Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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LARC Utility Version 2.2
------------ Mar 8, 1989
To create the smallest possible archive files.
LARC d:[\inpath\]filespec [d:\outpath]
| [/A] [/C] [/G] [/K] [/P] [/Z]
[/L] [/R]
The input drive and/or path is required and specifies the
location of file(s) to be processed. The inpath name is
optional. You may include wildcards. The extension defaults
to ARC.
The output drive and path are optional. If omitted, the
original ARC files are replaced with any smaller versions
created by the LARC process. If supplied, all archive files
are newly created in the output directory. This is handy
for insuring that you get the archive file in the format
that you want, e.g. in SEA ARC format only.
At least two disk directories are required. The first (from
d:\inpath) contains the original files. The second (the
current drive and path) is used for temporary storage where
all files are extracted and re-created. A large RAM disk
is recommended. Optionally, a third directory (from
d:\outpath) is used as the destination for all new files.
You MUST not have the d:\inpath the same as the current drive
and path. The current drive (and directory) is used for
temporary work space. You can have the inpath and outpath the
same to force replacement of all existing ARC files. The smallest
files - in terms of bytes, not clusters - is used.
Use one or more of the option switches to specify the program(s)
to be used for creating archive files:
/A for ARCA
/C for SEA's ARC
/G for GSARC or PAK
/K for PKARC
/P for PKPAK
/Z for PKZIP
If none is supplied, the default is to use ARCA only.
LARC Utility Page 2
If an LBR library file is encountered, it is converted to
an ARC file. You must have LUE.COM available in the DOS path.
If you plan to just convert LBR files, use an input file
specification of "*.LBR" to avoid unnecessary processing.
The LBR file is not deleted unless the /L option is supplied.
This gives you complete control of the process.
A summary report is produced at the end of the program. It
is normally displayed on the screen, but you can have a
duplicate written to the file LARC.RPT by supplying the /R
option on the command line.
and ARC.EXE accessible from the DOS path, preferably in a RAM
disk, depending on the options supplied pn the command line. Of
course, you may substitute BAT files for any of those programs.
Each ARC file is individually unpacked by PKXARC (so that
squashed files can be processed), and then ARCed using ARC,
PKARC, PKPAK and/or ARCA. If any of the resulting ARC files is
smaller than the original, the original is immediately
replaced. The original ARC file's date and time are preserved.
Each PAK file is unpacked by the GSARC/PAK program. If /G is
specified, a PAK file is created in place of the original
ARC file.
Each ZIP file is unpacked with PKUNZIP. If /Z is specified,
a new ZIP file is created in place of the original ARC, LBR,
or PAK file if the ZIP file is smaller.
It takes a long time to process several archive files. Figure
an hour for 10 megs of files on an AT. LARC beeps when
it is finished, and displays a summary of the files processed.
You can eliminate squashed files by using an early version
of PKARC, or by patching PKARC to disable squashing.
I use LARC to process newly uploaded files. It is a brute
force method of testing the integrity of the files, and
results in saving disk space.
LARC Utility Page 3
o There are several ARC files in the directory C:\TEST; drive
D: is an 800K RAM disk. Any smaller ARC files replace the
existing files. Only ARC is used.
d:|cd \
larc c:\test\*
o All ARC files in the directory C:\UPLOADS are copied to a
new directory, C:\TEST, in their smallest versions. The disk
directory C:\WORK is the current directory and is used for
temporarily extracting ARC files. All files in C:\WORK are
deleted. Both ARCA and PKARC are used.
c:|cd \work
larc c:\uploads\* c:\test /A/P
o Convert all library LBR files on C:\TEST to ARC files, and
delete the original library files. Drive d: is used for
temporary storage.
larc c:\test\*.lbr /l
o Replace existing ARC file on B:\ with the smallest ARC
files. Drive C: is used for temporary storage.
larc b:\* b:\ /a/p/c
LARC Utility Page 4
Version History
Version 1.5 corrects an overflow (error 6) problem, and adds
another check to be sure that the temporary directory is
different from the input and output directories. Remember,
all files in the temporary directory are deleted.
Also, DOS 3.1 or later is required for proper operation.
There's no guarentee of anything, anyway.
Version 1.6 adds more checks to insure that the temporary
directory is empty. Also, you may now press ESCape while
LARC is running to cancel it. A check was added to stop
processing if an error occurred creating a new ARC file
| 2/24/89
| Version 2.1 adds internal tables for specifying the various
| programs to be used. The defaults include ARCA, ARC, PAK,
| 3/08/89
| Version 2.2 corrects a problem deleting original ARC files
| Approximately 256k of memory is required.
Use LARC at your own risk. There is no warranty or guarentee
that the program will work as expected.
(c) Copyright Vernon D. Buerg 1987-89. All rights reserved.
139 White Oak Circle
Petaluma, CA 94952
VOR BBS: (707) 778-8944
Compuserve: 70007,1212 (Go IBMSYS)
Written in MS Quick Basic, version 2.01, using the ADVBAS
object library by Thomas Hanlin III, 6812 Sydenstricker
Rd., Springfield, VA 22152.
The LARC program and materials may be distributed and copied
with these restrictions:
- no fee is charged,
- the material is not modified.