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2,540 lines
Version 5.5
August 24, 1989
Copyright (C) 1988-1989 Eagle Performance Software
All Rights Reserved.
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WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Using the Manuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Customer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
ASP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2. GETTING STARTED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Distribution Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Demonstration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3. PROGRAMMING WINDOWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Basic Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Window Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Basic Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
MakeWindow Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Window Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Defaults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
SetWindowModes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
List of Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Shadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
ZoomMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
RelMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
PermMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
SeeThruMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
HiddenMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
VirtualMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Cursor Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4. WRITING TO WINDOWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Direct Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Cursor and EOS Positioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Clearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Scrolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Line Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Custom Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5. VIRTUAL WINDOWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6. WINDOW MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Access Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Display Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Write Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Window Modes and Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
High Speed Screen Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Multiple Video Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Multi-Tasking Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
7. DATA MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Data Allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Record Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
8. UTILITY UNITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Goof Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Wutil Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
APPENDIX A: Application Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
APPENDIX B: Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
APPENDIX C: Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
1. I N T R O D U C T I O N
Welcome to WNDW multi-level virtual windows!
You have just obtained a copy of the highest performance window utilities
available today for Turbo Pascal 5.0 (TP5). Both novice and professional
programmers will appreciate these simple and very powerful utilities that
gives you full window control and management in all text modes.
Here are some of the features you will discover:
. Uses the powerful direct screen writing routines of
. Up to 254 fixed or virtual windows can be on the screen at
one time.
. Extremely high-speed virtual screens in RAM.
. Virtual windows are fully updated even if covered!
. Virtual windows have virtual titles.
. Fully supported hidden windows saved in RAM.
. Fully supports all video pages.
. Adjustable-rate moving, resizing, and scrolling.
. All windows can be randomly accessed.
. 28 window-relative writing routines.
. 15 different border styles with shadows.
. Full line drawing procedures.
. Full cursor mode control for each window.
. Writes in all text modes and column modes.
. Writes direct to multi-tasking video buffers (MTVB).
. Only 13k bytes of code if all 69 utilities are used.
. Used in all other Eagle products.
WNDW is a very high performance window unit with high speed and tight code.
All types of windows, including fixed or virtual, hidden or shown, work
compatibly in the same package. With WNDW, you can choose the absolute
writing routines of QWIK, the window-relative writing routines of WNDW, and
even customize your own.
Disk Based Guides - The manuals for WNDW are on disk so that you can
conveniently scan for the topic you are seeking. You can do this with any
list or search utility with a search function. You can also make a printed
copy. If you have not already printed this manual, refer to the READ.ME
file for instructions. At the present time, no bound manuals are being
offered with registration.
User's Guide - This manual, the one your are reading now, assumes that as a
programmer you are already familiar with Turbo Pascal 5.0, and that you
Chapter 1, Introduction Page 4
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
have a working knowledge of your disk operating system (DOS). It also
assumes that you are familiar with QWIK screen utilities in QWIK55.ARC.
This manual will provide the basic instructions for creating and managing
multi-level windows. You can even copy examples from this file direct to
the Turbo editor for testing.
Reference Guide - This manual describes in detail all procedures, functions
and variables used in WNDW. It is alphabetically arranged for easy access
in a format similar to the TP5 manual. Use this manual when you have
become familiar with the basic principles in the User's guide.
Registration - These routines and the documentation have been released for
distribution as Shareware. You have been given the chance to sample the
full capability of WNDW without risk! If you find that WNDW is a valuable
tool, then you are expected to register. You will find a reasonable
licensing schedule found in LICENSE.ARC to meet private or commercial
needs. When registering, be sure to specify the version for Turbo Pascal
(such as TP4 or TP5) you wish to receive.
Source Code - All registered users will receive source code when the signed
license agreement is returned with the registration. All source code
compiles under TP5 as well as TP4. The compiled units in the distributed
file were compiled with TP5 and only work in TP5.
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, the Eagle can be contacted
by four means - (1) CompuServe, (2) telephone, (3) The Eagle BBS, or
(4) mail.
CompuServe - The most dependable way to contact the Eagle is through
CompuServe. James (Jim) H. LeMay has written the TP5 version of QWIK, but
the person to contact is Jordan Gallagher who can be reached on the Borland
Forum by typing GO BPROGA from the CompuServe main menu. You will enter
the Forum for Turbo Pascal. You can contact Jordan with his PPN number of
73557,2342. Messages can also be left through EasyPlex.
