Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Text File
545 lines
version 0.1 (c) copy right 1988 All Rights Reserved
This program is for the receptionist/secretary. This records
the call of a phone/visitor on a pop up memory resident,
easy to fill form (each form is called a "record"). And if
the default form is not suitable at any given time, you can
re-write a new one on-the-fly, while in the pop up with new
selections and others pre-filled in already.
This pop up will pop up over another program or over DOS.
The limit on the number of forms you can store is limited by
the amount of empty space in your diskette or the hard disk.
If a hard disk is used, then changing from one subdirectory
to the next will not prevent the list of filled in forms to
be written in the original subdirectory it was in.
CALLFOR.EXE keeps track of how many such forms were filled
in since the last time the computer system was turned ON.
And every form also has the date and the time that the pop
up was called, so you don't have to note anything.
In case of a power failure, there is no loss of the filled
in forms (called records in here) unless the loss occurred
during the very short interval that the file is opened.
If you simply type
then you get the help list only.
The help list does not occupy needless memory, once the
program is in memory.
To run this, simply type
and end it with an <ENTER> or <ntr> or <cr> or anything
else you want to call the carriage return. Just the letter
'r' in 'run' will work also. The <alt> and 'M' will pop up
the menu. The BAZIC.EXE program, another program in this
series, must have at least 'ru' of 'run' in order to work.
Pop up CALLFOR.EXE from DOS or under another program by
pressing down on the alt key and while keeping this key
pressed down, also pressing down on the letter "M".
CALLFOR.EXE will not pop up from DOS while you're displaying
the directory or something else but will pop up right after
DOS stops doing whatever you told it to do.
You can load any other program AFTER the CALLFOR to be
removed along with CALLFOR, provided that the other programs
have my name mentioned somewhere or it mentions that that
particular program will wipe out this program also. Avoid
running any other memory resident program after CALLFOR if
not made by this group or specifically mentions that
CALLFOR will wipe out that software also.
CALLFOR.EXE itself does not have a wipe out feature, but
many other programs made by this group will wipe this out
from memory without rebooting.
Do not load this or any memory resident program from the DOS
mode many programs now-a-days. In other words, if you
happen to be in your favorite word processor and you
suddenly go to DOS with the ability to go back to where you
left off on the word processor by typing EXIT at the DOS
prompt, do not load any memory resident program and then
EXIT back to your word processor. You've just initiated the
computer system for a lock up and you will have to reboot
the system as soon as you get out of your word processor.
Similarly, do not load any memory resident program which can
be removed from memory, run your word processor, go to the
DOS mode, and then wipe out the memory resident program.
These two conditions are both going to cause the computer
system to lock up. This is not a fault of this or any
memory resident program, free, public, or expensive payware.
To run CALLFOR.EXE, type from the DOS prompt
The first thing CALLFOR.EXE does is to check to see if
another copy of CALLFOR.EXE is already in memory or not.
After all, why waste memory?
Then it checks to see if a copy of the records file CALLFOR
(no extension given) is in the diskette or subdirectory
which you ran CALLFOR.EXE.
If a copy exists, then the drive (and subdirectory, if
any) where it exists is also recorded. The total time
is read and stored, and it becomes memory resident.
If a copy does not exist in the present diskette or
subdirectory, then the PATH is searched to find out if
the records can be found. If found, then the drive and
subdirectory is noted and the total time is read and
stored, and it becomes memory resident.
If no copy exists, then the present drive and
subdirectory is noted and a new CALLFOR records file
is created here. (A hard disk is preferable since
removing the diskette with the records or running out
of empty space can cause errors.)
When you press down on the alt key and while keeping this
key pressed, you also press down on the letter "M",
CALLFOR.EXE will pop up under your program.
The pop up is designed to work on 80 columns and higher
modes. CALLFOR.EXE will not pop in 40 column modes.
This is the type of pop up you'll get:
insert mode Record #: 1 Date: September 10, 1988 11:14pm
Message for:
Please call: Tel #: Ext.:
Returned your call: Will call again: Wants to see you:
Date: Time: Message received by:
Action: Approval: Signature: Note&return: Forward: File-it: Others:
Let's call this entire thing composed of eight lines of
79 characters wide screen as one record, and let's call
each section which ends with the colon ":" as a field.
And the entire list of such records as stored in your
disk(ette) as a file. So a field is one area to fill
in such that "Please call: " is one field,
"Tel #: " is another field here and
"Ext.: " is still another field.
The collection of such fields make up one such form to be
filled in, and this one such form which is already filled in
by you is called a record. The word "form" is used
sparsely here and is used to describe each record which is
not yet filled in by anything you typed.
Every time someone comes calling into the office or makes a
phone call and wants to leave a message, you fill in one
such form after another. The collection of all the records
which was filled in by you is called a file.
It's important that you know the difference between what is
meant here by a field, a record and a file, as well as a
form, in order to understand the rest of this document
since these four words are used to mean exactly that.
