Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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A Fifth Reference Manual
- ----- --------- ------
-- The Philosophy of Fifth --
Fifth is first and foremost a programmer's programming
environment. Fifth is made up of a compiler, a text editor, a
dictionary editor, and an interactive environment. These elements
are highly integrated to produce the Fifth programming
Fifth as a language is very simple and very flexible. Fifth does
not attempt to provide every structure a programmer might want.
Instead, Fifth gives the programmer the tools to create any
structure he/she needs at compile time, easily and efficiently.
The main goal of Fifth is to eliminate the long edit-compile-
debug times typical of compiled languages. This cycle is reduced
in several ways:
1) Incremental Compilation. Fifth limits compiles to sections
of code which have been changed, as they are changed, rather
than requiring a recompilation of the entire program.
2) Efficient Use of Primary Memory. The entire Fifth system is
very small and thus can remain in primary memory at all
times. (Any portion of the system that is not required may
be removed by the programmer to further reduce size.)
3) Fast Compilation. The Fifth compiler is extremely fast;
Fifth code compiles an order of magnitude faster than
conventional compilers.
4) Minimal Bookkeeping. The basis behind Fifth is very simple
and natural. The programmer spends very little time keeping
-- Programming in Fifth --
Fifth has an extremely simple syntax. There are only two distinct
syntactic constructs in Fifth: modules and numbers. modules and
numbers must be separated by whitespace (blanks, tabs, carriage
returns, linefeeds, or nulls). Thus the only syntax error
possible is that of an invalid module or number.
Programs are written in Fifth by writing modules using the
primitive modules (the modules that come with the system) and
other user defined modules. All modules are kept in a tree
structured dictionary which defines the scoping of the modules.
Both modules and the dictionary can be easily modified; Modules
are altered using the module editor, and the dictionary using the
dictionary editor.
But what is a module? A Fifth module is like a subroutine or a
procedure in other languages. But it is more. A module is made
up of four parts:
1) The module name, which is used to reference the module. A
name is made up of any combination of characters other than
whitespace (Carriage returns, line feeds, nulls, blanks, and
2) The source code which defines the module,
3) The executable code which the compiler produces from the
source code,
4) And a subdictionary which may contain submodules used in the
module's definition.
Numbers are combinations of digits and characters such that the
same combination does not exist in the dictionary, and all
characters are less than the current radix. There are two types
of numbers, integers and reals. If the number contains a decimal
or exponent, it's real; Otherwise it's integer. Single precision
numbers are in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 and are
4 bytes long. The real numbers are 32 bits. The precision is
approximately 7 significant digits, and the exponent range is -38
to +37.
-- The Dictionary --
Fifth's dictionary is an ideal data structure for programs. Both
user defined modules and primitive modules (modules that come
with the system) are contained in this structure. The source or
text code for all modules is also kept in the dictionary. The
scoping of a program is expressed directly in the dictionary, and
can be easily examined and/or changed by using the dictionary
editor. Thus what modules are accessible by a module is under
programmer control through the Fifth programming environment.
The Fifth dictionary is hierarchical; Every module owns a
subdictionary and belongs to another subdictionary, with the
exception of the root module which owns the highest
subdictionary. The owner of a particular subdictionary is called
the local module of that subdictionary. The local module is the
only module that has access its subdictionary. Thus a module in
Fifth can be broken down into smaller logical parts, tied
together by a main module, with all the parts in placed in the
main module's subdictionary. When the main module is moved about
in the dictionary, the subdictionary and all modules within the
subdictionary are moved too.
Thus programs in Fifth are written by building up modules from
the primitive modules. Program development becomes a process of
writing modules, testing them, moving them about in the
dictionary, and using the new modules to write other modules.
Thus elements of a program (modules) are modified using the
module editor. The structure of the program is edited using the
dictionary editor. This division is very natural, and the Fifth
programming environment makes it easy.
-- Scoping Rules --
In general, scoping is a term used to describe what what
programming structures can or can not be accessed from any
position in a program. Many languages use global scoping, which
means that all subprograms or routines can access all other
subprograms or routines. In large programs (and even small
programs) this can lead to problems.
