup of WILDCAT!. Usually these
startup strings are only needed by modems making use of
non-volatile RAM to store the setup values. All three
startup strings are sent just once when WILDCAT! is started,
and the last one should contain the command to save the
settings, usually &W. These saved settings are then
recalled from modem memory after each call with a short ATZ
command. Most modems without non-volatile RAM will leave
the 3 startup strings blank, and send the modem
initialization string (line 7 below) after each call to
ensure it is set properly.
5. Enter Modem Startup String #2:
6. Modem startup string #3:
7. Modem initialization after every call:
AT V0 M0 Q0 E0 S7=30 &C1 &D2 X1
Mustang Software, Inc. 25
Enter the command(s) that initialize the modem into its
receive calls state. WILDCAT! automatically sends this
initialization string following each logon, whether the
logon was successful or not. The statement above means:
ATV0 Turn on numeric result codes so Wildcat! can
determine baud.
M0 Turns off the modem speaker
Q0 Result codes are displayed
E0 Echo result codes to terminal
S0=0 Disable auto-answer by modem and let Wildcat!
monitor ring detect
S2=255 Disable + + + as the modem attention string
S7=30 Set # of seconds to wait for carrier to match
your answer to question #2
X1 Extended result codes, needed to send a different
result number for connections at each baud rate
&C1 Have carrier reflect reality rather than be forced
true all the time
&D2 Have the modem react to the DTR (data terminal
ready) line properly. This setting indicates that
when the modem sees a lowering and raising of DTR
is should go on hook (hang up) and return to
command state.
If you modem supports the X command, you should include the
X1 or a similar extended result code value in this
reinitialization string. Use the value that corresponds to
the lowest number that sends a different result code for
300, 1200 and 2400 baud connections. This is usually X1.
8. Modem Delays in Milliseconds:
#1: 3000 #2: 1500 #3: 2500
The above delays are necessary and vary from modem to modem.
The goal is to enter the minimum value that operates
Delay 1 is the delay between sending each startup string in
number 4-6 above.
Delay 2 is the time before sending the modem reset string
ATZ (#3 above) as well as the delay between the reset and
the startup string (#4 above). We have determined that many
modems need at least 1.1 seconds (1100 ms) to properly
handle another command after an ATZ, and values below 1100
are not recomended.
Delay 3 is used differently depending on whether WILDCAT!
will answer the phone by use of Pin 22 (ring detect) or by
allowing the modem to use the auto answer feature. This
choice is selected in the next screen. If ring detect is
used, the delay is the time between ring being detected and
WILDCAT! sending an ATA answer command to the modem to tell
it to answer the phone. In the case of auto answer being
Mustang Software, Inc. 26
used it is the time it waits after the modem answers the
phone before it begins looking for carrier detect.
9. Initialize your modem port at which rate [ 300..19200 ] ? 2400
Some modems can step up to match the baud rate of an
incoming call while others can only step down. If you are
unsure about the modem's capabilities, enter the value that
represents the modem's fastest baud rate.
10. Lock the DTE setting at the initialized baud rate [Y/N] ? N
This choice is provided as an option to help you make full
use of the new high speed 9600 & 19200 baud modems. It
allows you to lock the link between your computer and your
modem at a rate higher that the callers connection rate,
usually 19200 baud. Choosing to lock your DTE (data
terminal equipment) rate will result in WILDCAT! sending all
data to your modem at the initialized baud rate, regardless
of the connection rate. This allows faster throughput with
some modems using hardware error checking by maximizing data
transfer from the computer to modem. An example is the US
Robotics HST which functions well with the communication
port locked at 19200 baud and allows the modem to control
data flow from your modem to the callers modem at the
fastest speed possible, sometimes even exceeding the quoted
modem speed. Locking the port can cause problems with some
doors because the door expects the port to be at the baud
rate of the caller rather than some higher rate. If you do
not have a high speed modem you should not lock the baud
Mustang Software, Inc. 27
The following is a screen representation:
║ MODEM INFORMATION - Part 2 Frame 4 ║
║ ║
║ 1. Answer Phone By <R>ing or <A>uto Answer [ R or A ] ? R ║
║ ║
║ 2. Determine Baud rate by <C>/r's or <R>esult Codes [ C or R ] ? R ║
║ ║
║ If By Result codes enter your numeric result codes for: ║
║ 300 : 1 1200 : 5 2400 : 10 9600 : 99 19200: 99 ║
║ MNP: 300 : 14 1200 : 15 2400 : 16 9600 : 17 19200: 99 ║
║ ║
║ 3. Command to place your Modem Off-Hook: AT H1 ║
║ ║
║ 4. Command to place your Modem On-Hook : AT H0 ║
║ ║
║ 5. Number of Milliseconds to delay before displaying PRELOG file: 1500 ║
║ ║
║ 6. Does your modem support CTS/RTS Flow Control? N ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
1. Answer Phone By <R>ing or <A>uto Answer [ R or A ] ? R
Most contemporary modems have the ability to Auto Answer the
phone when ringing is detected. For this to happen however,
either the auto answer dip switch must be set to on or you
must have the command S0=1 (answer on ring 1) in your
initialization string. Rather than set up your system for
auto-answer, a better arrangement is to select Ring Detect
and allow WILDCAT! to watch for the ring itself. In order
to do this, WILDCAT! monitors the status of pin 22 on the
modem connector. This is one of the reasons you must have
the appropriate pins connected on your modem cable. If you
elect to use ring detect, you should have S0=0 (zero) in
your initialization string. If you intend to make use of
doors (only available in the registered version) you are
strongly advised to answer by ring detect. See the cautions
regarding doors for additional information.
2. Determine Baud rate by <C>/r's or <R>esult [ C or R ] ? R
The use of result codes is recommended. If your modem
cannot generate numeric result codes that can be used by the
software, it will be necessary to toggle this option to
Carriage Returns. This choice means that the caller must
enter one or more carriage returns and spaces after
Mustang Software, Inc. 28
connection in order for the system to determine the baud
rate. The use of Result Codes is highly encouraged for
accuracy and speed in completing a connection.
When using numeric result codes WILDCAT! must know which
codes to look for from your modem. The top line reflects
the codes for a "normal" connection while the bottom line
labeled MNP is ONLY used if your modem has built-in hardware
error checking (see your manual). The regular codes are
normally the same for all modems; 1 for 300 baud, 5 for
1200, and 10 for 2400 baud. If you modem supports MNP
(Microcom Network Protocol) or ARQ (Automatic Repeat
Request) you should also fill in the MNP line with the
numeric codes your modem returns when it connects with
another modem with the same hardware protocol. Our example
is the US Robotics HST which returns 15, 16, and 17 when
connected to another modem with MNP at 1200, 2400, and 9600
respectively. Use the number 99 for any unsupported
connection rate such as 9600 and 19,200 on the top line
since 9600 and 19,200 baud almost always make use of some
form of hardware error control. For a standard modem
without any MNP the top line would have 1, 5, 10 and
everything else 99.
3. Command to place your Modem Off-Hook: AT H1
The default is AT H1, which any Hayes-compatible modem
should be able to recognize as the command to go off-hook.
This command is NOT sent when WILDCAT! answers the phone;
rather, when the Sysop logs locally, terminates WILDCAT! via
the F10 key, or WILDCAT! executes an event, such as internal
event Y to dump the Wastebasket. If your modem speaker
makes noise when F10 is pressed and WILDCAT! goes off-hook
you may add the command M0 to turn off the modem speaker.
4. Command to place your Modem On-Hook: AT H0
The default is AT H0, which any Hayes-compatible modem
should be able to recognize as the command to go on-hook.
WILDCAT sends the command when coming back from an event,
such as internal event Y to dump the Wastebasket.
5. Number of Milliseconds delay before PRELOG file: 1500
Some modems delay a short time after answering the phone and
establishing a connection. If you find your callers are
missing some of the PRELOG.BBS display file, or are not
receiving the prompt for First Name properly, you may add a
delay so the program will wait an appropriate amount of
time. Try the default of 0, and if problems develop as
indicated increase the value to 1500ms (1.5 seconds).
6. Does your modem support CTS/RTS flow control : N
Mustang Software, Inc. 29
Many modems can make use of the Clear To Send (CTS) and
Request To Send (RTS) signal to tell the other modem when
data should be sent, and when to wait. CTS/RTS is used by
the modems to tell one another when their respective
send/receive buffers are full or empty. If your modem
supports CTS you MUST enter Y to this prompt. Virtually all
9600 baud modems, as well as those supporting MNP/ARQ make
use of CTS/RTS for flow control.
Mustang Software, Inc. 30
The following is a screen representation:
║ ║
║ 1. Are you going to run a closed board [ Y/N ] ? N ║
║ ║
║ a. Force caller to leave a comment then logoff ║
║ b. Force caller to the Questionnaire then logoff ║
║ c. Logoff immediately and don't add to the user base ║
║ If closed, then select [ a..c ] ? ║
║ ║
║ 2. New Users Default Security Level ? 10 ║
║ 3. Ask for their Phone Number [ Y/N ] ? Y ║
║ 4. Ask for their Birth Date [ Y/N ] ? Y ║
║ 5. Ask for their Computer Type [ Y/N ] ? Y ║
║ 6. Force Newuser to fill out the Questionnaire [ Y/N ] ? N ║
║ 7. Time Limit (in minutes) for first call ? 60 ║
║ 8. Number of lines per page ? 23 ║
║ 9. Place them into these Msg folders: ABCD ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
1. Are you going to run a closed board [ Y/N ] ? N
"N" is the default. This means that all users will be
allowed to logon on to the system and will be entered into
the user database as they call. The user's "freedom" on the
board will then be determined by the security values
established in the various menu commands for each level of
If this field is toggled to "Y", you are indicating that
unless the user's name and password information is
recognized by the system, that user will not be allowed into
the system for any reason. A file names CLOSED.BBS will be
displayed, and the caller will be logged off immediately,
unless "a" or "b" is chosen, in which case the user will be
first forced to leave a Comment or answer the Questionnaire
(if it exists), respectively.
Running as a closed board means that all user information
must be added manually by the sysop for every user before
they can gain access to the system. A CLOSED BOARD MUST
Mustang Software, Inc. 31
2. New users default security level : 10
The number entered here will establish the level of security
access every new, unknown caller has on your system.
3. Ask for their phone number [ Y/N ] ? Y
By answering Y to this option, a new user is prompted to
enter a phone number during their first logon to the system.
Although the user is not allowed to ignore this prompt, a
wrong number may be entered. The number entered here may
also be used for periodic security checks.
4. Ask for their birth date [ Y/N ] ? Y
If implemented this option will allow for periodic security
updates, just like the prompt for phone number verification.
In addition, WILDCAT! will convert the user's birth date to
his or her actual age today when the user record is
inspected (the system date must be set correctly for this to
operate properly). This confidential information is stored
in the user database, and is only available to the system
operator. Many operators like to gather statistical data
from information of this nature. "What is the median age of
my users?"; "Who is the youngest and oldest user?" How
about a surprise birthday greeting to the user? Or perhaps
most important, allowing the user age information to serve
as a guide to what files are maintained on the system, and
establishing the tone and contents of your bulletins and
editorials. WILDCAT! is hard-coded to prohibit a user from
entering values which (when converted to age) mean that the
user is less than six, or over ninety years old.
5. Ask for their computer type [ Y/N ] ? Y
If implemented, users are presented a blank line on which to
briefly describe their computer name and type. It assists
the system operator in helping the user in the event of any
compatibility problems while on the board. This information
is presented alongside the user name in both the [L]ist
users and [V]erify users options on the main menu.
6. Force new users to fill out the Questionnaire [ Y/N ] ? Y
The questionnaire for new users will be further discussed in
a separate section of the manual, along with instructions on
generating the questionnaire. This option is a toggle to
determine whether a new user will be asked to complete a
special questionnaire during their initial logon to the
system. It may be used whether or not the system is run as
a closed board. If toggled to Y, every new caller will be
presented with the new user questionnaire immediately after
completing the basic logon information.
Mustang Software, Inc. 32
7. Time Limit (in minutes) for first call ? 60
Some bulletin board systems do not differentiate between a
first time caller and a regular caller. Others require that
a new user be screened prior to receiving access to various
areas of the WILDCAT! system, such as leaving messages and
up/downloading files. If you elect to have a screening
procedure there may be no real need to allow a new user the
same time limits as a regular caller. Since their
privileges are limited, there will not be enough options
available to the user to require a longer time limit.
Be realistic in the value entered here. Many first-time
callers are apprehensive, or perhaps slow typists. If you
have all the other first-time caller options implemented,
plus a questionnaire, it's possible that a new user will
never get to the main menu in the allotted time! The
provided default value indicated above is reasonable in such
a case, but be sure to test this value in your own
8. Number of lines per page ? 23
The user is prompted during the initial logon to enter a
value for the number of SCREEN lines per page. This value
is used throughout the program to determine the appropriate
position for automatic screen pauses. The value entered
here is presented as the default value if the new user
simply presses the ENTER key, and is correct for most PC
9. Place them into these message folders: ABCD
Number two on this screen determines the security level
assigned to a new user, and that security level determines
which message folders will actually be accessible at the
time of the first logon. To make learning the system easier
for new callers you may automatically open folders for
viewing by entering the folder letters here. You could also
choose to auto-open additional message folders, including
some to which new users are denied access until upgraded to
a higher security level. This causes no problems since the
user's security level will be the final determinant of which
folders a user may actually view, regardless of whether they
have been auto-opened. The values entered should typically
include any folder that is available for general use by your
regular users. The Z folder (comments) is included as a
default here to guarantee that the sysop may leave replies
to comments in folder Z, and that all users may read the
sysop replies.
The general rules governing message folders are that a user
may leave a message or read public messages in any folder to
which he has security access and has open. Users will be
Mustang Software, Inc. 33
advised of new personal mail in any folder, but cannot use
the [R]ead command unless they have security access and it
has been OPENED. The special folder Z is no exception to
the above guidelines. The wastebasket (folder Y) is ever
checked for personal mail. Personal messages placed in a
folder to which a user has no access may not be read except
via the [R]ead [M]arked mail command. It is therefore
advisable to give all users access to the Z folder as a
Mustang Software, Inc. 34
The following is a screen representation
║ Frame 6 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 1. Allow remote Sysop's Drop to DOS [ Y/N ] ? Y ║
║ 2. Verify Telephone Number after every 15 logons. ║
║ 3. Verify Birthdate after every 30 logons. ║
║ 4. Minimum Security Level to overwrite files on uploads ? 100 ║
║ 5. Should the Sysop screen PUBLIC messages before they ║
║ are posted on the system [ Y/N ] ? N ║
║ 6. Can Users leave PRIVATE messages [ Y/N ] ? Y ║
║ 7. Minimum Security to read SYSOP (and PRIVATE) Mail 100 ║
║ 8. Total Number of different User Security levels [ 1..18 ] ? 7 ║
║ 9. Echo the User's password on the screen [ Y/N ] ? N ║
║ 10. Display Password Protected files in the file listing [ Y/N ] ? N ║
║ 11. Security level for MASTER Sysop ? 1000 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
11. Allow remote Sysop's Drop to Dos [ Y/N ] ? Y
If this prompt is answered with "Y", and the caller's
security is high enough to permit it (we suggest that only sysops
be allowed this choice), the caller may actually exit WILDCAT!
and assume control of the computer's operating system. It is
unlikely that anyone other than the system operator, when calling
in from a remote location, will ever need this option. Setting
this value to "N" will prevent use of the Remote Drop to DOS
option on the sysop menu.
Caution: This is not only a powerful option but
potentially a very dangerous one. Unless other
safeguards are implemented, a caller has total and
absolute control over your entire operations, including
erasing the contents of your hard drive. Unless you
are totally familiar with the operating system, batch
files, and related areas, you are strongly encouraged
to set this value to "N".
2. Verify Telephone number after every [xx] logons.
Users of all bulletin board systems are encouraged to change
their passwords regularly. This habit is the exception
rather than the rule, however. Verifying a user's telephone
Mustang Software, Inc. 35
number after every [xx] logons is simply an additional
security device to determine whether the person logged on is
really the person he/she logged on as. Following [xx]
logins, the caller is prompted to enter a phone number in
addition to the usual first name, last name, and password.
The phone number entered is then checked for validity
against the user's record, and if the response is not the
same as that contained in the database, the caller is
automatically forced to the comments section of the system
to explain the discrepancy before continuing with the logon.
3. Verify User's Birth Date after every [xx] logons
The rationale for verifying a caller's birth date is the
same as that of #2 above. Although the values of [xx] could
be the same in both item numbers two and three, it is
recommended that the values are staggered to present the
illusion of a "random" pattern. When the security options
are combined, the chances of an "illegal" user knowing a
user's first name, last name, telephone number, and date of
birth become increasingly unlikely.
4. Minimum Security to overwrite files on uploads ? xx
Any user who a security level equal to or greater than [xx]
is permitted to overwrite an existing filename during an
upload session. This option is beneficial for a writer or
programmer who may be periodically uploading a revised
version of a file, or perhaps when two or more people are
collaborating on revisions to a document. For normal
operations, this value should be greater than that of a
"normal" user; otherwise there may be serious consequences!
Note: The user who originally uploaded a file is
granted the authority to overwrite the same file. The
user is prompted as to whether the file should be
overwritten. WILDCAT! is coded in this manner to
maintain continuity to file names and "refresh" dates.
The only time it may be a problem is if the uploader
proceeds to overwrite a file, then aborts the upload.
The original file will be destroyed!
5. Should the Sysop screen PUBLIC messages before they
are posted to the system [ Y/N ] ? N
If this value is set to "N", any message entered to ALL
users is posted on the system immediately. By setting the
default to "Y", all messages intended for public viewing
must be screened for content, then manually toggled from
private to public by the system operator. Normally this
value is set to "N", since most users are reputable. It is
only in the event that a lot of users post public messages
that contain information that is abusive, libelous, or
Mustang Software, Inc. 36
perhaps contain confidential information or profanity is
this option needed.
6. Can Users leave PRIVATE messages [ Y/N ] ? Y
By entering "N" to this prompt, a user is still permitted to
enter messages to selected users, but the private flag is
removed. Selecting "N" prevents any PRIVATE mail. This
feature may be used at your discretion, and may be useful in
certain applications. In most cases, you will probably want
to leave the value as "Y".
7. Minimum security to read SYSOP (and PRIVATE) Mail 100
Normally, only the system operator should have a security
level high enough to read sysop and private mail.
8. Total number of different User Security levels [ 1..18 ] ? 7
This is the physical count for the number of security
levels. The actual security level values are established
later in the configuration procedure. Any number up to
eighteen may be entered here depending on your needs.
Whatever value is entered will dictate the number of actual
security levels that are entered later in the setup.
9. Echo the User's password on the screen [ Y/N ] ? N
The default answer here is "N", indicating that as a caller
types his password, it is displayed as dots on the host
system screen. Some applications in a busy office setting
may require this additional security while a home BBS may
not. A "Y" response displays the caller's password locally
as it is typed. Note that a callers password is always
echoed back to him as asterisks.
10. Display Password Protected files in file listing [ Y/N ] ? N
WILDCAT! has the ability to require a password to download a
file, and the Sysop determines whether these files are
listed along with the non-protected files or are hidden from
view. If the "N" option is selected, users will not know of
the existence of password protected files unless advised by
a message or some other means.
11. Security level for MASTER Sysop ? 1000
Many system operators make use of more than one sysop to
help maintain files, messages, and users. With this
possibility in mind you are able to set aside one security
level as MASTER sysop who has full system control. The
specific area in which control is limited for sysops at
other levels is the [U]ser database function within the
sysop menu. Even if a co-sysop has access to this area, he
will not have the ability to see other users passwords or to
Mustang Software, Inc. 37
add other users at the MASTER level. An example is a MASTER
sysop level of 1000 and co-sysop at 900. When the sysop at
level 900 views the [U]ser database, the passwords will
display as a series of asterisks. Do keep in mind that users
passwords may be changed by the non-master sysop, but a
non-master sysop cannot log in as the user, or compromise
his password without changing it.
Mustang Software, Inc. 38
The following is a screen representation.
║ Frame 7 ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 1. Allow 300 BAUD Calls [ Y/N ] ? Y ║
║ 2. Is the Bulletin Menu Optional [ Y/N ] ? Y ║
║ 3. Time Compensation ratio on uploads is 2 to 1. ║
║ 4. Display the quote of the day [ Y/N ] ? Y ║
║ 5. Display a download/upload ratio warning above 20 to 1. ║
║ 6. Will you be offering Color ANSI Menu's [ Y/N ] ? N ║
║ 7. Total number of Bulletins Offered is ? 6 ║
║ 8. Place the MODEM "OFF HOOK" when WILDCAT! is down [ Y/N ] ? Y ║
║ 9. Message range is 1 to 0 . ║
║ 10. Path for Menu Files : C:\WILDCAT ║
║ 11. Path for Help Files : C:\WILDCAT ║
║ 12. Path for Display Files: C:\WILDCAT ║
║ 13. Path for Ext Protocols: C:\WILDCAT\PROTOCOL ║
║ 14. Path for Bulletins : C:\WILDCAT ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
1. Allow 300 BAUD calls [ Y/N ] ? Y
There are rather strong feelings among system operators as
to whether or not to permit 300 baud callers. It is not the
intent of this document to take issue with these sentiments
either way. For those who wish to disallow 300 baud callers
during certain time periods, the option is provided. The default
allows 300 baud access at all times.
2. Is the bulletin Menu optional [ Y/N ] ? Y
WILDCAT! automatically scans the file date and time of all
bulletin files and compares this information to that in the
caller's user record. If a bulletin has been updated since
the caller's last logon, a message will inform the caller as
to which bulletin(s) have been updated. Otherwise, the
caller is informed that NO bulletins have been updated since
the last call, and is prompted as to whether the caller
would like to view the bulletin menu. If this option is set
to "N", the caller is forced to view the bulletin menu,
whether or not any bulletins have been updated.
3. Time Compensation ratio on uploads is 2 to 1.
Mustang Software, Inc. 39
In order to encourage uploads, some system operators will
grant a time bonus to those users who contribute to the
system's program files. If the value is set to 2, the user
is given twice the file transfer time in additional time
allowed online for this particular call. For example, when
set 2 to 1, if a file requires 5 minutes to upload, the user
will be allowed 10 extra minutes on the system. A 1 to 1
ratio would compensate the user for the actual time of the
upload, meaning that his time remaining would be the same
before and after uploading. A 0 to 1 ratio would not allow
any time compensation, in which case the upload time would
be counted against the user's existing logon time.
4. Display the quote of the day [ Y/N ] ? Y
The Quote of the day is an ASCII file created by the system
operator. It may contain words of wisdom, quotes from
famous people, cute sayings, insults, or anything else
appropriate to the needs of the system. The file contents
are presented sequentially starting with the first item in
the file, and incremented by one following each new logon to
the system. The quote appears just prior to the main menu.
When the end of the file is reached, it starts again from
the beginning. A quote consists of any number of lines of
text, each of which is terminated by a carriage return.
There must be a blank line (just a carriage return) between
each quote since WILDCAT! assumes an individual quote has
ended when it sees two carriage returns in a row.
If this option is set to "Y", WILDCAT! will look for the
file QUOTES.BBS. If the file is not found, the code will
continue to run, but will generate an error message to both
the local monitor and the caller. Until you have created
this file, it is better to set the option to "N". For more
information on creation of this file, refer to the Files
Used by WILDCAT! section of the manual.
5. Display a download/upload ratio warning above 20 to 1.
If a user exceeds the upload/download ratio above, a warning
message will be scrolled to the user. Further downloads are
NOT prevented; this functions only as a warning to the
6. Will you be offering Color ANSI Menu's [ Y/N ] ? N
You may elect to offer color ANSI menus to callers asking
for color by toggling this choice to "Y". Dynamic menus
will still be scrolled to those users not desiring color.
If set to "N", dynamic menus will be generated for all
7. Total number of Bulletins offered is ? 6
Mustang Software, Inc. 40
In order to inform the user as to which bulletins have been
updated since the user's last logon, WILDCAT! must be
informed of the number of bulletins that are available.
This number limits the acceptable responses at the Bulletin
menu prompt and must be set properly. WILDCAT! will
automatically check the file date/time for each bulletin and
make a comparison to the callers last call date/time for
notification purposes. The maximum number of bulletins
supported is 9,999.
8. Place the MODEM "OFF HOOK" when WILDCAT! is down [ Y/N ] ? Y
When set to "Y", and the system is brought down for whatever
reason, WILDCAT! will automatically send a message to your
modem to place the phone off hook (busy). This would be
advisable if your board were running on a dedicated phone
line, since the caller will receive a busy signal and think
that the system is busy rather than being off-line.
9. Message range is 1 to 0
These values should be left as default values. They are
placed here in the event your message base should ever
become severely contaminated, at which an auxiliary program
called FIXMSG.EXE can reconstruct the damaged message base.
Upon completion FIXMSG will indicate the current lowest and
highest message number. You should then run MAKEWILD and
check the values here.
NOTE: Verifying the latest correct message numbers in
MAKEWILD after running FIXMSG.EXE is very important,
and must be done if FIXMSG is ever run!
10. Path for Menu Files : C:\WILDCAT
This path should reflect the location of all menu files used
by the program. It may be the same location as your
WILDCAT! home path (the location of the program files), but
may be different simply for organizational purposes. The
files to be placed in this area include:
Depending on your configuration, there could be up to 16
menu files in this area. The .SCR designator indicates a
color menu, with non-color menus being Dynamically generated
11. Path for Help Files : C:\WILDCAT
Mustang Software, Inc. 41
This path may also be the same as your home path if desired.
If different, it should contain all files ending in .HLP.
This will include the color ANSI menus including:
MAIN.HLP (Non-color file) MAINC.HLP (Color file)
MESSAGE.HLP (Non-color file) MESSAGEC.HLP (Color file)
FILE.HLP (Non-color file) FILEC.HLP (Color file)
SYSOP.HLP (Non-color file) SYSOPC.HLP (Color file)
12. Path for Display Files : C:\WILDCAT
This category includes all files which are displayed to the
caller for informational purposes which are not included in
other categories. Both non-color and color ANSI files
should be included.
13. Path for Ext Protocols: C:\WILDCAT\EP
This file path is made as short as possible to maximize the
number of files able to be sent. Since the DOS command line
length is normally limited to 128 characters, it is
sometimes impossible to pass all of the information required
for external file transfers if this path exceeds 15
characters. When batch external transfers are requested,
WILDCAT! must perform a shell (exec call) and pass the full
protocol path + the name of your batch file + the com port #
+ the baud + seven filenames. Using maximum possible values
here, the limit for the protocol path is about 15
characters. All files related to external file transfers
should be placed in this area. These include the batch
files specified in the Frame 18, and the actual file
transfer programs such as DSZ, PCKERMIT, etc. Although you
could place the program files (like DSZ) in the WILDCAT!
home directory and have DOS locate them with a path
statement, having them here guarantees that they will be
found by the batch files and makes it easy to check your
system for missing files.
This path is not only used as the location where WILDCAT!
looks for your protocol batch files, but is also the
temporary holding location for all files sent and received
via external protocols. For example, when a filename is
requested for download using Zmodem, WILDCAT! places a
duplicate copy of the file in this subdirectory for
transfer. When the filename is passed to the batch file for
sending by DSZ, no path to the main file location is
included, and DSZ assumes the file is located in the current
directory. After the transfer is completed, WILDCAT! will
erase the temporary copy of the file from this area. This
is done to avoid having to pass the entire path and filename
for every file transfer requested, which would easily exceed
the DOS command line length of 128 characters.
14. Path for Bulletins : C:\WILDCAT
Mustang Software, Inc. 42
Place all files related to bulletins in this area,
"#" being the actual number of the Bulletin to be displayed.
Note that the number of Bulletins must agree with the Total
Number of Bulletins selected in Question #7.
Mustang Software, Inc. 43
The following is a screen representation:
║ Frame 8 ║
║ ║
║ 1. How Many Message Folders do you wish to have ? 8 ║
║ Note: Folder Y is reserved for Deleted Message ║
║ Review or the "Wastebasket" and Folder Z is ║
║ reserved for Comments to the Sysop. DO NOT Include ║
║ these 2 folders in your answer. ║
║ 2. Number of Different File Areas? 10 ║
║ 3. Number of EXTERNAL transfer protocols? 0 ║
║ 4. Maximum Log-on Time Limit? 60 ║
║ 5. Monitor Type ([C]olor, [M]ono, [A]uto)? A ║
║ 6. Screen Foreground Attribute? 7 ║
║ 7. Automatically Clear Screen before menus? Y ║
║ 8. Drop WILDCAT! with Errorlevel 60 after each call? N ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
1. How many Message Folders do you wish to have ? 8
NOTE: Folder Y is reserved for Deleted Message Review or
the "Wastebasket" and Folder Z is reserved for Comments to
the Sysop. DO NOT Include these two folders in your answer.
The minimum acceptable value in this option is 0. WILDCAT!
has the last two folders (Y and Z) hard-coded for use as
Comments to Sysop and Deleted Message Review, respectively.
A value of 0 would then allow no additional message areas.
A value of 1 would allow one additional area, to be named
whatever you wish. Many systems only need a Main message
folder with no other folders, in which case one would be
sufficient. Alternately, as many as twenty-four additional
folders (A-X) may be set up, each with its own security
level restrictions which are assigned later.
2. Number of Different File Areas? 10
Do not confuse the file areas with the message folders.
They do not share the same values or names, and are usually
not related in any way. For example, you could have the
three message folders as mentioned above, and still maintain
up to twenty-six (A-Z) file areas.
3. Number of EXTERNAL transfer protocols? 0
The system needs to know how many file transfer protocols
you will use that consist of programs that run OUTSIDE of
the WILDCAT! code. Examples are KERMIT, ZMODEM, JMODEM,
Mustang Software, Inc. 44
etc. You will enter the complete specifications for these
protocols later in this setup procedure.
