Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Text File
490 lines
An MS-DOS menu utility program
Version 2.01
Steve Glass & Associates
1206 Century
Odessa, TX 79762
Copyright(c) 1988 by Stephen W. Glass
SGAMENU Users Guide
Tables of Contents
General Information......................................1
Installing SGAMENU.......................................1
Starting SGAMENU.........................................1
Menu Utilities...........................................2
Change the company name...............................2
Change a menu selection...............................2
Change a menu command file............................2
Print SGAMENU documentation...........................3
System Utilities.........................................3
Set the date..........................................3
Set the time..........................................3
Display configuration.................................3
Check disk space......................................3
Edit a text file......................................3
Format a disk in drive A:.............................4
Format a disk in drive B:.............................4
A Note For Users With Local Area Networks................4
The USER-SUPPORTED Concept...............................5
Registration/Order form..................................7
SGAMENU Users Guide Page 1
***** General Information *****
SGAMENU is a general purpose menu program which makes use of
the powerful batch processing capabilities of MS-DOS. The
general concept is to execute the indicated batch file from a
user friendly environment. (MS-DOS is a lot of things, but
"user friendly" isn't one of them).
SGAMENU provides a menu screen to select any one of 36
different batch file ("COMMAND files") for execution. It
also provides a simple text editer to create and maintain
these command files.
SGAMENU requires at least 128k of internal memory, DOS
Version 2.00 or greater and 1 disk drive to operate.
***** Installing SGAMENU *****
To install SGAMENU, copy the program file (SGAMENU.EXE) to
the desired disk drive and director.
Two other files (MENU.BAT and SGAMENU.DAT) are required which
will be created if not present when SGAMENU is run. MENU.BAT
is the batch file that SGAMENU uses to control execution of
it's "command" files and SGAMENU.DAT contains the text for
the menu selections displayed on the Main Menu.
If you are setting up SGAMENU for the first time and do not
have a MENU.BAT file, simply enter SGAMENU and press <ENTER>
and <Esc>. This will create a properly formated MENU.BAT and
return you to the DOS level.
To complete the installation, you will need to enter your
"company name" and set up your command files. Refer to the
topic "Menu Utilities" in this document for instructions on
setting up command files.
***** Starting SGAMENU *****
To start SGAMENU, enter MENU and press <ENTER>. SGAMENU
uses a batch file named MENU.BAT to control the execution of
it's "command" files and MUST ALWAYS be started with MENU.BAT
in order to execute correctly. A sign-on screen will be
displayed for a moment and then the main menu will appear.
The first time the SGAMENU is run each day, it will pause on
the sign-on screen and require that you press another key
before continuing to the Main Menu. This extra key stroke
will not be required again for the rest of the day.
To execute a command displayed on the Main Menu, simply press
the single highlighted character which appears to the left of
the desired operation.
To exit SGAMENU and return to the DOS prompt, simply press
the escape key when the Main Menu is displayed.
SGAMENU Users Guide Page 2
***** Menu Utilities *****
The menu utilities are used to maintain various control
information used by SGAMENU in it's operation. This infor
mation includes the "company name", the text for each of the
menu selections displayed on the Main Menu, and the command
files themselves. The Menu Utilities also provides a means
of printing this documentation. To display the Menu Utility
menu, press the F10 key while the Main Menu or System
Utilities Menu is displayed.
(1) Change the company name.....
To edit the company name which appears at the top of the Main
Menu, press <1> while the Menu Utilities menu is displayed.
You will be prompted in the lower menu box to enter or make
changes to the company name. Various line editing functions
are supported at this prompt:
Right arrow - move cursor one character to the right
Left arrow - move cursor one cursor to the left
Ins - Toggle the character insert mode
Del - Delete a single character at the cursor position
Ctrl-ENTER - Delete all characters to the right of the
Ctrl-Backspace - Delete all characters to the left of
the cursor.
(2) Change a menu selection.....
To edit the text displayed for one of the menu selections on
the Main Menu, press 2 while the Menu Utilities menu is
displayed. The cursor will move to that text on the menu and
you will be able to enter or make changes to the text for the
indicated menu selection. Various line editing functions are
supported at this prompt:
Right arrow - move cursor one character to the right
Left arrow - move cursor one cursor to the left
Ins - Toggle the character insert mode
Del - Delete a single character at the cursor position
Ctrl-ENTER - Delete all characters to the right of the
Ctrl-Backspace - Delete all characters to the left of
the cursor.
(3) Change a menu command file.....
To edit the commands executed when a menu item is selected,
press <3> while the Menu Utilities menu is displayed. The
command file (DOS batch file) corresponding to the indicated
menu selection will be displayed and you will be able to make
changes. Various editing functions are available to use to
edit the file. These functions are displayed when you hold
down the <Alt> key and press <H>. When you have made the
desired changes, press <Esc> to record the changes and return
to the menu.
SGAMENU Users Guide Page 3
(4) Print SGAMENU documentation.....
To print this users guide, press <4> while the Menu Utilities
menu is displayed.
***** System Utilities *****
The system utilities are simple day-to-day functions which
normally require either DOS level commands or other software.
Rather than require the use of batch files or knowledge of
DOS commands, these functions are provided in a more user
friendly form. To display the System Utilities menu, press
the F10 key while the Main Menu or Menu Utilities Menu is
(1) Set the date.....
To set the computers date which SGAMENU always displays in
the upper left corner of the screen, press <1> while the
System Utilities Menu is displayed. A prompt will appear in
the lower menu box which will allow you to enter today's
(2) Set the time.....