Fifth uses scoping rules that are similar to Pascal's. In Fifth,
scoping is defined by a module's position in the dictionary. This
section discusses how the dictionary is used to define the
scoping of a program.
Each module in Fifth contains a subdictionary, which is simply a
list of other modules. (This list can be empty.) The modules in
the subdictionary are available only to the local module, and no
other module outside the subdictionary.
When a module is is used in a definition, the module's definition
is needed. The Fifth system attempts to find the module by doing
a name search in the dictionary. The search starts in the
subdictionary of the module being defined. If the definition is
not found, successively higher subdictionaries are searched, up
to the root module, which is local to the highest subdictionary.
If no definition is found for the module, (and the module is not
a valid number) it is considered undefined. That is, the module
may exist somewhere in the dictionary, but is considered
undefined if it is not in the search path.
{ A B C }
| | |
| | +--------------------------+
| +------------+ |
| | |
{ D E F } { G H I } { J K }
| | |
| +--+ |
| | |
{ L } { M N } { O P }
Figure 1.1
For example, suppose the dictionary looked something like figure
1.1. The dictionary search starts with the lowest module
accessible from the local module, and proceeds to the left, then
upward, until the root module is reached. The search NEVER goes
down, nor to the right. Suppose that {M} in figure 1.1 attempts
to use the undefined module {X}. The modules examined while
searching for {X} are, in order: {M}, {I}, {H}, {G}, {B}, {A},
and {FIFTH}. In this case M is the lowest accessible module,
since {M}'s subdictionary is empty. But suppose that {K}
attempted to use {A}. This time the search path is {P}, {O}, {K},
{J}, {C}, {B}, and {A}. Notice had we been searching for {M},
with {K} as the local module, {M} would be considered undefined.
About the easiest way to learn the Fifth system is to jump on and
start using it. Fifth places a high priority on speed, power,
and flexibility, but it is very easy to use and learn. As you
read through the manual, try out the examples. As quick as you
can, write programs. You will find that using bit and pieces of
the supplied programs quite easy and useful. Thus the {SAVE}
module, and the save text, and load text
-- The Dictionary Editor --
The dictionary editor allows the programmer to edit Fifth's
dictionary. The following is a bit of terminology which will make
explanation of the dictionary editor and its use easier.
-- Terminology --
Before the dictionary is altered by the programmer, it has only
the root module, and its subdictionary. The root module is
originally called {FIFTH}, and the root module's subdictionary
holds only the primitive modules.
( Primitive modules are all those modules basic to Fifth.
Primitives differ from user defined modules in that they come
with the system, and do not have subdictionaries of their own.)
When the programmer brings up the Fifth system for the first
time, {Fifth}, the root module, becomes the local module. The
text for the local module may be edited and compiled. Submodules
may be created, deleted, renamed, and moved in the local module's
A submodule may be inspected, in which case it becomes the local
module, complete with its own subdictionary. The local module
may be exited, in which case the parent module (The module
"above") again becomes the local module.
The local module specifies what modules are visible from the
interactive environment. The interactive environment has access
to a module if and only if the local module has access to that
module. Thus the interactive mode is an excellent place to test
modules and their interactions. As a reminder, the prompt in the
interactive mode is made up of the name of the local module
followed by a '>' symbol. Thus if {Fifth} is the local module,
the prompt in the interactive mode will be:
The behavior of the interactive mode is much the same as most
other FORTH systems. Any sequence of modules may be entered and
executed. New modules may be defined, the local module may be
redefined, etc.
The dictionary editor is invoked by entering the module {DIR}
form the interactive environment. It displays all the modules in
the local dictionary (The subdictionary of the local module).
Modules in the local dictionary may be selected with the right
and left arrows. When a module is selected, it is shown in
reverse video. The local module appears in reverse video in the
top left hand corner of the screen. Also shown are status flags
for the local module. These are summarized in figure(3.1)
Flags - bits 0-F
0 - This link contains a valid entry
1 - Primitive module, no subdictionary,
never needs compilation
and has no text.