Telephone - Jordan can also be reached by phone at (214) 539-7855 on
weekdays and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m CST.
The Eagle BBS - You can also contact us on our 24-hour BBS at (214) 539-
9878, 1200/2400 N81.
Mail - For registration or problems, please write:
Eagle Performance Software
P.O. Box 292786
Lewisville, TX 75029-2786
In your written request for resolving problems, be sure to include:
Chapter 1, Introduction Page 5
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
. A 5 1/4 inch diskette of compilable source code of the problem.
. The Eagle product and version number.
. The computer make and model.
. The type of video card, video monitor and keyboard.
WNDW is a shareware program conforming to the standards of the Association
of Shareware Professionals (ASP). You can get more information about ASP
by writing to:
Association of Shareware Professionals
P.O. Box 5786
Bellevue,WA 98006
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
ASP member, but does not provide technical support for member's products.
Please write to:
ASP Ombudsman
P.O. Box 5786
Bellevue,WA 98006
or send a CompuServe message via EasyPlex to ASP Ombudsman 7007,3536.
Chapter 1, Introduction Page 6
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
2. G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
This section will acquaint you with the files on distribution disk and show
you a couple of demonstrations to quickly see what WNDW can accomplish.
In this version, WNDW55.ARC contains:
Read. .me: Note of printing instructions for manual.
KeyB .tpu: Keyboard unit for WNDWMGR.PAS demo.
Goof .pas: Unit to display errors.
Qwik55 .tpu: Unit for quick screen writing.
Strs .tpu: Unit from QWIK55 for number-to-string conversions.
Wutil .tpu: Independent utilities unit used in WNDW.
W55-var .inc: This file is the actual source code which lists
all of the types, constants, and variables used
for WNDW55.TPU.
Wndw55- .pas: Shows the interface portion of WNDW55.
Wndw55 .tpu: This unit has the full power of all of its
capabilities. Please note that because
WNDW55.TPU uses W55-VAR.INC, MaxWndw,
MaxVirtualWndw, MaxPageUsed, and the WindowNames
names have all been assigned. In order to make
any changes in the data requirements, the complete
source code will be required.
Wndw55 .doc: This document - a user's guide to WNDW.
WndwRef .doc: WNDW Reference Guide document covering each
routine and variable in detail.
WndwDemo.pas: Demo of WNDW55.TPU and QWIK55.TPU which shows
screen design performance.
WndwMgr .pas: Demo of full window management.
License .arc: ARC file containing license agreement and ordering
To get the feeling of the speed and features of WNDW, let's run the
demonstration programs that came with the utilities. Do the following
1. Copy QWIK55.TPU to QWIK.TPU.
2. Copy WNDW55.TPU to WNDW.TPU
3. If you are running programs in a multi-tasking
environment, instruct the environment that you are NOT
writing direct to the screen. Also set text pages to 2.
4. Make, compile and run WNDWDEMO.PAS to get a feel for
screen design performance and speed.
5. Make, compile and run WNDWMGR.PAS to get a feel for true
virtual windows and window management. Press Alt-1 to
access the bottom window. With Scroll Lock on, it can be
moved, resized and scrolled.
Chapter 2, Getting Started Page 7
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
3. P R O G R A M M I N G W I N D O W S
This sections will get you familiar with the basics of window programming
by starting with very basic windows and then taking you step-by-step
through the variety of options and modes that are available.
First Program - Let's write a short program to see how simple it is to
write with WNDW. While in the TP editor, enter the following code:
EXAMPLE 1: Your first window
{$M 16384,8000,8000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Wndw,Goof;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,true); { Initialize and Clear window }
MakeWindow (5,20,15,40,White+BlueBG,Cyan+BlueBG,SingleBrdr,aWindow);
WWriteC (7,'Making windows is easy!');
Assuming you have already copied QWIK55.TPU to QWIK.TPU and WNDW55.TPU to
WNDW.TPU, make and run the code. You can then see these results:
. The base window is cleared with Black on LightGray attributes.
. The window is placed at absolute row 5, column 20
. The window size is 15 rows high and 40 columns wide.
. The window text color is White on a Blue background.
. The window border color is Cyan on a Blue background.
. The border is the Single line width style.
. The window name is aWindow.
. The message was centered on window-relative row 7.
Row/Col vs. X/Y - You probably noticed that the row parameter is first and
the column parameter is second. Since WNDW is entirely for text modes, it
is more intuitive to specify the row first and the column second just like
any word processor. The X/Y scheme is better suited for graphics.