4. Maximum Log-on Time Limit? 60
This is the MAXIMUM time ANY user will be allowed to stay on
the system during a single call REGARDLESS of the time set
for his security level. It is a time PER CALL. If it is
less than the amount of time allowed for a callers security
level time, the user may call back a second or third time
the same day and get the balance of time remaining.
5. Monitor type ([C]olor, [M]ono, [A]uto)? A
Although WILDCAT! has the ability to look at your system and
tell what type of video card is attached, you may override
this default selection. This may be necessary on some
systems which have a single color monitor connected to a
graphics controller card that does not display some colors
properly. One example we have found it the AT&T 6300 series
which requires a Mono setting. Most systems work best when
set to Auto, and this is the recommended setting unless
problems become evident. If a change is needed, toggle the
available choice with the spacebar.
6. Screen Foreground Attribute? 7
This setting refers to the color displayed on the LOCAL
monitor when the caller is in non-color mode, and during
local logon. It may be any valid DOS color number from 1
through 15. See Appendix B for the list of DOS color codes.
If the caller has selected ANSI color menus then the local
monitor will reflect the same colors as the caller, and
display them in whatever manner is possible for the local
7. Automatically Clear Screen before menus? Y
Depending on your preference, you may clear the caller's
screen prior to each menu being displayed. Experiment both
ways and take your choice. Keep in mind that you also have
the ability to embed a clear screen code (ASCII 12, the Form
Feed character) at the beginning of your own menus, if
8. Drop WILDCAT! with ERRORLEVEL 60 after each call? N
This option is primarily implemented as a means of calling a
front end program used to handle net and echo mail. It
functions exactly like an external event that is run after
every call, and will be referred to as the Call Processing
Event. Most systems will not need to enable this feature.
See the section on Netmail and EchoMail for additional
Mustang Software, Inc. 45
The following is a screen representation:
║ Frame 9 ║
║ ║
║ Folder Folder ║
║ LTR Description LTR Description ║
║ - ------------------------------ - ------------------------------ ║
║ Y Deleted Message Review Z Comments to the Sysop ║
║ A General Mail Folder B Games Folder ║
║ C Programming Folder D BBS Ads Folder ║
║ E WILDCAT! Users Folder F WILDCAT! BETA TEST Folder ║
║ G WILDCAT! ALPHA TEST Folder H Special Members Folder ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
The number of message folder letters available in this frame is
determined by the value entered in SYSTEM CONFIGURATION, Frame 8,
Question 1. In the default example, there were eight message
folders requested. That value is automatically converted to
folder letters "A" through "H" in this frame, plus the hard-coded
"Y" and "Z" areas.
To get a clearer understanding of this, while running MAKEWILD
use your PgUp key to go back to SYSTEM CONFIGURATION, Frame 8.
Change the value of Question one to "2". Then return to this
screen and observe the results. You should find folder letters
"A" and "B" plus "Y" and "Z" with their associated descriptions.
Don't forget to change the value back to the actual number of
different message areas you need.
You may edit the descriptions to anything you feel is appropriate
to describe a particular folder's contents, excluding those
following letters Y and Z.
For example, you may wish to change folder A from General Mail
Folder to Main Message Area. Try it, using the editing keys
described earlier. You can always change them back later. Also
remember that no changes are permanent unless you choose to save
your setup options upon exiting MAKEWILD. The folder names you
enter here are displayed to your callers when they finish
entering a message or reply. They are given a choice of folders
in which to place the new message, limited by their security
access to the folders (defined later).
Mustang Software, Inc. 46
The following is a screen representation:
║ ║
║ File Area File Area ║
║ LTR Description LTR Description ║
║ - ------------------------------ - ------------------------------ ║
║ A Dos Utilities B Communication Software ║
║ C Database & Word Processing D Turbo Pascal Utilities ║
║ E Products From Mustang Software F Games for the IBM PC ║
║ G WILDCAT! Bulletin Board System H WILDCAT! BETA Test Files ║
║ I WILDCAT! ALPHA Test Files J For Jim Harrer Only UPLOADS ║
║ ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
The number of File Area letters presented on this screen are
determined by the value entered in SYSTEM CONFIGURATION, Frame 8,
Question two. The descriptions may be edited just like the
message folder setup, including the letters Y and Z.
The file area letters A, B, etc. are in NO way related to your
message folder letters. Files and messages just happen to both
make use of letters of the alphabet for tagging the respective
folders or areas.
The descriptions you enter here will be the text that is
displayed as titles of the file areas when the [L]ist files
command is used. WILDCAT! allows you to group your files
available for download by areas or categories, with the actual
files for each category stored in a different subdirectory on
your hard disk. The file area names should describe the files
which are contained in each subdirectory. Later in this setup
you will indicate the specific subdirectory names associated with
each file area.
If this is not yet clear to you, perhaps take a look at Frame 17
(use PgDn) before changing anything on this frame. You can then
see that the descriptions entered here for each file area
describes the actual files found in the subdirectories entered in
the File Path Definitions screen. For example, area D is Turbo
Pascal Utilities here, and the subdirectory path in Frame 17 for
file area D is pointing to a subdirectory named TURBO where all
the files are physically located.
Mustang Software, Inc. 47
The following is a screen representation:
║ Activity Call Ltr Description Seq Sec ║
║ ------------------ - ---------------------------------- -- ---- ║
║ Call Message Menu M [M].............Message Menu 1 5 ║
║ Call File Menu F [F]...............Files Menu 2 5 ║
║ Comment to Sysop C [C]....Comments to the SYSOP 3 1 ║
║ Call Bulletin Menu B [B]............Bulletin Menu 4 5 ║
║ Page the Sysop P [P]...........Page the SYSOP 5 5 ║
║ Show Welcome Scrn I [I]...Initial Welcome Screen 6 5 ║
║ Call Questionnaire Q [Q]............Questionnaire 7 5 ║
║ Seek Active User V [V]............Verify a User 8 5 ║
║ Change UserSetting Y [Y]............Your Settings 9 5 ║
║ Board Information S [S]........System Statistics 10 5 ║
║ List User Log U [U].............Userlog List 11 5 ║
║ DOORS Menu D [D]....................DOORS 12 9999 ║
║ Call Newsletter N [N]...............Newsletter 13 5 ║
║ Goodbye & Logoff G [G]........Goodbye & Log-Off 14 1 ║
║ Help Level H [H]...............Help Level 15 5 ║
║ Call Help File ? [?].............Command Help 16 5 ║
║ Call Sysop Menu R [R]....Reports for the SYSOP 17 1000 ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
This screen lists the menu choices for the main menu. WILDCAT!
will permit a lot of flexibility in its run-time configuration.
This includes the menu structure which may be completely
customized. In this screen you will specify the names of the
various menus choices as well as the keypresses used to activate
those choices. Along with this power and flexibility comes an
area for possible confusion, so the screen above will be
elaborated upon in the following paragraphs. The five main
screen sections represent the following:
This text field describes the actual function of the menu choice
within the program. Each describes what is actually happening
inside the code during the procedure that is listed, and they are
never seen except when running MAKEWILD. They are listed here
for your information so that you may decide the menu name and
description that you will give to that specific menu function.
Further details of each function are contained in the section
"WILDCAT! in Action" later in the manual. Look ahead to that
section if the brief activity description given here does not
adequately explain what the menu choice actually does.
Mustang Software, Inc. 48
The call letter for a particular option is definable. It
represents the key a user must press on the keyboard to activate
that menu choice. The call letter may be any ASCII character
that your normal keys will produce. In addition, the Call Letter
does NOT have to agree with the first letter in the description.
For example, you might elect to change the call letter for
[I]nitial Welcome Screen from I to W and then change the related
description to Initial [W]elcome Screen, or just [W]elcome
These call letters are active for both dynamic menus and color
.SCR menus. Your text menu files must agree with the call
letters entered here.
The description is what you elect to call the activity on the
dynamic menus as they are displayed to the screen. For example,
you are free to change the [N]ewsletter call letter to S and
redefine the associated description to [S]ystem News or News on
system. However, notice that there now exists a conflict with
two S call letter options, the other still being used for
[S]ystem Statistics. MAKEWILD will NOT double-check for
potential conflicts in this area and you are cautioned to work
out your call letters and descriptions properly. The use of
brackets is optional in the description line, but for clarity,
you are encouraged to use some means of highlighting the user's
screen options.
Again, these descriptions will only be used for the dynamic menus
generated by WILDCAT!. If you are making use of color menus, you
will need to enter the descriptions in your or MAINxx.SCR files.
Having the correct descriptions here is recommended since the
dynamic menus are used if a text menu file cannot be located for
some reason.
SEQ NUN (Sequence)
This option determines (1) the order in which the Description is
presented on the dynamic menu screen when the dynamic menus are
being used, and (2) the sequence of characters on the command
line. Notice on the sample screen that the [M]essage Folder Area
and [F]ile Sections are numbers 1 and 2, respectively. Users
will use these options more often than the others indicated. For
this reason, they have been given these sequences. You may
change them to any sequence you wish, but be careful that no two
commands have the same sequence number.
SEC NUM (Security)
Mustang Software, Inc. 49
Enter the minimum security level required to access each menu
option in this field. All users with that level or above will be
able to perform the menu function. If dynamic menus are being
used, callers will only be shown the choices to which they have
access by security level. In the screen above, if the security
level for the [N]ewsletter option were raised to a value of 10, a
user with a security of 5 would not only not be able to access
the newsletter, he would not even see the option on his menu.
If color ANSI menus are being used, the sysop must use the access
rights in this frame to create the various MAINxx.SCR files,
containing the correct menu choices for each security level.
Caution: Regardless of the actual call letter and description
given, be especially careful with the security level of the Call
Sysop Menu activity. This function should be reserved for system
operators only.
Mustang Software, Inc. 50
The following is a screen representation:
║ ║
║ Call Seq Min ║
║ Activity Ltr Description Num Sec ║
║ ------------------ - ----------------------------------- -- ---- ║
║ ║
║ Call The Main Menu Q [Q]....Quit to the Main Menu 1 5 ║
║ Select Folder U [U]..Update Folders for Mail 2 5 ║
║ Read Messages R [R]............Read Messages 3 5 ║
║ Scan Messages S [S]............Scan Messages 4 5 ║
║ Enter Messages E [E]..........Enter a Message 5 5 ║
║ Delete a Message D [D].........Delete a Message 6 5 ║
║ Search Messages T [T]..............Text Search 7 5 ║
║ Check Mail Box C [C]......Check Personal Mail 8 5 ║
║ Goodbye & Logoff G [G]........Goodbye & Log-Off 9 5 ║
║ Help Level H [H]...............Help Level 10 5 ║
║ Call Help File ? [?].............Command Help 11 5 ║
║ Call File Menu F [F].............FILE SECTION 12 5 ║
║ Call ErrLevel 35 N [N].................Net Mail 13 9999 ║
║ ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
The screen above is used to define the options available when a
user chooses the [M]essage menu choice from the main menu. The
menu options that exist here are the same as the main menu in the
previous screen. Note that since this a separate menu,
duplication of the main menu Call Letters are permitted. Let's
use the first option as an example, just to further illustrate
the menu options.
Call The Main Menu Q [Q]uit to the Main Menu 1
Call The Main Menu M Return to [M]ain Menu 5
Notice what has happened. The keypress letter that returns the
user to the main menu has been changed from Q to M, and the
brackets prompting for the option in the description have been
edited. In addition, the location on both the message menu
screen and command line will be repositioned. Using the power of
the security levels in this manner can be very useful if used
wisely. Be careful!
Mustang Software, Inc. 51
The following is a screen representation:
║ ║
║ Call Seq Min ║
║ Activity Ltr Description Num Sec ║
║ ------------------ - ----------------------------------- -- ---- ║
║ Call the Main Menu Q [Q]........Quit to Main Menu 1 5 ║
║ Info on a file I [I]....Information on a file 2 5 ║
║ List Avail. Files L [L].....List available Files 3 5 ║
║ Call Download Proc D [D].......Download a File(s) 4 5 ║
║ Call Upload Proc. U [U].........Upload a File(s) 5 5 ║
║ New File Search N [N]......New Files since [N] 6 5 ║
║ Text Search in File T [T]..............Text Search 7 5 ║
║ Drive Status S [S]....Stats on Up/Downloads 8 5 ║
║ Call Help Transfer F [F]......File Transfer Info. 9 5 ║
║ Goodbye & Logoff G [G]........Goodbye & Log Off 10 5 ║
║ Help Level H [H]...............Help Level 11 5 ║
║ Call Help File ? [?].............Command Help 12 5 ║
║ Call Message Menu M [M]..........MESSAGE SECTION 13 5 ║
║ View an ARC file V [V].........View an ARC file 14 5 ║
║ Read a Text File R [R].........Read a TEXT file 15 5 ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
By now you should be comfortable with the functions of the
Activity, Call Letter, Description, Sequence Number, and Minimum
Security parameters. If not, refer back to the main menu
definition screen for a review. Meanwhile, let's explore another
area of WILDCAT!'s power by using this frame for another example.
Suppose you are assigning a new user a default security level of
five. Further suppose you wanted your system to be friendly
enough to allow the new user access to all options in the FILES
area, except the ability to actually up and download files until
such time the user is validated and upgraded by the system
operator. What changes to the example frame above would be
Simply change the security levels for the D and U options to a
value higher than 5. Of course, the [F]iles section in the Main
Menu Definitions should be set to 5 to allow the user access to
this menu in the first place.
Mustang Software, Inc. 52
The following is a screen representation:
║ Call Seq Min ║
║ Activity Ltr Description Num Sec ║
║ ------------------ - ----------------------------------- -- ---- ║
║ Call Main Menu Q [Q]....Quit to the Main Menu 1 1000 ║
║ Drop to DOS D [D]..............Drop to DOS 2 1000 ║
║ Print User File P [P]..Print the User Database 3 1000 ║
║ List Schd Events L [L]....List Scheduled Events 4 1000 ║
║ Create Schd Event C [C]..........Create an Event 5 1000 ║
║ Update Schd Event E [E]............Event Updates 6 1000 ║
║ Modify User Base U [U].......User Database Area 7 1000 ║
║ Help Level H [H]...............Help Level 8 1000 ║
║ Goodbye & Logoff G [G]........Goodbye & Log_Off 9 1000 ║
║ List Activity Log A [A].....Activity Log Listing 10 1000 ║
║ Del Activity Log K [K]....Kill the Activity Log 11 1000 ║
║ Edit the File D.B. F [F].......File Database Area 12 1000 ║
║ Database Status S [S]......Status of Databases 13 1000 ║
║ Delete Wastebasket W [W].........Wastebasket Dump 14 1000 ║
║ Re-Index Menu I [I]......Index Database Menu 15 1000 ║
║ Call Help File ? [?].............Command Help 16 1000 ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
All of the editing options affecting other menus are applicable
in the Sysop menu.
A caution was issued back in the main menu options to always set
the [R]eports to sysop (or whatever letter you've assigned to
this option) to a value higher than any other security level.
Notice that all the options in the Sysop menu have a security
level of 1000.
Regardless of whether other trustworthy users are granted Co-
sysop access to the system, only the actual system operator
should have absolute control over all parts of the system!
Mustang Software, Inc. 53
The following is a screen representation:
║ Lev Message Folder Access Download File Area Access DTL ANSI ║
║ ---- -------------------------- -------------------------- --- - ║
║ 1 Z 15 L ║
║ 5 Z E 45 L ║
║ 10 ABCD ABCDEF 45 M ║
║ ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
The number of lines available for security level entries on this
screen will directly coincide with the value entered in SECURITY
INFORMATION, Frame 6 , Question seven. Each screen line should
contain (from left to right) a number representing a security
level; a series of message folder letters to which that level
will be given access; a series of file area letters from which
that level will be able to download files; the Daily Time Limit
(DTL) for that level; and the ANSI color menus displayed for that
level. Each of the above items will be reviewed in detail in the
following discussion.
The first thing to do is decide the numbers you will use as
designators for your security levels. These numbers will be used
in the next few screens to assign access rights for callers at
each level. In our example we have established seven levels,
one for locked out users (those who have virtually no access due
to some action), one for new users, four for regular users, and
the system operator.
The actual numbers used are of no particular significance, except
that access to menu choices is extended on a minimum level
required basis. For example, the ability to [E]nter a message
may require a minimum level of 10, which indicates all levels at
and above 10 may enter new messages. This minimum level required
access is NOT used in this frame when assigning message folder
and download area access. For example, note that our default
example screen shows security level 20 with access to message
folders A, B, C, D, and E, while level 10 only has access to A,
B, C, and D, with NO ACCESS to E. Each level is an individual
entity, with its own unique access rights to messages and files.
Mustang Software, Inc. 54
Mustang Software, Inc. 55
Enter the letters of your previously defined message folders on
each line, indicating those folders to which each level should be
given access. Enter the letters without spaces or punctuation,
and repeat this process to assign download area access for each
level. Note that extending download access in a particular file
area does not automatically allow callers at that level to upload
files to the specified area. Further security definition in the
next screen allows you to specify where callers may place
uploaded files.
A few additional words of explanation are in order here to
prevent possible confusion. In the example above, access is
granted to levels one and five to place messages in the Z folder
which contains the Comments to the system operator. This access
allows those callers to use the main menu [C]omments choice and
for the sysop to place his replies in the Z folder for reading on
the user's next call. Each level with Z access is also permitted
to leave comments to the system operator from the message menu
when entering a message by electing to save the message to the Z
folder. All mail entered as [C]omments from the main menu are
private, although messages from the message menu may be saved in
Z by the caller as a public message, if desired. All levels with
access to Z can also read mail placed in the Z folder by
themselves or others, provided it is not private mail.
The caption DTL stands for Daily Time Limit, and sets the total
number of minutes a user at the specific security level may be
connected during a day. The number of minutes set for DTL may be
split during any number of calls during the daily period, with
the maximum PER CALL controlled by your answer to SYSTEM
CONFIGURATION, Frame 8, Question 4.
The final field, ANSI, relates to the COLOR (.SCR) available
within WILDCAT!. Prior to entering any values here, a short
discussion of menus is in order.
There are four basic menus within a WILDCAT! system; MAIN,
MESSAGE, FILE, and SYSOP. By default, when a caller reaches a
menu prompt WILDCAT! examines the caller's security level and
dynamically generates ONLY the choices to which the caller has
access. Callers will not even know about menu functions to which
they have no access. This dynamic menu generation is the default
in WILDCAT!, but the Sysop may also allow the use of color menus.
If you are offering color ANSI menus you must create .SCR menus.
Since ANSI color .SCR menus are simply disk based files, if we
have only one for the MAIN, MESSAGE, FILE, and SYSOP menus it
must contain all menu choices. This is not really acceptable
since our goal is to present callers only with choices to which
Mustang Software, Inc. 56
they have access based on their security level. Therefore we
allow the sysop to create not one, but 3 different .SCR color
menus for each of the MAIN, MESSAGE, FILE and SYSOP menus. The
first of these three menus might be designed for a low security
level such as 5, and would display only a those functions
available to level 5 as defined later in MAKEWILD. Another may
be designed for level 10 and would include all of the menu
choices defined for level 10 in the dynamic menus. These menu
files must be created by the Sysop, and should reflect the
keypresses needed for each menu function as defined for the
dynamic menus. Using the main menu as an example, the ANSI color
menu files are named MAINLO.SCR through MAINHI.SCR, with the
letters LO, MD, and HI differentiating each version. A sysop
making use of ANSI color menus must become familiar with the
creation and maintenance of text files containing the ANSI color
codes. The section Display Files Used by WILDCAT! reviews the
procedures for proper generation and naming of these files in
The ANSI menu field on this screen is used to indicate which of
the 3 possible ANSI color menus will be used for each security
level when a caller is using non-dynamic menus. If a user is
supposed to receive one of these menus, WILDCAT! will attempt to
locate the appropriate version of the menu for display. If the
properly numbered menu file does NOT exist in the menu area,
WILDCAT! will post a notice in the ACTIVITY.LOG and display the
correct dynamic menu instead.
Mustang Software, Inc. 57
The following is a screen representation:
║ Sec UPLOAD File Area Access DL's <- Maximum -> DL Bytes ║
║ ---- -------------------------- ---- -------- ║
║ 1 0 0 ║
║ 5 J 5 300000 ║
║ 10 ABCDFJ 5 500000 ║
║ 20 ABCDFJ 10 500000 ║
║ 50 ABCDFHIJ 10 1000000 ║
║ 100 ABCDFHIJ 100 2100000 ║
║ 1000 ABCDEFGHIJ 100 2100000 ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
You have previously defined the number of file areas for your
system in SYSTEM CONFIGURATION, Frame 8, Question 2, and the file
area descriptions in the File Path Definitions section. Each
screen line here should contain (from left to right) a number
representing a security level (using the same numbers as the
previous screen); the file areas to which each level will be
granted upload privileges; the maximum number of files that may
be downloaded per day and the maximum number of Bytes that may be
downloaded per day.
In the previous screen you specified the file areas from which
each security level may download files. You may elect to allow
callers the ability to place uploaded files in all these areas,
or may instead limit uploads to only a few areas. The ability to
restrict uploads to a particular area is a powerful feature that
could save the system operator a considerable amount of
maintenance time if properly implemented. Some system operators
may prefer to place all uploaded files in an area of their
choosing rather than allowing the uploader to possibly select an
improper area. Others may want to test all uploads prior to
making them available for downloading by other users. This is
very easy!
Assign a particular area as UPLOADS (or other wording); force all
users to upload to that area only; and do not permit downloading
from that area regardless of user level.
The Sysop can then make use of the file database [M]atch function
to quickly review only the files in the upload area and move the
files to the correct areas after his review.
Mustang Software, Inc. 58
The second part of this screen addresses the controls associated
with downloads by each security level. The Sysop may specify
maximum number of downloads permitted per day and the maximum
Byte count allowed. If a value of 5 is entered in the DL's
column, a caller at that level will be permitted to complete five
downloads during a day, but will be prohibited from requesting a
sixth. Likewise, if a value of 10000 is entered in the DL Bytes
column, a caller will be allowed to proceed with a download
request as long as the size of the current file request, when
added to his current daily download Byte count, does not exceed
10K. Keep in mind that downloads will be disallowed as soon as a
user reaches EITHER of these maximums.
Mustang Software, Inc. 59
The following is a screen representation:
║ Frame 17 ║
║ ║
║ File Area File Area ║
║ LTR Path LTR Path ║
║ - ------------------------------ - ------------------------------ ║
║ ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
The number of file paths shown on this screen correspond to the
number of file areas requested in SYSTEM CONFIGURATION, Frame 8,
Question 2. For the file area letter you must specify the path
to locate the files in that area. In this example, all file
paths are sub-directories below WILDCAT. This makes tracking
your files easier, since everything concerning the bulletin board
system is now in the same area of your hard drive. You may at
your option place the directories anywhere you wish, including
the root directory and/or another drive!
For example, suppose you wanted all new uploads to go to a
subdirectory named NEWFILES located directly below your root, all
you would have to do is change the path for file area E above as
Before change
After change
MAKEWILD will not check paths specified on this screen at the
time of entry. If the path does not already exist it must be
created prior to using WILDCAT!. Subdirectory creation is done
from the DOS level.
For additional information on setting up file paths, consult your
DOS manual.
Mustang Software, Inc. 60
The following is a screen representation:
║ Frame 18 ║
║ ║
║ LTR Name Up .BAT Dn .BAT Batch ║
║ - ------------ ----------- ------------ - ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ If you wish to define External Protocols you must select the number ║
║ of protocols you want to support in Frame 8 first! ║
║ ║
║ ║
F1 Returns you to the Main Menu, PGup & PGdn Advances the Page Insert Off
If you wish to define External Protocols you must select the
number of protocols you want to support in SYSTEM CONFIGURATION,
Frame 8, Question 3.
Briefly, external protocols make use of batch files outside the
WILDCAT! program to execute a transfer program written by another
company. This section establishes the batch file names which are
called for each protocol.
The LTR column refers to the keypress which will activate the
file transfer for each choice. The obvious choices are phonetic
such as K for Kermit, Z for Zmodem, etc. Letters which conflict
with internal file transfer choices are not allowed to be
These two fields should be filled out with the names of the batch
files used for Uploads and Downloads. The UP.BAT filename will
be executed whenever a user asks to UPLOAD a file to your system,
and the DN.BAT will be executed whenever a download is requested.
The batch choice relates to the ability of the protocol to
transfer multiple files with one request. If the protocol has
this ability this field must be set to Y to enable multiple
transfers. This is an advanced feature and is not a part of all
externally written protocols. If set to yes, WILDCAT! will allow
up to seven filenames to be entered for a single download
request, providing the user's daily download count and Byte limit
have not been exceeded.
Mustang Software, Inc. 61
If you are not quite ready to tackle the setup of external
protocols, you may leave this section blank and still have access
to WILDCAT!'s internal transfer protocols. For details on the
setup and use of External Protocols see the Advanced Features
Mustang Software, Inc. 62
You have completed the setup program and WILDCAT! is ready to run
and take it's first call. You may very well find that some fine
tuning is in order and you are encouraged to make changes to
MAKEWILD as needed.
WILDCAT! TEST-DRIVE may be started with a number of command line
switches to enhance its operation. Several relate exclusively to
NetMail operation, and are discussed in that section of the
manual. Several others will be addressed here.
WILDCAT!'s overlay file (.OVL) is normally kept in the same drive
and subdirectory as WILDCAT.EXE, and most users can simply leave
it there. If your system has Lotus-Intel-Microsoft (LIM 4.0)
Expanded memory or AST's Enhanced Expanded memory with REMM.SYS
installed, WILDCAT! will automatically copy the overlay file to
expanded memory and access it from there rather than from disk.
This process is automatic, and requires no action on the part of
the sysop. In the event that you want to prevent this use of
expanded memory, begin WILDCAT! with the command line switch
Another switch adjusts the amount of conventional memory used to
hold overlay file code as the program needs it. By default
WILDCAT! allocates 30K (30,000 bytes) of conventional memory to
swap in portions of the overlay file from either disk or EMS.
Increasing this number results in WILDCAT! taking up more
conventional memory from your 640K, but having faster access to
the procedures in the overlay file since more of them reside in
memory at all times. You may increase the overlay buffer up to
the maximum size of the overlay file which would place the entire
overlay in conventional memory. An example is /M 60000 which
would place 60K of the overlay file in conventional memory. IF
WILDCAT! should always be started with a batch file, such as the
CAT.BAT example supplied with the program.
Go to the WILDCAT! directory and type CAT to begin the CAT.BAT
file and start the program. After the modem initialization is
completed you should see the "waiting for calls" screen, and
WILDCAT! is ready to take its first call.
Before you embark on your first connection, take a minute to
logon locally as the SYSOP and check the system out. Press the
F1 key which begins a local logon using the first and last names
specified as for the sysop in MAKEWILD. WILDCAT! will
automatically enter your first and last names and then ask if you
Mustang Software, Inc. 63
are a new user. It may seem unusual, but at this point in time
you are a new user since your name isn't yet in the user
database. Answer "Y" and continue to answer the prompts until
you have reached the Main Menu.
NOTE: Your response to the password prompt is VERY
IMPORTANT! Do not use the same password you use on other
systems and DO NOT use simple names and phrases. In
particular, refrain from using names of your children,
spouse, pets, initials, or any other words which are
commonly known to be associated with you. Remember, this
one word is the key to YOUR ENTIRE COMPUTER SYSTEM! The best
passwords combine numbers, letters and punctuation, and
consist of more than 7 characters, such as JM5S7)HP. If
that's too much for you to handle, try 2 unrelated words of
4 or more characters separated by punctuation such as
Once your login is complete and you have reached the main menu
IMMEDIATELY use the F9 key to upgrade your access level to that
of the MASTER sysop. You may then continue with the system logon
or simply logoff and await your first call. If you intend to
configure WILDCAT! as a closed system, you should now return to
MAKEWILD and change it to indicate your preference. Remember,
you may not set the program up as a closed system until AFTER you
have logged on once and set your access to that of sysop!
Due to the number of configurable parameters within WILDCAT! and
MAKEWILD, we encourage new sysops to check out each available
menu choice for each security level. The easiest method of
performing such a check-out is to use the ALT-L command to logon
locally under an assumed name such as TEST USER. Check each menu
carefully. Once you have determined that the new user security
level is set up properly, use the F9 key to change to the next
highest level you have assigned. Again, review each menu choice
at this new level for oversights or omissions. Repeat this
upgrade and test procedure for every security level available on
your system. Remember to delete TEST USER after testing is
Now is a good time to mention that the SPACEBAR may be used by
the caller or the local sysop to stop the screen output of any
WILDCAT! display file or menu, even the dynamic menus. Just keep
it in mind.
Your BBS is now operational, and will begin counting the number
of calls received.
Mustang Software, Inc. 64
Keyboard Control Keys
F1 System operator local logon. This key is used for logging
onto the system from the local console, and automatically
displays the SYSOP's name as defined in MAKEWILD. Use of
this key will cause WILDCAT! to skip the HELLO screens and
continue to the Bulletin menu prompt. The resulting logon
is otherwise identical to use of either ALT-L or a remote
access. This function may be initiated even while a caller
is online, an will take effect after the current call is
completed. The sysop is notified with an audible series of
Note: The first time this function is used after system
startup, the SYSOP is considered a new user since the name
has not yet been entered into the user database.
This key is used while a caller is connected and the sysop
wants to terminate the BBS after the caller logs off. A
flag indicator appears on the status line at the bottom of
the screen, and remains until the caller says goodbye. At
that time the BBS stops running and returns to DOS, placing
a busy signal on the line if previously instructed to do so
in MAKEWILD. As the system is returned to DOS a distinctive
series of beeps is played on the computer speaker to advise
the sysop that the BBS is now down.
F3 Printer on/off toggle. When toggled on, the printer will
track of user's movements and activities while on the
system. This same information is also recorded
automatically in a file called ACTIVITY.LOG whether the
print function is on or off. The program automatically
checks printer status and if unavailable will toggle the F3
key off.
F4 Page hour override on/off toggle. When ON, the SYSOP is
indicating that he will accept pages from on-line users even
if the current time is outside of his paging hours as set in
MAKEWILD. When OFF, the page function either pages the
sysop or informs the user that the sysop is not available,
in accordance with his paging hours.
