Simtel MSDOS 1992 June
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Text File
176 lines
is a simple program to make phone
calls (generally wakeup calls)
at a predetermined time and with
set timing and frequency.
How to use WAKEUP:
The program is invoked by typing the command:
WAKEUP [com] [time] [phone] [delay] [repeat]
Where [com] is a one digit number between 1 and 2 that represents
the communicatons port that your modem will respond to. If you use
any commands at all on the command line this command MUST be includ-
ed. If you do NOT use a command line at all the DEFALUT is 1 (This
will cause the use of com1).
Where [time] is the default time that you want to start the program
with. This MUST be a five character valid time and the third charact-
er MUST be a colon. Make sure you use valid MILITARY type time. For
instance 3:00 p.m. is equivilent to 15:00. This figure is easily
edited once in the program so you don't have to worry about exiting
to change it. If this command parameter is used all preceding com-
mand parameters MUST be used. The DEFAULT is 00:00.
Where [phone] is the default phone number that you want to start the
program with. This is also easily edited once in the program. This
MUST be an 8 character string, the first 3 and last 4 numbers MUST be
digits between 0 and 9 and the 4th character MUST be a "-". There is
no real way to error check your phone number for you so please be care-
ful. If you're like me you will be setting this for very early in
the morning and this is likely to disturb a wrong number, especially
if you have it set to call every 3 minutes for a total of 10 calls.
If this command parameter is used all preceding command parameters
MUST be used. The DEFAULT is 555-5555.
Where [delay] is the time you want between repetitive calls. Once again
this figure can be edited once in the program. This MUST be a 2 charac-
ter string. Both characters MUST be numbers from 0 to 9. The longest
delay allowed by the program is 60 minutes. If this command parameter
is used all preceding command parameters MUST be used. The DEFAULT is
10 (10 minutes). To use five minutes between calls 05 is correct,
NOT 5.
Where [repeat] is the number of calls that will be made. This may be
edited in the program. This MUST be a 2 character string. Both charac-
ters MUST be numbers form 0 to 9. The most calls allowed by the
program is 10. To make three calls 03 MUST be entered, NOT 3. If this
command parameter is used all preceding command parameters MUST be used.
The DEFAULT is 3 (3 calls).
After the program has initialized and is on the screen you have your
choice of 6 commands to use:
Abort Time Phone Delay # of calls Fake
The first character of each command activates that command.
Abort causes the program to dump back to DOS.
"T" causes the current set wakeup time to disappear and allows a new
one to be entered. You must enter a valid time or it will beep and
00:00 will appear in place of what you typed. If you don't want to
be called at midnight then I suggest you enter a new time and make this
one valid.
"P" allows a new phone number to be entered.
"D" changes the time between repetitive calls.
"#" changes the number of repetitive calls.
No editing keys will work with any of these commands. If you make a
mistake simply finish filling the field and then type the editing com-
mand again to re-enter the command.
"F" allows you to make a fake phone call to check that you have speci-
fied the correct com port and that everything will work. I use cheap
clone computers and sometimes when I try to write to my com port the
damn thing locks up. I think it has something to do with all the TSR
crap that I load up. The program will dial "555-5555" which should
be a wrong number wherever you are. You should be able to hear the
modem when you get a dialtone and hear the dialing, results and all.
About the program:
WAKEUP is written in QuickBasic. It is compiled to run as a standalone
program. This is version 1 (I guess). It was compiled on July 14,
1987. I am planning to enhance the program but don't know when there
will be time. If you have some specific enhancements you would like
to see I would be happy to consider them.
If you would like a copy of the latest version I will be glad to send
you one. Just send me a blank FORMATTED diskette and a stamped self-
addressed envelope suitable for mailing you back the diskette. There
will be no other charge. If you would like a copy of the latest
version and a copy of the source code you must send me $2.00. I don't
think I am going to get rich off of this but what the hell.
With either of the above requests I would like you to tell me a couple
of things.
Any bugs found in the program. (please be specific about when the pro-
gram screws up and all the data entered
that caused the screw up. also include
your equipment configuration and so
forth. also include a night phone #
where you can be reached.)
What your name is and where you live.
Where you got the copy of WAKEUP that you are now using.
What you use the program for.
Any comments you would like to make.
You can also contact me through GEnie bulletin board service where
my address is CLAGRAPH, on The Source where my number is BEP982,
or on Charlotte RBBS at 704-332-5439.
Who am I? Well my name is David Pitts
6620 Danbrooke Park Drive
Charlotte, NC 28212
I don't promise or warrant a single thing about this program.
If you use it and it doesn't work then too bad.
I have no reason to believe that it could possibly harm anybody's
hardware or other software but I won't accept responsiblity for
I am NOT releasing this to the public domain. I just don't choose
to charge for it right now. I reserve all rights to all parts of
the program. You are however free to copy and distribute this program
to anyone you like as long as you charge nothing at all for it.
No disk or distribution fees or anything at all. If you can't just
give it away then don't do anything with it.
Thanks for downloading WAKEUP. I would be very pleased to recieve
any positive or negative comments about this program that you would
care to make.