2 - Not compiled. This module failed
compilation for some reason.
3 - No text. This module was created
from the interactive environment,
or has had its text striped off.
This module cannot be recompiled.
4 - Header created by text, used while
compiling from text.
5 - Suitable for inline coding.
6 - Immediate module.
7 - Compiler only module.
8 - Trace mode on.
9 - This module has 8087 alternate code
in the parameter field.
Figure 3.1
The following is a list of keys and the functions they invoke
while in the dictionary editor.
Left/right arrow - Selects a module.
Up arrow - raises to the parent dictionary, up to the root. If
the root module is the local module, this key does nothing.
Down arrow - lowers into the dictionary of the selected
Ctrl left/right (IBM PC) or shifted left/right arrows (TI PC) -
move the selected submodule left or right. This feature
allows the submodules to be re-ordered.
Page up (IBM PC) or shifted up arrow (TI PC) - move the selected
submodule up in the dictionary, after the local module in
the subdictionary of the submodule previous to it.
Page down (IBM PC) or shifted down arrow (TI PC) - move the
selected submodule into the dictionary of the submodule
previous to it, moving the submodule farther from the ROOT
ESC - return to the interactive mode.
C - compiles the local module. Compiler errors are possible. If
the compiler finds an error, an error message is displayed,
and Fifth returns to the interactive mode.
Del or D - deletes the selected submodule and all of it's
subdictionaries. All submodules after the deleted submodule
are marked as not compiled.
E- edits the text of the local module. See module Editor.
Ins or I - allows a new submodule to be created in front of the
selected submodule, or the local module to be (re)created.
G - Executes the local module as if typed from the interactive
environment. Note that G provides no method of placing
values on the stack, thus routines expecting values on the
stack will not execute properly in most cases.
L - redirects the input stream to the specified file. This
allows any text file to become input to Fifth. Text loaded
is NOT compiled. However, if the loaded text redefines
modules used by the load text routine, unexpected results
can occur. Be especially careful about naming modules {UP},
{EDIT}, tilde, and {ABORT}. If these modules are redefined
by the text being loaded in, the text load will not work
R - renames the local module. Renaming the ROOT module will
change the name {SAVE} uses when saving the Fifth system.
S - saves the local module and all sub-modules in a format
suitable for text editors or listing. This format may be
used in conjunction with the L key to upgrade a Fifth
program to a higher version number.
T - toggles the trace mode on or off. Trace "ON" allows single
stepping of Fifth modules. See {TRACE} in the glossary.
X - strips text from the local module without changing whether or
not it's compiled. This may be used to free memory when the
module will not need recompiling again.
-- The Text Editor --
The text editor is invoked by the module {EDIT} or from the local
dictionary editor, {DIR}. Upon exiting the editor, the compiler
is invoked. Thus the Fifth compiler, or any other compiler
implemented under Fifth, is incremental. Parts of the program are
compiled separately. This gives fast edit-compile-run turn around.
The Fifth module editor is simple. Only the most basic text
editing functions are provided. Fifth modules are normally quite
small, thus a simple editor is normally sufficient. In Fifth the
program structure is edited using the dictionary editor, thus
providing block operations on functional boundries.
The system editor is a very simple full screen text editor. The
following is a summary of the key definitions in the editor.
ARROW right/left - Move the cursor right/left
one character.
ARROW up/down - Move the cursor up/down
one line.
PAGE up/down (IBM PC)
ALT ARROW up/down (TI PC) - page up/down.
F1 - Insert line.
F9 - Split line.
F10 - Merge line.
CONTROL Y and F5 - Delete line.
INS - Toggle insert/replace mode.
The cursor is half height with
replace mode, full height with
insert mode.
CONTROL G and DEL - Delete a character.
TAB - Tab.
Disk I/O is through MSDOS 2.00 extended disk I/O calls. Instead
of a FCB, a 16 bit file handle uniquely identifies the file. If
old-style I/O is required, the catch-all module INT allows a DOS
interupt to be used.
All I/O calls are subject to error, this is indicated by the
error flag and code. The error code is returned by DOS and may
be found in a DOS manual.