Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Text File
1,453 lines
(Version 3.1)
September 6, 1988
Copyright (C) 1988 by
Paul Johnson
401 South Second Street
Rockford, IL 61104
All rights reserved.
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Item Page
General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Hardware/Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Overview of AAAPCP+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Shareware Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Distribution Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Features of AAAPCP+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installation/Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Installing The Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Configuring AAAPCP+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using AAAPCP+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Reading the Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Connecting to a PC-Pursuit Port . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Using the AAAPCP.KEY Keyboard Macros . . . . . . . . . . 9
Restarting AAAPCP+ to Connect to Another Port . . . . .10
Repeat Requesting A Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Exiting AAAPCP+ from the Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Messages & Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
AAAPCP: Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
STATUS Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Miscellaneous Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Hints to Speedup AAAPCP+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Notes for Personalized Modifications . . . . . . . . . .16
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Quick PC-Pursuit City Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
| Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
User Response Questionnaire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 1
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Hayes or compatible modem with RS-232 pin 8 (Carrier
Detect) NOT forced ON, ProComm+ version 1.1a or greater,
and a PC-Pursuit ID.
AAAPCP+ is a script file written in ProComm+'s
Aspect language that will allow you to automate
connecting to GTE Telenet's PC-Pursuit ports with
account/password security. The script comes with an
install batch file and a configuration utility that
makes it easy to install AAAPCP+ in about 10 minutes
without any text editing.
This package is not free, it is copyrighted
material. It is available on a pay-if-you-use basis.
If you find the AAAPCP+ package useful then please
reward the author by sending five dollars or any amount
Paul Johnson
401 South Second Street
Rockford, IL 61104
You are perfectly free to distribute the AAAPCP+
package by any means, so long as it is distributed
without any alteration whatsoever.
Mail order houses are permitted to distribute this
package so long as they do NOT charge more than the cost
of the diskette and shipping, and as long as the buyers
are aware that paying the mail order house does NOT BUY
the software. The shareware fee should still be paid to
the above address.
There are many features that have been put into
AAAPCP+ that puts it far ahead of the competition.
+ Account/Password Security.
Special script code has been added to prevent you
account and password from being dumped onto a public
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 2
+ No Editing is Required.
A configuration utility does this for you.
+ No Knowledge of Script or Aspect Required.
+ Easy to Install.
A DOS batch file has been included to make it easy to
install all the required files onto your PCPLUS
+ Easy to Configure with your Information.
A configuration utility has been added to modify
AAAPCP.ASP into A.ASP for your use with your account,
password, local Telenet access number, and baud rate.
+ Comes with a Code/Speed Optimizing Option.
The configuration utility has an option to optimize
the Aspect code for increased execution speed under
+ Easy to use.
Requires very few keypresses.
+ Menu packed with needed Information.
The menu is packed with area codes, PC-Pursuit city
codes, extended port dialing information, special PC-
Pursuit mnemonics listing, and the baud rates
supported by each city port.
+ Supports Special Mnemonics.
AAAPCP+ under the (A)ddress option supports all the
special mnemonics like PURSUIT, EXECPC, and PORTAL.
+ Supports all current and future PC-Pursuit cities.
Even though PC-Pursuit is currently only operating 26
cities, all 33 cities are on the menu and ready to
+ Repeat Request Busy Ports.
You can set AAAPCP+ to repeat request a busy port
rapidly until connect, or abort. This comes in very
handy for those popular ports.
+ Remembers Last Request.
Unless you have restarted, AAAPCP+ will remember your
last city port request. This allows you to try the
port one more time, or repeat request the port very
+ Request Results are Displayed on the Menu.
Unless you have restarted, AAAPCP+ reports up to two
of PC-Pursuits result lines from the last request.
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 3
+ Supports 300, 1200, and 2400 baud.
AAAPCP+ uses the prescribed Telenet baud rate
handshakes to connect to Telenet.
+ (8n1) 8 Data Bit, No Stop bits Support.
AAAPCP+ operates under 8n1 to allow you to upload and
download without having to switch from 7e1 to 8n1 and
+ Colorful.
The menus are designed in full color.
