Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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The source code files in this group are from Programmer's
Journal, Volume 7.6, November/December 1989. The files are
identical to those published in the magazine, except where noted,
and OBJ and EXE files have been added.
The copyrights are held by the programs' authors, as noted in the
files. All other rights are reserved by Oakley Publishing Company,
1989. No one may commercially distribute these files. Every effort
has been made to assure that the program files are correct and
complete. No guarantee, express or implied, is offered as to the
correctness of the files, nor to the fitness of the programs for
any purpose whatsoever.
Code from Tom Waite and Hal Hardenbergh's "Neural Nets" (Volume 7.3) is
now available on disk. DiskSubscribers will automatically receive the
code disk. Others may order the disk by writing or calling Programmer's
Journal--see address and phone number at the end of this file.
The files from Volume 7.6 are:
Code from Michael Abrash's "VGA and EGA Split Screens."
Using the nifty but surprisingly tricky split-screen
features of the EGA and VGA.
SPLITSCN.ASM Assembler source program to demonstrate EGA/VGA split
PANNING.ASM Assembler source program to demonstrate the interaction
of the split screen and horizontal pel panning on EGA/VGA.
Code from Vaughn Vernon's "Human Interfaces with Curses."
Text-based user interfaces under DOS and UNIX with the
Curses C library for device independence.
WINSTACK.C C code to manage a stack of Curses windows.
WINSTACK.H Header file to support winPush and winPOP.
WINSTACK.OBJ Object module.
WINTEST.C C code to test the Curses window stacking.
WINTEST.EXE The executable test program.
WINTEST.OBJ The object module file used for linking.
Code from Guy Cole's "Cooking with Stereo Video."
Using two video displays in your next Turbo Pascal
ALTMON.PAS A Turbo Pascal unit that provides support for
allowing the utilization of two video monitors.
ALTMON.TPU The Turbo Pascal TPU created by compiling.
ALTTEST.PAS A Turbo Pascal program to test the Altmon module.
ALTTEST.EXE The executable test file.
Code from John Otken's "Efficient 80x86 Memory Models
and Static Variables." Using static and automatic
variables, equates, and macros for efficient assembly
language programming.
RANDOM.ASM Assembly language code that illustrates using memory
models--this program calculates some random numbers.
MSDOS.ASM Assembly language routines to be used in a library.
Code from Tom Swan's "Using OOP to Create a Powerful
File Viewer." Tom illustrates the value of
object-oriented programming in Turbo Pascal 5.5 by
creating a powerful file utility.
UITEM.PAS Code to initialize and destroy an item object's memory.
UKEYS.PAS Some keyboard input support routines.
ULIST.PAS Tom's list-manager module.
USTRITEM.PAS Code to initialize and destroy string items.
Code from Thomas Roden's "Four Gigabytes in Real Mode."
A slick trick to access large memory spaces on the
80386 from DOS.
ASMCOM.BAT A batch file to assemble and link TOMCOM.
PEEPER.ASM Assembly language subroutines to move memory from
a 4-gigabyte linear address into a buffer in the
current data segment.
TOMCOM.ASM A program to relax segment limit on GS in real-address
TOMPEEK A make file for the memory peeker that illustrates this
TOMPEEK.C A high-memory peek utility.
Code from Ethan Winer's "QuickBASIC's Fast String-
Searching Algorith." QuickBASIC contains a fast
string-searching algorithm that may be useful to
other language programmers as well.
SEARCHST.ASM QuickBASIC's implementation of a fast string-searching
routine for use with other languages.
Code from William Hall's "A Simple Terminal Program for
Windows." Our Windows/PM expert illustrates using the
communications interface along with font selection,
and dialog boxes under Microsoft Windows.
Only excerpts of this code were published in PJ 7.6.
\WINDEV Sub-Directory for WINDOWS code.
TTYCLS.C The TTY window code shared under both PM and windows.
TTYCLS.H The TTY window header file.
WPMAUX.DOC Documentation on both WINAUX and PMAUX.
WNTERM Make file for WINTERM.
WNTERM.C The WNTERM main module.
WNTERM.DEF Definitions for WNTERM.
WNTERM.DOC Documentation on WNTERM.
WNTERM.EXE WNTERM executable file.
WNTERM.H The include file for WNTERM.
WNTINT.C WNTERM interrupt functions.
WNTMSC.C WNTERM miscellaneous functions.
WINAUX Make file for WINAUX.
WINAUX.C The WINAUX main module.
WINAUX.DEF Definitions for WINAUX.
WINAUX.EXE WINAUX executable file.
WINAUX.H The include file for WINAUX.
WINVUE Make file for WINVUE.
WINVUE.C The WINVUE main module.
WINVUE.DEF Definitions for WINVUE.
WINVUE.EXE WINVUE executable file.
WINVUE.H The include file for WINVUE.
To subscribe to Programmer's Journal, order back issues, or buy one of
our nifty T-Shirts, please write to:
Programmer's Journal
PO Box 70167
Eugene, OR 97401
or call:
Subscriptions are $19.95 annually (six issues). We welcome
your comments about the magazine and the code. Write to the
address above.