F5 Page bell on/off toggle. When the Page Bell key is ON, the
system will page by beeping using the local system's
speaker. If toggled OFF, the speaker is silent and a screen
display of the page request is the only notice given to the
local system.
F6 Screen writing on/off toggle. If screen writing is toggled
off, the local monitor does not echo the connection
activities. A screen notice indicates who is online along
with a brief description of their activity at the moment.
We strongly recommend that screen writing be turned OFF when
Mustang Software, Inc. 65
there is no need to monitor a caller's activity, especially
on slower PC/XT systems. Processor resources needed to
constantly update the screen can cause significant reduction
of throughput to your callers. This toggle is especially
useful when running WILDCAT! under a multi-tasking
environment such as DESQView, where processor use is of
utmost importance.
F7 Start local chat with user or answer page. Used to begin a
local chat session with the online caller, or to answer a
page from the caller.
F8 End local chat or page. Used to end local chat, regardless
of whether it was started from a page or initiated by the
sysop with F7.
F9 Online user upgrade. When F9 is pressed while a user is
connected to the system, the local screen displays a listing
of defined security levels. The local operator is prompted
to enter a new security level for the caller, which goes
into effect immediately and becomes permanent. One of the
first things a new system operator must do after logging on
the first time is to use F9 to set his security level to
that of the MASTER sysop as defined in MAKEWILD.
Note: Although the user has the benefits of the upgrade
during the current logon, the level is held in a
temporary buffer and does not get written to the
user database until the user logs off. If the
user disconnects, drops carrier or otherwise
terminates the current logon without exiting via
the [G]oodbye option, the user's previous level
will still be the default at any subsequent logon.
F10 Terminate WILDCAT! This function may be considered the off
or exit switch. It is active only during standby mode, not
when a user is currently online. Just in case the key may
have been pressed accidentally, a prompt is presented to
double-check whether you really wish to quit WILDCAT!. Use
of F10 to exit WILDCAT! sets the errorlevel to 0, enabling
batch file branching. See the section on batch files in
Advanced Features for additional information.
The following keys, ALT-1 through ALT-0 result in the display of
selected ASCII text files created by the sysop, if desired. The
contents of each file is displayed both locally and to the caller
when the corresponding ALT key command is invoked.
ALT-1 Posts message ALT1.BBS to user; logs user off.
ALT-2 Posts message ALT2.BBS to user; logs user off.
ALT-3 Posts message ALT3.BBS to user; logs user off.
ALT-4 Posts message ALT4.BBS to user; logs user off.
Mustang Software, Inc. 66
The user log-off resulting from issuing ALT-1 through 4 is
temporary. The user may call back immediately providing the
system is available. One of these four keys might be used to
send a message to a caller indicating that he is being logged off
automatically to allow you to perform some unscheduled
maintenance that can't wait.
ALT-5 Posts message ALT5.BBS to user.
ALT-6 Posts message ALT6.BBS to user.
ALT-7 Posts message ALT7.BBS to user.
ALT-8 Posts message ALT8.BBS to user.
ALT-9 Posts message ALT9.BBS to user.
The use of ALT 5 through 9 does not cause the user to be logged
One of these messages might be used to inform a caller that his
time available was being reduced to 15 minutes to enable you to
perform some maintenance. Another use would be as a standard
response to be placed inside a message as you were entering it.
ALT-0 Posts message ALT0.BBS to user, logs the user off, and
locks the user name out of system for any future calls.
(Note ZERO, not the letter O)
Caution: The status caused by the use of ALT-0 takes
effect immediately, and prevents additional logon under
the user name. The locked out condition may only be
reversed manually by the system operator by editing the
user's record.
ALT - (minus)
Immediately disconnects the user with no warning, and
no GOODBYE.BBS file. It is abrupt.
ALT-D Drop to DOS (shell or exec call). This selection may
be used while WILDCAT! is waiting for calls or while a
caller is online. It attempts to leave WILDCAT!
suspended in memory while invoking a second copy of the
DOS Command processor (usually COMMAND.COM). If
executed while waiting for calls, no calls can be
answered while in the DOS shell, and if a caller was
online that caller can do nothing but wait for your
In order to operate properly the system must have
enough memory to support both WILDCAT! and the second
DOS shell. If there is insufficient memory for the
shell to be invoked, WILDCAT! will inform the local
operator and ignore the command. Once successfully
enabled, the screen is cleared and the normal DOS
prompt appears. Most DOS commands and programs operate
properly, but remember that memory may now be
Mustang Software, Inc. 67
significantly limited. MAKEWILD should NOT be run from
a DOS shell.
After you have finished with your DOS session, type
EXIT to return to WILDCAT! The DOS prompt is altered
during the shell to remind you to type EXIT to return.
You may type EXIT from any subdirectory on your
WILDCAT! drive since the home path is automatically
restored by the program. Be careful not to re-start
WILDCAT! with CAT.BAT since it will load a second copy
of the program when there is already one in memory!!!
ALT-K Toggles keyboard on/off. When toggled ON, the sysop
has the ability to enter keystrokes from the local
console which are accepted by WILDCAT! as if they were
entered by the caller. The default is OFF. This
toggle is automatically set to ON when a local page is
answered and when logging in locally with F1 or ALT-L.
ALT-L Local logon. Similar to F1, this function is used for
testing purposes or to allow local users other than the
sysop access to the system. It allows the system
operator to logon under any user name, along with the
ability to see and test the top end procedures, such as
the questionnaire, bulletins, and other information
that a new or remote user would normally see, but which
are by-passed when using the F1 function. It may be
toggles even while a user is on-line and the sysop will
be notified when the system is available with a series
of beeps.
ALT-W Full screen/status line toggle. Toggles window between
full screen (user view) and having user status lines
displayed at bottom of screen. Remember that whenever
you make use of the two user status lines, your local
screen will lose the top two lines of text that the
connected user still has on his screen.
HOME Display help menu. This key displays an abbreviated
help menu explaining the various function keys. It may
be used at any time, whether the system is waiting for
calls or a user is online. If used while a user is
active on the system, however, the user's screen will
be frozen until the system operator toggles the help
screen off again with ESC.
Up Arrow Increases user time online by five minutes, updating
the display in the user status box (if enabled).
Dn Arrow Decreases user time online by five minutes.
Note: The update of the user's time remaining in the
status window may not appear immediately.
Mustang Software, Inc. 68
The following files are automatically generated and updated by
the program. No intervention is required by the system operator.
The activity log file contains information which traces the
user's movement while online and notifies the sysop of
operational errors that may need attention. It is
automatically created by the program if it does not exist.
This file should be checked periodically as an indicator of
the usage patterns of the system. The activity log is also
the basis for statistical compilation by call reporting
programs such as S-PRO!.
Caution: Options are available in the system operator's
reports menu for both reading and deleting this file. Do
not delete the activity log while outside the code, but do
check the file periodically as it can grow quite large!
These files contains all the run-time information required
to initialize your particular custom configuration of
WILDCAT!. They are created, viewed and modified
automatically by MAKEWILD and WILDCAT!. CONFIGWC.BBS
contains all the MAKEWILD settings as well as the High and
Low message count. It is updated after each call by
WILDCAT! with the number of calls taken and new message
numbers. MENUINFO describes how your dynamic menus should
be displayed and to which users/security levels they apply.
It too is created by MAKEWILD.
The ERROR.LOG is automatically created by WILDCAT! the first
time any errors are encountered. If it exists it will
contain information about the error. Errors are of two
basic types, SYSTEM CRASH or NON-FATAL ERRORS. A system
crash indicates that WILDCAT! was unable to recover from the
error, and exited with an errorlevel of 1 to be restarted
with CAT.BAT. Every crash indicates when it happened, a
description of the problem, and often makes a suggestion of
a repair procedure. Non-fatal errors do not cause WILDCAT!
to stop operating, but reflect some problem that may need
attention. Explanations are given when possible. The
contents are this file may prove helpful to Mustang Software
in evaluating the cause of the problem.
The following files comprise the User Database files:
The following files comprise the File Database files:
Mustang Software, Inc. 69
The following files comprise the Message base files:
This is the name of the schedule file. This file is
accessed and updated from inside code. It contains the
control elements for determining which event will take place
and when. This file is located in the startup directory
(where the node is started and the MAKEWILD settings
reside). Events are more fully explained in the section on
Creating Events.
Mustang Software, Inc. 70
Each of the following files may be generated by any word
processor capable of creating ASCII files. Although samples of
most are supplied with the program, they may need to be edited by
the system operator if they are to be used on the system.
All of the display files are highly customizable and may contain
special characters as defined by WILDCAT!. This list will review
the purpose of each file without expanding on the tailor-made
possibilities. See the section Custom Display Files which
follows for tips and techniques to enhance the display files used
on the system.
Most display files may be of two types, ,non-color and those
containing ANSI color codes. The standard extension for non-
color files is .BBS while color uses .SCR During the following
discussion the tag ".SCR" indicates the file is also available in
color ANSI mode with the .SCR extension. Note that although your
distribution diskette has an example of most files, it does not
contain an example of every .SCR version.
This file is displayed to a caller after the sysop has
returned from a local Drop To DOS using ALT-D. When ALT-D
is pressed the caller is sent a message indicating that the
sysop has dropped to DOS temporarily. When the sysop types
EXIT to return to the session, the file AFTERDOS.BBS is
displayed to the caller.
ALT5.BBS through ALT9.BBS (.SCR)
The text associated with these files is sent to the user
when the ALT key is pressed along with the associated number
key. The use of this group of files is optional. If one or
more of the files is not found in the WILDCAT! sub-
directory, the function associated with that particular key
will simply not work. If found, each selection will deliver
the previously written message contained in ALT#.BBS to the
online user. The files may be of any length, but would
typically be one sentence or paragraph.
Each of these files is for the exclusive use of the system
operator while at the local (non-remote) console. Each
selection allows the system operator to display or dump the
contents of the associated ALT#.BBS file to the user. For
example, suppose you had previously created the following
message using your word processor and named the file
ALT5.BBS, and pressed ALT-5 while a user was at the Main
Menu prompt:
By pressing the ALT and 5 (not ALT-F5) keys, this message
would have scrolled to the user who happened to be online at
the time. These files will interrupt any process except
uploading and downloading.
Mustang Software, Inc. 71
ALT1.BBS through ALT4.BBS (.SCR)
These files are similar to the ALT5.BBS through ALT9.BBS
files, and are also optional, with one important difference.
Upon completion of the file dump to the user, the user will
then be automatically logged off the system. These are
useful for a number of reasons. Perhaps the user in the
example above failed to complete his activities, and
appeared to have no intention of doing so. One of these
keys would take care of the situation.
Caution: The keys ALT-1 through ALT-4 are functional
whether or not the associated file is found. If the ALT#
key is invoked, and a corresponding file does not exist, the
user will simply be logged off without a warning message,
just as if the [G]oodbye menu option had been selected.
The ALT-0 (zero) option works with a file called ALT0.BBS.
This option is listed separately, since its function is to:
Scroll the file to the user;
Immediately log-off the user;
LOCK OUT the user (prevent subsequent logons).
Caution: This option will log-off and lock out the user
whether or not the related file name exists, and also writes
the locked out condition to the user database. The user is
denied any further logons to the system. The status of the
user may only be reversed by the system operator by entering
the user database and manually toggling the locked out
status of the user. For this reason, be careful in the use
of this option.
Although this file is not a display file, it is created and
maintained by the system operator. During logon, WILDCAT!
will check this file for validity of the caller's first and
last name. This is useful in helping avoid the CB handle
names prevalent on many boards, if they are not desired.
Each line of the file must contain a single name followed by
a carriage return. Suppose the first few lines of
BADLIST.BBS contained the following data:
When a user enters his or her first or last name, WILDCAT!
quickly scans the BADLIST.BBS file for a match. The search
is insensitive to case. Since this is another security
device, a little extra attention will be spent on this
Mustang Software, Inc. 72
subject to assure your understanding of the procedure.
Let's explore the benefits and possible short-comings of the
sample listing above.
Good - Any user who's name was Code Cracker or Bad Dude
would be immediately logged off the system, without being
permitted the chance to register, and without being written
to the userlog. A record of the failed logon event will be
written to the ACTIVITY.LOG or sent to the printer (if
Good / Bad - A user who enters +++ (which is the standard
modem attention command code) will also be logged off. The
user may have done this in complete innocence, due to
keystrokes intended for their own modem. On the other hand,
it could be a potential board buster who's trying to take
control of your modem and damage the system. This situation
is not really a concern since the standard modem setup
strings include a command to disable the +++ command
Bad - Users with the names John Doe, James Code or Mrs.
Abrams would also be logged off the system as mentioned
above. This includes those users whose real name happens to
be John Doe, etc., and worse, any user who's first or last
name is John. Make your list with this in mind!
This file is sent to any user whose login name is found in
BADLIST.BBS, prior to logging them off.
This is the BEGIN PAGE display file. WILDCAT! by default
prints a brief statement when the system operator answers a
page or enters page chat, to introduce this activity to the
user. BEGCHAT.BBS is an optional ASCII file which may be
used to change the message scrolled to the user when CHAT is
invoked. The code first looks for the BEGCHAT.BBS file, and
if not found, scrolls the built-in default statement to the
This file is displayed IF the user calls on the anniversary
of the date entered as date of birth in the user file
This file is in effect a sub-menu. It is displayed when
the[B]ulletins option is selected from the main menu. This
file should contain a listing of available bulletins,
including the bulletin number, and a brief description of
the contents of the associated bulletin.
Mustang Software, Inc. 73
The bulletin number listed in this file and description the
bulletins must agree with both the number and content of
BULL#.BBS, described below.
The # is the bulletin number, i.e. BULLET14.BBS would be
bulletin number 14. The actual bulletin is an ASCII file of
any length. WILDCAT! will handle the appropriate screen
pauses. The value of # must agree with the numbering and
description given in BULLETIN.BBS, and the total quantity of
bulletins must agree with the value entered in MAKEWILD.
This is the file which is displayed in the event you have
elected to run a closed system. The file will be displayed
prior to taking the action defined in MAKEWILD.
This file is displayed to a caller after electing to leave a
comment to the sysop on the main menu. It might consist of
a short notice reminding a user of the information required
in a comment for proper registration, etc.
This name stands for download limit, and is sent to a caller
when denied access to a download due to already reaching the
download limit for # of files.
Download K limit is sent to a caller if a download request
would cause the user to exceed the download K-byte limit as
specified by security level.
This file is displayed immediately following every download,
if successful. It may contain any information you desire,
so let your imagination run wild, especially after reading
about custom displays later on! But considering where and
how often it is displayed, the size of the file should be
kept as short as possible and still convey your message.
This batch file is located in the startup directory, and
contains the commands to execute a remote drop to DOS. See
the section Advanced Features for detailed creation
This file follows the same conditions as BEGCHAT.BBS, the
difference being that it is scrolled to the user when the
PAGE mode is terminated.
Mustang Software, Inc. 74
Displayed when [?] is selected when editing messages.
This is the first example of a color menu display file.
Color ANSI versions (.SCR) will not be required unless the
sysop is offering color ANSI menus.
If Color ANSI menus are being offered, the sysop must create
FILE MENU ANSI text files ending in .SCR that exactly match
the menu choices indicated in MAKEWILD.
As you recall from the MAKEWILD discussion of security level
assignments, you may specify up to three different menu
files for each security level. These different menu files
are designated by LO, MD, and HI. The menu file without LO,
MD, or HI (FILES.BBS) is only used if a proper menu file is
not found. The sysop must make sure that the appropriate
menu file contains the appropriate menu commands that are
desired for the security level assigned to that menu. Check
the MAKEWILD screen for Frame 15 to refresh your memory as
to the assignments made for each level.
The non-color help file for the FILE menu. The text in this
file should match the menu choices used by the menu file.
Modification may be necessary if any menu selections are
changed within MAKEWILD. This caution is in order for all
.HLP files on the system.
Color version of File menu help file.
The GOODBYE file is scrolled to the user just prior to
logging off from the system. Although it may be of any
length, it is recommended that it just contain a brief Thank
you for calling... or equivalent. Otherwise a lengthy
closing statement may cause a user to just hang up instead
of logging off properly. This file is also optional, since
WILDCAT! contains a hard-coded log-off statement.
This series of display files (one to three) is used to
display your system's welcome messages. They may contain a
logo, system information, or whatever you want to send to
callers as they log in. They typically contain either text
or ASCII characters, or a combination of both. The text
might indicate the name of the board, perhaps the name of
the system operator, date of origin, or other information
that you wish to offer to distinguish your board from other
boards. Consider them your show off screens. All 3 hello
screens need not be used, and they may be added, updated,
Mustang Software, Inc. 75
and deleted as needed. The .SCR color versions are
especially popular and allow for unlimited creativity.
Created by WILDCAT! after each call and contains the name of
the last caller (same as embedded code ^S^L).
The non-color help file for the MAIN menu.
The color help file for the MAIN menu.
The MESSAGE menu display files. See the full explanation of
text color menu files under FILES.SCR
The non-color MESSAGE menu help file.
The color help file for the MESSAGE menu.
This file coincides with the menu option called
[N]ewsletter. It may contain text information other than a
newsletter, but regardless of the contents of this file, or
the menu title or prompt as a result of renaming the option,
this file must always be named NEWSLTR.BBS in the directory
in order for WILDCAT! to implement the function.
The NEWUSER.BBS file is just what the name implies. The
file is scrolled to a user only one time ever, that being
the first time the user calls the system. Actually, during
run-time the caller's name is compared to those contained in
the user database, and if not found, WILDCAT! assumes the
caller is a new user. This is mentioned for two reasons:
In the event that a user is deleted from the system
(for whatever reason), upon subsequent logon the system
would treat that user as if he or she had never called
As additional system security, WILDCAT! permits no more
than one first/last name combination to appear in the
user database, even if the users have totally different
passwords. Here is an example of what would happen:
First caller, a "regular" user, logs on, using the name
"Jim Coleman". The system accepts this, then requests
Jim Coleman's password. Then another "Jim Coleman"
logs on. The WILDCAT! system then expects the password
Mustang Software, Inc. 76
of the first Jim Coleman, which of course the second
caller does not know! The second Jim Coleman must then
use a variation of his name (usually first name) to
establish a separate identity for him. In this case,
changing his first name to "James" would provide the
necessary difference to establish his identity. While
this situation is rare, it has happened, and it is
mentioned here to make you aware of the potential and
how to circumvent it.
NO300.BBS (.SCR)
If 300 baud users are excluded from the system as specified
in the MAKEWILD configuration, the contents of the NO300.BBS
files is scrolled to the caller immediately after logging on
to the system. If this file is not found, a brief message
is hard-coded into WILDCAT! which indicates to the caller
that 300 baud is not permitted.
The PAGED.BBS file is scrolled to the user under one of
several conditions:
Page Off/Bell Off PAGED.BBS is displayed if a page is
requested and there is no answer during
office hours , or if a page is requested
outside of the office hours.
Page Off/Bell On Same as above but "beep" is heard if
paging is done.
Page On/Bell Off System Operator is paged regardless of
the hour, (no "beep" heard), and if
system operator fails to answer page,
PAGED.BBS is displayed.
Page On/Bell On System Operator is paged, (with audible
"beep"), and if system operator does not
toggle the page mode, PAGED.BBS is
Displayed after a caller has requested a download, before
any information about the transfer is requested.
PRELOG is displayed by WILDCAT! after each connection,
immediately after the System ID and before asking for the
caller's name. You may want to make this file
uninterruptable by embedding a CTRL-C command at the
beginning. See the section Additional Information on Files
which follows for details.
Mustang Software, Inc. 77
This file is displayed after a user selects the [U]pload a
file command from the file menu. It may be used to indicate
the SYSOP's rules or preferences, such as only compressed
files or "No Games".
Displayed when a new caller is asked to select their default
protocol at initial logon, as well as when a current user
asks to change the default protocol via the main menu. It
may be altered to suggest a particular protocol.
The help file displayed to users requesting additional help
with upload and download protocols from within the file menu
using the command [F]ile transfer information.
These files consist of text and are displayed to the user
upon completion of a questionnaire that matches the #. They
must be created by the sysop if used.
This text file is displayed to the user after completion of
the QUESCLOS.BBS questionnaire.
Short for "Quick SECurity display file", this is an ASCII
text file associated with a specific security level (#).
This particular file is displayed only to those users whose
security level match the value of "#", and only on the first
call after the particular QSEC#.BBS is created.
This is accomplished by displaying the file ONLY if the
caller's last logon date precedes the file date of
Example: If your regular users have a security level of
"40", a file named QSEC40.BBS (if it exists) is displayed if
the caller has not received it before. This file is not
erased by the system, but rather is repeated for any callers
meeting the criteria. Keep in mind that QSEC#.BBS will not
display for any users whose security level is upgraded from
one level to another due to the test for QSEC#.BBS file
This is the questionnaire file which is presented to a new
caller IF the system is set up as a closed board and the
closed board questionnaire is selected in MAKEWILD. The
answers are in QUESCLOS.ANS. See Appendix F for additional
Mustang Software, Inc. 78
This file is the text menu file which lists the
questionnaires available on the system. It is created and
presented in the same manner as the BULLETIN.BBS file and,
These files are the questionnaire files generated by
MAKEQUES.EXE. They may only be read and manipulated by the
WILDCAT! code. The # is replaced by the appropriate number
of the questionnaire as reflected in the QUESTION.BBS file.
A later section contains complete instructions for the
MAKEQUES program.
These file(s) contain the user's typed-in responses to the
QUES#.BBS inquiries. The file is automatically created by
WILDCAT! if it doesn't exist, and is also appended by the
code. These files may be manipulated by any word processor
or, in the REGISTERED VERSION, the Q-PRO! utility. All
answer files are located in the home path, where the
MAKEWILD settings reside.
This is the questionnaire file which is presented to every
new caller to the system IF the new user questionnaire is
selected in MAKEWILD. The answers are placed in
This display file is sent to users after completion of the
QUESNEW.BBS questionnaire.
WILDCAT! expects to find this file if the QUOTES option is
implemented in MAKEWILD. If not found, WILDCAT! will
continue to run, but will generate an error message to the
user and to the activity log. QUOTES.BBS is different than
other display files, so some additional explanation is in
The following criteria must be observed when creating the
. The file may be created with any ASCII word processor;
. The file may be of any length;
. The first entry must begin on the first line of the
. A particular quote may contained any number of lines,
with each quote being separated by two consecutive
carriage returns.
Here is an example of the QUOTES.BBS file:
This line is quote #1 <<C/R>>
Mustang Software, Inc. 79
These lines are quote #2, and regardless of the length of
the line would be displayed until two consecutive carriage
returns are encountered.<<C/R>>
This is quote #3. <<C/R>>
... and so on for the length of the file.
During the first actual running, WILDCAT! is initialized
with a pointer to the first record in the QUOTES.BBS file.
Thereafter, during each new logon, the user is presented
with the next sequential quote in the file. In other words,
if your board receives 50 calls a day, and you have 50
different quotes in your QUOTES.BBS file, each caller would
receive a different quote. Starting with the 51st caller,
the file would recycle to the first quote in the file. The
quote pointer is saved after each call and is reinitialized
when started after a re-boot.
The contents of RATIO.BBS will be displayed to the caller
when the user's upload to download ratio has been exceeded.
This ratio is set in MAKEWILD.
Another ASCII text file, these particular file(s) are
displayed only to those users whose security level match the
value of "#".
Example: If your regular users have a security level of
"40", a file named SEC40.BBS (if it exists) is displayed
before anything else after logon. This should be considered
a special bulletin for a select group of users, and is
displayed during every logon unlike QSEC#.BBS which is only
displayed one time.
This file is displayed to a caller who fails to properly
answer the verification on either birthdate or phone number.
The default text asks the user to correct his user settings
if the system records are incorrect. It is sent just prior
to forcing the caller to the comments area for an
The SYSOP menu color display files. See the full
explanation of color menu files under FILES.SCR
The non-color help file for the SYSOP menu.
Mustang Software, Inc. 80
The ANSI help file for the SYSOP's menus.
This file is similar to DOWNLDOK.BBS mentioned previously,
except that it is displayed immediately following every
upload. As in DOWNLDOK.BBS, it may contain any information
you desire.
Refer to SEC#.BBS for usage syntax. Unlike the SEC file,
however, the USER# file (if it exists) will display the
contents of the file to an individual user whose record
number in the user database (top of the screen) agrees with
the value of "#".
For example, assume that:
1. A user named "Rick Hartley" existed as a caller on
your board;
2. A review of the user database indicated that Rick
Hartley's user number was "123".
3. A file named "USER123.BBS" was created in the
WILDCAT sub-directory;
Then, during Rick's next logon, whenever that might be:
1. USER123.BBS file would be displayed to Rick
2. A memo is recorded in the activity log (and
printer) that the file USER123.BBS had been
3. The USER123.BBS file is then erased.
Note that running FIXUSERS on the User database will cause
the user record numbers to be reassigned. If this feature
is used, the numbers must be checked if a database repair is
Mustang Software, Inc. 81
Additional information on files
WILDCAT! has the ability to include color and simulated animation
in most display files by use of the ANSI color rendition codes.
Under normal circumstances a computer system must be instructed
how to interpret these codes by a configuration command placed in
the CONFIG.SYS file. This setup is NOT required with WILDCAT!
since an ANSI driver is incorporated into the code.
ANSI files may be created with most text editors or word
processors which can handle plain ASCII text, and can also place
the ESC character (ASCII 27) into text. The codes to use for
various colors are found in the appendix to older versions of DOS
(prior to 2.0), and a subset is included in Appendix B of this
manual for reference. The alternative to hand entering the codes
into your WILDCAT! color files is to use one of a number of ANSI
generators available as shareware. THEDRAW is a popular choice
which was used to create many of the menus used by our own
system. It provided an easy method of entering proper codes,
even on a monochrome system. It is available through many public
BBS systems with a nominal payment request.
.BBS and .SCR Differences
All display files may be created in a color ANSI version which
will display in color to the caller. These files end in the
extension .SCR and contain color codes in addition to text. For
example, the file UPLOADOK.BBS is mentioned in the previous
section with the tag (.SCR) after it indicating it may be created
in color. You could create an ANSI version of this file and it
would display in color. Use discretion in this matter, since it
takes a lot of extra work to duplicate all of the coded specialty
files, and on lesser files the results may not be worth the
effort. A good rule of thumb would be to offer static files in
color, static meaning those which do not change often. A "busy"
file, such as a newsletter file that is updated often, would
rarely be worth the effort of offering a color version.
The SPACEBAR may be used to terminate the scrolling of any
display file, either .BBS or .SCR, by either the caller or local
SYSOP. This is mentioned here since many ANSI file take an
extremely long time to complete a single display screen, and
callers may want to abort such a screen. This may be overridden
with a control sequence as explained later in this section.
Customized Files
It is also possible to "personalize" display files. The only
requirement is to use a word processor that supports embedded
Mustang Software, Inc. 82
control codes such as the Norton Editor or our own MPE.EXE
(Mustang Personal Editor). MPE is available for download from
the Mustang Software Public BBS at no charge, and may be freely
distributed. When an embedded control code is encountered in a
display file during runtime, it will cause the system to extract
the corresponding information from the system files. Listed
below is a summary of the commands available.
NOTE: Many editors are unable to produce some or all codes
through keyboard entry.
System Information:
^S^B Current system time (from clock) in format HH:MM
^S^D Current system date in format MM/DD/YY
^S^F Total number of files available on the system
^S^N Total messages on the system
^S^P Causes display of the -More- prompt immediately,
regardless of the number of lines that have scrolled.
It is ignored if the caller selects Non-stop scrolling.
^S^T Totals calls received by the system
^S^U Total number of users on the system
User Information
^U^B User's birth date
^U^C User's computer type
^U^D User's total number of logons
^U^E User's time remaining this call
^U^F User's location (city, state)
^U^G User's total upload kilobytes
^U^H User's total download kilobytes
^U^J User's total number of downloads
^U^K User's first name
^U^L User's date of last call
^U^N User's full name
^U^O User's total number of uploads
^U^P User's phone number
^U^Q User's Memo date
^U^R Maximum downloads possible per day
^U^S User's date of first call
^U^T User's time on system this call
^U^V User's last [N]ew files search date
^U^W User's security level
^U^Y User's message folders joined
General Codes
^G Beeps the speaker at the remote terminal only.
^C CTRL-C embedded in a file will turn off the user's
ability to stop screen display. The file will scroll
through to the end of the file, with page stops,
Mustang Software, Inc. 83
disabling the callers ability to use the spacebar to
stop the display. When ^C is used the user will
receive the appropriate page pauses, but the [S]top
option will not be available. Place the Ctrl-C at the
beginning of the file if you want it to affect the
entire contents.
^B CTRL-B eliminates the "-More-" prompt line in display
files. This would likely be used in your "fancy"
graphics screens. No pauses are made.
Both Ctrl-C and Ctrl-B are automatically canceled at the end of a
display file, and need not be turned off unless you want the
option to change back prior to the end. Some of these variables
are updated during their call in the event of a dropped carrier.
These are very powerful functions which when properly and
thoughtfully implemented will provide additional enjoyment and
assistance to your callers.
^L This code is actually the form feed character, an ASCII
12, and will clear the screen whenever it is
encountered. Use it to clear the screen as the first
character for any files you wish. It may be entered
with many editors by pressing and holding the ALT key
while pressing 1 and 2 on the NUMERIC KEYPAD. It
usually displays as the medical symbol for the female,
a circle with a cross on top.
Note: Using ^U as an example, typing the carat (^) sign plus an
"U" as "normal" ASCII text will not yield the desired results.
It must be the control character represented by the key
combination of your control key and the letter "U". Depending on
the editor used to create your display files, control characters
may or may not be represented on screen as a ^ with a letter next
to it. Some editors use (sometimes curious looking) screen
symbols for display purposes rather than ^.
Mustang Software, Inc. 84
Using MPE (Mustang Personal Editor) for codes.