Attributes - Notice that our example uses the constant "BlueBG". WNDW uses
QWIK which provides eight convenient background color constants to use
along with Turbo's 16 foreground colors. The same names are used, but the
"BG" suffix is added:
BlackBG RedBG
BlueBG MagentaBG
GreenBG BrownBG
CyanBG LightGrayBG
These allow WNDW to make the most of Turbo's constant folding. By simply
adding the foreground and background constants together, the compiler saves
the result as a single word. And, by simply reading the MakeWindow
statement, what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG).
Protected Underlay - That first program was pretty simple wasn't it?
Chapter 3, Programming Windows Page 8
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
Several things happened that you probably didn't notice. The area under
the window, called the underlay, was actually saved. Later on when the
window is no longer needed, it can be removed by restoring the underlay.
This makes it just like a sheet of paper on a desk. Let's add some
statements to show if the underlay is really protected. In addition, let's
add a little more pizazz to the window by adding a shadow, zoom effect, and
a title:
EXAMPLE 2: Protected underlay
{$M 16384,8000,8000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Wndw,Goof;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,true);
WWriteC (12,'Base Window');
SetWindowModes (ZoomMode+ShadowRight);
MakeWindow (5,20,15,40,White+BlueBG,Cyan+BlueBG,SingleBrdr,aWindow);
TitleWindow (Top,Left,Yellow+BlueBG,' My First Window ');
WWriteC (7,'Making windows is easy!');
delay (2000);
RemoveWindow; { Remove the window and restore underlay. }
Did you see that the message "Base Window" was still there? In fact that
entire underlay was protected because it was saved in the heap while we
were writing on the CRT. In addition:
. The window modes controlled the Shadow and Zoom effect.
. The title is placed on the Top border, Left justified, with Yellow
on Blue attributes.
. The "Base Window" message was centered on window-relative row 12.
Basic Principles - Was that simple enough for you? Well, you'll be glad to
know that you have already tried all the basic principles to making
windows. And the rest is just that easy. But you haven't seen anything
Window - Just what is a window anyway? It's an area reserved on the screen
as a frame of reference to write text. Right on the screen, the power of
this program allows you to move, rearrange, hide, move, and resize, without
losing any data.
View - In virtual windows, this window text area is also called the view.
More about virtual windows is explained later.
Border - The border is the lines surrounding the window or view to clearly
separate the window contents from other areas of the CRT. However, a
window does not require a border.
Title - Conveniently, a window can be titled on the border - either the top
or the bottom. The title area extends the full length of the window not
including the two vertical borders. The title is written at a border-
Chapter 3, Programming Windows Page 9
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
relative location. If a window does not have a border, then the title area
is just the top or bottom row of the window text area.
Cursor - Each window has its own cursor location and mode (shape).
Shadow - To give a window that off-the-screen appearance, a shadow can be
added onto the outer edge of the window or window border.
Generally Speaking - Throughout this document, the word "window" will
loosely refer to all of the above parts as the full window. It should be
understood that all writing to the windows uses coordinates relative to the
upper left corner of the window text area which is (1,1) exclusive of the
Basic Routines - There are five basic procedures that are fundamental to
creating multi-level windows:
InitWindow - Initializes global data for the program.
SetWindowModes - Determines what types of windows are made.
MakeWindow - Creates the window.
TitleWindow - Places titles on the window.
RemoveWindow - Removes window from CRT and memory.
InitWindow - First, before any window procedures are used, InitWindow
should be executed to initialize all global data for the entire program.
It only needs to be done once.
InitWindow (Wattr: integer; ClearScr: boolean)
The initial base window has no border and the window attribute is Wattr.
You can optionally clear the window by setting ClearScr to TRUE. The
procedure initializes over 50 variables. For details, you can examine the
source code.
Declaration - The MakeWindow procedure actually makes the window on the
screen. Let's take a look at its declaration:
MakeWindow (Row,Col,Rows,Cols: byte; Wattr,Battr: integer;
BrdrSel: Borders; WindowName: WindowNames)
The procedure's parameters control location, size, attributes, border
style, and window name. Notice that the size is expressed as Rows/Cols
rather than another (Row2,Col2) coordinate. This makes it very easy to
change the location without having to recalculate the size.