+ AAAPCP+ is user supported and is only five Dollars.
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 4
I N S T A L L A T I O N / C O N F I G U R A T I O N
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The installation/configuration process is a two step
procedure. The first step is to install the files onto
your PCPLUS directory which is done by the AINSTALL.BAT
file. The second step is to configure the AAAPCP.ASP
file into the A.ASP file using the ACONFIG.COM utility
which inserts your PC-Pursuit ID, password, local
Telenet number and baud rate.
Installing the Files:
A batch file, AINSTALL.BAT, has been provided to
copy the necessary files to your PCPLUS directory. It
is assumed that you have already UNARCed the files into
some directory on your system. From that directory type
AINSTALL followed by the subdirectory name to your
PCPLUS directory to which the files will be copied to.
will copy the files to C:\PCPLUS.
Note: If any of the files required are not found on the
current directory, an error message will appear and none
of the files will be copied to the PCPLUS directory.
Note: If you fail to enter the directory parameter
after the AINSTALL, an error message will appear and
none of the files will be copied.
Configuring AAAPCP+
The second step, is to configure AAAPCP+ with your
PC-Pursuit ID/password, Telenet access number, and baud
rate. This is done with ACONFIG.COM. No editor or
knowledge of Aspect is required. ACONFIG does all the
editing for you, as well as optimizing the Aspect code
by removing all documentation for faster processing
speed under PCPLUS.
ACONFIG creates a new file from AAAPCP.ASP, which
will contain your information. This is the Aspect file
that you will be using from within PCPLUS. I suggest
you name the new file A.ASP.
To run ACONFIG, simply type ACONFIG from within the
PCPLUS directory (NOTE: this assumes you have already
run AINSTALL). The configuration utility words you
through everything else and there is little need for
much documentation here. However, the suggested
configuration procedure is detailed below:
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 5
1 Type ACONFIG <ENTER> from your PCPLUS directory to
obtain a simple description of the configuration
Answer Y <ENTER> to start the configuration.
2 Type AAAPCP.ASP <ENTER> to name the AAAPCP+ source
Answer Y <ENTER> if you have entered AAAPCP.ASP
3 Type A.ASP <ENTER> to name the output Aspect file
that you will be using from PCPLUS. This is the file
that will contain your personal PC-Pursuit ID and
Telenet Access number. If the file exists, it will
be overwritten.
Answer Y <ENTER> if you have entered A.ASP correctly.
4 Type your PC-Pursuit ID and password in the following
form: pcp12345,abcd1234 <ENTER>
Answer Y <ENTER> if you have entered your PC-Pursuit
ID and password correctly.
5 Type the highest number from 1 to 3 that matches the
maximum speed of your modem. If you have a 2400 baud
modem press 3 <ENTER>.
Answer Y <ENTER> if you have correctly stated your
modems maximum baud rate from the three options.
6 Type your local Telenet access number that will
answer at the baud rate you just specified. Note:
Telenet has special access numbers in some cities for
2400 baud access.
Answer Y <ENTER> if you have correctly entered the
Telenet Access number.
7 This is the code optimization question. If you
answer 'Y'es here the Aspect file will run faster and
take up less space on your hard drive. If you are
unsure what to answer here, answer Y <ENTER>.
8 This is the final question before the configuration
procedure takes place. Here you make sure that all
your entries are correct. The source file should be
AAAPCP.ASP, the destination file should be A.ASP, and
your PC-Pursuit ID/password, baud rate, Telenet
Access number, and optimization should be verified
before continuing.
Answer Y <ENTER> if all of the above are correct.
Configuration should complete in a few seconds. The
configuration is successful if the following message
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 6
All 004 of 004 lines successfully altered.
Configuration Complete.
If you answered 'Y'es to the optimization question,
than you should notice that about 50% of the file has
vanished, leaving a faster Aspect file for your use.
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 7
U S I N G A A A P C P +
- - - - - - - - - - - -
AAAPCP+ does not contain an entry in the PCPLUS
dialing directory, and it should not be called from an
entry in the directory.
