Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Assembly Source File
68 lines
;------ SearchString - reveals Microsoft QuickBASIC's INSTR algorithm
;syntax: Found = SearchString%(BYVAL StartChar%, Source$, Search$)
; where:
; StartChar% specifies where in the source string searching is to begin,
; Source$ is the string being searched, and Search$ is the string to find.
; Found then receives the position in Source$ where Search$ is found
; (1-based), or zero if there was no match.
SearchString Proc Uses SI DI, Start:Word, Source:Word, Search:Word
Cld ;insure that string instructions are forward
Push DS ;assign ES=DS
Pop ES
Mov AX,Start ;put Start% into AX
Mov SI,Search ;get the address for the Search$ descriptor
Mov DX,[SI] ;put its length into DX
Mov SI,[SI+02] ;and its address into SI
Dec DX ;we'll handle the first character using Scasb
Js Exit ;they slipped us a null string, so return Start%
Mov DI,Source ;get the address for the Source$ descriptor
Mov CX,[DI] ;put its length into CX
Mov DI,[DI+02] ;and its address into DI
Mov BX,DI ;save that in BX to see how far we searched later
Dec AX ;adjust Start% so 1st character = 0 offset
Js NotFound ;Start% was zero or negative, get out and return 0
Add DI,AX ;advance Start% bytes into the string
Sub CX,AX ;and consider that many fewer characters to search
Jbe NotFound ;they tried to start past the end
Lodsb ;get and skip over the first character in Search$
Repne Scasb ;find the first character in Source$ that matches
Jne NotFound ;if it's not there, the complete string isn't either
Cmp CX,DX ;are we less than LEN(Search$) bytes from the end?
Jb NotFound ;yes, so there's no point in looking further
Or DX,DX ;was the string only one character long?
Jz Found ;yes, so this must be it
Push SI ;save the current scanning context
Push DI
Push CX
Mov CX,DX ;search LEN(Search$) characters
Repe Cmpsb ;compare the two strings
Pop CX ;restore the context in case we have to scan again
Pop DI
Pop SI
Jne Scan ;we didn't find it, keep trying
Found: ;we found a match
Sub DI,BX ;calculate how far into the string we found a match
Mov AX,DI ;leave the result in AX for the function output
Ret ;return to caller
Xor AX,AX ;return zero to show we didn't find it
Jmp Short Exit ;and exit
SearchString Endp