Although it is beyond the scope of this manual to provide
detailed instructions regarding control code placement, a short
explanation of control codes within the MPE program will be
addressed. MPE is an ASCII editor that cannot place control
codes directly into a document by simply pressing the control key
and the letter. Pressing and holding Ctrl and S does NOT embed a
^S code. It can however add these codes with a special keystroke
sequence which lets it know that a control code is desired.
At the location in the text where a control code is wanted the
user must first press Ctrl P (hold down the Ctrl key and press
the letter P). This keystroke is NOT printed on the screen, but
is remembered by MPE. It tells MPE that the very NEXT Ctrl and a
letter is to be taken literally and placed into the document.
For example, if we want to add the -MORE- prompt at a particular
location we need to get TWO control codes into our text, a ^S and
a ^P. First we locate the cursor at the desired position in our
display file and then tell MPE that we want a control code by
pressing Ctrl P. Nothing happens but MPE is now ready for the
real code so we press and hold Ctrl while pressing the letter S.
This Places a representation of the ^S in our text at the cursor
position. Now we need to add the ^P, the second half of the
needed embedded code. Again we first press Ctrl P to tell MPE to
place the literal code into the text, followed by the code
desired which just happens to be another Ctrl P. The second Ctrl
P results in a representation of the code for ^P in the display
If you are using MPE to place embedded codes in your ANSI color
file, you should first create the files in color and then embed
the codes with MPE as desired. Remember that some embedded codes
take up a great deal of line space when expanded with the
translated text, such as the full user name. Make space
allowances accordingly. This method of placing codes into text
is covered in the MPE documentation, and is also used by the
Norton Editor.
Mustang Software, Inc. 85
Using THEDRAW (and other ANSI editors)
A complete tutorial on ANSI editors is also beyond the scope of
this documentation. However, there are a number of pitfalls,
curiosities, and special characteristics of most ANSI editors
which can be covered in this manual. Be certain to completely
review the documentation to the ANSI editor in addition to this
brief help file, since these comments may not apply completely to
editors other than THEDRAW.
When using an ANSI editor you may be given several options when
saving your file to disk. If given choices you should select
line lengths as long as possible, preferably 255 characters, and
no clear screen (enter them with MPE). One of the most common
problems encountered by new users is the creation a display file
which is too long and gets a -MORE- prompt in the middle. This
is due to the fact that almost all ANSI screens are saved as 25
lines, or as a screen which will fill a full monitor screen. The
solution to this problem is rather simple, and consists of
removing several ANSI codes from the end of the file. Here's how
to do it:
After completing the creation of the file in THEDRAW, you must
edit it in a plain text editor such as MPE. When the file is
viewed in MPE, several precautions must be taken to preserve the
correct ANSI placement. The first is the margins should be set
to 0 for the left and 255 for the right. You will quickly see
that the color codes appear as codes and are not interpreted.
The ESC character (ASCII 27) for example is seen as a highlighted
left bracket ( [ ) and is followed by the actual bracket
character and color codes as needed to produce the color desired.
If you are unfamiliar with ANSI color codes take a look at
Appendix B.
The editing which needs to be performed consists of removing the
ANSI codes at the very end of the display file. These codes are
placed there by THEDRAW to locate the cursor on screen line 25 at
position 1, an action we do NOT want. To get to the bottom of
the file, use the down arrow or PgDn key to locate the last line,
and then use the right arrow to go to the last character of the
file. Once there look to the left and locate the last printable
character that you actually want to appear to the caller. If
your display file is composed of a message in a double-line
border, this would be the lower right corner of the border.
Place the cursor to the right of this last printable character
and delete everything in the file from that point. The
characters to be deleted will include a number of ESC codes (a
highlighted bracket) followed by regular brackets, numbers and
letters. When you have deleted the necessary characters, place a
CR/LF (press ENTER) immediately after the last printable
character to start a new line. Your file should now display
properly. Test it with the DOS command TYPE FILE.SCR
Mustang Software, Inc. 86
Other editing may now be done, including placement of embedded
codes. The first thing you may want to do is place a clear
screen code as the very first character in the file. Move the
cursor to the first character of the file and enter a ^L.
Remember, to enter a control character in MPE you first press the
Ctrl key and hold it while tapping P, and then press Ctrl and the
desired character.
Embedded codes must always be added after a file is created with
THEDRAW. If you place an embedded code in a file and then return
the file to THEDRAW for color change or other editing, the
embedded codes will be changed by THEDRAW. It places ESC
characters in front of each code, causing improper display in
WILDCAT!. Whenever you re-edit a color file you must use an
editor such as MPE to check your embedded codes and delete the
extra ESC codes in front of every control character. Remember,
the ESC character displays as a highlighted [ in MPE, and will
appear before each control code.
Mustang Software, Inc. 87
The previous chapters have dealt with system requirements, setup
and file structure. We now move on to actual system operation
and command structure. We will make note here that WILDCAT! will
automatically monitor the "inactive" time while a user is logged
in, and disconnect after 5 minutes. A warning is issued after 4
minutes. The exception is the message area where inactivity is
extended to 10 minutes with a warning at nine minutes.
Although WILDCAT! may be started by typing "WILDCAT" at the DOS
prompt, proper operation requires that it be started from within
a batch file. If the concept of batch files is unfamiliar,
review your DOS manual for additional information. WILDCAT! is
distributed with a sample startup batch file named CAT.BAT.
Although this file may suit your needs as-is, you are encouraged
to review it for proper syntax and operation within your system
settings. Specifically, change the drive letter and subdirectory
name in CAT.BAT to match your installation.
The main advantage to batch file operation is automatic re-start
of the program should power be interrupted or the program
experience an unrecoverable error. In addition, some program
features, such as remote drop to DOS, external events, and doors
will not function without batch intervention.
The most basic batch file may simply start WILDCAT! and then re-
call itself, however this creates a loop from which there is no
escape! At a minimum we recommend a cyclical file which calls
itself, but allows escape from the batch file if WILDCAT! is
terminated normally with the F10 key. The method of checking for
a "normal" exit via F10 is through use of the DOS errorlevel
command. An example follows:
ECHO OFF prevents display to the screen
CD \WILDCAT! changes to the proper directory
WILDCAT starts the program
IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO END checks for normal exit
CAT.BAT re-starts this batch file if
errorlevel not 0
:END only gets here if errorlevel=0
ECHO ON end of file, turn on echo
Mustang Software, Inc. 88
When WILDCAT! is terminated with the F10 key, a DOS parameter
called the errorlevel is set to zero (0) by WILDCAT!, which is
the standard errorlevel for normal program termination. This
errorlevel can be set to any number desired by any program when
it terminates, and a batch file test may be used to determine the
number and take some action. In the case above, we use the batch
command IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO END to tell the batch file to jump
to the batch file label :END for the next command if the
errorlevel is zero.
If the errorlevel is not 0 (indicating an abnormal termination or
error), the batch file does not branch to the :END label, but
continues with the next line (CAT.BAT) which re-starts CAT.BAT
all over again.
If the sysop intends to make use of the remote drop to DOS,
external event functions, or doors, additional batch commands
must be added to work with errorlevels. These will be reviewed
under the appropriate section in Advanced Features.
Signing On the First Time
The SYSOP may sign on by using the F1 key locally. This method
of logging in bypasses the HELLOx screens and proceeds directly
to the bulletin area. The FIRST time the new sysop signs on he
(she) will be considered a new user since no names have been
entered into the user database, which is created and maintained
by the WILDCAT! program, not MAKEWILD. The sysop should
therefore must proceed to answer the various questions asked of a
new user, and continue to the Main Menu. Once the sysop's name
is properly entered into the user database, he should immediately
use the F9 key to upgrade his security level to that of the
master sysop. Keep in mind that the new security level will take
effect immediately, but will become permanent ONLY if a proper
logoff is completed.
Just as the user database has no records when WILDCAT! is
started, the files and message databases are also empty. Users
and messages are usually added on a continuing basis as the
system takes calls, but the file database may need to be set up
beforehand on many systems. We encourage you to proceed with
this chapter to become familiar with the menu structure, but you
may wish to establish your files database first. In the event
that you have run a bulletin board program prior to WILDCAT!, a
conversion program is included which will automate much of the
data entry required. See "WILDCAT! SUPPORT PROGRAMS" for
instructions on using the CONVERT & ADDFILES programs. Files may
also be entered manually as described shortly in the Menu
Mustang Software, Inc. 89
There are four major menus available in WILDCAT!, each containing
a number of very straight-forward selection options. However,
there are some options which are either unique to WILDCAT!, or
handled differently than other bulletin board systems.
The titles, prompts, text and descriptions for the various
options under discussion for each menu could differ from one
WILDCAT! installation to another, those discussed here represent
the default WILDCAT! setup. In actual operation you may rename
any menu function to your liking.
Since the MAIN menu is always the first encountered following
logon, as well being a gateway to other areas of the system, the
discussion will start here. The menu choice selections are
presented in alphabetical order for easy reference, rather than
the order in MAKEWILD.
[B] Bulletin Menu
When the B option is selected, the file called BULLETIN.BBS
is displayed to the user. The Bulletin menu could be
considered a sub-menu of sorts, in that it presents the user
with the options of reading one or more bulletins by
selecting a bulletin number, or re-listing the bulletins
that are available for display, or simply returning to the
calling menu, in this case the MAIN menu. If any bulletins
have been updated since the user's last logon, the user will
be presented a listing of those bulletins by number.
[C] Comment to the sysop
This choice enables users to enter a private message to the
system operator. WILDCAT! makes these comments an integral
part of the message base for easy reply, if desired. All
comments are directed to a separate message folder (Folder
Z), which means that the comment may not only be replied to,
it may be moved to another message folder and made public if
so desired.
[F] Files Menu
Presents the user with the Files Menu.
[G] Goodbye & Logoff
If a user's current help level is set to the NOVICE mode,
using the Goodbye option gives the user a way to back out of
the command, and entering this command brings up a friendly
question, Are you sure you want to logoff?. If the user
responds with a Y, then normal logoff procedures are begun.
Otherwise, if the user enters N or just [ENTER], WILDCAT!
will assume the command has been entered in error, and will
return to the then current menu. Once a user has changed
help levels to REGULAR or EXPERT, this extra prompt will no
Mustang Software, Inc. 90
longer be displayed. The program assumes that the user
knows the commands well enough to deliberately wish to log
The confirmation prompt may be overridden even in the novice
mode of operation by entering G Y or G;Y. This method of
stacking commands is available in many locations within
WILDCAT, and will be pointed out where it is most commonly
used. Note that command stacking may not be used with the
hot key option.
The Goodbye command is available in ALL major menus and
performs exactly the same in each of them.
[?] Help with Commands
There is a help screen associated with each major menu in
WILDCAT! which more fully explains the options available.
Many users will select this option as a refresher course
after having toggled their expert level to REGULAR or
[H] Help Level
The following sub-menu is presented:
WILDCAT! supports three different levels of menu prompts.
[N]ovice The first and the default value for new users is
the Novice level. At this level, the user is
presented with full dynamic menus with a command
line prompt containing the name of current menu
area, and the first character for a particular
option in the current menu. Sysop created BBS
menus or .SCR menus are displayed in their
[R]egular The second level is the Regular level. At this
level, menus show only the command line with the
name of the current area of the system and the
first letter option designators. No menus are
displayed at this level. An example would be:
[E]xpert The final and highest level is the Expert level.
At this level, only the particular area of the
system is indicated. No menus or letter
designators are included. An example would be:
The Help level command is available in ALL major menus and
the usage is exactly the same in each of them.
[I] Initial Welcome Screen
Mustang Software, Inc. 91
Contents of the HELLO1 (one) through HELLO3 files are re-
displayed to the caller, with screen pauses determined by
manner set up in these respective files. Sometimes a user
will stop the original display of one or more of these files
using the space bar or CTRL-K, then later wish to review the
contents of these entry-level display screens. The I option
permits doing so without the user having to logoff and then
call again. In addition, if you have a fancy color logo
screen in one of your HELLOx files, you might be surprised
at how many users will display the file over and over after
logging on.
[M] Message Menu
The MESSAGE menu is displayed.
[N] Newsletter
Displays the contents of the NEWSLTR.BBS file to the user
with screen pauses. As mentioned in the configuration/setup
instructions, this option may be called anything you like,
and the contents m!y "e anything you wish, but the display
file itself must be called NEWSLTR.BBS.
[P] Page the SYSOP
This selection is used for the caller to page the system
operator. It may be tested by the system operator while
logging on locally (sitting at machine), the resulting
effect being the same as if a remote user had initiated the
page. In addition, answering the page with the F7 key may
also be attempted (do this in private, since it looks
strange to onlookers to see a person typing to him or
herself...and answering!). The response of the local system
may vary depending on whether the current time is within the
sysop's paging hours, whether the page override toggle is
on, and whether the page bell is turned on or off.
If a page is answered the sysop can type directly to the
caller from the local keyboard.
[Q] Questionnaire
The user is presented the screen menu QUESTION.BBS (similar
to BULLETIN.BBS) for further prompting as to which
questionnaire to answer. Sample Questionnaires are
[R] Reports for Sysop
The SYSOP menu is displayed.
[S] System Statistics
When chosen, a display is generated for the caller
indicating basic information about the system, including the
start date, number of callers, users and files.
[U] Userlog List
Mustang Software, Inc. 92
The caller is presented with the entire user list of the
system, displayed in alphabetical order, along with the type
of computer they are using, the date they last called and
their calling point of origin. The usual screen pauses are
in effect while using this option. A sysop may disable this
(or any) menu option by setting the security level above
that of any user.
[V] Verify User
A search can be made on any portion of a any user name on
the system. Pressing V brings up a sub-prompt - Enter name
or partial name: At the sub-prompt, enter all (or portion
of) a user's first or last name. The more information that
is provided at this prompt, the more detailed the resulting
search. A search of Jim would find every user named Jim on
the system, along with their calling city and state, and the
date of their last call.
A search of jim h would find, for example, both Jim
Hightower and Jim Harvey, plus any others whose first name
was Jim and whose last name begins with the letter H.
Notice in this example that the search is also insensitive
to case.
[Y] Your System Settings
The user is allowed to make changes to certain information
in the User database. When [Y] is selected the user is
presented with a screen showing his current settings.
From the sub-menu, the user may alter the entries in item in
the left column. The right column, which is maintained by
the system or the system operator, is provided as
information for the user, and may not be changed by the
Mustang Software, Inc. 93
[C] Check for Mail
WILDCAT! scans and lists the numbers of all messages which
are either from or to the caller. This is essentially an
operation to determine if the caller has any messages
waiting, whether new or old.
[D] Delete Message
This is a routine for erasing old messages directly from the
MESSAGE menu. It requires that (1) the message to be
deleted is either to or from the user who is attempting to
erase same, and (2) that the message number is already
known. Messages may also be deleted interactively while
reading them in the message area.
[E] Enter Message
The message entry command has a number of features.
Initially the user is presented with the prompt:
To [C/R = ALL]
At this prompt a specific user name may be entered and
WILDCAT! will check the user database and allow the entry
if the user name exists, otherwise the caller is informed to
enter another name. If a specific name is entered the
system then prompts whether a Return Receipt is required:
Would you like a note dropped in your box confirming
when ALAN LUCK receives this letter [Y/N] ?
If Y is selected, WILDCAT! will watch for the message to be
read by the recipient and automatically generate a message
from the WILDCAT! Mail Room to the sender. This Return
Receipt message indicates the date and time the message was
received, and is addressed as private mail to the originator
of the message. As soon as this Return Receipt message is
read by the original sender on a later call it is
automatically deleted by the Wildcat! Mail Room. Whether or
not a Return Receipt is requested, the prompting continues
and the caller is asked whether he wishes to send carbon
copies to anyone:
Send Carbon Copy #1 to ([ENTER] if none) :
At this prompt a caller may enter additional names of
additional recipients up to a maximum of 10. Each will
receive a copy of the message with the notation cc: User
Name appended to the bottom. Carbon Copies are always
toggled private.
The caller then is asked for the Subject of the message and
may enter up to 40 characters. The final prompt prior to
Mustang Software, Inc. 94
message entry is whether to make the message private.
Private mail is seen only by the sender, recipient and any
users who have FULL sysop mail reading privileges as
indicated in MAKEWILD. This prompt is skipped for mail
addressed to ALL.
Message text entry follows. Messages can be up to 150 lines
long and a blank line (ENTER only) indicates the last line.
The Message Entry prompt appears at the end of text entry:
Signals a desire to discontinue message entry and lose
all text entered. A warning follows: Are you sure you
want to abort? A yes answer return the caller to the
message menu.
Returns to the message editor at the next available
Prompts for the first line to delete and then for the
last line. Prior to performing the deletion the text
of the lines to be deleted is displayed for
confirmation. Deleted lines are removed and higher-
numbered lines move up.
The message line editor is probably one of the most
misunderstood functions in message entry. Because of
the line-by-line nature of serial communications a full
screen editor must make use of some type of terminal
emulation such as VT-100 or ANSI codes. At the time of
this release WILDCAT! does not include full-screen ANSI
cursor movement. Instead, a search for text to be
changed is followed by insertion of the corrected text.
The terminology used is OLDSTRING for the text to be
replaced and NEWSTRING for the new text. After asking
for the line number to be edited, WILDCAT! needs to
know what needs to be changed. The syntax used to
implement this procedure is OLDSTRING;NEWSTRING (note
the semicolon between the two words). This command is
translated as Take the first occurrence of the
characters OLDSTRING and delete them, then insert the
characters NEWSTRING in the same location. For
example, if the message line reads:
"this is a message to shw how to use th Edit command."
Obviously we need to change two errors, the word "th"
for the and "shw" for show. First lets fix "shw" by
using the command "shw;show" which scans for the word
Mustang Software, Inc. 95
shw and replaces it with show. Now the harder
correction. Notice that the first occurrence of the
incorrect text "th" is actually a part of correct text
"this" in the 1st word. Therefore we can't simply use
the command "th;the" or the new message will read
"theis is a message....". The proper method is to
broaden the OLDSTRING search to include additional
unique text such as "use th;use the". Notice that we
can replace any number of letters even with a shorter
or longer NEWSTRING.
After an edit the caller is presented with the
corrected line and allowed to make more corrections, if
needed. A blank [ENTER] terminates the Edit mode.
this command re-displays all message lines using
appropriate pauses.
Allows insertion of new lines in the text. The user is
prompted for the line number where new lines should be
inserted. The selected line number moves down, and a
new line is added at the chosen number. Any number of
new lines will be inserted as word-wrap creates more
new lines as needed.
[+] Subj
Pressing the plus key (+) allows editing the Subject
line of the message in the event that it is incorrect
or misspelled.
After the message has been proofread and edited, the
Save command will update the message base with the
message and appropriate carbon copies, if requested.
[F] Files Menu
Presents the caller with the Files menu. This choice is
available from both the Main menu and the Message Menu.
[G] Goodbye & Logoff
Refer to the [G] option discussion under MAIN menu.
[?] Command Help
Refer to the [?] option discussion under MAIN menu.
[H] Help Level
Refer to the [H] option discussion under MAIN menu.
[N] NetMail
This command is not available in TEST-DRIVE. See the
section on Net & EchoMail for additional information.
Mustang Software, Inc. 96
[Q] Quit to Main Menu
Exits the current menu and returns to MAIN menu.
[R] Read Messages
A sub-menu is displayed with a number of choices.
The caller's first choice is to read mail by number by
entering any number between those listed, the first to last
message available. If a number is entered it may optionally be
followed by the minus sign ( - ) to indicate reading backwards
from that message. Other choices are:
[S]ince the last message read previously.
[T]o the caller
[F]rom the caller
[M]arked, which displays messages marked for reading by
WILDCAT! at the time of logon. It includes all
messages addressed to the caller which have NOT
been received, as long as the caller's high
message pointer is NOT higher than the message.
(it only operates with NEW mail).
After a message is read the user has several possible
options, depending on the nature of the message, his
security level and whether the message is TO or FROM him.
The complete range of possible options and the circumstances
of their appearance is:
### After each message a user may branch to another message
number in the same manner as when the Read command was
[F]orward This choice allows sending a copy of the message
to any other user on the system. It creates a
private message to the new recipient with a note
indicating that it was originally addressed to
another person and forwarded by the reader.
[R]eply This choice is available on all messages unless
the user's security level prohibits message entry
by definition in MAKEWILD. A reply generates a
message FROM the caller addressed TO the sender of
the original message.
[K]ill The ability to kill (delete) a message is offered
to the sender, receiver and those who have been
given sysop mail reading privileges. When the
kill option is used the selected message is
actually moved to message folder Y, the
Wastebasket. If you want to prevent all callers
from deleting any messages (even their own),
simply set the security required for the Message
menu [D]elete messages option higher than any
Mustang Software, Inc. 97
[M]ove This command allows changing the message folder
assignment for the current message. It is offered
as a choice under the same circumstances as the
[K]ill option. The user has the option of placing
the message in any folder to which he has access.
[N]onstop Selects nonstop message reading from that message
forward. It may be used to capture messages to a
file for reading off-line, or to quickly move
forward in the message base. Nonstop reading can
be terminated with a tap on the spacebar.
One of these two prompts is offered to the sender,
receiver and sysop in order to toggle the message
from Public to Private or vice-versa. After a
change the message is re-screened.
This choice is offered to any user who logs on
locally, either using the F1 key or ALT-L. It
prints a formatted copy of the current message to
the printer.
[S] Scan Messages
Scanning messages differs from [R]eading in that the text of
the messages is not displayed, only the header information.
It is used in cases where a quick review of the messages is
[T] Text search in a Message
Text search looks in messages which contain a user specified
text string in the message header. The header information
includes the TO:, FROM:, and SUBJECT: fields. The search is
insensitive to case, and will locate the desired text
anywhere within the fields searched.
[U] Update Mail Folders
This option is used to toggle message folders Open or
Closed, and will only reflect folders to which a caller has
access rights based on security level.
A sub-prompt is displayed allowing the caller to open or
close any message folder to which he has access.
A caller may [O]pen or [C]lose a folder or number of folders
at any time. The caller's updated selections will be
maintained in the user database for all subsequent logons.
To enter more than *one folder a caller may enter the folder
letters one after the other, or separated by spaces or
commas (ACDEF or A C D E F or A,C,D,E,F). If a particular
folder is already open or closed the request is ignored.
Mustang Software, Inc. 98
[D] Download File(s)
Further prompts for transfer protocol (if no user default is
active) and filename will follow. Some external protocols
will allow up to seven filenames to be entered. Following a
request for download and entering a protocol and file
name(s) to download, the request is checked for validity.
From that point forward it is up to the caller's
communication program to properly begin the transfer and
carry it to successful completion of the download. A pop-up
window is displayed on the local monitor which indicates the
present state of the download in progress, unless an
external protocol has been selected. The screen display for
external protocols varies depending on the protocol used.
See Advanced Features for more details of external protocols
and multiple file transfers.
An in-depth explanation of the various protocols available
in WILDCAT! is contained in the on-line help file
PROTOCOL.HLP discussed below.
[F] File Transfer Information
Results in the display of a file called PROTOCOL.HLP. The
usual screen pauses are in effect. This option provides a
more detailed discussion to the user about the many
differences in various upload and download protocols, in
addition to assistance in uploading and downloading
procedures. The text contained in the display file
PROTOCOL.HLP should be edited to reflect not only
WILDCAT!'s internal protocols, but any external protocols
added by the system operator.
[G] Goodbye and Log-off
Refer to the [G] option discussion under MAIN menu.
[?] Command Help
Refer to the [?] option discussion under MAIN MENU.
[H] Help level
Refer to the [H] option discussion under Main menu.
[I] Information on a file
Results in a sub-prompt
Enter file name, [ENTER] to Quit :
At the sub-prompt the caller should enter the full filename
to be checked. A display will show information about the
file, including who was responsible for posting it on the
system, number of downloads and more.
[L] List available Files
Mustang Software, Inc. 99
Presents a sub-prompt asking which file areas should be
listed. File areas may be selected either alone or in
groups. B;C;D will list the files available in areas B, C &
D. Spaces may also be used as a delimiter in the sub-prompt
or the letters may be entered one following the other, ie B
C D or BCD.
Files are displayed in order by file area, and in
alphabetical order within each area. To view files by date
order, use the [N]ew files command and select the starting
date as desired.
[M] Message Menu
Presents the Message menu, without having to traverse
through the main menu.
[N] New files since last N
Displays a sub-prompt requesting the date to use as a basis
for the search. The default date is the last time the
caller used this particular option, not the last logon. A
new user's search date is always set to 01/01/80. A user
can logon for weeks, even months, and providing the N option
is not selected during a particular logon, the default date
will not be changed. In addition to the automatic default
date discussed above, a user may manually enter any date
from which to start a new files search, allowing a display
of all files added since any date desired.
[Q] Quit to the Main Menu
Exits the FILE menu and returns to MAIN menu.
[R] Read a Text File
A sub-prompt requests the name of any ASCII file listed in
the file areas. The selected text file is displayed with
appropriate screen pauses. Files which are obviously not in
ASCII format such as .COM, .EXE, .ARC, .ZIP etc. are
accepted at the sub-prompt, but a warning is issued that the
file may be unreadable when displayed. Embedded codes are
properly interpreted if found in the file.
[S] Statistics on Files
Statistics presents the caller with a complete summary of
file information for both the system as well as his own file
database activity and limits.
[T] Text Search
At the prompt the user is prompted for the specific file
areas to be searched. File areas may be entered without
spaces. This search is not case sensitive. The more
characters entered the narrower the search criteria. For
example, entering txt would find every occurrence of the
characters txt in the file database, such as MYTXT.OVL,
Mustang Software, Inc. 100
This feature is a handy way of locating those files uploaded
by a particular user. Simply enter a portion (or all) of a
user's name at the prompt, and all of the files uploaded by
that user will be displayed.
[U] Upload Files
The caller is prompted to specify the protocol desired,
filename to send and other information. The TEST-DRIVE
release does not support batch uploads although the
REGISTERED version does.
The caller is responsible for properly initiating the
sending of the file on the other end. Uploads using
External file transfer protocols are allowed, but are also
limited to one file at a time.
[V] View a Compressed File
This selection is designed to allow viewing of a compressed
file saved in one of a number of formats such as .ARC, .PAK,
.ZIP or .ZOO. It causes WILDCAT! to shell to a second copy
of the command processor and to execute VIEW_ARC.BAT. The
filename selected is passed to the batch file using the %1
parameter. This batch file MUST be created by the sysop for
proper operation. See Advanced Features for a more detailed
explanation of this feature.
Mustang Software, Inc. 101
[A] Activity Log
Displays the contents of ACTIVITY.LOG in last-in, first-out
order. Screen pauses are implemented.
[C] Create Events
This choice is used to create the events to be run
automatically by WILDCAT!. A sub-prompt is displayed asking
which event to create:
Event #[x]?
where x represents the next unused event letter. Pressing
the [ENTER] key aborts with no change in events structure.
Refer to the section Advanced Features, Creating Events for
complete information.
[D] Drop to Dos
This choice is used to drop to DOS when calling in from
remote ONLY. If selected while connected locally (non-
remote), the caller is reminded that it is for remote use
only, and the use of ALT-D is suggested.
If the SYSOP has specified that Drop to DOS is allowed,
WILDCAT! sets the errorlevel to 40 and terminates. The
remote caller is then allowed access to the operating system
through the communication port IF the proper batch files
have been configured in advance. See Remote Drop to DOS in
the chapter Advanced Features for additional information.
Unless there is a very good reason for it, this option
should be confined to the system operator or disabled!
[E] Event Updates
This choice is used for updating and changing previously
established events. Selecting an event number (providing at
least one exists), will permit toggling the event on or off,
or changing other conditions of that particular event,
including days of operation, etc. See the section Advanced
Features for additional information.
[F] File Database Area
This selection is used to access and manipulate the file
database within WILDCAT!. It is the command center for the
listing of all files available for download on the system.
Selecting this choice displays a screen showing the first
file in the file databae.
The system operator may change any of the entries by
selecting the corresponding item number to edit. The sub-
menu options perform the following operations:
Mustang Software, Inc. 102
[F]ind Prompts for full file name to locate a particular
[S]earch Full or partial file name required for search,
then provides option of saying yes or no to each
successful find.
[P]rev Previous - goes back one file alphabetically,
matching the Match/Set criteria (see below) if
being used for search criterion.
[A]dd Allows manual entry of a new file. If the file
already has been placed in the appropriate file
path, WILDCAT! will bypass the prompt for both
file date and size and make use of the correct
information from the disk.
[D]elete Allows deletion of an entry in the file database
with an option to delete the file from the disk
also. A file may be deleted only from the
database, in which case it remains available on
disk but may not be downloaded or otherwise
accessed by anyone.
[M]atch Match or Set File Area - permits entering a file
area letter such as A or B as search criterion.
All files contained in this area are displayed one
at a time, in alphabetical order. Pressing C/R at
the Match prompt resets the Match/set area to
NONE, as does reaching the end of the files
matching the criteria. The status of the
Match/Set is indicated at the top of the screen.
[R]ead This choice is the same as reading a text file
from the file menu. It may be used to review or
check the contents of ASCII files without leaving
the sysop menu.
[Q]uit Discontinue file database maintenance, return to
sysop menu.
[ENTER] Advances to the next file alphabetically, matching
search criterion, if Match/Set has been requested.
[G] Goodbye & Logoff
Refer to the [G] option discussion under MAIN menu.
[?] Help with Commands
Refer to the command help discussion under MAIN menu.
[I] Index Menu
Choosing this option will result in the following sub-prompt
being displayed:
1. Index the File Database
2. Index the Message Database
3. Index the User Database
Enter Choice or [ENTER] to Quit
Mustang Software, Inc. 103
Use this option when something is "just not right" in the
message, file, or user database. For instance, if a user
were to attempt a download and received a message that the
file does not exist, it is possible that the index has been
contaminated in some manner.
[K] Kill Activity Log
This is the proper method of erasing the ACTIVITY.LOG file
when it becomes an unmanageable size. By responding Y to
the confirmation sub-prompt, the activity log will be erased
and a new copy of ACTIVITY.LOG started.
