Simtel MSDOS 1992 December
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
109 lines
{ =========================================================================== }
{ Wndw55.pas - unit for Multi-level Virtual Windows ver 5.5, 08-24-89 }
{ with multi-video page and virtual window capability. }
{ }
{ This unit has the complete utilities for serial- or random-access, or }
{ virtual multi-level windows. It works on any IBM or compatible including }
{ PCjr, IBM 3270 PC, and the PS/2 systems, in any video mode. It uses }
{ QWIK55.TPU for fast screen writing on any video page. The complete }
{ source code is available for registered users. }
{ Copyright (C) 1987-1989 by James H. LeMay }
{ =========================================================================== }
{ R-,S-,I-,D-,T-,F-,V-,B-,N-,L+ } { TP4 directives }
{$A-,B-,D-,E-,F-,I-,L-,N-,O-,R-,S-,V-} { TP5 directives }
{ If undefined, these directives saves data space and about 2.5k of code. }
{ If you are using only video page 0, remove the following "$": }
{$Define MultiPage }
{ If you are NOT using virtual windows, remove the following "$": }
{$Define AddVirtual }
UNIT Wndw;
USES Crt,Qwik,Wutil;
{$I w55-var.inc }
{ -- Basic Window Utilities -- }
procedure InitWindow (Wattr: integer; ClearScr: boolean);
function HeapOK (NumOfBytes: word): boolean;
procedure SetCursorDefault(CursorMode: word);
procedure SetWindowModes (SumOfAllModes: word);
procedure MakeWindow (Row,Col,Rows,Cols: byte; Wattr,Battr: integer;
BrdrSel: Borders; WindowName: WindowNames);
procedure TitleWindow (TopOrBottom,Justify: DirType;
TitleAttr: integer; Title: string);
procedure LocateCursor;
procedure RestoreTurboWindow;
procedure RemoveWindow;
{ -- Window-relative writing utilities -- }
procedure WWrite (Row,Col: byte; aStr: string);
procedure WWriteC (Row: byte; aStr: string);
procedure WWriteA (Row,Col: byte; ArrayLength: word; VAR aStr);
procedure WGotoRC (Row,Col: byte);
procedure WGotoEos;
procedure WEosToRC (Row,Col: byte);
function WWhereR: byte;
function WWhereC: byte;
function WEosR: byte;
function WEosC: byte;
procedure WEosLn;
procedure WBrdrH (Row: byte);
procedure WBrdrV (Col: byte);
procedure WBrdrPart (Row,Col: byte; Part: BrdrParts);
procedure WLineH (Row,Col,Cols: byte);
procedure WLineV (Row,Col,Rows: byte);
procedure WLinePart (Row,Col: byte; Part: BrdrParts);
procedure WScrollUp;
procedure WScrollDown;
procedure WInsLine (Row: byte);
procedure WDelLine (Row: byte);
procedure WClrLine (Row: byte);
procedure WClrField (Row,Col,Cols: byte; Attr: integer);
procedure WClrFieldEos ( Cols: byte; Attr: integer);
procedure WClrEol (Row,Col: byte; Attr: integer);
procedure WClrEos ( Attr: integer);
procedure WClrTitle (TopOrBottom: DirType);
procedure WClrScr;
{ -- Window management utilities -- }
procedure WriteToCRT;
procedure WriteToHidden (WindowName: WindowNames);
{$IfDef MultiPage }
procedure WriteToPage (PageNum: byte);
procedure WriteAndViewPage(PageNum: byte);
{$EndIf }
procedure HideWindow;
procedure ShowWindow (WindowName: WindowNames);
procedure MoveWindow (NumOfRows,NumOfCols: integer);
function GetLevelIndex (WindowName: WindowNames): word;
procedure AccessWindow (WindowName: WindowNames);
procedure ChangeBorder (NewBrdr: Borders);
procedure RestoreBorder;
{ -- Virtual window utilities -- }
{$IfDef AddVirtual }
procedure SetVirtualSize (Rows,Cols: byte);
procedure WriteToVirtual (WindowName: WindowNames);
procedure VViewRC (Row,Col: byte);
procedure VViewRCrel (NumOfRows,NumOfCols: integer);
procedure VUpdateWindow; { Simply does the following 3 procedures: }
procedure VUpdateView;
procedure VUpdateTitles;
procedure VUpdateCursor;
procedure VUpdateRows (Row,Rows: byte);
procedure VScrollView (NumOfRows,NumOfCols: integer);
procedure VResizeWindow (NumOfRows,NumOfCols: integer);
procedure VZoomWindow;
{$EndIf }