Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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231 lines
#include <stream.h>
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define EOL 10 /* end of line */
#define TINY ((double)1e-20)
#define NL "\n"
-*++ class _Vector: thing to build matrices out of
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
class _Vector {
double *v_d;
int v_sz;
_Vector(int sz) { v_d = new double[v_sz = sz]; }
~_Vector() { delete v_d; }
void error(int x) { cout << "vector index " << x << " out of bounds\n"; }
double& operator[](int x) {
if (x >= 0 && x < v_sz)
return v_d[x];
else { error(x); return v_d[x];}
class Cheb_vector;
-*++ class matrix: double matrix class. Rectangular, any size.
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date. Was actually created
** long before this, but the GNUemacs documentation system was just made.
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed: This class can be used by itself or can be derived from. It
** includes determinants, inversion, and several statistical functions as well
** as the usual matrix stuff. You can index into a matrix using the m[][]
** construct; this does bounds checking for you.
** ++*)
class matrix {
struct matrep {
_Vector** m_vec;
int m_rows;
int m_cols;
int n; /* reference count */
matrep *p;
matrix(int rows = 1, int columns = 1, double initval = 0);
matrix(matrix& x);
matrix(char * initfile); /* initialize from a "standard" matrix file */
matrix(char * flag, int dimension); /* create an identity or random matrix */
int rows() { return p->m_rows; }; /* max rows in matrix */
int cols() { return p->m_cols; }; /* max cols in matrix */
_Vector& operator[](int x) {
if (x >= 0 && x < rows())
return *(p->m_vec[x]);
else {
cerr << "row index out of bounds: " << x << "\n";
return *(p->m_vec[x]);
void data() { cout << "rows = " << rows() << " cols = " << cols()
<< " ref count = " << p->n << "\n"; };
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &s, matrix& m);
friend istream& operator>>(istream &s, matrix& m);
void write_standard(char * filename, char * msg = "");
/* write matrix to `standard' file */
void file_get(char * infile); /* read a matrix in from a file */
void file_put(char * outfile); /* write a matrix out to a file */
matrix & operator+(matrix&); /* add two matrices */
matrix & operator+(double arg); /* add a scalar to each el */
matrix & operator-(matrix& arg); /* subtract two matrices */
matrix & operator-(); /* unary minus */
matrix & operator*(double arg); /* multiply by a scalar */
matrix & operator*(matrix& arg); /* matrix multiply */
matrix & operator=(matrix&); /* matrix assignment */
int operator==(matrix& arg); /* test for equivalence */
int operator!=(matrix& arg); /* test for inequivalence */
void set_row(int row, double value); /* set a row to a value */
void set_column(int column, double value); /* set a column to a value */
void switch_columns(int col1, int col2); /* swap two columns in a matrix */
void switch_rows(int row1, int row2); /* swap two rows in a matrix */
void col_multiply_add(double multiplier, int reference_col, int changing_col);
/* changing_col += reference_col * multiplier */
void row_multiply_add(double multiplier, int reference_row, int changing_row);
/* changing_row += reference_row * multiplier */
double min(); /* find minimum element in the matrix */
double max(); /* find maximum element in the matrix */
double mean(); /* average all the elements of the matrix */
matrix & transpose(); /* transpose a square matrix */
double variance(); /* statistical variance of all elements */
matrix & scale(); /* Scale a matrix (used in L-U decomposition) */
void bitcopy(matrix& from, matrix& to); /* make an image of a matrix */
matrix & lu_decompose(matrix& indx, int& d );
/* Returns the L-U decomposition of a matrix */
void lu_back_subst(matrix& indx, matrix& b);
/* Uses lu-decomposition for matrix inverse */
void copy_column(matrix& m, int from_col, int to_col);
matrix & inverse(); /* Finally. Invert a matrix. */
double determinant();
void error(char *s1) { cerr << s1 << "\n"; exit(1); }
void error2(char *s1, char *s2 ) { cerr << s1 << " " << s2 << "\n"; exit(1); }
Cheb_vector & operator*(Cheb_vector & C);
-*++ class RowVec: row vectors -- works with all sensible matrix operations
** (*++ history:
** 8 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
class RowVec: public matrix {
RowVec() {;}
RowVec(int n) : (1,n,0) {;}
RowVec(int n, double v) : (1,n,v) {;} // initialize to v
double & operator[](int x) { return (*(matrix *)this)[0][x]; }
int size() { return cols(); }
-*++ class ColVec: column vectors -- works with all sensible matrix operations
** (*++ history:
** 8 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
class ColVec: public matrix {
ColVec() {;}
ColVec(int n) : (n,1,0) {;}
ColVec(int n, double v) : (n,1,v) {;} /* initialize to v */
ColVec(ColVec & x) : (x) {;}
double & operator[](int x) { return (*(matrix *)this)[x][0]; }
double * doublvect();
int size() { return rows(); }
ColVec & operator=(ColVec & rval)
{ (matrix &)(*this) = (matrix &)rval; return (*this);}
-*++ class indep_vec: A vector for holding the independent variable
** (*++ history:
** 15 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed: If the data is evenly spaced, it is stored as an offset and
** and increment. If it is randomly spaced, it is stored directly.
** ++*)
class indep_vec {
int ev_spc; /* flag: independent variable is evenly spaced */
double strt_val;
double delta;
int Vsize;
ColVec *RandData; /* if random, vector to store actual data */
indep_vec(int sz, double v = 0) { /* defaults to random */
RandData = new ColVec(sz,v);
Vsize = sz;
ev_spc = 0;
strt_val = delta = 0;
indep_vec(int sz, double start, double inc) {
ev_spc = 1;
Vsize = sz;
strt_val = start;
delta = inc;
~indep_vec() { if(ev_spc) delete RandData; }
void IndepSet(int i, double val) { (*RandData)[i] = val;}
double Indep(int i) {return ev_spc? strt_val + i*delta : (*RandData)[i];}
int even_spaced() { return ev_spc; } /* info about this vector */
int random() { return !ev_spc; }
double offset() { return strt_val; }
double increment() { return delta; }
int size() { return Vsize; }
-*++ class XY_vec: a column vector of associated X-Y data.
** (*++ history:
** 10 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed: Two associated vectors of data. This is generally used in
** making x-y plots. X is the independent variable.
** ++*)
class XY_vec {
indep_vec X;
ColVec Y;
XY_vec(int n) : X(n,0), Y(n,0) {;}
XY_vec(int n, double v) : X(n,v), Y(n,v) {;} // initialize to v
XY_vec(int n, double start, double inc) : X(n,start,inc), Y(n,0) {;}
int size() { return Y.rows(); } // length of XY vector
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &s, XY_vec& v);
float * floatvect();
// XY_vec & operator+(XY_vec &);