Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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630 lines
#include "matrix.hxx"
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifndef DOS
#include <sys/param.h>
#define UPCASE(X) (X = islower(X) ? toupper(X) : X) /* force a char to upper case */
-*++ matrix::matrix(): contructs a matrix of any size and inits to 0
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
matrix::matrix(int rows = 1 , int cols = 1, double initval = 0)
p = new matrep;
p->m_vec = new _Vector*[rows];
p->m_rows = rows;
p->m_cols = cols;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
p->m_vec[i] = new _Vector(cols);
for (i=0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)
(*this)[i][j] = initval;
p->n = 1; /* so far, only one reference to this data */
-*++ matrix::matrix(): adds a new reference to an existing matrix
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed: "Reference counting" is a method of managing garbage.
** Instead of creating a whole new object every time you use (for instance) an
** equal sign, it makes more sense just to point at the old object. This
** means you can have several objects all pointing at the same thing. When
** you start destroying objects, you don't want to destroy the original thing
** until you only have one reference left.
** ++*)
matrix::matrix(matrix& x)
x.p->n++; /* we're adding another reference, so increase */
p = x.p; /* the count. */
-*++ ch_find(): search an input stream for a char, ignoring comments
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed: searches an input stream for c, ignoring comments starting
** with '#' to end of line. Errfunc is the address of an error function,
** fname is the name of the source file.
** ++*)
void ch_find(istream& from, char ch, void (*errfunc)(char *), char * fname)
char c;
while(from >> c, UPCASE(c), c != ch && c != '#')
if(from.eof()) errfunc(fname); /* find ch or comment start */
if (c == ch) break;
/* If we made it here, a '#' comment start was found */
while (from.get(c), c != EOL) /* 'get' doesn't skip whitespace */
if(from.eof()) errfunc(fname); /* find end-of-line */
-*++ matrix::matrix(): read from a "standard" matrix file
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
matrix::matrix(char * initfile) /* read from "standard" matrix file */
void ch_find(istream& from, char ch, void (*errfunc)(char *), char * fname);
void nonstandard(char *);
filebuf f1;
p = new matrep;
if (f1.open(initfile,input) == 0)
error2("cannot open matrix initializer file",initfile);
istream from(&f1);
/* Parse file initialization header */
ch_find(from,'r',nonstandard,initfile); /* find the 'r'... */
ch_find(from,'=',nonstandard, initfile); /* ...followed by an `=` */
from >> p->m_rows; /* get row size */
ch_find(from,'c',nonstandard, initfile); /* find the 'p'... */
ch_find(from,'=',nonstandard, initfile); /* ...followed by an '=' */
from >> p->m_cols; /* get column size */
ch_find(from,':',nonstandard, initfile); /* data follows ::: */
ch_find(from,':',nonstandard, initfile);
ch_find(from,':',nonstandard, initfile);
p->m_vec = new _Vector*[rows()];
for (int i = 0; i < rows(); i++)
p->m_vec[i] = new _Vector(cols());
p->n = 1; /* we just created it: only 1 reference */
for (int row = 0; row < rows(); row++)
for(int col = 0; col < cols(); col++){
from >> (*this)[row][col];
if(from.bad()) error2("problem with matrix initializer file",initfile);
-*++ nonstandard(): an error message when a "non-standard" matrix file is found
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
void nonstandard(char * fname){
cout << fname << " is a `non-standard' file.\n";
cout << "A `standard' matrix file must start with\n";
cout << "the dimensions of the matrix, i.e.:\n";
cout << "rows=12 columns=14\n";
cout << "or abbreviated:\n";
cout << "r=12 c=14\n";
cout << "comments follow `#' signs to end of line\n";
cout << "data follows :::\n";
-*++ matrix::matrix(): create a special square matrix
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed: create a special square matrix. If the "flag" string starts
** with:
** I: identity matrix
** R: square matrix with random values
** ++*)
matrix::matrix(char * flag, int dimension)
double drand48();
int i,j;
if (flag[0] != 'I' && flag[0] != 'R')
error("to create identity: \"I\"; random: \"R\"");
p = new matrep;
p->m_vec = new _Vector*[dimension];
p->m_rows = dimension;
p->m_cols = dimension;
for ( i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
p->m_vec[i] = new _Vector(dimension);
p->n = 1; /* so far, only one reference to this data */
switch(flag[0]) {
case 'I':
for (i=0; i < rows(); i++)
for ( j = 0; j < cols(); j++)
(*this)[i][j] = (i == j ? 1 : 0);
case 'R':
for ( i=0; i < rows(); i++)
for ( j = 0; j < cols(); j++)
(*this)[i][j] = drand48();
-*++ matrix::~matrix(): matrix destructor. Probably needs examining
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
matrix::~matrix() // this is probably wrong.