AAAPCP+ is a stand alone Aspect file that does
everything from dialing into and handshaking with
Telenet, to connecting you to your favorite PC-Pursuit
city and providing you with a set of keyboard macros to
control the modem at that city. All you have to do is
execute AAAPCP+ by typing 'A' <ENTER> at the ALT-F5
menu with or without being connected to Telenet via
AAAPCP+. If you are restarting AAAPCP+ while still
connected to Telenet, AAA will recognize this and give
you the menu quickly.
AAAPCP+ has only one menu that contains everything
you need to connect to any PC-Pursuit destination.
Let's start by looking at that menu.
Reading the Menu:
Below is an edited sample portion of the AAAPCP+
╔═══════════════════════════╣ AAAPCP+ vx.x by Flurb ╠════
║ Cmd ST Cty Comments Mul
║ 201 NJ New[ ]; 312 IL Chi[1815 ]; 612
║ 202 DC Was[301;703*7]; 313 MI Det[ ]; 617
║ 203 CT Har[ ]. 314 MO SLo[1217 ]. 619
║ 206 WA Sea[ ]; 404 GA Atl[ ]; 713
║ 212 NY NYo[1718 ]; 408 CA SJo[ 415 10]. 714
║ 213 CA LAn[ ]; 414 WI Mil[ ]. 7142
║ 214 TX Dal[817 *10]; 415 CA SFa[ ]; 801
║ 215 PA Phi[ ]; 4152 CA Oak[ ]. 813
║ 216 OH Clv[ ]: 4153 CA PAl[ ]. 816
║ 303 CO Den[ ]; 503 OR Por[ ]: 818
║ 305 FL Mia[ ]: 602 AZ Pho[ ]: 919
║ A: plink, pursuit A C aaaaaaa,id,pw . 12
║ execpc, portal P C D/ppppp/bb,id,pw : 3 12
║ *7 Dial 7 Digits X Exit/Logoff ; 3 12 24
║ Last Port Request: 313,midet/24
║ Status Message : D/MIDET/24 BUSY 01 80
║ Area/A/P/X<ENTER>: 313
║ Baud (3,12,24): 24
║ Repeat (Def=n) : _
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 8
The menu is split into three sections. The upper
and middle sections list information and commands, while
the bottom is for response messages and entering the
One of the commands or requests is the area code. A
listing of all 33 current and future area codes is in
the top window in the following form:
202 DC Was[301;703*7];
─┬─ ──┬─── ─┐ └ Rates: /3 /12 and /24
│ │ └── Dialing Information:
│ │ [────┬────] for 301 or 703,
│ │ │ dial 7 digits
│ │ └────── Comments (Extended Info)
│ └─────────────── PC-Pursuit Mnemonic
└───────────────────── Area Code
Area Codes: Some area codes like 415 have more than one
PC-Pursuit city, thus 4152 or 4153 should be entered
for the other cities.
Mnemonics: The mnemonics are not commands, they are
listed for reference.
Baud Rates: The baud rates are coded with a : ; . at
the end of the comment field:
. means the port has /12 support only.
: means the port has /3 and /12 support.
; means the port has /3 /12 /24 support.
Note: The upper dot means /3, the lower dot means
/12, and the hook on the lower dot indicates /24.
Comments: The comments are packed with various dialing
information with various meanings:
[301;703*7] - If dialing to 301 or 703 area code,
dial the 7 digit phone number.
[1718 ] - If dialing to 718 dial 11 digits.
[ 415 *10] - If dialing to 415 dial 10 digits.
The MIDDLE WINDOW explains the A, P, and X commands.
The X command will hangup from Telenet and exit the
script file.
The P (Port) command will allow you to enter any new
cities that come along after the release of this version
of AAAPCP. For example, let's say PC-Pursuit adds
Rockford, Illinois to their lists. To connect to
Rockford, you type P <ENTER> ILROC <ENTER>.
The A (Address) command allows you to connect to any
PC-Pursuit destination that requires a mnemonic and no
baud rate. A listing of these is on the left of the
center menu section. They include EXECPC, PURSUIT, and
PORTAL. To connect to EXECPC, type A <ENTER> EXECPC
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 9
The bottom window contains 2 status lines and three
input lines. The top two lines detail the last request
and its status. The bottom three are where you input
commands, baud rates, and repeat requests.