In text mode, the blinking cursor will be just after the
colon ":" of "Message for:" and the mode will be in insert
mode. This is like the regular word processor type insert
in that all characters to the right of the cursor will move
Once you start on the comment, the default is the
INSERT mode. In this mode, characters to the right of
the cursor will be pushed right. To switch between
INSERT and OVERWRITE modes, press down on the INS key:
The indicator to the left of the record number will
tell you which mode you're in.
The default mode for the first three rows is the insert
mode and the default for the rest of the rows is the
overwrite mode. The indicator on the top left will
tell you which mode you are currently in.
The DEL key will delete the character at the
cursor, and the rest of the characters to the
right of the cursor are pushed left to fill the
The backspace will delete left as expected and all
characters to the right of the cursor will move
left, following the cursor.
Once you press on the INS key, or if you go below the
first three rows and the indicator says "overwrite",
then some keys behave differently:
The DEL key will not work.
The backspace will delete left, but all characters
to the right of the cursor will NOT move left.
In either modes, the backspace will not stop deleting at
the colon ":" of the named fields, but will continue to
erase till the column 1 on the left corner. (This is not a
bug but a feature, since this feature allows you to tailor
the form to fit your needs and to have pre-filled parts as
well. This is discussed in more detail later on.)
HOME will not move the cursor if the cursor is on the left
column 1. If not on the very left, then it will search for
the colon ":" to the left of the cursor and will move the
cursor right after the colon. The HOME key will not move
the cursor from the present row of fields.
For example, if the cursor is represented by an "x" here
"Please call: x Tel #: "
and you press on the HOME key, then the cursor will go
"Please call:x Tel #: "
It's a lot simpler to understand if you use it than if you
read this document. But try to read the document, since
you can use this program more efficiently if you have an
inkling of an idea on what features are available. And you
can look up the feature to clarify your vague memory.
END will not move if the cursor is already on the very
right column. Otherwise, it will search for the presence
of a capital letter and moves the cursor to just before the
capital letter. For example, if the cursor is represented
by an "x" here
"Please call: x Tel #: "
and you press the END key, then the cursor will move to the
end of the field like this.
"Please call: xTel #: "
The <ntr> key is the third key which does this type of
searching. This is the key known as the carriage return or
ENTER, or CR or ^M.
Every time you press down on the <ntr> key, the program
searches for the presence of a colon to the right of the
cursor. And if found, then the cursor is placed right after
the colon. If the present row of fields no longer
contained a colon, then the next row of fields are
searched. Once the very last field on the last row is
searched, then the cursor will be placed on the top row
first field.
For example, if the cursor is represented by an "x" here and
you press <ntr>,
Returned your call: Will call again: x Wants to see you:
Date: Time: Message received by:
then the cursor will go here
Returned your call: Will call again: Wants to see you:x
Date: Time: Message received by:
and if you press down on the <ntr> now, then it goes to the
next field on the next row like this
Returned your call: Will call again: Wants to see you:
Date:x Time: Message received by:
and so on. After such repeated pressing on the <ntr> key
and the cursor goes to the very last right bottom field here
Action: Approval: Signature: Note&return: Forward: File-it: Others:x
and you press <ntr> again, then the cursor will be moved to
the very top left row's field here
Message for:x
This behavior of searching for the colon ":" and a capital
letter should be remembered when you modify the form (in
other word, the blank record which is not filled in) to fit
your needs as it changes over the course of the day.
The <esc> key will get you out of the pop up. If you did
not even type a single space and just moved the cursor
around, then a record is not stored to disk. To make an
empty record (in other words, a duplicate of the form)
stored in disk(ette), type a few spaces.
When you cursor up/down, the insert/overwrite mode will
indicate "insert mode" on the first top three rows of fields
and will indicate "overwrite" on the rest of the rows of
fields. This default is necessary (you can change the
default by switching with the INS key) since if you had it
in insert mode with the cursor represented by an "x" and you
typed any letter,
Date: x Time: Message received by:
the two fields to the right of the cursor will move right
like this
Date: x Time: Message received by:
You may want this behavior when modifying the number of
fields and pre-filling other fields.
When you type any letters, numbers and such printable
characters (including extended ascii for foreign characters,
Greek symbols, box shapes, etc) in the insert mode, every
other printable characters, including any field to the right
of the cursor is also moved right.
When you type any printable character in the overwrite mode,
the rest of row does not move. However, you are allowed to
overwrite any field name to the right of the cursor on this
row. (overwriting to the fields on the next row is
So, if the cursor is at "x" and you type "but was very rude
Returned your call: x Will call again: Wants to see you:
Date: Time: Message received by:
then the record will look like this
Returned your call: but was very rude too Wants to see you:
Date: Time: Message received by:
This will be stored in the file in the disk(ette). However,
the next time you pop up CALLFOR.EXE, the fields will be as
before. The word "but was very rude too" will not be the
To change the fields and pre-filled fields of the form which
will appear everytime you pop this up, first type over the
fields as you like, making sure that each field begins with
a capital letter (like A, B or C) and end it with the colon
(the ":", not the semi-colon ";"). You can add or subtract
as many fields as will fit. Use the insert mode by
pressing down on the INS key or use the overwrite mode by
pressing down on the INS key again as you see fit.