Self-Centering Window - There is a very simple method to self-center a
window on a screen - simply set the appropriate Row and/or Col parameter to
0. If Row is 0, the window will be centered to the current height of the
screen. Likewise, if Col is 0, it will be centered horizontally. So
Chapter 3, Programming Windows Page 10
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
there's no need to calculate sizes! This also works for RelMode which will
be discussed later.
Attributes - Wattr and Battr are the attributes for the window text area
and border, respectively. The attributes that are recognized are the same
ones used in QWIK - even SameAttr is supported.
Border Styles - There are 15 different border styles that can be used for
the border, including two custom borders and even no border at all. Here
is the list of Border names that are predefined:
NoBrdr - No border at all. Just the text area.
BlankBrdr - Blank character on all sides.
SingleBrdr - Single lines on all sides.
DoubleBrdr - Double lines on all sides.
HdoubleBrdr - Horizontal double lines. Single vertical lines.
VdoubleBrdr - Vertical double lines. Single horizontal lines.
SolidBrdr - Solid box character on all sides.
EvenSolidBrdr - Vertical solid box. Horizontal half box.
ThinSolidBrdr1 - Half box on all sides. Squeezed horizontally.
ThinSolidBrdr2 - Half box on all sides. Squeezed vertically.
LhatchBrdr - Light hatch character on all sides.
MhatchBrdr - Medium hatch character on all sides.
HhatchBrdr - Heavy hatch character on all sides.
UserBrdr1 - User defined border.
UserBrdr2 - User defined border.
All of the borders except the user borders are reserved for use in future
Eagle products. UserBrdr1 and UserBrdr2 may be customized to your needs.
Each border has 15 different parts for the line drawing set including tees
and interior lines.
Tip: Hatch Borders - Since MDA and VGA both use a 9x16 character cell size,
the hatch characters (ASCII 176, 177, 178) are only 8x16 in a 9x16 cell.
This unfortunately produces a horizontal gap between the characters not
seen on the CGA. Be aware of the effect.
Window Name - The name of each window should be different in order to
uniquely identify the window for window management. But since our simple
test program only displayed the window momentarily, the window name is not
significant and did not need to be unique. So, the generic name "aWindow"
was used. The name Window0 is used to identify the initial base window
which is the full CRT screen.
Defaults - Without needing to specify anything, the window is created with
several defaults. Let's see what they are:
. Fixed size and placed absolute to the CRT.
. Shown on the CRT.
. The underlay is saved.
. No shadow or zoom effect.
. No virtual screen.
Chapter 3, Programming Windows Page 11
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
. Cursor is turned on with the default cursor mode.
. Window is cleared.
. Moving and Accessing is permitted.
Well, if these are all defaults, then that means they can be changed. And
they can. We've already found out how to add shadow and zoom. Let's try
changing some others and see what happens. Enter the following code into
the editor:
EXAMPLE 3: Different modes and a hidden window
{$M 16384,8000,8000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Wndw,Goof;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,true);
SetWindowModes (HiddenMode or ZoomMode or CursorOffMode);
MakeWindow (0,0,15,40,White+BlueBG,Cyan+BlueBG,SingleBrdr,Window1);
WWriteC (12,'Where is it?');
WriteToHidden (Window1); { Write to the hidden window.}
TitleWindow (Bottom,Right,Yellow+BlueBG,' My Second Window ');
WWriteC (3,'Here it is ...');
WBrdrH (7); { Add an extra horizontal border.}
WWriteC (10,'It was hidden!');
delay (2000);
ShowWindow (Window1); { Put it back on the screen. }
delay (2000);
When you run it, the window is immediately created. But instead we see the
message "Where is it?". And to answer that question, the window was
created in RAM instead of on the CRT. In addition, the code also wrote
messages direct to the hidden window. The window remains hidden until it
is called which we did with ShowWindow. Afterward, we removed it from
memory with RemoveWindow. I'll bet you didn't know that you have already
done some writing to a virtual screen. That's right - the hidden window
was a virtual screen! Pretty easy, huh? And it was done by simply setting
a mode.
SetWindowModes - This procedure can be used any time prior to MakeWindow.
It only needs to be done once since the value is retained in WindowModes
until changed again.
List of Modes - Did you notice the zoom effect this time and that the
cursor was turned off? Let's take a look at all the available modes:
Mode Constant Description
------------- -----------------------------------------------
ShadowLeft Shadow on the left side
ShadowRight Shadow on the right side
ZoomMode Zoom effect on Make, Show and AccessWindow
CursorOffMode Leaves cursor off for window
RelMode Window-relative frame of reference, no underlay
PermMode Can't be moved or removed, no underlay
SeeThruMode Doesn't clear screen inside window
Chapter 3, Programming Windows Page 12
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
HiddenMode Create window as hidden
VirtualMode Create Virtual window and screen
NoHideMode Ignores request to hide window
NoAccessMode Ignores request to access window
NoMoveMode Ignores request to move/resize window
We've already seen what the first four can do. Let check to see what the
others can do.