[L] List Scheduled Events
Listing the currently established events presents a screen
showing the:
number of the scheduled event;
current status (enabled/disabled) of the event;
length of time the event is to run;
day of the week the event is to run;
schedule identifier (Y , X, A, B, etc
description of the event.
It informs the system operator as to what automatic system
events are to occur, and when.
[P] Print the User File
Prints to the printer a complete alphabetical listing of the
user database, including all information known about that
[Q] Quit to the Main Menu
Exits the sysop menu and returns to MAIN menu.
[S] Statistics on Databases
This is an information option for the sysop, indicating the
current status of the various databases.
[U] User Database Area
This choice is used to access the user database within
WILDCAT!. Complete control over your system callers is
available in this area.
The system operator may change any of the entries by
selecting the corresponding item number to edit. Keep in
mind that some of these settings are generated by WILDCAT!'s
internal operation such as the number of files uploaded,
etc.. Use discretion when changing these values.
Although most user database items are self-explanatory we
will review a few of the fields for the sake of clarity.
User Since - indicates the date and year of the user's first
call to the system, and never changes unless altered here.
Mustang Software, Inc. 104
Viewing folders - lists the letters of the message folders
^LPage 104
that the user currently has open for viewing. This changes
as folders are opened or closed.
New Files - this date reflects the last time the user made
use of the [N]ew files command from the File menu.
Erase prompt - if toggled to "YES", the pause prompt at the
end of the screen - More [C]ontinue, [S]top, [N]onstop is
erased using the backspace character when a response is
made. If set to "NO" the prompt will remain on screen and a
new line will begin. The feature is present for systems
that cannot handle the backspace character.
Time remaining - reflects the number of minutes of use
available at the end of the user's last call. It is reset
if the next call come in on a new date.
Memo date - this field is unused by WILDCAT!and is available
to the system operator. It might be used to enter an
expiration date for pay systems, or whatever else meets
the sysop's needs. In the REGISTERED USER version this
field can be manipulated with the U-PRO! utility
program to easily handle subscription systems with
automatic security level change and notification upon
The sub-menu options perform the following operations.
User Database Modification
[F]ind Prompts for full user name to locate a particular
[S]earch A full or partial user name is required for the
search, and the sysop may decide whether or not to
view each successful find. To abort a search
simply answer Y when asked if the screen contains
the user you wish to view..
[A]dd Manual entry of a new user. This is useful for
pre-registration purposes.
[D]elete Deletes the current record from the database.
[P]rev Goes back one user record alphabetically, and
follows the established search criteria set up by
the Match/Set Level if being used.
[M]atch (Match or Set Level) - permits entering a user
security level as search criterion. All users
matching this level are displayed one at a time.
Pressing ENTER at the Match prompt resets the
Match to NONE. The status of any Match/set is
displayed at the top of the screen.
[W]rite Creates a message addressed to the user without
leaving the database screen. This feature is
handy for leaving notification to users advising
Mustang Software, Inc. 105
them of updates or changes to their status. After
message entry is completed the sysop is returned
to the User database screen.
[ENTER] Next alphabetical record in series, following the
criteria set up by both Search and Match set, if
[W] Wastebasket dump
Results in the sub-prompt Do you want to Delete the messages
in the Wastebasket?
This option is necessary since when a given message is
deleted (erased or killed) by a user, it is not really
deleted. Instead, the message is transferred to the Y
folder (the wastebasket) where it remains until option [W]
is performed either manually or automatically in an event.
After the wastebasket is dumped, the space occupied by that
message may be used for the equivalent amount of space in
another message. See also Schedule "Y"
Note that performing a wastebasket dump does not reduce the
size of your message database file MSGINFO.DAT. The space
occupied by purged messages does become available for new
messages, but file compression is not performed. The
FIXMSGS program may be used if you find the message database
file has an inordinate number of unused purged message
records as the result of a mass deletion. See the
documentation for FIXMSG in the section "WILDCAT! SUPPORT
[H] Help Level
Refer to the [H] option discussion under MAIN menu.
Mustang Software, Inc. 106
Creating Events
Many of the more advanced features of a bulletin board system
depend on the proper implementation of batch files. The WILDCAT!
event scheduler is such a feature. If you are totally unfamiliar
with the batch file concept, see your DOS manual.
The event processor is used to have WILDCAT! perform certain
tasks at predefined times during the day or evening. These tasks
may range from doing system maintenance such as emptying the
wastebasket to running an external utility to perform some system
maintenance task. An event is an operation that occurs
automatically from within or outside the WILDCAT! code, depending
on how it is set up. These are commonly referred to as Internal
or External events. Events automate certain activities, and if
used properly can supports up to ten external events designated
as events A through J, internal events X and Y, and a Call
Processing Event at the end of each call. Events are indeed
powerful and can perform a multitude of functions when creatively
All events are created from the system operator's menu, except
for the Call Processing Event which is scheduled from within
MAKEWILD. The Call Processing Event shares most of the
operational features of other external events and is discussed in
detail later in this section.
All other events are scheduled from the sysop menu using the
[C]reate event choice. The sysop is asked to provide:
1. The number of the event. WILDCAT! will automatically
increment to the next number in order to help prevent
accidentally overwriting an existing event.
2. The starting time of the event. This should be entered
in 24-hour format.
3. The time (in minutes) that the event will run. Most
events are NOT time dependent, and a value of 1 minute
is the standard time needed. WILDCAT! will not start-
up again until the batch process is completed, even if
the event takes longer than one minute.
On the other hand, if it is possible that the event
takes LESS than one minute, the sysop must use a delay
timer in the event batch file to ensure that it runs
longer than one minute to prevent WILDCAT! from running
it a second time. See the WAIT! and WAITFOR! program
documentation in the section "WILDCAT! SUPPORT
PROGRAMS" later in this manual.
Mustang Software, Inc. 107
4. The tag letter for the event. This may be a letter
from A through J for external events which occur
outside of WILDCAT!, or the letters X or Y for
internal events. The letter designations for external
events are for identification only, and the sysop may
use any desired. The X and Y represent specific
internal functions.
5. The day of the week in which the event will occur.
Take your choice from the options listed.
We will first review event tags X & Y which are the internal
events and require no additional sysop intervention to function
Event schedule X is hard-coded into the program and is referred
to as an Internal Event. It's function is to renumber all
messages starting with 1 and to update the last message read
counter for every user record in the system. It is normally run
after deleting the messages in the wastebasket (event Y), and
keeps your message count from having large gaps due to deleted
messages. Again, this renumber event is in the REGISTERED USER
version only. Renumbering in this TEST-DRIVE is done from the
Event schedule Y is also hard-coded into the program. Event Y
instructs WILDCAT! to purge the deleted messages from Folder Y,
the message Wastebasket. This process does not require very much
time, but like event X, it should be scheduled to occur during a
slow period of board activity.
Schedules A through J are External Events which actually
terminate WILDCAT! and perform an outside task using a batch
file. Since WILDCAT! will actually exit to DOS, it must pass
some indication to DOS of which event is to take place. This is
accomplished by use of the ERRORLEVEL feature of DOS. Briefly,
whenever a program terminates it has the ability to set a DOS
parameter called ERRORLEVEL to any number. By convention an
errorlevel is set to 0 (zero) if the program terminates normally,
1 if there is an error which causes termination, and any other
number is non-classified. WILDCAT! makes use of this feature by
setting a different errorlevel for each external event. By using
the DOS errorlevel test command the proper event batch file can
be invoked.
Mustang Software, Inc. 108
These functions are especially useful and must be used in
conjunction with batch files which in turn call up other
utilities. Although powerful, they should be carefully thought
out in advance and tested during a time that the system operator
is available to intervene should something go wrong.
WILDCAT! can set a variety of errorlevels when exiting to DOS,
each of which should be used to call the appropriate batch file.
Schedule A sets the errorlevel to 2, B sets it to 4, C sets it to
6...and J sets it to 20. The DOS batch file command IF
ERRORLEVEL # FILENAME is used to test for the errorlevel and
start the proper batch file. The # is replaced by the errorlevel
number and the FILENAME is replaced by the batch file name to
The errorlevels associated with each external event are as
A 2 B 4
C 6 D 8
E 10 F 12
G 14 H 16
I 18 J 20
Notice how the errorlevel command is used in the following sample
batch file. The batch file is called CAT.BAT and is actually
used to start WILDCAT! and check for an external event upon
:RELOAD label to re-start when needed (batch
labels must begin with a colon).
CTTY CON: direct output to console in case we are
returning from a remote drop to DOS
WILDCAT starts the program.
calls up another batch file IF the
errorlevel is set to 20, which is event
J. In this example event J does a
backup of some kind, perhaps of the
WILDCAT! database.
sends batch processing to the label
:RELOAD if the errorlevel is set to 1,
an abnormal exit due to an error or
other problem.
The batch file reaches the end ONLY if the errorlevel is set to
0, indicating a normal exit with the F10 key.
Notice that the errorlevel tests are done from highest number to
lowest number. This is NOT accidental, and is necessary since
Mustang Software, Inc. 109
the DOS test for errorlevel returns either a True or False
depending on whether the actual errorlevel is EQUAL TO OR GREATER
THAN the number tested. Under the circumstances, testing for
errorlevel MUST be done from highest to lowest possible numbers.
Lets take a look at the batch files that are called by the
CAT.BAT file when an event is detected in the errorlevel test.
The following is the possible contents of BAK.BAT in the previous
copies all of the .DAT files to a
subdirectory of WILDCAT!
CAT.BAT restarts WILDCAT! again using the
CAT.BAT batch file. Each Event batch
file MUST terminate with this command!
This event J might be set to operate every night to keep a
constant backup of all of the database files used by WILDCAT!
Other external events may be set up to run utility programs such
as the PRO! series for the REGISTERED USER version. The key to
remember is that CAT.BAT must test for the errorlevel that
corresponds to the event tag letter; 2 for A, 4 for B, 6 for C
and so on up to 20 for J. Then create the appropriate batch file
name to perform the event task and make sure that it calls
CAT.BAT as the final command.
The final topic under the category of external events is the
special event which may be run after each and every WILDCAT!
call, the Call Processing Event. MAKEWILD allows the errorlevel
to be set to 60 after each call in the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION,
Frame 8, Question 8. If set to Y, WILDCAT! will terminate after
each call and allow your CAT.BAT file to test for errorlevel 60
and run some support program. This feature is included to allow
sysops with special application needs to create their own
programs to perform some action, often a NetMail or EchoMail
front end program. The operational procedure is exactly the same
as that for events A through J except that the batch line test
must be for errorlevel 60.
NetMail and/or EchoMail are only FULLY supported in the
will allow the sysop to set-up a Net or EchoMail system with a
front-end program such as D'Bridge, but the mail received is only
directly available for the sysop, not the callers. For a
detailed explanation of Net & EchoMail installation see the
NetMail documentation later in this section.
Mustang Software, Inc. 110
Errorlevel 60 may also be used for other purposes in the TEST-
DRIVE release.
Since many Events are time dependent, WILDCAT! does everything in
its power to ensure an Event takes place on schedule. WILDCAT!'s
timetable and handling of calls during the period immediately
preceding an event is as follows:
* More than 120 minutes before an event:
No notification of the pending event to the caller, and
no action take to reduce the caller's time, even if the
caller is allowed in excess of 120 minutes per call.
* 120 minutes to 21 minutes before an event:
The caller is notified of the pending event, and his
time allowed online is reduced if necessary. Uploads
via external protocols are disabled. Forced logoff
takes place 3 minutes prior to the event. External
protocols are disabled at this time to prevent a caller
from beginning an upload of unknown length, and having
WILDCAT! miss the event. Remember, WILDCAT! can't
watch the clock during an external protocol since it is
not in memory.
* 20 minutes to 9 minutes before an event:
The caller is notified of the pending event, his time
allowed online is reduced, and he is asked if he wished
to continue the logon process. Uploads via external
protocols are disabled. Forced logoff takes place 5
minutes prior to the event.
* 8 minutes to 1 minute before an event:
No calls accepted, the phone should be off-hook.
The forced logoff takes place regardless of the caller's
activity. It will be preceded by a two minute warning, but takes
effect even if the caller is in the midst of a download. This is
in contrast to the forced logoff for time expired when an event
is not pending, where a download is allowed to be completed prior
to logoff.
Mustang Software, Inc. 111
The ability to access the Disk Operating System from a remote
connection is one of the most exciting aspects of communications.
This function, like external events, cannot operate properly
unless WILDCAT! has been started with a properly designed CAT.BAT
file. When this function is selected by a remote sysop, WILDCAT!
will perform a number of actions to prepare for DOS access. All
WILDCAT! files are closed and the errorlevel is set to 40 for
testing by CAT.BAT. WILDCAT! then exits and passes control back
to the batch file which invoked it (our example to this has been
CAT.BAT). Proper execution now depends on CAT.BAT having the
line IF ERRORLEVEL 40 DROPDOS.BAT. Assuming this is so,
processing will be passed to DROPDOS.BAT. The contents of
DROPDOS.BAT must redirect the system output and input to the
correct communications port.
CTTY COM1 changes the standard input/output devices from the
keyboard and screen to the COM1 port. COM2 is
also valid if used.
The above example makes use of the program CTTY supplied with DOS
to perform redirection. In reality, many IBM compatible computers
are unable to perform redirection using this command. In these
cases it is often necessary to use a redirection program written
by a 3rd party to handle this process. Programs such as GATEWAY
and DOORWAY may be used, and are shareware products available on
many BBS systems, including the Public WILDCAT! BBS at Mustang
Software. They function in much the same way as CTTY, but will
often work even on computers where CTTY fails to properly
redirect the text.
To determine if you need an alternative to CTTY, have a trusted
caller try a remote drop to DOS and watch your LOCAL monitor.
After the DROPDOS batch file executes, see if you can still enter
commands locally such as DIR. If you are able to use the local
keyboard, then redirection did not take place.
When properly executed, all future input (keypresses) and output
(screen displays) should be re-routed to the COM1 port. This
results in the remote sysop or caller receiving the DOS prompt C:
(or whatever). Before we go any further we need to know how to
return to WILDCAT! after a remote drop to DOS. To reverse the
input & output we need to again redirect I/O, but this time to
the standard keyboard and monitor. DOS calls these the CONSOLE,
or CON for short. We need to execute the command CTTY CON, which
changes the input/output from the COM1 back to the keyboard and
screen. However, what we really want to do if calling in from
remote is to re-start WILDCAT! and change things back at the same
time. This is accomplished by issuing the CTTY CON command
automatically as the FIRST command in CAT.BAT whenever it is
called. That way a sysop in remote mode can simply change to the
WILDCAT! subdirectory and type CAT.BAT to change the output back
Mustang Software, Inc. 112
and start the program. Lets take a look at a yet more complex
CAT.BAT file to accomplish proper Remote Drop to DOS:
:RELOAD label to restart program
CD \WILDCAT assures that we are in the right
directory for starting WILDCAT!
CTTY CON Redirects input/output to the keyboard
and screen if it has been changed by
calls up another batch file which
redirects input/output to the COM port
and allows remote drop to DOS.
calls up another batch file if the
errorlevel is set to 20, which is event
J. In this example event J does a
backup of some kind, perhaps of the
WILDCAT! database files.
sends batch processing to the label
RELOAD if the errorlevel is set to 1, an
abnormal exit due to an error or other
The batch file reaches the end ONLY if the errorlevel is set to
0, indicating a normal exit with the F10 key.
As you can see, if DROPDOS.BAT is executed, the sysop must
manually restart CAT.BAT to return to WILDCAT! Looking back at
the CAT.BAT batch file, one of the first commands is to re-direct
output to the CON or screen in case it is needed, which it will
be after a remote DOS session.
Since this is the first example of a user (or the sysop)
returning to a previous WILDCAT! session, we will undertake a
short discussion of the inside operation that allows this re-
When WILDCAT! prepares for remote drop to DOS or a door, (DOORS
are available in the registered version of WILDCAT!) it is done
with every intention that the caller will be returning to
WILDCAT! after the door or remote task is completed. As a part
of the preparation it creates a file named CALLINFO.BBS which
contains information about the caller and system status. This
file is available to the door program for identification of the
caller, and is necessary for the user to return to WILDCAT!
Mustang Software, Inc. 113
properly. After a proper return, CALLINFO.BBS is erased. It
should never be present on your system unless a caller is
currently in a door or drop to DOS.
As the user returns to WILDCAT! (using CAT.BAT from DOS or from a
door batch file calling CAT.BAT), WILDCAT! will load into memory
and should find that the modem shows carrier is detected since
the caller is still connected. Whenever carrier is detected on
startup, WILDCAT! checks to see if CALLINFO.BBS also exists. If
so, carrier will be maintained and the name in CALLINFO.BBS will
be logged back into the system. If CALLINFO.BBS does not exist,
then WILDCAT! attempts to lower carrier before setting up the
system. During the return from a door or remote drop to DOS a
user is asked to verify his identity with his password ONLY if
the program is answering the phone using modem auto-answer. If
ring detect is being used (auto-answer is disabled), there will
be no prompt for password since there is no possibility that the
caller is other than the person listed in CALLINFO.BBS.
Using Remote Drop to DOS
Due to the method in which the characters are transmitted over
the COM port, many usual DOS and program functions are
unavailable while connected to DOS from remote. Programs that
use other than DOS function calls for video display or other
processing will not usually function, and will cause a system
lock-up. These include BASIC, almost all Word Processors (due to
the direct video display), almost all games unless written
specifically for COM port use, and a majority of commercial
programs. The purpose of this option is to allow a sysop to make
direct modifications to small files, directory structures, move
files and check DOS status. CAUTION IN USE IS AN ABSOLUTE
Using DOORWAY or GATEWAY can extend the system's abilities while
operating from remote, and is strongly recommended. Follow the
instructions with the program for best results, and don't forget
to register your copy with the author.
Yet another alternative is the use of commercial programs such as
CARBON COPY Copy or PC ANYWHERE Anywhere which allow operation of
virtually any program from remote. These programs can be
connected to WILDCAT! as doors or invoked from remote DOS access,
and then WILDCAT! can be restarted after completing the session.
Mustang Software, Inc. cannot assist in the troubleshooting of
system problems related to operation of the CTTY command used in
remote DOS operation. We will be happy to review a batch file
process or other DOS implementation on the Public WILDCAT! BBS
Mustang Software, Inc. 114
A common misunderstanding is that Remote Drop to DOS is related
in some way to the ALT-D or Local Drop to DOS. As indicated
previously, Local Drop to DOS operates by leaving WILDCAT! in
memory (or dumping it to disk) and starting a second version of
DOS which is made available. The EXIT command then returns to
the original WILDCAT! DOS and program. Activation of Remote
Drop to DOS actually causes WILDCAT! to remove itself from memory
and connects the caller to the system by having the computer look
at the COM port as it's keyboard or input device. Remote Drop to
DOS is terminated with a restart of the CAT.BAT batch file.
Mustang Software, Inc. 115
This option is designed to allow implementation of file transfer
error-checking protocols written by outside sources. Examples
are KERMIT, used for transferring files between many different
types of systems, and ZMODEM, used for speed and batch transfers.
Note that an external protocol is not allowed as a choice for a
user's default protocol since a user's record could reflect a
transfer method that may no longer be available if a protocol was
removed or changed. Those users wishing to take advantage of
external protocols should set their default to allow selection of
a protocol at the time a download is initiated.
Not all external file transfer protocols are capable of sending
multiple files in a batch mode. Each protocol is defined as
either batch or non-batch during its definition in MAKEWILD, and
the caller is prompted for one or more filenames accordingly.
Operational Overview
When a user selects an external protocol, perhaps [Z] for Zmodem,
the user is prompted for the name of the first file to be sent.
After checking the filename for validity WILDCAT! copies the file
from it's regular directory to the path reserved for external
protocols as specified in MAKEWILD. As each requested file is
copied to the temporary transfer area, it is checked against the
user's usual download limitations and also the disk space
available in the transfer area. As each additional filename is
requested, a copy of the file is made in the external protocol
subdirectory. This duplication of the file in the external
transfer directory allows all transfers to be made directly from
that subdirectory, without specifying a full pathname. This
reduces the length of the command line and allows up to seven
files to be sent, if desired. If a non-batch protocol is used
only a single filename is requested and there is no danger of
exceeding the command line limit.
Since copies of all of the files to be sent to the user are made
in the external protocol directory, each protocol may complete
the transfers necessary with no pathnames required. This is
necessary since batch transfer of 7 files with full pathnames
would almost always exceed the DOS command line limit of 128
After the transfer is completed the transferred files in the
external protocol directory are erased by WILDCAT!. An
additional advantage of using the external transfer directory to
hold the files is increased security, since external protocols
may only transfer files which are contained in the protocol area.
Batch File Creation
Mustang Software, Inc. 116
WILDCAT! allows up to 10 different external protocols to be
established. For each the sysop must have first obtained a copy
of the appropriate file transfer program such as PCKERMIT.EXE or
ZMODEM (part of DSZ.COM or DSZ.EXE). The next step is to
establish the batch files for passing parameters to the transfer
program as needed. The actual contents of these batch files will
depend on the specific protocols, but usually includes the
program name with several command line arguments. Before we go
into the actual creation of the batch files, lets spend a minute
or two discussing what WILDCAT! does to prepare for an external
file transfer.
When an external protocol is selected, WILDCAT! performs an exec
call or shell. This invokes a second copy of the command
processor (usually COMMAND.COM), and leaves WILDCAT! resident in
Upon exit to the newly created DOS shell WILDCAT! passes at least
three parameters to the DOS environment in the form of variable
batch parameters. These parameters are available to a batch file
through the use of the % batch command, and consist of the baud
rate, communications port and the filename to send or receive.
These three pieces of information are needed by most transfer
programs. They are assigned to DOS batch commands %1 through %3
respectively. The baud rate is passed as %1, and is a number
300, 1200, 2400, 9600, or 19200. The communication port is
passed as %2, and is an integer 1, 2, 3, or 4. The filename is
passed as %3 with no leading or trailing spaces, and only the
name (not the full path) is passed. In the case of multiple file
downloads, additional batch parameters %4 through %9 also contain
filenames for transfer.
Refer to your DOS manual for details on use of the % command if
Download Example
The batch files controlling both downloads and uploads must be
located in the external protocol directory as specified in
MAKEWILD. A typical batch file for ZMODEM download might look
something like this:
CD \WILDCAT\EP make sure that we are in the external
protocol directory.
DSZ port %2 speed %1 sz %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
starts the DSZ program and tells it which
port, speed and the filenames to use
test for standard aborted errorlevel to
indicate bad transfer
Mustang Software, Inc. 117
The translation of the above goes something like this. The first
line changes to the directory where the transfer is to take
place, the external transfer directory. Although we are already
in that directory this is done to ensure that we are in the
correct location. This directory is also the location of this
batch file and the DSZ protocol program. Remember that this path
is configurable in MAKEWILD.
In the second line the DSZ.COM or DSZ.EXE program is given the
command line arguments as follows:
The word "port" is required by DSZ and is followed by the number
of the communication port, 1 - 4. You may either follow it with
the parameter %2 which WILDCAT! has set to your port as
indicated in MAKEWILD, or you may save a space and enter the
actual number such as 1. If you will never change your com port
number you may want to use the number 1 or 2, but using %2 will
ensure proper translation even if you change communications
The next word "speed" is also part of the requirements for DSZ,
and is followed by the speed of the call. The speed is available
in the parameter %1, and must be used since each call will vary.
WILDCAT! knows the speed of the caller's modem and has loaded the
%1 parameter accordingly.
Note that DSZ requires the words port, speed, and sz to be in
lower case letters. It will not operate properly if capital
letters are used.
The characters "sz" are short for send using zmodem and are
followed by the filenames to send which are %3 - %9.
The last line in the batch file is used to help WILDCAT!
determine if the file transfer was successful or not. In order
for the success or failure of the download to be known this line
must be included. The sysop should create a text file in the
external protocol directory named ALL.OK which may contain
anything, just so it exists (a space or C/R will do fine). If
the transfer is not successful, most external protocols set the
errorlevel to 1 or higher. In the event of an unsuccessful
transfer with an errorlevel set to 1 our errorlevel test will
copy the dummy file ALL.OK to a file named TRANSFER.BAD. After
each external transfer WILDCAT! looks for TRANSFER.BAD in the
external protocol directory. If it is found, the transfer is
posted as unsuccessful to the ACTIVITY.LOG and the user is not
charged with the download. Just prior to beginning each external
transfer WILDCAT! erases the previous copy of TRANSFER.BAD, if it
was present, to guarantee that it does not exist at the end
unless created by our errorlevel test. Note that WILDCAT! looks
for TRANSFER.BAD in the protocol subdirectory only.
will have different command line arguments and may use the
Mustang Software, Inc. 118
parameters in another order, with or without the words port
& speed. There is no substitute for reading the protocol
At the end of an external protocol transfer, program control will
automatically return to WILDCAT!. There is no need to call
CAT.BAT or EXIT, and the path is automatically reset to the
WILDCAT! home directory, eliminating the need for a directory
change in your batch file.
Upload Example
Uploads using external protocols are handled in a slightly
different manner, and multiple file transfers are not permitted.
At the time of the upload the caller is asked for the name of the
file to upload followed by the file area where the new upload
should be placed. A caller may choose from any file area to
which he has upload rights as specified by his security level in
The previous batch parameters of %1 through %3 are used for the
same purposes, but since only one file may be uploaded it is
always the %3 parameter. The %4 parameter is assigned to the
full drive and path of the file area to receive the new file, and
%5 is the full drive, path plus the new filename. As an example
of these two new parameters lets assume a caller is uploading a
file named NEWFILE.TXT to file area E. Lets further assume that
file area E is located in C:\WILDCAT\UPLOADS. The parameters
passed as %4 and %5 are as follows:
Now lets look at a sample upload batch file and review it's
CD \WILDCAT\EP makes sure that we are in the external
protocol directory
DSZ port %2 speed %1 rz %3
runs the DSZ program with command line
arguments as required
COPY %3 %4 copies the new upload (%3) to the file
area chosen by the caller (%4).
DEL %3 deletes the upload from the temporary
external transfer area
Mustang Software, Inc. 119
Again, the translation goes something like this. First we change
to the subdirectory where all of our external protocol activity
takes pale, just to make sure we are there.
We then start the receive with DSZ followed by the command line
parameters port %2 speed %1 just as we did for starting
downloads. The rz indicates we want to receive using zmodem, and
is followed by the filename which will be sent to us.
After the file %3 has been received (lets assume the caller sent
NEWFILE.TXT), we still have to get it to the right file area on
our disk. Although there are several ways to accomplish this, we
suggest copying the file to the correct location and then
deleting it from the protocol subdirectory. This method allows
use of multiple drives for uploads. The last two lines of the
batch file complete the move of the file to the proper area as
desired. If our fictional upload NEWFILE.TXT was to be placed in
area E, which is designated as C:\WILDCAT\UPLOADS, then the batch
file parameter %4 would be C:\WILDCAT\UPLOADS, and the %5
parameter would be C:\WILDCAT\UPLOADS\NEWFILE.TXT.
The final lines of our batch file then translate to:
The main caution necessary using this method is that there must
be enough disk space available for 2 copies of the uploaded file
for the copy and delete to function.
Uploads do not require an errorlevel test to determine if the
file transfer was successful since WILDCAT! will look for the
newly uploaded file in the area specified by the caller and
assume success if it is located and failure if it is not located.
The %5 parameter is not used for most operations, but represents
the full filename which must exist for the upload to be
considered successful.
One specific external protocol is handled differently by WILDCAT!
when it is selected by a caller. BIMODEM is a protocol capable
of upload, download, and chat simultaneously, and is
operationally different from others. It is specifically
supported ONLY in the registered version of WILDCAT!.
As is the case with doors, no external protocols are distributed
with WILDCAT! Many are available on the Public Mustang Software
WILDCAT! BBS as well as many other systems.
Mustang Software, Inc. 120
Mustang Software, Inc. 121
The [V] selection on the files menu supports a feature which
allows looking into files which have been compressed or combined
using utility programs to view files ending in .ARC or .ZIP,
etc.. This is accomplished by having WILDCAT! run an
appropriate un-compressing program and send the output to a file
for display to the caller.
It operates in much the same manner as external protocols in that
a shell to another copy of the command processor is initiated.
Use of this feature must only be considered after completely
reading the preceding sections regarding batch file security and
the associated warnings.
When [V] is selected WILDCAT! will suspend it's operation, shell
to another copy of DOS, and initiate a batch file named
VIEW_ARC.BAT. This batch file must be located in the WILDCAT!
home directory, the one where CAT.BAT operates and where the
MAKEWILD configuration is stored. As it calls the file
VIEW_ARC.BAT it passes the batch variable %1 to the batch file
for its use. This variable contains the complete drive, path and
filename of the .ZIP (or whatever) file to be processed as
selected by the caller. If you are unfamiliar with the %1
parameter in batch files refer to your DOS manual.
The contents of VIEW_ARC.BAT should look similar to this:
This example makes use of the DOS command > to redirect the
output of the command to a location other than the screen, in
this case the file named VIEW_ARC.DAT. No CTTY command is
necessary when this method is used. This command results in
PKUNZIP performing a view into the filename represented by the %1
parameter, and sending the output to the file VIEW_ARC.DAT,
rather than to the computer screen. When control is returned to
WILDCAT! immediately after this command, WILDCAT! looks for the
file VIEW_ARC.DAT and will display it to the screen if it exists,
with screen pauses.
Any program may be used to accomplish the peek into the
compressed file, as long as it is capable of handling the
compression method used on your system. Several shareware
programs are available which can un-compress multiple formats,
including .ARC, .PAK, .ZIP, and .ZOO. Our example uses
Another popular option for implementing this choice is to use a
special program such as AVIEWCOM which extends your options while
viewing a compressed file. Many offer reading the text inside a
.ZIP, or even downloading a portion of the .ZIP file. AVIEWCOM
is available on our Public WILDCAT! BBS system.