To set the computers time which SGAMENU displays in the upper
right corner of the screen, press <2> while the System
Utilities Menu is displayed. A prompt will appear in the
lower menu box which will allow you to enter the correct
(3) Display configuration.....
This function will display your computer's hardware
configuration. How many times has someone asked you how much
memory that you had installed in your computer or what
version of DOS you were running? To display these pieces of
data and others about your computer, press <3> while the
System Utilities Menu is displayed.
(4) Check available disk space.....
To find out the capacity of your disk or how much space is
available on it, press (4) while the System Utilities Menu is
(5) Edit a text file.....
This function allows you to edit small ASCII text files such
as CONFIG.SYS or DOS batch files. These files may contain up
to 100 lines of 255 characters.
To edit a text file, press <5) while the Systems Utilities
Menu is displayed. You will be prompted to enter the name of
the text file to be edited, including any path information
SGAMENU Users Guide Page 4
needed to access that file. After the file name has been
entered, SGAMENU will display it and allow you to make
changes. Various editing functions are available to use to
edit this file. These functions are displayed when you hold
down the <Alt> key and press <H>. When you have made the
desired changes, press <Esc> to record the changes and return
to the menu.
(6) Format disk drive A:.....
This function allows you to format a floppy disk using drive
A: without running the risk of formatting the wrong disk
drive (like maybe your hard disk). To format a floppy in
drive A:, press (6) while the System Utilities Menu is
You will then be prompted for whether or not you want to
include DOS on the new disk. If you want to make the new
disk a "bootable" disk, press <S> or press <ENTER> if it is
to be a "data" disk which will not contain the DOS system
After you have indicated whether it is a system or data disk,
you will be prompted for whether or not you want to enter a
disk volume label. This volume label is displayed when you
run a directory of the disk and will help you identify it.
If you wish to specify a disk volume name, press (V) and
enter the desired name. Press <ENTER> if you do now want to
specify a volume name.
After indicating the volume name, you will be prompted to
insert a new disk in drive A: and press ENTER to begin.
After the disk is formated, you will be asked if you want to
format another or not, if you indicate yes, you will go
through the format process again. If you indicated no, you
will be returned to the System Utilities Menu.
(7) Format disk drive B:.....
This function works in exactly the same manner as the
previous one (Format disk drive A:) except that it uses
floppy drive B to format instead of drive A.
NOTE: Both of the format functions utilize the DOS utility
program FORMAT.COM which must be on the default disk and in
the default directory.
***** A note for Users of Local Area Networks *****
If you are using SGAMENU on a local area network, each user
will have to have a seperate SGAMENU system. This is because
SGAMENU uses MENU.BAT to control the use of the command files
and MENU.BAT is constantly being written to by SGAMENU. If
more than one terminal uses the same MENU.BAT file, unpre
dictable results will occur.
SGAMENU Users Guide Page 5
***** Disclaimer *****
In no event will the Author be liable to you for any damages,
including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental
or consequential damages arising out of the use of or in
ability to use these programs, even if the Author has been
advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim
by any other party.
***** The User-supported concept *****
User-Supported Software
If you are using this program and find it to be of value
your contribution ($10 is suggested)
will be appreciated.
Steve Glass & Associates
1206 Century
Odessa, TX 79762
Regardless of whether you make a contribution,
you are encouraged to copy and share this program.
Clubs and other non-profit organizations are granted
permission by the author to freely copy this program and
share it with their members, so long as:
(1) No price is charged for the software or documentation.
However, a distribution cost may be charged for the cost
of the diskette, so long as it is not more than $5 total.
(2) Club members are informed of the user-supported
concept and encouraged to support it with their donations.
(3) The program or documentation are not modified in any
way and are distributed together.
User-supported software is an experiment in distributing
computer programs, based on three beliefs:
(1) That the value and utility of software is best assess
ed by the user on his/her own system.
(2) That the creation of personal computer software can
and should be supported by the computing community.
(3) That copying of programs should be encouraged, rather
than restricted.
Anyone may request a copy of a user-supported program by
sending a blank, formatted disk to the author of the program.
An addressed, postage-paid return mailer must accompany the
disk (no exceptions, please). A copy of the program, with
SGAMENU Users Guide Page 6
documentation on the disk, will be sent by return mail. The
program will carry a notice suggesting a contribution to the
program's author. Making a contribution is completely
voluntary on the part of each user.
Free distribution of software and voluntary payment for its
use would eliminate advertising costs and copy protection
schemes. Users could obtain quality software at reduced
cost. And the best programs would survive, based purely on
their quality and usefulness.
The entire computing community is indebted to Andrew
Fluegelman of the Headlands Press, Inc. for initial develop
ment of the "User-supported" concept.
Please join the experiment.
If you believe in these ideals, your contribution is
solicited to help make them work.
SGAMENU Users Guide Page 7
R E G I S T R A T I O N / O R D E R F O R M
If you have received this program from a User's Group or a friend
and would like to be put on a mailing list so that you will
receive information on upcoming releases and notification of new
products, please fill in your name and address below and send
along with your contribution ($10 suggested) to:
Steve Glass & Associates
1206 Century
Odessa, TX 79762
Name ___________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________
City _________________________ State _________ Zip Code ________
Description of Computer System _________________________________
** via-acm **
I would also appreciate any input you would care to give
concerning the program and/or it's documentation. If you have
any ideas or comments that would make it a better program please
let me know. Is the dosumentation clear enough? Are you ever
confused as to what to do next at any point in the program?