ShadowLeft/ShadowRight - When placed on the CRT, the window gets a shadow
on either the left or right side as well as the bottom. For good human
factors, it is recommended that the shadow only be used for the top window
for clarity. Shadows are fully supported at any level for serial-access
windows. (However, for random-access, the shadows are permitted, but if a
window is pulled out from under it, the corners will not be updated at that
moment.) Tip: Place windows with shadows correctly to prevent wrap-around.
ZoomMode - When a window is created, shown, or accessed on the CRT with
this mode, it produces a zoom effect. It is conveniently suppressed for
hidden windows.
RelMode - This is the simplest of all modes. It enables you to set up a
window within a window. It simply overwrites the window, but produces a
handy window-relative frame of reference to draw borders, write text or
whatever. It's a worry-free mode. To get out of RelMode, you can simply
switch to another window, or you can return to the parent window with
RemoveWindow. RelMode is only temporary and no stats are saved. Let's
modify the last example and try this out:
EXAMPLE 4: RelMode window
{$M 16384,8000,8000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Wndw,Goof;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,true);
SetWindowModes (HiddenMode or ZoomMode or CursorOffMode);
MakeWindow (5,20,15,40,White+BlueBG,Cyan+BlueBG,SingleBrdr,Window1);
WWriteC (12,'Where is it?');
WriteToHidden (Window1); { Write to the hidden window.}
TitleWindow (Bottom,Right,Yellow+BlueBG,' My Second Window ');
SetWindowModes (RelMode);
MakeWindow (3, 0, 3,32,SameAttr,SameAttr,HdoubleBrdr,aWindow);
TitleWindow (Top,Center,SameAttr,' My Answer: ');
WWriteC (1,'Here it is ...');
delay (2000);
ShowWindow (Window1); { Put it back on the screen. }
WWriteC (10,'It was hidden!');
Notice that the (Row,Col) location was relative to the parent window,
Window1. Even the title as well as the text was placed in RelMode. The 0
value for Col centered it across the width of the window (not the screen).
Once the window was shown, the window coordinates and modes were restored
to the parent window. The message appeared correctly on row 10 of the
parent window. Notice also that we didn't bother to use RemoveWindow since
Chapter 3, Programming Windows Page 13
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
we were finished and wanted to take a closer look at what we created.
PermMode - When creating your initial screen for a program, the underlay
probably does not need to be saved. This mode enables you to create
windows without saving the underlay so the screen is simply overwritten -
perfect for initial screens by increasing speed and saving memory. All the
window stats are still saved for future use. Keep in mind two rules for
this mode. First, all PermMode windows must be the first ones created.
And second, use discretion when accessing the window to make sure it is not
covered by another window before writing to it. Let's try an example:
EXAMPLE 5: PermMode window
{$M 16384,8000,8000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Wndw,Goof;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,false); { No need to clear screen }
SetWindowModes (PermMode);
MakeWindow ( 1, 1,12,80,White+BlueBG,Cyan+BlueBG,SingleBrdr,Window1);
TitleWindow (Top,Left,Yellow+BlueBG,' Input Window ');
MakeWindow (13, 1,13,80,White+GreenBG,GreenBG,HdoubleBrdr,Window2);
TitleWindow (Top,Left,Yellow+GreenBG,' Output Window ');
WWrite ( 1, 1,'Output data.');
AccessWindow (Window1);
WWrite ( 1, 1,'Input data.');
Since we were designing the initial screen, the ClearScr parameter in
InitWindow was set to FALSE. Did you notice that writing back to Window1
was no problem? You've just had your first shot at window management!
AccessWindow will let you write to any window by name. But if RemoveWindow
is used on PermMode windows, the window record is simply dropped from the
stack and the screen appears unaltered.
SeeThruMode - If there is a portion of the current screen that needs to be
captured to become a part of the window itself, this mode creates the
border but simply skips clearing contents the window. This is done only
when the window is first created.