Mustang Software, Inc. 122
Although this feature was designed to allow use of the
compression listing programs, a little imagination will reveal
other possible applications. A change to the name of the menu
choice will allow a sysop to call it whatever he wants and pass a
filename to any program or other batch process.
Mustang Software, Inc. 123
NetMail & EchoMail
The REGISTERED version of WILDCAT! is capable of providing full
integration to a variety of NetMail and EchoMail systems. This
TEST-DRIVE release allows implementation of a remote mailer, but
NOT the processes to make mail available to callers. It is a
"sysop access" Net & EchoMail implementation in TEST-DRIVE,
designed to offer a feel for the wide-area mail concept.
The most common and widely know mail system is FidoNet, an
international network of personal computers organized and set-up
by Tom Jennings a number of years ago. It is an all-volunteer
network and literally covers the globe. Although several other
message networks have become popular in recent years we will use
FidoNet as the example in our NetMail discussion.
In order for WILDCAT! to recognize and communicate with an
external mail network, the sysop must make use of a Front-End
Program. This program is used to answer the phone in place of
WILDCAT! to determine if a call is intended for the mail system
or is a BBS caller. Calls from other NetMail systems containing
messages are processed by Front-End Program, while BBS callers
are passed on to WILDCAT!. The newly received messages are
processed and placed in a special message format for reading by
the sysop with a number of special reading programs. In the
REGISTERED USER version this mail is also available to callers.
NetMail messages may be public or private, and are addressed to a
specific BBS or dedicated mail system. The addressing scheme
used for NetMail consists of a Region number, a Net number, and a
Node number in the format 1:206/2901 (Mustang Software, Inc.'s
EchoMail is slightly different from NetMail. It consists of a
series of public messages gathered from many other BBS and mail
systems across the country who share a common message topic, such
as the International WILDCAT! Echo. Each night new messages from
every system are sent to a central repository (via several
links), and each system receives the new messages from every
other participant in the echo. All echo member systems end up
with a common message pool which is kept current within a few
In order for a front-end program to pass control to the BBS when
a non-mail call is received, there must be a method of informing
WILDCAT! of the caller's baud rate. This is accomplished through
the use of a command line argument in the format:
The baud rates acceptable are 300, 1200, 2400, 9600 and 19200.
If the caller is making use of a reliable connection, one using
MNP, ARQ, or other hardware error control, this number should be
immediately followed by the letters MNP. If the baud rate is
passed on the command line to WILDCAT!, it will connect to the
Mustang Software, Inc. 124
already existing caller and begin the login process. After the
call is completed it is customary to return control to the
front-end program through the use of the Call Processing Event
(errorlevel 60).
In the REGISTERED USER version another command line option is
supported in the /B command. It consists of the additional line
parameter passing the number of minutes until the next mail event
scheduled by the front-end program. WILDCAT! uses this number to
adjust the caller's time allowed on the system during his call.
The format for passing the time along with the baud rate is an
integer which follows the baud rate, delimited by a space:
The above example indicates that the caller being passed to
WILDCAT! is connected is at 2400 baud, is using MNP (or similar)
error control, and the front-end mailer needs to begin a mail
processing event in 65 minutes.
The specifics of NetMail and EchoMail operation are far beyond
the scope of this document. Each front-end program operates
differently, many requiring complex batch file setup by the
sysop. Mustang Software technical support is unable to assist
with specifics of any particular interface problems.
The choice of front-end programs is left to the individual user
and many are suitable for operation with WILDCAT!. These include
SEAdog from System Enhancements Associates, BinkleyTerm, Front
Door, and The D'Bridge Electronic Mail System by Chris Irwin, an
especially robust and easy-to-install mailer.
A second supporting feature within the REGISTERED USER version of
WILDCAT! for NetMail and EchoMail is the Message menu option to
call errorlevel 35. This menu choice is commonly used to begin a
batch file process which invokes a NetMail reading program for
use by the BBS callers. It is important to realize that the
front-end mailer only performs functions to send, receive and
organize mail, not reading by the BBS callers. As is the case
with front-end programs, several good reading programs are
available on the Private WILDCAT! HQ BBS. This test-drive
release will easy allow a sysop to establish a fully operational
Net or Echo system with all functions available to the system
operator. File requests can even be implemented if desired.
For the sysop's information we present the following brief
discussion of the Message menu [N]etmail choice in the REGISTERED
USER release.
The set-up of a mail reading program with errorlevel 35 follows
the exact same procedures as a door. In fact, the NetMail option
is listed in the MAKEWILD door definition screen as the first
item. The CAT.BAT file must include a test for errorlevel 35,
such as the line:
Mustang Software, Inc. 125
The batch file NETREAD.BAT should change to the subdirectory
containing the NetMail reading program and perform any other
conversion chores necessary to begin reading mail.
At this point in time there are no NetMail reading programs
supporting multi-user access. In a multi-node system, when one
caller is reading NetMail the remaining nodes must restricted
from accessing this feature. This is accomplished by indicating
that the NetMail door is NOT multi-user. Callers requesting your
message menu [N]etMail choice when another node is already
reading NetMail will be told that the door is already in use by
another node.
Future Directions
Mustang Software is currently working with other net and echomail
program authors to create a fully automatic Net and EchoMail
system utilizing a common message database format. We are in the
process of creating the bridge between D'Bridge and WILDCAT! that
will offer a transparent netmail connection in a multi-user
environment. It will feature internal message entry, reading and
control, with fully automated front-end processing.
Along with messages, D'Bridge and WILDCAT! can send files as
attachments, and can even accept file requests from other
systems. See the documentation for D'Bridge for details on its
Mustang Software, Inc. 126
ADDFILES is a utility to ease the addition of files to your file
database. It is designed to help add files to the file database
when a system is initially set-up, but may be used for minor
maintenance. It operates by reading the files on disk for
selected file areas, and add any files which do not already exist
in the file database. If a file is already present, you may
elect to have the date and size information in the database
changed to match the information actually on disk. This process
is referred to as freshening the database. As files are add to
your WILDCAT! database with ADDFILES, you can enter descriptions,
if desired. ADDFILES will process all file areas, or may be
limited to specific locations. It is one of the easiest methods
of creating a file database for the first time, or may be used
for maintenance. In the REGISTERED version of WILDCAT!, the PRO!
Series utility F-PRO! offers similar features with batch driven
event operation, expanded operational parameters, and various
The opening screen allows you to specify which file areas will be
affected by the ADDFILES session. Use the cursor to delete
letters of file areas which you do not want to process.
The next prompt allows you to confirm files prior to adding them
to the database. If you are uncertain that your subdirectories
contain only files to be made available, you may have ADDFILES
prompt you for confirm of the addition of each by responding "Y".
ADDFILES will then ask if you want to use the date of the file on
the disk as the date entered into the WILDCAT! file database. If
you do not, the current date will be used, and this is the most
common choice.
After you answer, the question changes to:
Do you want to freshen the database date and size to match
the file date and size on any existing files? [N]
Answering "Y" will cause ADDFILES to scan the disk for filenames
that already exist in your WILDCAT! file database, and change the
database date and size to match what is on the hard disk. This
is a convenient way to check your file areas for updated or
changed files without any manual intervention. If the file dates
and sizes are the same, no modifications to the database are
made, and the file is ignored. ADDFILES then asks:
Do you want to enter descriptions for ANY new files? [N]?
Answering "Y" will allow you to enter a 2 line file description
for each new file as it is read from the hard disk and added to
Mustang Software, Inc. 127
the file database. A "N" answer will simply add the files, but
leave the descriptions blank. If you elect to enter the
descriptions here, you are then asked:
Do you want to be prompted Y/N for each new file
description? [Y]
If you answer "Y" then as each file is added it will first
display the file name and then ask if you want to enter a
description. You may then skip the description with a single
keystroke, if desired. A "N" answer will force you to both line 1
and line 2 of the description for every file added.
Lastly ADDFILES asks how the "UPLOADED BY:" field should be
completed for the files being added. The default name is SYSOP ,
but may be set to anything you wish.
After confirmation from the operator, ADDFILES begins processing
the specified file areas, prompting for addition and descriptions
as requested.
Mustang Software, Inc. 128
Convert is a utility to process the text file listings of a other
BBSs or a plain directory listing of files into WILDCAT!'s
database format. It is designed to be used for the initial
database creation process, but may be called on to add files at a
later date. In many instances the use of ADDFILES is a better
choice to add file unless the descriptions are already type in
some other BBS format. CONVERT is primarily needed if the sysop
has already compiled a list of files and descriptions in a text
CONVERT processes a text file and places the file names, sizes,
dates and descriptions, if included, into the file database.We
will review the procedures after a brief discussion of the text
file format that must be used.The standard file list formats of
other BBS programs do not usually contain the necessary
information for WILDCAT!'s database, and will require alteration.
New sysops will probably find it easier to use the ADDFILES
program for initial database creation.
Preparation for running CONVERT consists of creating a text file
in each of your WILDCAT! download subdirectories. This text file
may be a modified copy of another BBS text listing of the file
information for that particular area, or the DIR command output.
For the purpose of this documentation we will assume that the
user has used MAKEWILD to establish two download directories, one
for Utilities and one for Games. The path for Utilities is
C:\WILDCAT\UTIL and the path for Games is C:\WILDCAT\GAMES. If
you have another BBS text listing for each of these areas, place
the file in the subdirectory and name it FILES.BBS.
If you don't have a text listing but want to create one rather
than use ADDFILES, you should create one for each subdirectory
after placing all the appropriate files in the subdirectory.
Move all your games to C:\WILDCAT\GAMES, etc.. The method of
creating the text file from the DOS DIR command entails use of
re-direction of the DIR output to disk rather than the screen.
This is accomplished by using the > character. The proper
command line syntax is:
This command should be run from the games subdirectory and again
from utilities. The result is a file in EACH area named
FILES.BBS which contains the name, extension, size, date and time
on each file. It also has some header information on the drive
volume label and footer information about the available space
INFORMATION MUST BE DELETED with an ASCII editor. At the same
time you may add a file description by beginning the first
description line at character position 34, one space after the
Mustang Software, Inc. 129
date. WILDCAT! does not make use of the file time. Line 2 of
the description begins on character position 74.
Regardless of whether you are using another BBS text file listing
or the DIR output, you must use an ASCII editor to delete all
lines that contain any information other than files.
The FILENAME, regardless of length always starts at position one.
It may be written in the older DOS manner of FILE.EXT (with all
characters together, separated by a period) or the newer format
of FILE followed by the EXT starting at position 10. If the EXT
begins at position 10 there may not be a "." in any position
other than 9 since CONVERT looks for either a period or a space
to terminate the FILENAME and begin the extension.
The Size starts at position 15 and extends to 21, and may contain
commas. It should be right justified and blank positions may
exist at the beginning as in our example.
The Date starts at position 24 and leading zeros may be omitted
for any numbers. The only valid delimiter between month-day-year
is the dash (-) character.
The first Description line begins at position 34 and may extend
out to position 73. Any description from position 74 to 115 will
appear on description line 2. File lines may be up to 115
characters long, but only one file listing per line!
We now have created a file named FILES.BBS in each of our
download directories. Each reflects the names of the files in
that particular area and contains nothing but one line after
another of file information. To begin the conversion we start at
the WILDCAT! file database directory, the location of the
database files.
For each subdirectory that you want to convert you must run the
CONVERT program. Lets use our Games subdirectory as a first
example. Copy the FILES.BBS file from the Games subdirectory to
the WILDCAT! file database area and run CONVERT.
When you run CONVERT, you are reminded of the correct file format
and then asked to identify how the file list should be processed.
The first question asks which file area you want the file to be
assigned to. Our example answer might be area G for Games (this
answer must match your choices in MAKEWILD!). Next CONVERT asks
the name of the person who should be listed as uploading the
files. In most instances this will be sysop or perhaps left
blank since the actual information is not known. The final
question is the filename that contains the text information. You
would answer FILES.BBS since that is the text file we want to
Mustang Software, Inc. 130
process. After confirmation of the answers, CONVERT will add
each file's information to the WILDCAT! database.
The main trick to importing your files into WILDCAT! is to make
sure that your import text file is clean and correctly formatted.
No blank lines, no header or footer information and no extra
Prior to beginning, PLEASE make a back-up of your existing
database file if they already exist, and take one section at a
Mustang Software, Inc. 131
Makeques is used to create questionnaire files in WILDCAT!
readable format, and is the only way to make these files.
WILDCAT! questionnaires have the ability to "branch" to any other
question at any time, perhaps to ask sysops or another group of
callers another set of questions.
The easiest method of creating a questionnaire is to FIRST write
down all the questions you want to ask. Put them in groups
according to "branches" that are to be answered together, i.e.
questions for sysops, questions for general users, questions IF
an order is to be taken, questions IF a caller wants to register,
Question types available are Alphanumeric, Numeric, Multiple
Choice, Phone, Date, Time, Zip, State, MC/VISA, or American
Express. All of the above are FORMATTED field answers except
Alphanumeric & Numeric, which restrict the answer to
numbers/letters/punctuation or just numbers.
The questionnaire ends anytime the last question number is
reached (by entering a blank [ENTER] keystroke), or when a branch
calls question #99. Branching is allowed both forward and
backward, and questions are repeated until answered with a proper
response. Do not attempt to branch to a non-existent question!
Plan things out ahead of time!
Here is an example of a planning session written out:
(the numbers in parentheses refer to branch-to question numbers)
1. Do you want to purchase a product using a Credit Card?
YES - (2) NO - (14)
2. Do you have the card # and exp. date handy?
YES - (3) NO - (14)
3. What product do you want to order?
A - WILDCAT! (4)
4. Do you want to order another product?
YES - (3) NO - (5)
5. What name do you want it shipped to?
6. What street address?
7. What City?
Mustang Software, Inc. 132
8. What State?
9. What type of credit card?
A - VISA (10)
B - M/C (10)
10. What is the card number and exp. date?
xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx mm-yy (11)
11. What is a voice phone during the day to verify your order?
xxx-xxx-xxxx (12)
12. Should we PROCESS or CANCEL the above order?
A - PROCESS (15)
B - CANCEL (13)
13. THIS order request will NOT be processed. Start the order
over again?
YES - (1) NO - (14)
14. No order taken. Do you want to leave an order comment?
YES - (16) NO - (99)
15. Your order will be processed ASAP. Do you want to leave an
order comment?
YES - (16) NO - (99)
16. Comment (line 1 of 2) (17)
17. Comment (line 2 of 2) (99)
After creating your written questionnaire you are ready to begin
the MAKEQUES program. The Main Menu offers several choices, one
of which is to LOAD a questionaire. A sample questionnaire names
QUESTEST.BBS is included for your review. Next lets take a quick
look at the MAKEQUES editor.
While using MAKEQUES the following standard editing commands may
be used.
[left],[ctrl S] - Cursor left one character
[right],[ctrl D] - Cursor right one character
[ctrl left],[ctrl D] - Cursor left one word
[ctrl right],[ctrl F] - Cursor right one word
[home],[ctrl Q - S] - Cursor to beginning of line
[end],[ctrl Q - D] - Cursor to end of line
[del],[ctrl G] - Delete character at cursor
[bksp],[ctrl H] - Delete character to the left of
[ctrl end],[ctrl Q - Y] - Delete to end of line
[ctrl Y],[ctrl X] - Delete entire line
[ctrl home] - Delete from beginning of line
Mustang Software, Inc. 133
[ctrl T] - Delete word to right of cursor
[ins] - Toggle insert mode, large cursor
[ctrl R],[ctrl Q- L] - Restore original contents of line
The Main Menu presents the choices EDIT, LIST, EXECUTE, LOAD,
SAVE, and an EXIT option. We will review the choices one at a
the first option normally used is LOAD a questionnaire, unless a
new questionnaire is being created, in which case EDIT might be
used initially. You may follow this documentation with no
questionnaire loaded, or may select LOAD at this time to get the
QUESTEST.BBS questionnaire loaded in memory during this
If editing is selected without previously loading a
questionnaire, a blank screen is presented with the cursor on
question number one.
The lower section of the window indicates what information about
the caller will be included at the beginning of the answer file,
and these are labeled System Toggles. The bottom line of the
display shows the function key assignments available. F1:
"Insert line" and F2: "Delete line" are used to add and remove
lines from your questionnaire. Removing or adding lines will
automatically adjust the branch field question numbers for all
relocated questions (more on this later). F3: "System Toggles"
allows you to edit which user items are included in the answer
file. After pressing F3 use the arrow keys to highlight the
choice to change and press the Enter key to toggle the item on or
off. F4: "Clear All" is used to clear the entire questionnaire
screen and should only be used if you want to erase all
questions. F10 is the "Exit" key used to return to the Main
Menu. While working in MAKEQUES a copy of the last edited
questionnaire remains in memory, and selecting EDIT again will
return you to the last questionnaire used.
When in edit mode enter the text you want displayed to the caller
in the question text field. Note that only the first sixty
characters are displayed, but the editor will scroll left and
right as needed up to seventy-five characters. You may move
about the screen to edit information by using the editing keys
defined previously.
The next field offers you the choice of which type of question
will be asked. Pressing ENTER in the "type" field pops up a
window with the available choices, touched on below:
Text Alphanumeric text entry by the caller.
Date Accepts standard US formatted date input.
Mustang Software, Inc. 134
Phone Accepts standard US Phone input with area code.
Time Accepts standard time format HH:MM
State Accepts 2 letters only, auto-capitalization.
ZIP Accepts only numeric input, formatted for standard 9
digits (ZIP + 4).
M/C Standard MasterCard format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX followed
by a request for expiration date.
AmExp Standard American Express card format, followed by
MM/YY for expiration date.
SS# Accepts XXX-XX-XXXX format with numeric input only.
Visa1 VISA card format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX followed by
expiration date prompt.
Visa2 VISA card format XXXX-XXX-XXX-XXX followed by
expiration date. Note that you should offer a choice
of charge card formats, see the example questionnaire
QUESTEST.BBS for an example.
Note This question type doesn't ask for any input from the
caller. It simply displays the question text and
branches to the indicated question. It may be used to
ask very lengthy questions by placing one or more NOTES
prior to the actual question, or just to insert a
comment in the questionnaire.
END This type indicates the end of the questionnaire. Make
sure there are no questions after the END question.
Once the question TYPE has been selected the cursor is located in
the Br (BRANCH) field. Each question has the ability to change
the next question number, based either on the answer in a
Multiple Choice or the entire question. You will notice that
Multiple Choice questions have a editable branch field marked
with a » since they have different branches for each choice.
Pressing [ENTER] on a » branch will bring up the previously
entered branches for each multiple choice in a window. There may
be no blank question numbers between the first and last question.
Any question which is used to end the questionnaire (there may be
more than one since it may end from any number of branches)
should branch to question 99. All question lines after the actual
last question in the display should have question type END.
Now we will review the balance of the options on the main menu.
Mustang Software, Inc. 135
This option allows viewing a formatted output of the
questionnaire on the screen, printer or a file. You are
presented with a pop up window asking for a filename which will
be used for the output. If printer output is desired enter the
words PRINTER, or simply press ENTER for a screen display, with
This option plays back your questionnaire. The screen is split,
and the questionnaire in memory begins execution in the upper
window and the answers are shown in the lower window> This allows
checking both the branching and answer file responses generated
as execution progresses.
All MAKEQUES activity takes place in memory, and an existing
questionnaire must first be loaded before it may be edited,
executed or listed.
After modifications have been made to a questionnaire in memory,
a copy of the revised file must be saved to disk.
This option prompts you to save a questionnaire in memory if you
have not done so already. Note that you may leave the EDIT or
LIST sections to execute without saving. A copy of the
questionnaire is held and executed from memory.
Remember, the question files created with MAKEQUES and the
answers generated are kept in the home directory.
Filenames that are read by WILDCAT! are as follows:
Display file sent when [Q]uestionaire is selected from the
Main Menu prompt. It should contain a numeric listing of
the questionnaires available, and functions just like the
Read at the questionnaire menu prompt, much the same way as
bulletins. The # is replaced by the questionnaire number in
This is the New-user questionnaire which is read by the
system IF requested in MAKEWILD. It is presented just after
Mustang Software, Inc. 136
This is the closed board questionnaire. It is sent by the
system if the board is a Closed system as specified in
MAKEWILD. It is sent immediately after logon if the user's
name is NOT found in the database.
Mustang Software, Inc. 137
These two programs are handy utilities to program pauses into
batch file operations. WAIT! simply pauses for five seconds (by
default), and can be instructed to pause for any number of
seconds with a command line argument such as WAIT! 30 to pause
for 30 seconds. The time counts down on screen and the batch
file continues at expiration.
WAITFOR! accepts a command line argument for the time of day that
the pause should be released. The time must be in 24 hour format
such as 15:00 for 3 pm. WAITFOR! displays the time on screen as
it awaits the designated time, then it simply stops running,
passing control to the next batch file line.
These two utilities are useful in event scheduling to keep the
system inactive for a period of time, such as during a short
event. WAIT! may also be used in a network setting to delay
workstation login to the server long enough for the server to
completely initialize and get ready for the workstations.
Mustang Software, Inc. 138
WILDCAT! is distributed with these three utilities, programs
designed to be used to for damaged databases and configuration
files. These utilities should seldom need to be run except when
an inconsistency develops in the database files. The symptoms of
such a problem are error log entries describing database errors
in files, messages or users, or inconsistent database operation.
These programs should not be run on a regular basis as
preventative maintenance.
Mustang Software, Inc. 139
The following information is provided to give the operator a
feeling for the door implementation in the registered release of
A Door is a feature which allows WILDCAT! to run specific
programs from outside the program code. Although Doors are not
available in the Test Drive version, they will be discussed here
for the sake of the user who knows nothing about doors, but would
eventually like to implement them in the registered version.
Doors can be written specifically to operate in a door
environment or may be designed to operate under the redirection
of CTTY, DOORWAY or GATEWAY. Again, CTTY is not recommended for
door operation.
When Mustang Software originally researched the state of door
handling in a BBS system, we discovered that there was no
standardized method of setting up for this external program
operation. The Capitol PC User Group's program RBBS-PC handles
this feature using a specific, defined format which is unique to
RBBS-PC. There are many programs written which take advantage of
the RBBS-PC format. Other BBS programs use yet other methods of
passing parameters to the door programs. In fact, many use a
number of different, incompatible methods depending on the
version of the BBS that is in use. In an effort to standardize
the door environment, WILDCAT! has contacted authors of RBBS and
a number of door authors. We have reviewed the needs of this
type program and established what we hope will be molded into a
standard ASCII record for passing parameters for the door
feature. The record criteria for this ASCII file, CALLINFO.BBS,
is available from Mustang Software. This file is created and
deleted by the system and usually will not be seen on your disk.
Although a large number of WILDCAT! specific doors have been
developed, Mustang Software, Inc. does not write any door
programs. We have made provisions to allow WILDCAT! to run many
of the extensive number of doors already available for most other
BBS systems. The only door distributed with WILDCAT! is DOORTEST
which is a simple test program that will verify your batch file
and configuration settings. We will review the setup of DOORTEST
to familiarize you with standard door operation. All DOORTEST
does is echo back the name of your BBS System and allow the
remote caller to type a test message on the screen. If it
operates properly your procedural parameters and hardware are
working correctly and other programs can be installed. We
refrain from distribution of other door programs since most are
products of other shareware authors who may have distribution
restrictions. Many of the more popular choices are available on
WILDCAT! BBS systems.
Doors are started by the caller by selecting the Main Menu
command [D]oors. This presents the display file DOORS.BBS (or
DOORS.SCR) which should be created to contain the choices
available, much like the Bulletin menu BULLET.BBS. In order for
this feature to function, WILDCAT! must find DOORS.BBS in your
path for doors designated in MAKEWILD. The caller then selects a
number choice corresponding to the program they wish to run.
This number is the key to which batch file is invoked by WILDCAT!
since a batch file named DOOR#.BAT will be executed.
Batch files for the doors available must be located in the
WILDCAT! startup directory, the same area where MAKEWILD was run
and where CAT.BAT was started.
The actual behind-the-scenes processing by WILDCAT! from this
point is important for a complete understanding of door
operation. At the point that a program is selected by a caller,
WILDCAT! creates an ASCII file named CALLINFO.BBS that contains
complete information about the caller who invoked the door.
WILDCAT! then makes a copy of the requested door batch file
(perhaps DOOR1.BAT) under the new name DOOR.BAT. This generic
name is the actual batch file name executed later. WILDCAT! then
sets the errorlevel to 50, terminates and removes itself from
memory. You will note that this is the same process used in
remote drop to DOS and external events. The balance of a
successful door operation rests with the proper batch file
The first requirement is that the CAT.BAT file tests for
errorlevel 50 to see if a door has been requested. If so, it
must pass control to the batch file DOOR.BAT, our generic name
which is now the same as the door requested by the caller. As
indicated previously, DOOR.BAT is simply a copy of DOOR#.BAT for
the correct # door that has been requested. For each available
door the sysop must have created a batch file to run the program,
including any conversion routines required. For example, if door
#1 is DOORTEST then the batch file that is copied to DOOR.BAT for
execution is DOOR1.BAT, and it must contain every command needed
to run the door from the instructions give by the door author.
Lets take a look at DOORTEST now. In order for proper operation
it needs a configuration file, like many other doors you may
encounter. It does not require any conversion programs since it
was written specifically for WILDCAT!, and knows how to read the
CALLINFO.BBS file directly. Later in this section we will review
procedures for doors which cannot read our CALLINFO.BBS file, and
how to perform a conversion.
The configuration file required is named DOORTEST.CFG, and is a
plain ASCII text file of three lines. Line one must contain the
number of your com port as a numeric character such as 1, 2, 3,
4, etc.. Line two must contain the complete name of your caller
information file (CALLINFO.BBS), including the entire path.
Remember that CALLINFO.BBS is located in your startup directory,
so this line might read C:\WILDCAT\CALLINFO.BBS. The third line
in the configuration file should be the name of your BBS system.
An example DOORTEST.CFG file would be:
2 Your communication port number
The complete name of the call
information file, including the full
drive and path.
Mustang Software Private BBS
The name of your BBS system
Once we have created the configuration file we can continue
setting up the batch file to invoke our test door. We will
assume that the test will be door number 1 in the door menu file
(DOORS.BBS), and will call our file DOOR1.BAT. The command line
for starting the DOORTEST program is simply the program name
DOORTEST followed by the name of the configuration file
DOORTEST.CFG. Our batch file looks like this:
This is the actual program. The command
line argument DOORTEST.CFG is a text
file containing information needed by
DOORTEST to operate properly. It
includes three lines with the COM port
number, the path to the CALLINFO.BBS
file and the BBS name.
CAT This invokes your startup batch file
after the door has completed. CAT.BAT
is then responsible for getting WILDCAT!
back on line properly.
When the above batch file is executed the door program runs and
then the CAT.BAT file is called to re-start WILDCAT!. Every
door program operates in a similar manner, and each must call
CAT.BAT at the end to restart the BBS.
Since our DOOR.BAT has called CAT.BAT it's now up to WILDCAT! to
determine if it is returning from a door or it is just a fresh
startup of the program. It accomplishes this by first checking
for the existence of carrier detect (to see if someone is
connected), and then for the CALLINFO.BBS file. If carrier is
present, it then checks for the file, and if both exist WILDCAT!
assumes that this is a return from a door, and reads CALLINFO for
the callers name. It then deletes CALLINFO.BBS and reconnects
the user.
During the return from a door a user is asked to verify his
identity with his password ONLY if the program is answering the
phone using modem auto-answer. If ring detect is being used
(auto-answer is disabled), there will be no prompt for password
since there is no possibility that the caller is other than the
person listed in CALLINFO.BBS.
If Carrier Detect is not present but CALLINFO.BBS exists, it is
erased after first charging the user for his time in the door,
since he obviously was disconnected or hung up inside the door
program. If Carrier Detect is found without CALLINFO.BBS,
WILDCAT! attempts to lower it and complete initialization
Keep in mind that a return to WILDCAT! from a door requires a
complete startup of the WILDCAT! program, including everything
contained in your CAT.BAT file. In order to minimize this return
time we encourage you to place the minimum amount of commands
necessary in CAT.BAT. If you need to establish RAM disks or copy
files to different locations to establish your operating
environment, it is suggested that these other activities be
carried out in an AUTOEXEC.BAT file rather than in CAT.BAT.
As mentioned earlier, there are many doors written for other BBS
program environments. In order to operate these door programs,
the sysop needs a conversion utility which creates the required
system files for the other BBS program from our CALLINFO.BBS
file. The private registered WILDCAT! BBS contains up-to-date
conversions for all other BBS door programs. The proper use of
these utilities is included in a documentation file with the
conversion program. It usually consists of an additional line in
the door batch file consisting of the conversion program name,
such as WC2RBBS, which creates a configuration file for RBBS-PC
from our CALLINFO.BBS file.
The above explanation of doors is simplified and assumes that no
problems are encountered. The actual operation a number of
events may occur that interrupt either the remote user's
connection or the batch file operation. Both of these
circumstances could cause problems ranging from a locked-up
system to a serious security breach if not handled properly.
This section deals with methods to protect your system and its
users from such problems.
Carrier Detect Monitoring
The first possible problem to overcome is that of a caller who
drops carrier during a door. This could cause the door program
to sit idle indefinitely! Unless the door is watching the carrier
detect status, a locked system could result. All reputable door
programs monitor CD as part of their operation, and automatically
terminate when carrier is lost, returning control to the batch
file which will then call WILDCAT!. This is the best protection
available. In the event that a door does not handle this chore,
you should think twice about running it! Although there are
several utility programs which will monitor carrier and reboot if
CD is lost, we recommend against their use since a system reboot
is not desirable just because someone drops carrier. Users
quickly discover that they can drop carrier at the end of a door
to keep the time spent in the door from being subtracted from
their daily time allotment.