Connecting to a PC-Pursuit Port:
To connect to a PC-Pursuit port you must first call
up the AAAPCP+ script by entering 'A' at the ALT-F5 menu
and waiting for the menu to appear. (If AAAPCP+ failed
to connect to Telenet, see the messages & problems
section in this manual.)
Let us connect to 313,midet/24. At the Area/A/P/X
prompt type 313 <ENTER>. At the baud prompt type 24
<ENTER>. At the repeat prompt, just press <ENTER>
because we do not wish to repeat at this time. AAAPCP+
now attempts to connect to MIDET/24.
+ If you see two lines of pure garbage, then you
entered your id/password incorrectly at the
configuration step, or you didn't configure yet.
+ If you connected you will see connected on your
screen and the script execution will have halted,
and you are free to do as you wish with the port.
+ If MIDET/24 is busy, you will see busy show up and
AAAPCP+ will quickly take you back to the menu and
display 313,midet/24 and the fact that it was busy.
Using the AAAPCP.KEY Macros:
When AAAPCP+ first dials into to Telenet it loads a
set of keyboard macros from AAAPCP.KEY for your use when
you connect to a PC-Pursuit Port. Use and/or alter them
as you wish:
ALT-0 ^m@^md^m (Disconnect from a port)
ALT-1 A/ (Repeat last Hayes command)
ALT-2 ATDT (Hayes mode dial prefix)
ALT-3 ^e~^m (Go into Racal Vadic Mode)
ALT-4 ^C^D (Disconnect from remote system)
ALT-5 (empty)
ALT-6 (empty)
ALT-7 (empty)
ALT-8 (empty)
ALT-9 ATZ^m (Hayes reset modem command)
Note: For best results, issue an ALT-0 to disconnect
a current PC-Pursuit port before issuing an ALT-F5 A
<ENTER> to restart AAAPCP+. The script will disconnect
the port if you forget, but this slows your next request
by a few seconds.
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 10
Restarting AAAPCP+ to Connect to Another Port:
Situation What to Type
Restarting from loss of carrier: ALT-F5 A <ENTER>
Restarting while connected to a ALT-F5 A <ENTER>
PC-Pursuit port: or ALT-0 ALT-F5 A <ENTER>
Restarting after disconnecting
from a PC-Pursuit port: ALT-F5 A <ENTER>
After restarting AAAPCP+, the menu appears again
allowing you to connect to any port, or eXit. For more
information see Connecting to a PC-Pursuit Port in this
Repeat Requesting a Port:
There are two ways of repeat requesting a PC-Pursuit
port until connection. One is the AAAPCP+ automatic
repeat feature and the other is a manual repeat.
Automatic repeat is accomplished by entering
Area/A/P and baud to specify destination, and then
answer Y <ENTER> to the repeat question. This will
cause AAAPCP+ to continue to repeat your request until
on of three things happen:
+ Telenet freezes up and AAAPCP+ aborts.
+ You press <SPACE> to abort.
+ A connection is established.
NOTE: When you press space to abort the repeat
mode, the actual abort occurs one or two requests later.
Manual repeat can be done after a single request has
returned a BUSY status. AAAPCP+ remembers the last
AREA, and baud you requested (Not A or P). Therefore,
all you have to do to put through the request one more
time, is carefully press <ENTER> three times. You may
repeat this procedure as many times as you like until
Telenet freezes or a connection is established.
Exiting AAAPCP+ from the menu:
There are two ways you might want to exit from the
AAAPCP+ menu. One is to exit and stay on line, and the
other is to hangup Telenet and exit. The latter is
supported by the eXit command.
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 11
Menu Situation What to Type
Hangup and exit: X <ENTER>
Exit, but stay on line: <ESCAPE> Y <ENTER>
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 12
M E S S A G E S & P R O B L E M S
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
AAAPCP: Messages:
AAAPCP: File MUST NOT be linked with dialing directory.