if (--p->n == 0) {
delete p->m_vec; /* delete data */
delete p;
-*++ matrix::write_standard(): write to a file in "standard" format
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed: write this matrix to filename in the 'standard' format
** ++*)
void matrix::write_standard(char * filename, char * msg)
#ifndef DOS
char *getwd(char *pathname);
#else DOS
char *getcwd(char *pathname);
char pathname[100]; /* for working directory information */
filebuf f1;
if (f1.open(filename,output) == 0)
error2("cannot open or create matrix output file",filename);
ostream to(&f1);
to << "# " << filename << ": matrix file " << " written in `standard' format\n";
long clock = time(0);
to << "# " << asctime(localtime(&clock));
#ifndef DOS
to << "# working directory: " << getwd(pathname) << "\n";
#else DOS
to << "# working directory: " << getcwd(pathname) << "\n";
to << "# " << msg << "\n";
to << "\nRows=" << rows() << " Columns=" << cols() << "\n";
to << ":::\n";
for (int row = 0; row < rows(); row++){
for(int col = 0; col < cols(); col++){
to << form("%6.6g ",(*this)[row][col]);
if(to.bad()) error2("problem with matrix output file",filename);
to << "\n";
-*++ matrix::operator=(): matrix "equals" using references
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
matrix & matrix::operator=(matrix& rval)
rval.p->n++; /* tell the rval it has another reference to it */
if(--p->n == 0) { /* If nobody else is referencing us...*/
delete p->m_vec; /* ...nobody else knows to make us go away...*/
delete p;
p = rval.p; /* ...and we're pointing somewhere else (reference into rval) */
return *this;
-*++ matrix::operator+(): add two matrices
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
matrix & matrix::operator+(matrix& arg)
if((rows() != arg.rows()) || (cols() != arg.cols()))
error("matrices must be of the same dimension for addition!");
matrix & sum= *new matrix(rows(),cols());
for (int i=0; i< rows(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols(); j++)
sum[i][j] = (*this)[i][j] + arg[i][j];
return sum;
-*++ matrix::operator+(): add a double value to each element
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
matrix & matrix::operator+(double arg)
matrix & sum= *new matrix(rows(),cols());
for (int i=0; i< rows(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols(); j++)
sum[i][j] = (*this)[i][j] + arg;
return sum;
-*++ matrix::operator*(): multiply each element by a double value
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
matrix & matrix::operator*(double arg)
matrix & sum= *new matrix(rows(),cols());
for (int i=0; i< rows(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols(); j++)
sum[i][j] = (*this)[i][j] * arg;
return sum;
-*++ matrix::operator*(): matrix multiply
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** 9 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Changed the test -- I had arg1.rows !=
** arg2.cols, which was backwards
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
matrix & matrix::operator*(matrix& arg)
if(cols() != arg.rows())
error("# rows of second mat must equal # cols of first for multiply!");
matrix & result= *new matrix(rows(),arg.cols());
for(int row = 0; row < rows(); row++)
for(int col = 0; col < arg.cols(); col++){
double sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < cols(); i++)
sum += (*this)[row][i] * arg[i][col];
result[row][col] = sum;
return result;
-*++ matrix::operator-(): subtract one matrix from another
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
matrix & matrix::operator-(matrix& arg)
if((rows() != arg.rows()) || (cols() != arg.cols()))
error("matrices must be of the same dimension for subtraction!\n");
matrix & sum= *new matrix(rows(),cols());
for (int i=0; i< rows(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols(); j++)
sum[i][j] = (*this)[i][j] - arg[i][j];
return sum;