Ctrl-Break and Ctrl-C Lockout
The second obstacle to be overcome to successfully run doors
involves securing your batch files from interruption, either
intentionally or otherwise. Most users are familiar with the use
of CTRL-BREAK or CTRL-C to prompt for termination of a batch
process. Allowing a remote caller to do this during execution of
a door could be a catastrophe! Remember that every door makes use
of a batch file, one that must be protected from the use of
Ctrl-break. Fortunately most doors are specifically written to
direct their own input and output to the communications port, and
may not be interrupted.
We suggest use of a program similar to BRK.COM and BRK.DRV
(Control-Break driver) to protect against unwanted actions by
disabling the use of Ctrl-C and Ctrl-break. BRK may be placed in
any batch file followed by the command line argument ON or OFF to
enable or disable trapping for the Ctrl-break, and Ctrl-C
keystrokes. We strongly recommend that the command line
be placed in your CAT.BAT file to prohibit the undesired
characters throughout WILDCAT!'s operation. The protection will
extend through doors, Remote Drop to DOS, and external protocols.
You may also turn the trapping off at the end of CAT.BAT with the
command line
to allow local use of the Ctrl-keys after a normal exit with the
F10 key. An alternative method of using CAT-TRAP would be to
place the ON command as the first line of each batch file, and
then turn it off as the last command in each. This method
requires much more intervention on the part of the sysop to
ensure that all batch files are protected, but allows flexibility
such as use of Ctrl-C during a local drop to DOS with ALT-D.
Regardless of the method of implementation, we strongly recommend
that batch file protection against Ctrl-break and Ctrl-C be
incorporated as a basic part of your system security.
Lets look at an example of the above precautions in action. The
expanded CAT.BAT file may look something like the one listed
BRK ON the program CAT-TRAP turns ON
trapping and disables the CRTL-
BREAK command.
:RELOAD label to restart
CD \WILDCAT assures that we are in the right
directory for starting WILDCAT!
CTTY CON redirects input/output to the
keyboard and screen IF it has been
changed by DROPDOS.BAT
IF ERRORLEVEL 50 DOOR.BAT calls up the door program (checking
remains turned ON for Ctrl-C and
calls up batch file which allows
remote drop to DOS.
IF ERRORLEVEL 20 BAK.BAT calls up batch file for event J.
In this example event J does a
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO RELOAD sends batch processing to the label
RELOAD if the errorlevel is set to
1, an abnormal exit due to an error
or other problem.
BRK OFF the program CAT-TRAP turns OFF
trapping for CTRL-BREAK and enables
the use of it again now that
WILDCAT! is terminated.
Remember that the processing never gets to the last line unless
the sysop has used F10 to exit WILDCAT! normally.
User Verification on Return to WILDCAT!
The last item of concern when operating doors has to do with the
possibility of a person other than the original caller getting on
the system at the close of a door.
The problem arises if the sysop has set MAKEWILD and the modem to
auto answer, either by dip switches or a software command such as
ATS0=1. In that case the original caller could have been
disconnected during the door for some reason, and anyone could
have called in after the disconnect but before WILDCAT! re-
cycled. This is a period of perhaps 10 seconds or more depending
on the length of CAT.BAT and modem delays. The modem would
answer the phone and then establish carrier for the new caller.
Now we have a situation where WILDCAT! comes to life, finds a
carrier present and then looks for CALLINFO.BBS and finds it as
well. WILDCAT! then assumes that the original caller whose name
is in CALLINFO.BBS is returning, but we know better....
To prevent security problems in this regard, WILDCAT! will always
ask for the user's password if MAKEWILD is set to answer the
phone by auto-answer. If ring detect is being used rather than
auto-answer, no password is requested on return from a door since
no other caller could have established a connection.
To avoid any possible security problems, Mustang Software
strongly recommends that sysops who implement doors answer phone
by ring detect. Forcing WILDCAT! to answer the phone by ring
detect (internal monitoring of pin 22) assures that the modem
will not acknowledge any new callers since it won't even look at
pin 22 until after checking for a return from a door. If Auto-
answer MUST be used, WILDCAT! will request a password on each
return to WILDCAT!.
Door Technical Support
One final note about doors. Due to the differences in setup and
configuration of this feature for each door, we must limit our
technical support calls to problems with the WILDCAT! interface
only. This means that the we are unable to extend advice on
specific door operation or hardware system configurations. We
will assist in configuration of the DOORTEST program but after
proper operation of DOORTEST, the responsibility for installation
and operation of specific programs rests with the user. We make
NO commitments that any door program will run properly on your
system. Each door operates differently and may require a
conversion program, special device driver, basic run time module
(BRUN40, etc.), or other type of manipulation to operate.
Some versions of DOS, in combination with some IBM compatible
hardware, do not function properly with the CTTY command or with
THE WILDCAT! PROGRAM. Most of these situations can be overcome
using DOORWAY.
Questions on specific doors should be directed to the program
author. We encourage program authors to contact Mustang Software
for program configuration advice and possible testing of their
product within our beta group.
We suggest that sysops making use of this feature call the
WILDCAT! HQ BBS and interact with the special message folder and
file area devoted exclusively to doors.
This discussion of Multi-line and network operation is provided
to answer questions regarding the WILDCAT! multi-node operation.
As indicated in the Software License Agreement, any multi-line
version of WILDCAT! may be used "on multiple computers that are
connected by direct cable to the same network server". It is not
licensed for use at multiple locations.
Any questions regarding your rights under the Software License
Agreement should be directed to a corporate officer of Mustang
Software, Inc. for clarification.
Users installing the multi-line version for the first time, as
well as those upgrading from a single-line version should first
set up a single line system, then add additional lines according
to the information given here.
When writing the program code for a multi-line BBS system there
are at least two ways of addressing the task of talking to more
than one communications port at the same time.
The first makes use of "internal program multi-tasking" where a
single PC/AT handles the port addressing for all lines, and
internally directs the program responses to the ports as needed.
This type of setup has the advantage of needing only the one
computer, but is limited in that it cannot perform any BBS
activities which require outside program or DOS shell support.
It is not possible to run doors, external protocols, or any other
program as a sub-process.
The second uses multiple-program operation, a method in which a
separate copy of the BBS program is loaded into memory for each
line or node. This type setup allows the flexibility for every
individual line to perform whatever activity or BBS maintenance
event is desired, while allowing the remaining lines to perform
independent activity. The disadvantage is the extra memory
required for multitasking software, or additional hardware for
network operation.
WILDCAT! makes use of this second method of multi-line operation
for the advantages it offers. This type of setup is required for
doors and external file transfer protocols in a multi-line
Prior to explaining the procedures for setting up a multi-line
BBS we will review the necessary hardware and software
conbinations that may be used. In the following discussion the
term "multi-line" is synonymous with "multi-node", and the two
may be used interchangebly. Likewise, both a "line" and a "node"
refer to a single WILDCAT! session connected to a single modem
and phone line.
We have designed all version of the multi-line WILDCAT! to
operate in single line mode on a single PC system, or in multi-
line mode in any of three general configurations:
WILDCAT! includes support for file and record locking under
Novell, 3-COM, Banyan Vines, PC-MOS 386, CBIS Net,
LANtastic, and any networks that truly support DOS 3.x
SHARE. Keep in mind that a number of peer-to-peer networks
claim support of SHARE but do not actually have it! If in
doubt, try running our Network message program "Brainstorm"
on the network in question and saving several messages at
the same time.
In a LAN environment, each WILDCAT! line operates on a
separate computer connected to the other PCs or ATs via
network cable. Each line runs its own copy of WILDCAT!
which is loaded from a network "server's" hard disk. A
"server" in this context is used to define any computer in a
LAN setting that allows sharing any of its peripherals such
as hard disks, printers or other devices. Some network
configurations only allow sharing programs located on a
"dedicated server", one that only performs LAN management
functions. Others enable sharing of disk devices located in
other workstations and are normally referred to as peer-to-
peer networks. In a network which allows multiple
"servers", the server computers can also be used as a
workstations for a WILDCAT! node. Each workstation running
WILDCAT! is assigned a separate and unique WILDCAT! Node ID
Number in MAKEWILD, in an additional screen.
Regardless of the type of network used, only one copy of the
WILDCAT! program and support files needs to be kept on the
disk . This one copy is available to each workstation
running a WILDCAT! node. All workstation nodes may update
and access a common message, file, and user databases if
desired. Each node requires it's own PC (512K suggested,
single floppy is ok), a modem, a telephone line, and a
connection to the network. Local logon sessions on a
network do not require a modem or phone lines.
This setup requires an AT or clone, and a slave card such as
Alloy's PC-Slave, which is available in 8088 (NEC V-20) and
80286 versions. A slave card usually contains a CPU
(8088/V-20, or 80286), a serial port, a keyboard port and a
monitor port. Each slave card is actually a PC on a card
which interacts with and shares the other peripherals in the
PC, including the hard disk.
In brief, a slave card environment is one in which a single
machine adds one or more slave cards with a modem and phone
line connected to each slave card. WILDCAT! is loaded in
the memory of each card just as if it was a separate PC
system, and it uses the shared hard disk of the main system
for storage. Some slave systems allow viewing access to
each slave PC environment via the main system keyboard and
screen. The cost factor in this setup can approach or
exceed the LAN setup, depending on the network type and PC
A spin-off on the slave card environment is the multi-PC
card from CUBIX. It installes in a Novell network server,
and operates 2 workstations from within the network server.
For those interested in running only 2-3 or possibly 4
nodes, it can done on a single 80286/80386 system under
DESQview, a multi-tasking operating environment available
from Quarterdeck Office Systems, 150 Pico Blvd., Santa
Monica, CA 90405, (213) 392-9701. Although very fast
286/386 combinations may be able to run 3 or 4 nodes, we
have found that performance may suffer significantly on
slower systems when more than 2 serial port applications are
opened. We will only recommend 2 ports under DESQVIEW
unless you are prepared to upgrade your serial port UART
chips, and are using a 386/20MHz AT or faster.
DESQview setup involves purchasing DESQview ver. 2.25 or
above from Quarterdeck, and installing it on your 286/386
system. Versions prior to 2.25 will not operate well with
multiple serial applications, and are not recommended or
supported by Mustang Software. In order to establish 2
DESQview applications you will need at least 512K of
Expanded memory (NOT EXTENDED). Make certain that the
memory board you purchase is fully compatible with the
DESQview memory manager - check with Quarterdeck for
details. In general, you need memory which meets the
specifications for either AST's EEMS version 3.2 or LIM 4.0.
CAUTION: Most attempts at utilizing EXTENDED memory to
emulate EXPANDED memory will prove unreliable when performed
in a multi-tasking environment. This is due to the
continual switching back and forth between the "real" and
"protected" mode of CPU operation which can result in lost
interrupts and system lock-ups. We do not recommend
extended memory use for any purpose, even extended memory
which is "converted" to EMS memory by use of a software
This type of multiple line installation is the only one in
which the performance of the BBS program may be hindered,
due to DESQview's time-slicing. By contrast, both LAN and
slave cards offer almost full throughput with no
degradation. The number of nodes actually possible under
DESQview will depend on a number of variables, including the
speed of the microprocessor & clock, the baud rates of the
connections supported, and the speed of the hard disk.
The memory requirements for WILDCAT! operating under
DESQview are approximately 300K - 320K for each copy of
WILDCAT!. This means that the total memory required easily
exceeds the 640K base memory area. A system with 512K of
expanded memory will operate well for 2 lines.
Although our recommendation is for no more than 2 nodes in a
DESQview environment, there are a number of situations which
may allow additional nodes to be added. If an exceptionally
fast 286 or 386 CPU is used you may very well find that an
additional node or two can be added with only minor impact
on performance. Likewise, if the majority of your callers
will be operating at 2400 baud, or if your BBS activity
excludes downloads where speed is a factor, additional nodes
may also be possible. Testing in a proposed installation is
the only method of determining the actual limits for a
The choice of multi-node configuration is left up to the
user. A later section of this manual contains more specific
hardware installation references and suggestions for
maximizing performance in each of the hardware environments.
This section reviews the principles, assumptions, and background
information needed to successfullly operate WILDCAT! in a multi-
node environment. You should not attempt to install a multi-node
system until you have successfully installed a single-line.
Regardless of the method of hardware installation, the software
and directory structure is basically the same. This discussion
will assume that all WILDCAT! related files are stored on a
single hard disk in a dedicated network server (or a single hard
disk in the computer using the slave cards or DESQview). In
reality the subdirectories may be located on any hard disk or
subdirectory in any computer accessible by the nodes needing the
files. Much of the discussion in this section is intended to
help prepare your answers to the MAKEWILD screen "Node
Information" (only in the REGISTERED USER version) since a
separate configuration file (CONFIGWC.BBS) is needed for each
The file structure for multi-line is very similar to that for
single line operation. We begin creation of our multi-line
system with the first single node in C:\WILDCAT. The WILDCAT!
program files should already be located in this main area
MAKEQUES.EXE, CATEYE#.EXE (if available), and the PRO! Series
.EXE files (if available). The files in this area will be made
available to the individual nodes through a path statement in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file with wording PATH=C:\WILDCAT, or whatever
actual pathname is appropriate. This path statement must be
added to your AUTOEXEC file if it is not already present.
Next we need to create a new WILDCAT! "startup directory" for
each additional node on the system. This is a very important
step! Every node in a WILDCAT! multi-line system must have its
own startup directory, and its own unique node ID number. This
directory is the location where MAKEWILD is run for each node.
Remember, the actual MAKEWILD.EXE program does not need to be in
this startup directory, it will be located through the path
statement. The subdirectory contains the node specific
information from MAKEWILD in the CONFIGWC.BBS file, and is the
starting place for each node's CAT.BAT file. Our first node can
still be started from the main WILDCAT! startup directory and
does not need to be altered. In our example (a 2 node BBS) the
startup directories may be identified as C:\WILDCAT (for node 1)
& C:\WILDCAT\NODE-2 (for our second line).
Multi-line configuration also entails creation of separate
directories for external protocols, and common areas for
messages, files, and users, if shared. Since each node creates
its own configuration file (CONFIGWC.BBS) in its own startup
directory, each may customize the locations of all other support
files. This is done in the MAKEWILD "Node Information" screen.
In our presentation here we will assume that all files are
shared, although each node could access different menus,
bulletins, doors, and other files. If you want different nodes
to have different bulletins, questionnaires, menus, doors, or
display files you should change these path names in MAKEWILD for
each node, and create different subdirectories and files.
Lastly, each node must assign a MASTER path to indicate which
nodes are included in a "system". This "system" is simply a
reference to which nodes may be connected in multi-node chat,
which nodes contribute to the total call count for the system,
and which nodes can be checked for status, such as
up/down/waiting for calls, etc. by the CATEYE TSR program. If
you want both lines to have a combined call count and to be able
to enter inter-node chat the MASTER paths must be the same.
A node may be part of a "system" by sharing a MASTER path with
others, but still access different messages, files & users. In
this case the node will contribute to total "system" calls, will
be able to participate in inter-node chat (if it is made
available to callers), and will be shown as a node in the [W]ho
is online command. An example of such a configuration is the
Mustang Software Public access BBS which has completely separate
databases for users, files, and messages, but shares a MASTER
path with the Private WILDCAT! HQ BBS system for registered
users. The callers to the public system have the ability to
check out the other node access with [W]ho is online, although we
have disabled the inter-node chat command for that node.
As mentioned previously, the Startup Directory is the location of
the MAKEWILD configuration file CONFIGWC.BBS. Since each node
creates its own file in its own directory with its own unique
node ID number, the sysop may exersise a great deal of variety in
the configuration. For example, in a network environment with
several nodes actually taking calls from phone lines, you might
create almost identical CONFIGWC files. You may even create just
one and copy it to the other directories for minor modification
of Node ID number and path for external protocols. Other
workstations on the network, even without a modem, can also be
assigned a node number and startup directory as well, and access
the BBS system via a local logon with the COM port set to 0
(zero). The name of the sysop for the non-modem local nodes may
even be listed as the name of the local PC user to enable easy
sign-on with F1.
As an example of the above, all Mustang Software staff have
listed our individual names as "sysop" in the MAKEWILD
configuration for our local access nodes, allowing each of us to
logon with F1 and bypass the initial welcome messages. You may
even specify that a local node should perform an errorlevel 60
after each which results in immediate return to DOS after every
local sign-on. The important thing to remember is the settings
will only affect the one node that starts up from the directory
where that particular MAKEWILD configuration is located. Many
variations are possible, just be certain that each node is
assigned a unique WILDCAT! Node ID in its MAKEWILD configuration,
one which is different from all others, whether connected to real
telephone lines or other local node sessions.
The MAKEWILD screen "Node Information" is the primary location of
multi-line configuration. The initial questions deal with the
directory paths for various items discussed previously. These
first questions apply to both single-line and multi-line
installations. The balance of the items deal primarily with
multi-node setup, and do not even appear unless your WILDCAT!
version is capable of multi-line operation.
Node ID: Each node MUST have a different ID number, within the
range allowable for the version of WILDCAT! installed. Numbers
do not have to be used in sequence, but each node number must be
Security to access node: This value represents the minimum level
needed to connect to a specific node. In situations where lines
are reserved, such as our beta test node, access may be limited
to prevent lower level users from connecting even if the phone
number is obtained. The display file NO-#.BBS is sent to callers
denied access, where # is replaced by the node ID number, i.e.,
the file NO-4.BBS is sent if it exists to a caller to node 4 who
has too low a security level for access.
Overwrite chat file: The group and private chat feature operates
by creating a disk file containing the text entered by the
callers engaged in chat. This file is then read by each node in
chat whenever it is updated with text from another node in chat.
This is the only method of sending information to the proper
locations in an orderly manner. More details of chat file
operation is included later in this manual.
This option allows the sysop to specify whether the disk files
are started fresh each time a chat is initiated, or if the text
of new chat sessions should be appended to the end of the current
file. Appending rather than overwriting allows the sysop to view
the contents of chat sessions which took place since the file was
created using the VIEWCHAT.EXE utility. On an active system the
chat files can rapidly grow quite large, and should be monitored
for deletion just like the ACTIVITY.LOG.
The response to this question also controls the capture file used
when the sysop answers a page or initiates local chat with the F7
key (REGISTERED USER version only). The capture file PAGED.CAP
is either appended to or overwritten the same as the inter-node
chat files.
Network type: Pressing the spacebar cycles through the available
choices. Specific networks include Novell, PCMOS 386, and CBIS
Net. The choice DOS 3.x SHARE should be selected for any other
network which truly supports or emulates the SHARE command.
These include Banyan Vines, 3-COM, LANtastic, and many others.
The final choice is SINGLE LINE for non-network use.
If set to DOS 3.x SHARE when only one line is in use, the SHARE
program must be loaded. Since no file and record locking is
needed with only one node, loading SHARE is a waste of memory and
processor resources.
At this point we have reviewed the multi-line criteria which
apply to all configurations, and will proceed with a short
discussion of installation considerations for several specific
types of networks and multi-tasking systems. Review the sections
dealing with your particular installation.
Novell, like a number of good networks available, offers a great
deal of configurability which is useful in a WILDCAT!
environment. We suggest making use of the following specific
network options or their equivalent with WILDCAT! multi-node.
Novell does not require loading the optional Novell NetBIOS
module at the workstation level when loading WILDCAT! from a
network disk. Simply load the workstation shell with ANET3 (ver
2.0a) or IPX and NET3 (ver. 2.12 & 2.15). WILDCAT! directly
supports Novell without SHARE or the NetBIOS programs. The
exception to this is when WILDCAT! is loaded from a non-network
disk such as drive C:, even if the PC is attached and active on
the network. Use of a non-network drive is supported without
SHARE under Novell, as long as WILDCAT! is loaded from a network
Novell offers several versions of NetWare including the entry
level system ELS Level I, ELS Level II, and Advanced NetWare.
ELS I is limited to 4 workstation connections, including a non-
dedicated server that can operate as a workstation. ELS II is
limited to 8 workstation connections and also makes use of a
non-dedicated server that doubles as a workstation. Both of the
above are priced significantly lower than Advanced NetWare which
will allow connection of up to the maximum 250 WILDCAT! nodes.
We have found that Advanced NetWare ver. 2.15 is capable of
operating two nodes on a single workstation using the multi-
tasking program DESQview. This type of configuration allows
operating a six line BBS on only 3 AT's connected as Novell
workstations, with each AT running 2 BBS lines. CAUTION: This
setup has not been tested at this time on ELS NetWare! Contact
Mustang Software Technical support before purchasing a Novell ELS
network for this type operation.
Establish a user name such as NODE-1 etc. for each node on the
system. Assign the "user" security access for read, write,
modify, and create access rights to all files in the STARTUP
directory for each node. Remember that Node-1 will use the main
WILDCAT! directory as the startup area, while additional nodes
nust have separate startup directories. Extend these rights to
each EXTERNAL PROTOCOL directory, MENU directory, HELP directory,
DISPLAY directory, BULLETIN directory, QUESTIONNAIRE directory,
DOOR directory, DATAFILE directories, MASTER directory, and any
directories containing downloadable files. Assign read rights to
the WILDCAT! program directory (even though this is the same
area where node-1 is started) to enable every node to load the
program files. The "user" does not need access rights to the
rest of the system, except perhaps the the "public" and "logon"
directories if you will want to do system maintenance from the
node workstation under the node username. You may want to
establish a group name such as BBS and assign these rights by
group rather than individually by node names..
If your network supports it (Novell does), you may establish a
drive "MAP" to your external protocol directory to enable
addressing it as a single drive letter. For example, our actual
path to the protocol directory for node 2 is
but it is addressed in MAKEWILD as simply Y: since we include the
Node-2 login script command
As you can see, the MAP command functions much like the DOS
command SUBST. This allows WILDCAT! to pass a much shorter
command line to the shell, such as
Y:ZDOWN.BAT filename1 filename2 etc.
A Novell system using a fast hard disk in the server with ample
disk caching memory can easily handle a very large number of
callers. No system degradation is usually noticed with the
WILDCAT! database "safety mode" set to FULL.
This section reviews network considerations generic peer-to-peer
networks using LANtastic as an example. The operational features
discussed apply to most similar LANS except for network specific
recommendations. From an operational viewpoint, these networks
will function much like any other. The primary difference for a
WILDCAT! installation is the use of multiple "servers". If
multiple workstations are used as servers for various system
resources, these same server/workstations may also be used as a
WILDCAT! node. Each node must still be given a unique Node ID,
and must reference its own private startup directory and external
protocol directory.
This network operates WILDCAT! well when configured properly.
The following network parameters have been found to increase
reliability and improve operation:
DOS ver. 3.1 or 3.3 are recommended, version 3.2 is not fully
compatible with the network communication interfaces. The SHARE
command is not necessary since LANtastic emulates SHARE in the
The use of a small disk cache system with LANtastic is
recommended for best performance.
For additional information, contact Mustang Software, Inc.
These follow the same WILDCAT! software setup procedures as a
network. The only real difference here is that SHARE must be
Alloy's PC Slave system is established to act much like a network
with no cables connecting the individual workstations. Instead,
each workstation computer is actually a card installed into the
bus on the "server".
Alloy's own network software is NTNX. Setup the hardware and
software according to the instructions from Alloy. If the slave
cards are populated with 1 megabyte of memory we recommend
allocating 512K for the slave partition and the remaining 512K as
system disk cache within NTNX.
The WILDCAT! configurations on the slave cards are established on
the server hard disk exactly like any other network setup.
Create separate startup directories for each node and create the
required node areas for external protocols, if used. This setup
may be done from the server console, but each node must actually
be started and tested by its own autoexec.bat file as describe in
the documentation. The individual slave cards may be accessed by
connection directly to the cards via terminals (monitor &
keyboard). Alloy cards also operate with the utility program
NXSCAN to control slave cards from the server in real time
without using additional terminals.
The NTNX software includes a utility to monitor each slave from
the server, although interaction is not possible.
When operating in a slave system, all WILDCAT! sessions MUST make
use of answering phone by Auto-Answer since Alloy uses the ring
detect line (pin 22) internally to reboot the individual slave
systems from remote. Using auto-answer may have an impact on
your door operations, and you are cautioned to review the
disadvantages of using auto-answer with doors or external
protocols. See the door section of Advanced Features for
DESQview should to set up with two windows (or more, limited by
your PC), and follow the same WILDCAT! software installation
procedures as a network. The only real difference here is that
SHARE must be loaded prior to starting the DESQview program with
DV or XDV. There is no need to load SHARE in each DV window.
WILDCAT! is DESQview "aware", and will recognize when it is
operating in a DV environment. When the presence of a multi-
tasker such as DV, TaskView, or OmniView is detected WILDCAT!
automatically performs direct screen writing to an alternate
video buffer provided by DESQview. When configured properly
WILDCAT! is able to run in any size screen window, in foreground
or background mode, with no interference with other programs.
We recommend use of DESQview version 2.25 and above only. We also
strongly suggest use of the 16550A UART chip as a replacement for
the 8250 or 16450 found in most RS-232 boards. The use of this
chip becomes even more important when more than two WILDCAT!
nodes are configured on a single machine. This chip is
inexpensive and is available from a number of sources at a
nominal cost, including Arrow Electronics at 1-800-932-7769.
The Initial setup of DESQview (SETUP.BAT) allows setting
performance parameters which affect the processing time allocated
to foreground and background tasks. You will want to experiment
with these settings, but should begin with each task receiving
equal time if both are operating a WILDCAT! node. Start with 3
ticks for each node. If you are operating a single BBS in the
background while using the foreground for other activities such
as word processing, you then should allow the background task
more time by a factor of about 3.
The following screen shows the major setup parameters and the
proper settings for a 2 line BBS under DESQview.
The important parameters here begin with the second half of the
page. Optimize communications must be set to "Y" in order to
operate high speed modems reliably. In addition, you should load
the WILDCAT! node that uses the highest baud rate first. Doing
so prevents the 0-640K area of memory from becoming fragmented
since communications programs are never swapped out, and
guarantees the best transfer speeds. In addition, if an Enhanced
Expanded Memory board (EEMS) is being used DESQview will make use
of its "instantaneous" mapping registers for the first program
while assigning all other programs to the slower registers with
mapping overhead. Remember that the processing power of your PC
ultimately limits how many high speed communications programs may
be run simultaneously without dropping characters.
Swapping of programs may be set to "Y", although WILDCAT! should
never be swapped out of memory. This parameter simply allows
other programs this option. Printer contention should not be
managed since DV will suspend a program that attempts to print if
another is already printing.
We recommend setting DV to indicate that WILDCAT! does NOT write
directly to the screen (even though it does) since the video
buffer is automatically redirected by WILDCAT! internally. Fine
tuning DESQview parameters may be helpful in any individual
The following are WILDCAT! program areas which are affected by
multi-node operation, and may need additional explanation.
The WILDCAT! multi-node program code performs both file and
record locking, unlike many other BBS packages which only make
use of file locking. What this means to you as a sysop is
enhanced versatility and operation. For example, when operating
several nodes at one time, WILDCAT! is able to perform sweeping
changes including deleting messages in the wastebasket, since any
messages currently being "used" by a node are simply ignored due
to the record lock. Record locking allows the PRO! series to
actually perform major database updates to most items without
disabling all nodes. File locking systems prohibit this type of
We provided the newest file structures to developers who wish to
upgrade their products. The new databases make use of the B-Tree
Filer 5.0 from Turbo Power Software, Scotts Valley, CA.
The "safety" mode of database operation is configurable in
WILDCAT! Multi-Line. It can be set for "FULL", "PARTIAL", or
"NONE". The default setting of "PARTIAL" will perform additional
database activity of flushing the buffers after each access.
Although this will virtually guarantee that a power failure will
not cause data corruption, it takes extra time to perform the
flushing. The "FULL" mode creates an additional database file
with the extension .DIA, and will perform integrity checks as
data is changed and new data is added. The FULL mode may take as
much as 4 times as long to write record changes in the databases.
It actually holds information in the .DIA (diagram) file, and
checks data integrity during the next transaction. If an error
is encountered it is immediately corrected before continuing with
the new record. If network operation seems excessively sluggish
or you are operating under DESQview and need additional speed, we
suggest changing the safety mode to "NONE". The WCREPAIR program
will fix any database problems that develop in any mode.
Door operation in a multi-node system is esentially the same as
single line. A DOOR.DAT file is created in the DOOR path, and is
used by all nodes sharing that path. If you have a DOOR path
shared between nodes WILDCAT! will check the DOOR.DAT operational
flags to determine a door is "in use" whenever a caller requests
access. Access is denied if it is in use and the door has not
been specified as multi-user in MAKEWILD. For those few doors
with true record locking you may specify that it is multi-user
and no checks for access will be performed. The door itself will
then be responsible for handling the necessary locks when two or
more callers access it at one time. Most doors are not multi-
As mentioned previously, chat makes use of disk files for text
entered by callers. Although the port to port access could be
accomplished in any one environment (LAN, DV, etc), there is no
feasible way other than disk files to support such diverse
applications true networks, slave cards, and unknown port
parameters under a number of multi-tasking programs.
The key to having your callers make successful use of inter-node
chat is clear explanation and training. Make use of the
PRECHAT.BBS (.SCR), CHAT.HLP, and CHATCMD.HLP files to help your
users. Since screen updates are only possible once a line has
been sent, emphasize that users should be patient. If the other
caller exits chat a notice will be sent to all others in chat.
The same is true after paging a caller; simply wait for the
notification that he has entered chat rather than issuing a
constant stream of /USERS commands.
The chat file created by WILDCAT! is in record format, and is not
easily readable without the VIEWCHAT utility. VIEWCHAT is
invoked by following the command with the filename to view, such
as CHAT.002 or CHAT.GRP. VIEWCHAT is not required to view the
local chat capture file PAGED.CAP. The output is sent to the
screen with no pauses. This allows redirection to a plain ASCII
file for archival purposed.
Read the individual documentation file for complete operational
details. In multi-node situations the PRO! utilities may be run
without taking down active BBS nodes for most functions.
All PRO! applications MUST be started from a valid startup
directory, and have access to a valid, unused node ID via a
CONFIGWC.BBS file. This startup directory may be one of the
actual BBS nodes which has been scheduled to run a PRO! utility
as an event, or a node which has been manually stopped with F10.