For example, to change this row of three fields
Returned your call: Will call again: Wants to see you:
Returned your answer: May call: Wanna talk to you: Wanna borrow dough:
move the cursor to the "c" in "Returned your call:" and
"answer: May call: Wanna talk to you: Wanna borrow dough:"
To make this the default which will pop up, press down on
the alt key and while keeping this key pressed down, also
press down on the "S" letter to "S"ave this as the new
default of the form to fill in.
Similarly, if you really messed up filling the present
record in and you want to start by filling it in with a
clean slate, do altl with the letter el "L". This will wipe
out the mess and will "L"oad the clean form before it was
messed up.
Note that storing and loading a form is the only operation
which require that you press two keys at the same time, once
you're in the pop up. This prevents you from accidentally
storing a new form or erasing the filled in record by
loading an empty form over it.
The list of records are stored as regular ascii file and can
be loaded into your favorite word processor/editor or
printed directly from DOS to your printer; do
from DOS. Where <ntr> here is the carriage return you type.
Do not type the two symbols and three letters representing it.
CALLFOR.EXE reads a file called CALLFOR without any extension
to find out what the total time spent on your project was so
As presented above, each record consists of eight lines of
79 characters width. The default form has a certain number
of fields you can fill in with x's or with text. The number
of fields you decide to add or subtract is under your
control. Just make sure that each field name begins with a
capital letter and ends with a colon. And if the entire row
is to be one comment (like the third row), put a colon
anyway, so that the HOME and <ntr> keys can work properly.
When CALLFOR.EXE first becomes memory resident and if there
was already a CALLFOR records file present, then CALLFOR.EXE
will check to see if the file was tampered. It does this by
dividing the length of the file with 648, the length of each
record in the file. If the file length was not divisible by
this value, then CALLFOR.EXE will not become memory resident
and will display a warning.
This last feature is not really necessary since this version
does not have other fancy features, but is placed here for
consistency's sake.
To make CALLFOR.EXE run, rename the file so that CALLFOR.EXE
will create a new records file. Or if you can figure out
where the changes were made, correct the length of each line
to 79 again and CALLFOR.EXE will run properly.
You don't have to do it, CALLFOR is already in memory
If you tried to run CALLFOR when CALLFOR was already in
memory, then you get this message.
The callfor file not found
A new one is being created
CALLFOR.EXE did not find the CALLFOR records file in
either the default or the PATH listing. As a result, a new
records file is being created.
If another of this group's memory resident program was
loaded before this program, and that program is removeable,
then remove that to remove this from memory. If you need a
removeable CALLFOR.EXE, you can try asking for such a
This file was modified by someone and no longer corresponds to
the format originally set up. Please correct this according
to the document CALLFOR.DOC
When CALLFOR.EXE first ran, it read the pre-existing
CALLFOR records file. However, you apparently modified it
yourself and changed the listing. See above on the format
on how the records file should be set up.
File not found. Type any key to retry or <esc>
The pop up cannot find the CALLFOR records file. Chances
are that you removed the diskette where it existed. Insert
the diskette with the records file and type any key. Or
type <esc> to avoid writing the new record and exit the pop
I cannot write the file. Type any key to retry, <esc> aborts
It appears that the records file was read but was unable to
write the new record in here. Insert the diskette with the
records file and type any key to retry, or <esc> to avoid
writing the new record and exit the pop up.
All products and names mentioned are Trademarks or
Registered Trademarks of their respective corporations or
All enclosed programs, documents and other files are
provided AS IS, without any warranty, expressed or implied,
including but not limited to fitness for a particular
If you find that this does not work in your machine, we
would like to know exactly what happened. With enough
information, some of which you may consider useless, we may
be able to make it work in your computer as well.
A contribution of $10 US/Canadian is appreciated if you
find this useful, or $20 for an improved one. Your
negative criticisms are as welcome as your positive ones.
This program is for the receptionist/secretary. This records
the call of a phone/visitor on a pop up form. And if the
default form is not suitable at any given time, you can
re-write a new one on-the-fly, while in the pop up with new
selections and others pre-filled in already. Features found
in a regular word processors makes everything easy to fill.
my old forwarding address was
Dr. Masaaki Sawada & Assoc.
University of Waterloo, Faculty of Science
Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3G1
the new forwarding address is
Dr. Masaaki Sawada & Assoc.
Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research,
Sir M. B. Davis Jewish General Hospital,
3755 Chemin Cote Ste-Catherine,
Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H3T 1E2
(you'll find it a lot easier to cut this address out with
your word processor and print it on an envelope, rather
than trying to write it by hand)
The institute name is given instead of home address to
lower the chances that any mail is delivered to a wrong
address (a common occurrence). However no institute time
nor equipment was used to write this program or document.