-*++ matrix::operator-(): unary minus each element in a matrix
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
matrix & matrix::operator-()
for (int i=0; i< rows(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols(); j++)
(*this)[i][j] *= -1;
return *this;
-*++ matrix::operator==(): test for matrix eqivalence
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
int matrix::operator==(matrix& arg)
if((rows() != arg.rows()) || (cols() != arg.cols()))
error("matrices must be of the same dimension for equivalence test!\n");
for (int i=0; i< rows(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols(); j++)
if( (*this)[i][j] != arg[i][j])
return 0;
return ~0;
-*++ matrix::operator!=(): test for matrix eqivalence
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
int matrix::operator!=(matrix& arg)
if((rows() != arg.rows()) || (cols() != arg.cols()))
error("matrices must be of the same dimension for inequivalence!\n");
for (int i=0; i< rows(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < cols(); j++)
if( (*this)[i][j] == arg[i][j])
return 0;
return ~0;
-*++ matrix::operator<<: print a matrix to standard out
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
ostream& operator<<(ostream &s, matrix& mat)
for (int i=0; i< mat.rows(); i++){
for (int j = 0; j < mat.cols(); j++)
s << form("%6.6g ",mat[i][j]);
s << "\n";
return s;
-*++ matrix::operator>>():
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
istream& operator>>(istream& s, matrix& mat)
double val = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < mat.rows(); row++)
for(int col = 0; col < mat.cols(); col++){
s >> val;
if (s.bad())
mat.error("bad matrix initialization input\n");
if (s.eof())
mat.error("end of matrix initialization input before matrix full\n");
mat[row][col] = val;
return s;
-*++ matrix::file_get(): fills a matrix from a `non-standard' ASCII file
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed: fills a matrix of known size from a `non-standard' file of
** numbers
** ++*)
void matrix::file_get(char * infile)
filebuf f1;
if (f1.open(infile,input) == 0)
error2("cannot open matrix initializer file",infile);
istream from(&f1);
for (int row = 0; row < rows(); row++)
for(int col = 0; col < cols(); col++){
from >> (*this)[row][col];
if(from.bad()) error2("problem with matrix initializer file",infile);
-*++ matrix::file_put(): writes a matrix to a "non-standard" ASCII file
** (*++ history:
** 4 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
void matrix::file_put(char * outfile)
filebuf f1;
if (f1.open(outfile,output) == 0)
error2("cannot open or create matrix output file",outfile);
ostream to(&f1);
for (int row = 0; row < rows(); row++){
for(int col = 0; col < cols(); col++){
to << (*this)[row][col];
to << " ";
if(to.bad()) error2("problem with matrix output file",outfile);
to << "\n";
-*++ operator<<(): output for XY_vec
** (*++ history:
** 11 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
ostream& operator<<(ostream &s, XY_vec& v) {
s << " X: Y:\n";
for(int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
s << form("%6.6g %6.6g\n",v.X.Indep(i),v.Y[i]);
return s;
-*++ XY_vec::floatvect(): return a pointer to an array of floating-point #s
** (*++ history:
** 14 Dec 87 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed: What is this terminated by?
** ++*)
float * XY_vec::floatvect()
float * result = new float[2 * size()];
for (int i = 0; i < size() * 2; i += 2) {
result[i] = (float)X.Indep(i/2);
result[i+1] = (float)Y[i/2];
return result;
-*++ ColVec::doublvect(): returns a simple array of double numbers
** (*++ history:
** 15 Jan 88 Bruce Eckel Creation date
** ++*)
** (*++ detailed:
** ++*)
double * ColVec::doublvect()
double * result = new double[size()];
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
result[i] = (*this)[i];
return result;