It could also be an unused node ID on a separate workstation or
in another DESQview window. Just like a local WILDCAT! access
from a network computer, it must have a valid Node ID to
As an example, if you are operating 6 actual lines on the 10 node
version 2.0N, and have set them up as nodes 1-6, you may still
run U-PRO! on another network PC as long as you have created a
startup directory for an additional node (perhaps 7), have run
MAKEWILD in the node 7 startup directory, and have assigned a
node ID of 7. If you have already used Nodes 1-10 for real
incoming lines, you MUST take down one line to operate the PRO!
Each PRO! series should be limited to operation on only one
workstation at a time if database modification is being
completed. For example, unused nodes 7 & 8 may both run M-PRO!
at the same time, even while nodes 1-6 are taking calls, as long
as they are reporting rather than making changes. If one is
deleting messages that are over 60 days old and private, and the
other is deleting all mail in folder B that is over 10 days old,
there will be just too many record locks thrown at the system at
one time. If both are simply listing mail to a file for
archiving, the dual processing will probably be handled
adequately, but again this is dependent on the network used. If
in doubt, run only one utility at one time.
Multi-node operation must be taken into consideration when
running most events. We have discussed the PRO! series which may
be run as events (for most functions) even with other nodes
active. You can easily schedule node 2 for a wastebasket dump of
folder "Y" at 4am while leaving all other nodes available for
calls. This is in contrast to the message renumbering portion of
both WILDCAT! and M-PRO! which will not operate unless all nodes
have been taken down. To perform a renumber the sysop must
schedule an event on ALL nodes that access the same message
datafiles at the same time, say 4am. One node then uses the
WAIT! program to pause for five minutes or so (just in case the
clocks are a little off) with the command WAIT! 300 (wait for 300
seconds). The second line of the batch file tells M-PRO! to
perform the renumber. At the same time the other nodes in the
system execute an event batch file that simply says WAITFOR!
04:30 (wait for 4:30am, then continue). This assumes that the
renumber does not take more than 25 minutes.
Any third party programs that read the datafiles may also need
all other nodes to be suspended since the files or records needed
may be locked at any time and access unavailable. The exception
are utilities making use of the B-Tree Filer from Turbo Power
Only one username may have access to a system at one time. If
user John Magan signs on node 4, no one by that name may access
any other node on the system. This feature prevents multiple
updates of user records from different nodes to extend time or
This aspect of proper computer management is more important than
ever in a multi-line environment. The introduction of file and
record locking adds an additional dimension to this activity
which can cause problems. You may find that your previous backup
software is unable to backup files which have locks placed on
them by software, especially if you have been relying on a batch
file copy process.
Aside from purchasing "intelligent" backup software designed to
sidestep the locks and backup all files on your particular system
while the BBS is running, you may have little alternative than to
implement a system-wide event which takes all nodes down with a
WAITFOR! command while one node performs the necessary backup to
disk or other media.
This may seem like a trivial topic for discussion, but there are
a number the alternatives and differing opinions regarding the
best implementation. We will review several possibilities here
with no attempt to persuade a sysop that one is better than
another, but present them as different alternatives for different
As an example we will discuss a 10 line system. The simplest
setup is a single published phone number which rotates (or hunts
in telephone company parlance) down from line 1 to two, to three,
to ten. This rotation ignores the caller's baud rate, and leaves
access to faster modems to chance, unless all lines are connected
to the same modem types.
Another alternative is publishing three numbers, the first rings
line one which rotates to two and three. All 3 lines are
supported with a 2400 baud modem. The number for line four is
then published as a USR 9600 HST number, and rotates through
lines 5, 6, 7 and 8. The number for line 9 is also published and
is supported by a HayesV-Series 9600 which rotates to another V-
Series on line 10. While this setup allows higher speed modems
to selectively call the correct lines, it forces the caller to
dial several numbers if they have no preference for connect
rates. his setup is used on the Mustang Software Private HQ
A variation on the above could have the calls to the HST lines
limited to 9600 baud only by making that limitation clear to
callers and then setting the modem with &N6 to limit calls below
9600 BAUD
Modems in General
A computer and the supporting peripherals that constitute a
bulletin board system represent a chain of equipment that rarely
gets to rest.
Even while idling, the system is working. Most BBS's are on call
twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. If a chain is only
as good as its weakest link, what about the various links that
constitute a BBS operation? It then begins to have real meaning
that the hardware/software must not only work together, but that
each component is actually dependent upon the others, and must be
durable as a stand-alone device.
A BBS system's modem is the most important link to the outside
world. We strongly recommend purchasing a name brand modem that
has proven itself as a reliable performer under long term use.
Mustang Software regularly solicits modems from manufacturers
during our program development, with the understanding that
WILDCAT! will be tested and guaranteed to run on their equipment.
We continue to add modem settings to our list as new
manufacturers cooperate with demonstration units for testing.
Our thanks to those who have participated in this evaluation
Hardware Error Checking
Many modems support the ability to perform checking of
transmission through hardware built into the modem itself. If
your modem supports an internal error checking protocol (MNP or
ARQ), you may make use of this feature and have WILDCAT! offer an
additional internal file transfer protocol that takes advantage
of this ability. This protocol is 1K Xmodem-G, and will increase
the transfer throughput significantly. Note that WILDCAT! will
not make this protocol choice available to a caller unless the
connection was made using a result code for reliable connection
(see MAKEWILD Modem Information, Part 2). The REGISTERED USER
version of WILDCAT! also adds YMODEM-G (batch) to this list.
A few of the modems which support MNP/ARQ are Microcom, US
Robotics HST and 2400e, Telebit, Ven-Tel, and the Multitech 224EH
and EC. Consult your modem manual to determine if you have MNP
Modem Related Connection Problems
Should you have trouble with your modem operating properly after
installing and checking the setup parameters, you should follow
these steps to determine the problem area. NOTE that all
Mustang Software, Inc. 166
references to the character 0 are ZERO and not the letter "O".
First, start your favorite communications program such as Qmodem,
ProComm, Smartcomm, Telix, etc.. Perform whatever commands are
necessary to enter "command state", usually a blank screen where
you can enter modem commands.
Second, type ATZ and press ENTER. You should see "OK" or its
numeric equivalent "0", which indicates you have established a
good connection with the communications port. If this test
fails, i.e the modem returns "ERROR" or its numeric equivalent
"4", then you need check your hardware to make sure the port you
have selected exists and is the ONLY port with that designation
(COM1 etc.) If you got the "OK" or "0" then proceed with the
following step.
Third, enter the appropriate startup strings listed in your
WILDCAT! set-up one at a time, pressing ENTER after each, to see
if the modem is interpreting them correctly. For example, if
your modem calls for AT V0 M0 Q0 E0 you would type
The result should be a "0" (ZERO) which is the numeric result
code for "OK". Then type AT M0 <ENTER> and check the response.
Continue to test each setup parameter until you are sure that the
modem accepts each one. Perform this test for EVERY command in
ALL startup strings, as well as the reinitialization string, if
being used. Should all of them be accepted by your modem but it
still fails to operate properly you should increase the modem
delays in MAKEWILD to 2500 each in increments of 500. If any
individual setup string item fails, check your manual and make
sure the parameter is a valid command for your particular modem.
Modem Switch and Register Settings
The settings for any individual modem may vary, but most modems
make use of some standard switch and S-Register settings. The
discussion here deals with the most common dip switch choices (if
your modem has them) and the register settings. The switches, if
present, may be arranged and numbered in any order, but will
usually cover the following functions. If your modem has
switches you should set them according to this discussion.
Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
One of the pins on your cable or connection between the
modem and computer is DTR, which is used to assure that the
two modems can "talk" to each other. WILDCAT! handles the
operation of DTR and uses it to control the connection. One
of the main uses for DTR is manipulation to tell the modem
that the caller has pressed "G" for Goodbye and wants to
hang up. This switch can usually be either FORCED ON or
NORMAL. WILDCAT! needs a NORMAL setting in order to be able
Mustang Software, Inc. 167
to raise and lower DTR to tell the modem when to hang up the
Verbal/Numeric result Codes
This switch controls the type of responses the modem sends
to the computer for connect, carrier detected, etc.. The
two choices are Verbal (also called Verbose) or Numeric
(also called Terse). WILDCAT! must receive numeric codes,
and sets this by use of the AV0 (That's zero, not a letter
"o") command in the startup strings. This switch must be
set to numeric since some modems (the USR HST in particular)
will not allow the V0 command to override the switch
Display result Codes
This switch indicates if the response from the modem should
be sent to the computer. WILDCAT! needs to get the numeric
codes therefore this switch should be set to enable result
code display.
Command Mode Local Echo
Local echo refers to the ability to actually display the
result code on the screen locally when it is sent. WILDCAT!
does not require this echo to operate properly.
Auto Answer
The preferred method for WILDCAT! to use in answering the
phone is by monitoring the Ring-Detect Line, rather than
having the modem auto-answer the phone. In this case the
auto-answer switch should be set NOT to answer. If instead
you elect to answer the phone by auto-answer (in MAKEWILD),
this switch must be set to have the modem perform auto-
answer. The status of this switch can be over-ridden with
AT S0=0 to disable auto-answer or AT S0=1 to enable it.
Carrier Detect Override (DCD or CD)
This switch is VERY important. WILDCAT! monitors pin 8 to
determine whether a carrier exists to know if someone is
on-line. If this switch is set incorrectly, WILDCAT! cannot
tell when someone hangs up, and may think someone is on-line
when they are not! It should NOT be forced true or forced
on. It MUST be set to reflect reality or to follow the
software. If WILDCAT! is started with CD forced true it
will display the message "Session in Progress".
Single/multiple phone line
Can be set either way depending on your phone line.
AT Command Set recognition
Since WILDCAT! sends and receives AT commands to and from
the modem, this switch must be set to enable AT command set
Escape Code Operation
Mustang Software, Inc. 168
It is advised that your modem disconnect if it receives a
+++ from your caller. Not all modems have this switch. To
prevent acting on an escape sequence, we recommend including
the command S2=255 in a modem string to change the escape
code character from +++. See the discussion of the S2
register below and in your modem manual.
Use Factory or NRAM defaults
Some modems which allow storing setup parameters in non-
volatile RAM (NRAM) also allow selection of whether the
power-on default parameters are loaded from NRAM or the
hardware factory settings. If your modem allows a choice
you must set this switch to load from the NRAM settings, not
the factory settings. The USR HST is one modem which has
this dip switch.
S0 register
Sets the ring number to answer the phone. If set to 0
(zero), auto-answer is disabled. S0=1 will enable auto-
answer on the first ring. Set this to S0=0 under normal
circumstances and use ring detect to allow WILDCAT! to take
care of answering the phone.
S2 register
Holds the ASCII value of the escape sequence character. The
factory default is 43, the plus sign (+). The character
indicated in S2 needs to be sent three times with
appropriate pauses to place the modem in command state.
Values above 128 disable the escape sequence. We recommend
disabling the escape sequence since it is not needed by
WILDCAT!, and will prevent troublesome callers from
attempting to disable your modem.
S7 register
This value determines how long the modem waits for a carrier
to be detected after it has answered a call. It should
normally be set to the default of 30, and must match the
value in MAKEWILD for WILDCAT! to wait before giving up
(Modem Information - frame 3).
S25 register
Not all modems have this register, but it is important if it
exists. A change in the DTR (data terminal ready) status
from on to off that is shorter than the value specified in
the S25 register is ignored. This means that the default
value of 5 (five-hundredths of a second) represents the
shortest time that DTR must be lowered to have the modem
hang up. You may recall that WILDCAT! uses a lowering and
raising of DTR to end a call, and we expect the modem to
respond. If it doesn't it could be due to this register
being set too high. We lower DTR for just over 3 seconds,
and therefore the maximum value of S25 should be 30. We
suggest leaving the default of 5.
Mustang Software, Inc. 169
Modem-Specific Settings
Depending on your particular modem, one of the following setup
configurations may be of use. Each are described in detail, and
are listed below.
The following setting would usually apply to a modem with a
maximum speed of 300 or 1200 baud (may apply to some 2400
baud modems) which has dip switches on the modem for setting
DTR (Data Terminal Ready) as well as CD (Carrier Detect), as
well as those switches involved with COM port designation.
This type of modem DOES NOT have non-volatile memory to
store the AT command set on a permanent basis. This type of
modem DOES NOT support the EXTENDED Hayes "AT" Commands such
as &C, &D, and &W which writes the settings to the Non-
Volatile memory.
Startup String #1: [BLANK]
Startup String #2: [BLANK]
Startup String #3: [BLANK]
String to re-initialize after every call:
AT V0 M0 Q0 E0 S0=0 S7=30 S2=255 X1
The following setting would apply to a modem with a maximum
speed of 2400 baud. It DOES NOT have many dip switches on
the modem for modem control except for COM port designation.
This type of modem DOES NOT have non-volatile memory to
store the AT command set on a permanent basis. This type of
modem DOES support the EXTENDED Hayes "AT" Commands such as
&C and &D.
Startup String #1: [BLANK]
Startup String #2: [BLANK]
Startup String #3: [BLANK]
String to re-initialize after every call:
AT V0 M0 Q0 E0 S0=0 S7=30 S2=255 &C1 &D2 X1
The following setting would apply to a modem with a maximum
speed of 2400 baud. It DOES NOT have many dip switches on
the modem for modem control except for COM port designation.
This type of modem DOES have non-volatile memory to store
Mustang Software, Inc. 170
the AT command set on a permanent basis. This type of modem
DOES support the EXTENDED Hayes "AT" Commands such as &C, &D
and &w to write the settings to the non-volatile RAM.
Startup String #1: AT &F
Startup String #2: AT &C1 &D2
Startup String #3: AT V0 M0 Q0 E0 S0=0 S7=30 S2=255 X1 &W
String to re-initialize after every call: [BLANK]
The US Robotics HST 9600 baud modem makes use of a number of
setup strings and codes to maximize throughput at high speeds.
This discussion will review a few of the parameters used to
increase throughput at high speed. Keep in mind that the fine
tuning for maximum speed may have an effect on some doors (in the
Registered version of WILDCAT!) and external protocols, which may
not operate properly with the faster DTE rates.
Startup String #1: AT &F
Startup String #2: AT E0 &B1 &R2 &H1 S2=255
Startup String #3: AT V0 M0 Q0 S7=30 X1 &W
String to re-initialize after every call: [BLANK]
To get maximum speed your USR-HST should be initialized at 19200
with the DTE locked at the initialized baud rate of 19200. In
addition you should include &B1 in the setup string to tell your
modem that the DTE is locked, and &H1 to enable Hardware Flow
Control using the CTS (Clear To Send) line on your modem.
Remember that when you lock DTE at 19200 you have actually opened
the line from your computer to the modem at the fastest rate
possible. This will mean that a user who enters a spacebar to
stop a display file may not have it stop since by the time he/she
presses the spacebar the entire file may have already been sent
to the modem at 19200, but the modem is sending it to him at
perhaps 2400 baud.
For the Hayes V-Series V42 9600 baud modem, the following string
is advisable:
Startup String #1: AT &F
Startup String #2: AT E0 S7=9 &C1 &D2 &Q5 S36=3 &K3 W2
Startup String #3: AT V0 M0 Q0 S2=255 S7=30 X1 &W
String to re-initialize after every call: [BLANK]
Mustang Software, Inc. 171
APPENDIX B - ANSI CODES (color only) and DOS colors
--------- ----------------
Erase Display ESC[2J
BOLD ON ESC[1m add 8 to color #
BLINK ON ESC[5m add 128 to color #
CANCEL ON (invisible) ESC[8m
RED FG ESC[31m 4 (bold = 12)
GREEN FG ESC[32m 2 (bold = 10)
YELLOW FG ESC[33m 6 (bold = 14)
BLUE FG ESC[34m 1 (bold = 9)
MAGENTA FG ESC[35m 5 (bold = 13)
CYAN FG ESC[36m 3 (bold = 11)
WHITE FG ESC[37m 7 (bold = 15)
Additional ANSI codes are available for cursor movement and other
Mustang Software, Inc. 172
APPENDIX C - Distribution for Profit
We sincerely desire to make our TEST-DRIVE product available to
as many people as possible through the electronic and catalog
distribution network.
We ask that individuals, groups, vendors or other distribution
companies which market diskettes containing programs for profit
obtain written permission from Mustang Software, Inc. prior to
distribution. This is a simple process.
Please forward a copy of this application if you desire to
distribute WILDCAT! TEST-DRIVE for profit. The following
conditions apply to this type of distribution:
1. Due to its size we ask that WILDCAT! TEST-DRIVE not be
included on a diskette with any other software.
2. Please limit the copying fee to $10.00 per diskette and do
not accept any additional payments for the program.
3. Distributors are asked to show that they fully support user
registration of Shareware and TEST-DRIVE products as
evidenced by advertising or promotional material.
Along with your application for distribution rights, please
include a copy of your promotional material and advertising copy.
Forward your request to:
Mustang Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 2264
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Attn: Rick Heming
COMPANY NAME:_________________________________________________
CITY:_________________________ ST:__________ ZIP:____________
VOICE PHONE:__________________________________
Please include sample brochures, literature and advertising, if
available. In return we will mail the current version of
WILDCAT! TEST-DRIVE, and keep you up-to-date with the latest
versions of ALL Mustang Software products as they become
Mustang Software, Inc. 173
Thank You!
Mustang Software, Inc. 174
Setting up a bulletin board program isn't always an easy task.
Due to the complex configuration necessary between the modem,
computer and program, the end result is often not achieved the
first time. If you are having difficulty the following section
may be of some help.
Most Commonly Asked Questions:
Q1 When I start WILDCAT! it seems like it tries to initialize
the modem, but displays a message that a "Session is in
A1 Your modem setting for Carrier Detect (CD) is probably
forced "ON". Change the appropriate DIP switch for "NORMAL
CD". Some modems without this switch use the &C1 command to
perform this function. "Session in Progress.." means that
WILDCAT thinks a call is in progress! If your modem does
not have this particular switch, or no switches at all, then
add &C1 to your modem initialization string. See Appendix A
for more information on switch settings.
Q2 Things work fine, but when callers try to say [G]oodbye,
WILDCAT! just sends the Main Menu to them again and doesn't
log them off.
A2 Your modem has the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) line forced
"ON". Change the appropriate DIP switch to "NORMAL DTR".
Some modems without this switch use the &D2 command to
perform this function. If your modem does not have this
particular switch, or no switches at all, then add &D2 to
your modem initialization string. See Appendix A for more
information on switch settings.
Q3 WILDCAT! answers the phone, but just sits there and the
caller gets no response. WILDCAT! displays the message
"Determining Baud Rate...".
A3 You have apparently set WILDCAT! to determine baud rate by
result codes, and it isn't getting codes that it can
identify. First, check to be sure that you are sending
NUMERIC codes, best set in the initialization string with V0
(zero). If you are sending numeric codes, then check the
numbers in MAKEWILD for each baud rate against your modem
manual. Lastly, perhaps your modem will only send different
numeric codes for each baud rate if EXTENDED codes are
requested. Extended codes are usually activated with the AT
command Xn, where n is a number from one to about seven.
Consult you modem manual.
Q4 Why am I considered a New user when I first log on?
Mustang Software, Inc. 175
A4 See the section in the User Database. Remember, until you
have logged on the first time and used the F9 key to upgrade
your security to that of Sysop, WILDCAT! has never heard of
Q5 WILDCAT! seems to run OK, but I get an error 202 or 203
after it gets going.
A5 Both these numbers indicate a heap/Stack collision. Most of
the time it means that you are attempting to run WILDCAT!
without enough memory available. If you have any utilities
in memory such as SideKick, remove them one at a time until
the program functions properly.
Q6 After WILDCAT! gets started it gives me an error 4.
A6 Error 4 is a Turbo Pascal indication that too many files are
open. The problem is almost always the omission of the
statement "FILES=40" from the CONFIG.SYS file. See "System
Requirements" for more information.
Q7 When I try to use ALT-D to drop to DOS locally, I find I
don't have enough memory.
A7 Since ALT-D performs a "shell" to invoke another copy of the
command processor(DOS), there needs to be enough memory
available for the second copy of DOS. If sufficient memory
is not found, the request is ignored. Remember, any
memory-resident programs will reduce the memory available.
DOS requires from 50K to 80K to invoke the second command
Mustang Software, Inc. 176
See the file TEST-DRV.REC included on the SUPPORT diskette or in
the WILDCAT2.EXE file for complete record structures for this
Mustang Software, Inc. 177
See or print the file REGISTER.FRM for ordering the REGISTERED
USER version of WILDCAT!
Mustang Software, Inc. 178
16550A UART 160 Banyan Vines 149
3-COM 149 Batch
.BBS 82 Protocols 61
/M 63 Batch File Operation 88
/NOEMS 63 BBS and .SCR
.SCR 71, 82 Differences 82
ACTIVITY.LOG 69, 73, Birth-Date Verification
104 36
Defined 66 Bulletin Menu 90
ANSI 45 Bulletins
ANSI Color 82 Path for 43
Editors 86
ANSI.SYS 18, 40 C
Menu relationship 56 Call Processing Event
MNP 167 CALLINFO.BBS 114, 141
Modem Registers 169 CARBON COPY 114
Modem Strings 167 Carrier Detect 168, 175
MODEMS 166 Carrier Wait
APPENDIX B S7 Register 25
ANSI Codes 172 CAT.BAT 88, 109, 112,
APPENDIX C 113, 145
Policies 173 Starting with 63
Trouble-Shooting 175 Chat
APPENDIX F Inter-node 163
File and Record Local 66
Formats 177 CLOSED.BBS 74
APPENDIX G Closed Board 31
AT Commands 26 Embeded 83
ATZ 25 Color 18
Auto Answer 28 ANSI Menus 75
AVIEWCOM 122 Foreground attribute
B Monitor type 45
Background 15 COMMENTS.BBS 74
BADLIST.BBS 72 Communications 24
Mustang Software, Inc. 179
CONFIGWC.OLD 69 Echomail
Control Codes 83 Description 124
CONVERT 129 Future Directions
Copyright 13 126
Ctrl-B 84 Implementation 125
Ctrl-C 77, 84 Editing Display Files
CTTY 112 83
D Embedded Codes 83
Daily Time Limit(DTL) EMS 63, 160
Databases within Ending WILDCAT!
WILDCAT! 15 F10 66
File Database 15 Environment
Message Database 16 Creating 17
relationship between ERROR.LOG 69
16 Errorlevel
User Database 15 #35 126
Desqview 150, 160 #40 102, 112
Direct Screen Writes #50 141
150 #60 110
Display Files 42 #0 & #1 89
Distribution and Sequence 109
Copyright 13 Errorlevel 6
DLIMIT.BBS 74 Call Processing
DLKLIMIT.BBS 74 Event 45
Doors Errors
Batch Files 141 "Determining Baud
Cautions 143 Rate.." 175
Description 140 "Session in
Implementation 141 Progress" 175
Technical Support ALT-D 176
146 Error 4 176
DOORS.BBS 141 Error 202/203 176
DOORTEST 141 Logging off 175
DOORWAY 114 Trouble-Shooting 175
DOS-Next 65 Events 102
DOWNLDOK.BBS 74 Call Processing
Downloading Event 110
Display Files 77 Creating 107
Help File 75 Schedule "X" 108
Limits Schedule "Y" 108
# 59 Schedule File 70
Max Bytes 59 Timing 111
Menu Choice 99 Expanded Memory 160
Ratios 40, 80 Expanded memory 63
Drop to DOS Expert Level 91
Remote 35, 102, 112 Extended Memory 150
DROPDOS.BAT 74, 112 Extended Result Codes
DSZ 118 26
DTR 167, 175 External Protocols
Batch Files 117, 120
Mustang Software, Inc. 180
Cautions 120 H
Definition 61 Heap/Stack Collision
Description 116 176
Implementation 116 HELLOxx.BBS 75
Number of 45 Help Files 42
Path for 42 Help Level 91
Help with Commands 91
F HOME Key 68
F-PRO! 127
File Database 15 I
File Menu 52 Imbedded Codes 83
FILEAREA.IDX 70 Installation 19
FILEDATE.IDX 70 Interrupts
FILEINFO.DAT 69 Duplication 24
FILENAME.IDX 70 Registered Version
Files 24
Area Access 58 Usage 24
Areas 44, 47 IRQ and Port number 24
Color 41
Database Area 102 K
Downloading 99 KERMIT.EXE 117
Help 75 Keyboard Switches 77
Information On 99 Kill a Message 94, 97
Listing 100
Path Definitions 60 L
Reading Text 100 LANtastic 149, 158
Statistics On 100 LASCALL.BBS 76
Text Search In 100 Limited Warranty 12
Uploading 101 Lock-out 104
Used by WILDCAT! Logoff 90, 99
Data Files 69 LOGON
Display 71 First Time 89, 176
Viewing Compressed New User 176
101, 122 Logon
FILES=40 18, 176 Local 63, 64, 65
FILES.HLP 75 New User 64
FILESxx.BBS (.SCR) 75 M-PRO! 164
FIXMSGS 106, 139 Main Menu 19, 48, 90
Flow Control 30 MAKEQUES 132
Formfeed 84 MAKEWILD 19
Front End Programs 125 Drop to DOS
Function Keys Local 67
Defined 65 Makewild
G age-limits 32
General Information 21 Drop to DOS
GOODBYE.BBS 75 Remote 35
External Protocols
Mustang Software, Inc. 181
File Menu Defined 52 Determining Baud 28
File Paths 60 DTE 27
File Section Setup Flow Control 30
47 Registers 169
General Information Result Codes 175
21 Ring Detect 28
Installation 19 Standard Settings
Main Menu Defined 48 171
Message Menu Defined Communication Port
51 24
Modem Information 24 Makewild 24
NewUser Defaults 31 More- 84
Security Information MPE.EXE 83, 85
Security Levels MSGINFO.DAT 70, 106
Defined 54 MSGNUMBR.IDX 70
Sysop Menu Defined MSGTF.IDX 70
53 Multi-Line
System Configuration Chat 163
39 Description 148
Time compensation Doors 162
Ratio 40 Hardware 149
Time Limit Implmentation 151
First Call 33 Phone Rotation 165
Memo Date 105
Memory management 63 N
MENUINFO.BBS 19, 69 Netmail
MENUINFO.OLD 69 Description 124
Menus Future Directions
Types 90 126
Message Database 16 Implementation 125
Message Folders Network 158
New-User 33 Chat 163
MESSAGE.HLP 76 Description 148
Message Menu 51 Doors 162
Messages Hardware 149
Carbon Copy 94 Implementation 151
Deleting 94, 97 Phone Rotation 165
Entering 94 Newsletter 92
Folder Access 56 NEWSLTR.BBS 76, 92
Folders 46 NEWUSER.BBS 76
Menu 94 NewUser Defaults 31
Private 37 NO300.BBS 77
Range 41 NOEMS 63
Reading 97 NON-FATAL ERRORS 69
Return Receipt 94 Norton Editor 83, 85
Scanning 98 Novell 149, 156
Text Search In 98 Novice Level 91
Modem Off-Hook 29
Auto Answer 28 On-Hook 29
Delays 26, 29 Other Requirements 18
Mustang Software, Inc. 182
Overlay buffer 63 Required Environment 17
Result Codes 168, 175
P Return Receipt 94
Page Bell 77 Reviews 13
PAGED.BBS 77 Ring Detect 28
Paging the Sysop 21 RS-232 10
Passwords 64
Paths 41 S
PC ANYWHERE 114 S2=255 73
PC-MOS 386 149 S7 Register 25
PCKERMIT.EXE 117 Scan 98
Personal Mail 94 SCHED.BBS 70
Phone Number Schedule "X" 108
Verification 35 Schedule "Y" 108
Port Number and IRQ 24 Differences 82
PREDOWN.BBS 77 Screen Write Toggle 66
Printing Security
Activity Log 65 Levels 37
Toggles 65 Levels Defined 58
Users 104 Online-Upgrade 64,
PRO!-Series 66
Implementation 164 Passwords 37
Overview 163 Phone and Birth Date
PROTOCOL.HLP 78, 99 Private Messages 37
Special Display 80
Q Security Information 35
QDONE#.BBS 78 Session in Progress 175
QDONENEW.BBS 79 Source Code 13
QSEC#.BBS 78 Spacebar 82
QUES#.ANS 79 Statistics
QUES#.BBS 79, 136 On Databases 104
QUESCLOS.ANS 78 Subscription Systems
QUESCLOS.BBS 78, 136 105
QUESNEW.BBS 79, 136 SysOp
QUESTION.BBS 78, 92, Closed operation 31
136 Sysop 21
Questionnares 132 Comments to 44, 90
Quick Start 17 Help Files 80
QUOTES.BBS 40, 79 Menu 102
Menu Files 80
R Page 92
RATIO.BBS 80 Paging of 21
Ratios SYSOP.HLP 80
Setup 40 SysOp Menu 53
Redirection of I/O 112, SYSOPC.HLP 80
114 SYSOPxx.SCR 80
Registration 6 System Configuration 39
Regular Level 91 System Requirements 10
REMM.SYS 63 System Toggles 65
Mustang Software, Inc. 183
Technical Support 11 USER#.BBS 81
Compuserve 11 User Database 15
Regional 11 USERINFO.DAT 69
Time Users
Inactive 88 Database Area 104
Time Limit Lock-Out 104
First call 33 Printing 104
Increase/Decrease 68 Special Display 81
Maximum Allowable 45
Toggles 65 V
TRANSFER.BAD 118 Verifying Users 93
Trouble-Shooting VIEW_ARC.BAT 122
"Determining Baud Viewing Compresses
Rate.." 175 Files 122
"Session in
Progress" 175 W
ALT-D 176 WAIT! and WAITFOR! 138
Error 4 176 Warranty 12
Error 202/203 176 Wastebasket
Logging off 175 Dump 106
What is WILDCAT! 6
U Features 8
UART 160 Included with
Uploading 101 Registration 6
Display Files 78 Security 10
Help File 75
Ratios 40, 80 Z
Time Comp. 40 ZMODEM 117
Mustang Software, Inc. 184