EXAMPLE 6: SeeThruMode window
{$M 16384,8000,8000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Wndw,Goof;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,true);
WWriteC (12,'My message');
SetWindowModes (SeeThruMode);
MakeWindow (10,26, 5,30,White+BlueBG,Cyan+BlueBG,SingleBrdr,aWindow);
TitleWindow (Top,Left,Yellow+BlueBG,' Captured Text ');
delay (2000);
When running this program, it appears that a border was just placed over
the message "My message". But in fact, it's really a part of the new top
Chapter 3, Programming Windows Page 14
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window. So, if the window is moved, the contents move as well.
HiddenMode - In example 3, we plunged right into making hidden windows and
it was easy, too. As it was explained, the hidden window is actually a
virtual window in the heap to which you can write at any time. Since
virtual screen writing is so very quick, you can even design full screens
in an instant and then display them on the CRT. Once a window is shown, it
can always be hidden again with HideWindow. This is explained further in
Section 6 under Window Management.
VirtualMode - This mode is very simple but powerful and enables you to
create a virtual window. A virtual screen is kept in RAM, but we can view
any portion of it on the CRT. As you would hope, it's still quite simple:
EXAMPLE 7: VirtualMode window
{$M 16384,8000,8000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Wndw,Goof;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,true);
SetWindowModes (VirtualMode);
MakeWindow (5,20,15,40,White+BlueBG,Cyan+BlueBG,SingleBrdr,Window1);
WriteToVirtual (Window1);
TitleWindow (Top,Left,Yellow+BlueBG,' Virtual Window ');
WWrite ( 1, 1,'Upper left corner');
WWriteC (7,'This message is centered on the screen');
VUpdateWindow; { Update the complete window on the CRT. }
WriteToCRT; { Return to writing on the CRT. }
VUpdateWindow is the workhorse for virtual windows. It copied a portion of
the virtual screen, the virtual titles, and the cursor location back on the
CRT. You probably noticed that the long message seemed to be cut off. But
actually we are only looking at a portion of an 80x25 virtual screen. So
the message was indeed centered. You can write direct to the virtual
screen and view any portion you want. We have just sampled some of the
most powerful features of WNDW with very little effort.
Restrictive Modes - NoHideMode, NoAccessMode, and NoMoveMode are modes that
restrict window management. These modes are covered in the Window
Management section.
Back to Defaults - What about getting back to the default modes after they
have been changed? Just use SetWindowModes (0).
Combinations - Just about any combination of modes can put together. Just
sum them together in the SetWindowModes procedure. However, there are some
combinations that will not be valid. In fact, the procedure corrects your
mistakes. Here's a list of the modes showing invalid combinations:
Set Mode Invalid Combination With Correction
------------- --------------------------- -------------------
ShadowLeft ShadowRight ShadowRight
ShadowRight ShadowLeft ShadowRight
ZoomMode SeeThruMode Ignores ZoomMode
Chapter 3, Programming Windows Page 15
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RelMode Hidden, Virtual or PermMode RelMode
PermMode HiddenMode PermMode
RelMode RelMode
SeeThruMode ZoomMode Ignores ZoomMode
HiddenMode RelMode or PermMode RelMode or PermMode
VirtualMode RelMode RelMode
Every Window - WNDW fully supports the cursor mode control of QWIK. In
fact, every window has its own cursor mode. The setting is controlled by
SetCursorDefault. Here's how it works:
EXAMPLE 8: Cursor modes in each window
{$M 16384,8000,8000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Wndw,Goof;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,true);
MakeWindow (5,20,15,40,White+BlueBG,Cyan+BlueBG,SingleBrdr,Window1);
SetCursorDefault (CursorBlock);
MakeWindow (9,30,15,40,White+BrownBG,BrownBG,EvenSolidBrdr,Window2);
WWrite ( 1, 1,'Upper left corner');
delay (2000);
delay (2000);
When you ran this code, you noticed that top window had a block cursor.
When the window was removed, the cursor mode was restored to new top
window as an underline. Just like SetWindowModes, the value is saved in
CursorDefault until changed.
Initialization - When WNDW is used, some initialization code tests the
start up cursor mode. On MDA cards, it corrects the improper CGA default.
In addition, if the cursor is hidden, WNDW forces the cursor to an
underline, but the original cursor is still in CursorInitial.
Initial Window - InitWindow sets CursorDefault to the current cursor mode
which is used for all subsequent windows and Window0. If you even want
Window0 to have a different cursor mode and default, simply use
Qwik.SetCursor before InitWindow.