Issue ATL-F5 A <ENTER> to use AAAPCP+.
Condition: You have used AAAPCP+ by linking it with an
entry in the PCPLUS dialing directory, which is not
Response: Remove the entry from dialing directory, and
issue ALT-F5 A <ENTER> to use AAAPCP+.
AAAPCP: Dialing Telenet...
Condition: At initial startup, AAAPCP+ attempts to
connect to Telenet.
Response: None.
AAAPCP: Busy. Redialing...
Condition: Telenet is busy. AAAPCP+ Redials.
Response: None.
AAAPCP: Carrier Lost. Redialing...
Condition: Telenet hungup. AAAPCP+ will reconnect,
and put through your request.
Response: None.
AAAPCP: Telenet Appears Frozen. Disconnecting...
AAAPCP: Aborting Request to prevent loop.
AAAPCP: Disconnecting Telenet
Condition: Telenet has frozen. AAAPCP+ hangs up and
puts you to the menu with 'Request ABORTED due to
Telenet Port Freeze' status message if Repeat mode
was on.
Response: If problem persists you may be requesting a
temporarily dead port, non existence port, not yet
installed port, or your local Telenet office may be
AAAPCP: @ Not Found. Attempting City Disconnect.
Condition: AAAPCP+ has attempted to handshake with
Telenet before sending your request, but there was
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 13
no response. AAAPCP+ assumes you are still
connected to a port, and attempts to recover by
disconnecting the port, and retrying.
Response: If you do not manually disconnect a Port
with the ALT-0 keyboard macro before restarting
AAAPCP+, and you are sick of seeing this message you
have the option of pressing ALT-0 before restarting
AAAPCP+. This will speed up AAAPCP+ by a few
seconds. However, it is not required.
AAAPCP: Attempt Failed: Telenet Appears Frozen.
AAAPCP: Disconnecting Telenet
Condition: AAAPCP+ attempted a port disconnect (see
message above), and it failed. AAAPCP+ disconnects
and reconnects Telenet to put through your request
anyway. This condition should rarely occur.
Response: If you were not connected to Telenet at the
time of this error, check to see if your modem has
carrier detect on at all times. If so, change it
to off when disconnected, and on when a carrier is
present. (see your modem manual under CD or
Carrier Detect.)
(Also see Miscellaneous Problems in this manual.)
AAAPCP: Disconnecting Telenet
Condition: Either AAAPCP+ is forcing a disconnect from
Telenet in a recovery attempt, or eXit has been
requested from the menu.
Response: None.
AAAPCP: Telenet Not Responding to Handshake. Redialing..
If problem persists, see error message in docs.
Condition: AAAPCP+ has dialed into Telenet and sent the
special handshake based on baud rate, but Telenet
has not responded. This condition is very serious
if after several attempts AAAPCP+ has not
established a successful connection to Telenet.
Response: Many:
+ Make sure you have entered the correct maximum
baud rate of your modem (300/1200/2400) when you
+ Make sure you entered the correct Telenet access
number for the baud rate you entered.
NOTE: Telenet has special 2400 baud access number
in some cities. Call 1 800 336-0437 for
information if you think you may be using the
wrong number.
+ Make sure you are using a Hayes compatible modem.
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 14
+ If the problem still persists, call 1 800 336-0437
for help.
NOTE: Some Telenet access locations are notorious
for not responding to the logon handshake at
times, and responding perfectly at others. I
suggest you try a great many times before doing
the following as a last resort:
+ If the problem still persists, write me a letter
that includes your computer type, modem type,
PCPLUS version, AAAPCP+ version, city and state
you are in, the maximum baud rate you are using,
the Telenet access number you are using, and
anything else you feel could help me solve your
Status Messages:
The second line in the bottom window is for the
AAAPCP+ status messages. When AAAPCP+ is executed and
connects to Telenet, the message 'Initial Startup' is
displayed. When you restart AAAPCP+, the message
'Restart/Connected' is displayed which means that you
have restarted and Telenet appears to still be
Other messages can appear on this line. Some of the
normal messages include a few characters of garbage plus
BUSY 01 80 or NOT OPERATING, which are self explanatory.