Mutiple PermMode Windows - If you have several PermMode windows, to get the
cursor to appear in one of the windows, you can use AccessWindow at any
time. (Be sure that no other normal windows are covering it!) If it also
has a virtual screen, you can also use the VUpdate routines at any time,
but only the last window accessed by AccessWindow or the like can display
the cursor. This is controlled by the value of CrtWI. As a short-cut, you
can also manually set CrtWI to the level index of the PermMode window you
want prior to a VUpdate routine such as:
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AccessWindow (Window2); { Window 2 is permanent and virtual }
{ ... } { CrtWI is equal to level of Window2 }
WriteToVirtual (Window3); { Window 3 is permanent and virtual }
CrtWI := WI; { Alter active window to current Window 3 }
VUpdateCursor; { Now cursor appears in Window 3 not 2 }
CursorOffMode - So, what's the difference between using
SetWindowModes(CursorOffMode) or SetCursorDefault(CursorOff)? For
technical reasons, in virtual windows, the cursor could be turned on and
off. If CursorOff is used, then the cursor could be turned on having an
overbar cursor ($0000). It's easier to use CursorOffMode.
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4. W R I T I N G T O W I N D O W S
WNDW has several window-relative routines designed to write in the windows,
including direct writing, cursor and EOS positioning, clearing, scrolling,
and line drawing. They work in all types of windows, including hidden and
virtual. To do this, the routines access the top window record (TWS or
TopWndwStat) that keeps information about the current window. For a
breakdown on the window record, see Data Structure in WNDWREF.DOC. Each of
these groups of routines are discussed below.
Window Relative - Rather than using Qwrite to write to windows, three
routines are provided to use window-relative coordinates. You have already
used two of them. The attribute used is the window attribute TWS.WndwAttr.
WWrite (Row,Col: byte; aStr: string)
WWriteC (Row: byte; aStr: string)
WWriteA (Row,Col: byte; ArrayLength: word; VAR aStr)
WWriteC centers the string within the window while WWriteA is for arrays
or substrings. These routines are actually externals that interface the
QWIK routines using TWS.
QWIK Support - You will be pleased to know that QWIK is fully integrated
and supported in WNDW like your favorite use of SameAttr and the EOS
marker. Wherever an attribute is needed, SameAttr can be used. And all
the window-relative writing routines support the EOS. For example, to
chain after a WWrite statement, just do the following:
WWrite (1,2,'My message');
QwriteEos (SameAttr,' is here');
This would write the message "My message is here" on window-relative row 1,
column 2, also indicated as (1,2), with the current window attribute.
Changing Attributes - Suppose you do not want to use the current window
attribute. How can it be altered? The QwriteEos example above is one way.
But since the original window attribute is saved in TWS.OrigAttr, it can be
changed temporarily by doing the following:
with TWS do
WndwAttr := NewAttr; { Assign new attribute }
WWrite (1,1,'New Attribute');
WndwAttr := OrigAttr; { Restore window attribute }
WNDW has eight routines to locate and move either the cursor or the EOS
marker relative to the current window.
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Cursor Location - Just like WhereR/WhereC, the following functions return
the current cursor location:
WWhereR - Window-relative row.
WWhereC - Window-relative column.
Cursor Movement - Similar to GotoRC and GotoEos, the following procedures
move the cursor:
WGotoRC - Move to window-relative row and column.
WGotoEos - Move cursor to match EOS marker location.
So, what's the difference between GotoEos and WGotoEos? The latter does
two more operations - (1) the cursor location is saved in TWS, and (2) the
cursor mode is tested in virtual windows to be turned on or off. To be
consistent in windows, it is easier to use WGotoEos.
EOS Location - Similar to EosR and EosC, the following functions return the
current EOS location:
WEosR - Window-relative row.
WEosC - Window-relative column.
EOS Movement - Similar to EosToRC and QEosLn, the following procedures move
the EOS marker:
WEosToRC - Move EOS to window-relative row and column.
WEosLn - Move EOS to column 1 of the next row with a possible
scroll if past the last window row.
WNDW provides seven window-relative routines for clearing portions of the
window including lines, titles, fields, and even the full window with the
window attribute TWS.WndwAttr. SameAttr becomes very handy when complex
attribute fields have already been designed into the window.
WClrScr - Clears entire window.
WClrTitle - Clears entire title given Top or Bottom.
WClrLine - Clears an entire row.
WClrEol - Clears a row to End-Of-Line given a (Row,Col).