However, if you get a real long line of garbage then
either your PC-Pursuit ID is invalid as configured, the
port you are requesting is not PC-Pursuitable, or the
appearing but 100% garbled. You will probably know
which of these is occurring on your own. A word from
the wise is, if it is around 2 to 3am and you get a long
message from every request, then ENHANCED NETWORK
SERVICES UNAVAILABLE is probably what you are seeing.
You will get use to these messages based on length.
If you see 'Request ABORTED due to Telenet Port
Freeze' show up after a Repeat, you may have reason to
be alarmed if the problem persists. (see 'AAAPCP:
Telenet Appears Frozen' message in this manual.)
The reason you see portions or all of the status
messages from Telenet as garbage is that Telenet sends
part of the messages under 7 data bit format, and some
of them under 8 data bit format. AAAPCP+ runs under 8
data bits so that you can upload and download over the
PC-Pursuit network with out ever having to worry about 7
or 8 data bits; however, Telenet sends the messages
under 7 data bits which looks terrible. But, this is a
small price to pay for being able to upload and
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 15
Miscellaneous Problems:
Problem: AAAPCP+ says "Restart/Connected" without
being connected to Telenet.
Solution: AAAPCP+ checks the Carrier Detect line of
your Hayes compatible modem to detect if it is
connected to Telenet or not. If your modem always
forces Carrier Detect on, you must set Carrier
Detect off. Read your modem manual to see how this
is done. Some modems like Couriers have dip
switches to be flipped, others have soft switches
via an AT command.
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 16
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hints to Speedup AAAPCP+:
Most of us are always looking for ways to make
everything faster. You may speedup AAAPCP+ by doing any
or all of the following:
+ Run AAAPCP+ from hard disk.
+ Answer 'Y'es to optimize AAAPCP+ in ACONFIG.
+ Use disk caching package.
+ Optimize your hard disk files so that they are not
fragmented. PCTOOLS Compress is a good example.
Notes for Personalized Modification:
You are perfectly free to make any modifications to
AAAPCP+ and its accompanying AAAPCP.KEY keyboard macro
file, so long as you do not give copies of it to anyone.
The keyboard macros may be altered from within
PCPLUS at any time by loading AAAPCP.KEY, making
whatever changes you wish and saving it back out to
AAAPCP.KEY. However, I suggest that you NEVER include
your PC-Pursuit ID or password in those macros, because
you could transmit them by accident.
AAAPCP.ASP may be user modified at any time. Be
careful though, it is possible to acquire some
interesting bugs. Make sure you do not change any line
that contains [IR#xxx]. These lines are modified by the
ACONFIG.COM based on the IR# found in the braces.
PC-Pursuit and Telenet are registered trademarks of
Telenet Communications Corporation.
Procomm Plus is a trademark of
DataStorm Technologies, Inc.
PCTOOLS DELUXE is a trademark of
Central Point Software, Inc.
I would like to thank the sysops of MultiComm BBS,
Kip and Mike, for their help and ideas. I would also
like to thank the sysop of EXECPC for providing an easy
way for AAAPCP+ users to acquire updates.
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 17
Quick PC-Pursuit City Listing:
Area Mnemon 324 Location Comments
---- ------ --- ------------------ --------------------------
201 NJ New ... Newark, NJ
202 DC Was ... Washington, DC 301 or 703; dial 7 digits
203 CT Har . Hartford, CT
206 WA Sea ... Seatle, WA
212 NY NYo ... New York, NY 718; dial 1+718+number
213 CA LAn ... Los Angeles, CA
214 TX Dal ... Dallas, TX 817; dial 817+number
215 PA Phi ... Philadelphia, PA
216 OH Clv .. Cleveland, OH
303 CO Den ... Denver, Co
305 FL Mia ... Miami, FL
312 IL Chi ... Chicago, IL 815; 1+815+number
313 MI Det ... Detroit, MI
314 MO Slo ... St. Louis, MO 618; 1+618+number
404 GA Atl ... Atlanta, GA
408 CA SJo . San Jose, CA
414 WI Mil . Milwaukee, WI
415 CA SFa ... San Francisco, CA
4152 CA Oak . Oakland, CA
4153 CA PAl . Palo Alto, CA
503 OR Por .. Portland, OR
602 AZ Pho .. Phoenix, AZ
612 MN Min .. Minneapolis, MN
617 MA Bos ... Boston, MA
619 CA SaD . San Diego, CA
713 TX Hou ... Houston, TX
714 CA SAn . Santa Ana, CA
7142 CA Col . Colton, CA
801 UT SLC .. Salt Lake City, UT
813 FL Tam ... Tampa, FL
816 MO KCi ... Kansas City, MO 913; dial 7 digits
818 CA Gle . Glendale, CA
919 NC RTP .. Res. Tri. Park, NC
EXECPC Exec-PC BBS (A Source of AAAPCP+)
PURSUIT PC-Pursuit Net Exchange BBS (OLD) |
909631 PC-Pursuit Net Exchange BBS (NEW) |
PLINK People Link
31256.06 Mnematics (Formerly 91450) |
(This list may not be accurate.)
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 18
Revision History:
December 10, 1987 - Version 1.0
- AAAPCP is created to automate connection to PC-Pursuit
cities using the old area code request format under
Procomm 2.42.
December 23, 1987 - Version 1.2
- AAAPCP adapts to new PC-Pursuit request mnemonics, while
still supporting the area code method from the menu.
- BBS is added to the menu to connect to PURSUIT bbs.
- Password Security is added by making sure that the
account and password is not transmitted until an @
character is received.
January 2, 1988 - Version 1.3
- Error detection for logon to Telenet is improved.
- Infinite loop rerequest on busy ports added.
(Problem: ESCAPE out of script required to abort loop.)
February 24, 1988 - Version 2.0
- Error detection rewritten and added throughout.
- Speed of requests improved to maximize chance of
snagging a busy port in repeat mode.
- Menu rewritten and squeezed to fit all 33 new cities.
- BBS no longer supported.
- A)ddress command added to allow connection to ports that
contain no baud rate codes.
March 28, 1988 - Version 2.1
- Support for 8n1 communications added.
- Handshake for 2400 baud at 8n1 added.
- EXECPC, PORTAL added to menu.
June 8, 1988 - Version 2.2
- City and address lists updated.
August 22, 1988 - Version 3.0 (First PCPLUS Version)
- PCPLUS v1.1a Required.
- Abort from repeat loop supported.
- Color Added.
- Baud codes '.:;' added.
- Eliminate garbage showing up in menu.
- Menu speed improved greatly.
- AINSTALL, ACONFIG utilities added to make AAAPCP+ easy
to setup by request of Kip Davis (beta tester).
- ACONFIG utility wording improved by request of
Mike Stone (beta tester).
November 13, 1988 - Version 3.1
- Mnematics address changed to 31256.06 from 91450 by
request of David Clay.
- ACONFIG account/password increased to 25 characters by
request of David Diperstein.
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 19
- Conformed to Telenet Mnemonic/PURSUIT Changes.
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.
AAAPCP+ User Manual/Documentation Page 20
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your Name:__________________________________________________
Address :__________________________________________________
User contribution: $5.00 __ $10.00__ Other____.___
Computer Type: IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 (Circle)
Procomm+ Version: #______ AAAPCP+ Version #______
I have AAAPCP+ because: (Circle all that apply)
A. Downloaded it from a BBS.
BBS:___________________________ Number:_____________
B. A friend told me about it.
C. A friend gave it to me.
D. Included in a Mail Order Package.
E. I saw AAAPCP+ mentioned in a BBS message.
F. Other:_______________________________________________
I use PC-Pursuit to: (Circle all that apply)
A. connect to specific BBS's ONLY.
B. use EXECPC, PORTAL, PURSUIT, or similar mnemonic.
C. connect to anything available.
D. redial the last number.
Features I like to see stay in AAAPCP+:______________________
Features I would like to see removed from AAAPCP+:___________
Features I would like to see added to AAAPCP+:_______________
Copyright (C) Paul Johnson 1988. All rights reserved.