WClrEos - Clears a row from EOS to EOL.
WClrField - Clears a field given a (Row,Col).
WClrFieldEos - Clears a field at EOS.
Each of these procedures places the EOS marker at the beginning of the
cleared area for convenient chaining. (WClrTitle does not alter EOS.) The
latter four procedures also provide an optional attribute change. Here are
some examples with a variety of ways to enter data using many of the above
window-relative routines:
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EXAMPLE 9: Window-relative writing routines
{$M 16384,8000,8000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Strs,Wndw,Goof;
s1,s2,s3: string;
r1,r2: real;
Ch: char;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,true);
MakeWindow (5,20,15,40,White+BlueBG,Cyan+BlueBG,SingleBrdr,Window1);
s1 := ' a:\long\long\filename';
s2 := ' a:\shorter\filename';
s3 := ' error message';
r1 := 1.0;
r2 := 14.33e3;
WWrite ( 2, 2,'File name: ');
WClrEos (LightGrayBG); { Clear first field }
QwriteEos (SameAttr,s1); { Put in file name }
WWrite ( 3, 2,'Status');
WClrField ( 3,13,20,LightGrayBG); { Clear second field }
QwriteEos (SameAttr,s3); { Put in status message }
WWrite ( 4, 2,'Quantity: ');
WClrFieldEos (20,LightGrayBG); { Clear third field }
QwriteEos (SameAttr,StrRFD(r1,19,1)); { Put in formatted data }
EosToRCrel (0,-1); { Shift EOS back one space }
TitleWindow (Bottom,Center,Yellow+BlueBG+Blink,' Press any key ');
Ch := ReadKey;
until Ch<>#00;
WClrTitle (Bottom);
TWS.WndwAttr := SameAttr; { Keeps field attributes intact }
WWrite ( 2,13,s2);
WClrEos (SameAttr); { Clears remainder of long filename }
WClrEol ( 3,13,SameAttr); { Clears beyond field, But A OK! }
WWrite ( 4,13,StrRFD(r2,19,1)); { Overwrites new data }
TWS.WndwAttr := TWS.OrigAttr; { Restore window attribute }
When running this example, the window will display the formatted data in
their fields. Then press a key as requested. Then the fields are updated
with new data. Notice that the fields are only overwritten and not cleared
first. This produces the best human factors by appearing flawless.
Some operations may require scrolling all or just portions of a window.
WNDW has four routines to do this, and, like all other WNDW routines, they
operate in all windows and video pages at the highest speed without flicker
or snow.
Full Window - To scroll the entire window, two routines scroll the window
up or down. You may also want to consider the conditional scroll of
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WScrollUp - Scrolls window up.
WScrollDown - Scrolls window down.
Partial Window - Just like InsLine and DelLine, these two routines insert
and delete lines by specifying the row.
WDelLine - Deletes the specified row scrolling the remainder up.
WInsLine - Inserts the specified row scrolling the remainder down.
The border alone is not sufficient for the design of many windows that need
to be partitioned in a logical manner. WNDW has six procedures to
completely partition any window - three are for extending the border and
three are for a separate line drawing set for inside the window.
Border Drawing - The following procedures can easily add an extra partition
to the window by using the current border style (TWS.WSbrdr) and the border
attribute (TWS.BrdrAttr):
WBrdrH - draws a horizontal partition at the given row complete with
WBrdrV - draws a vertical partition at the given columns complete with
WBrdrPart - places a single border part at the given row and column
usually used for a cross or tee.
Line Drawing - When a window is created, the line drawing set (TWS.WSline)
is the same as the border style (TWS.WSbrdr) but can freely be changed.
The following procedures can easily add an extra line within the window by
using the line drawing set and the current window attribute (TWS.WndwAttr):
WLineH - draws just a horizontal line at the given (Row,Col) repeated
for a number of columns.
WLineV - draws just a vertical line at the given (Row,Col) repeated
for a number of columns.
WLinePart - places a single line part at the given row and column usually
used for a cross or tee.
Acronyms - To make it easy to remember each individual part of a border or
line set, each part has its own acronym. For example, BrdrTL means the Top
Left border part. Here are the parts in their relative positions and their
Relative Position The first letter of the border acronym mean:
------------------ T = top B = bottom
TL TH TT TH TR V = vertical H = horizontal
LV VL RV L = left R = right
LT HL CL HL RT C = cross
LV VL RV The second letter is the same except for:
BL BH BT BH BR T = tee L = line
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Example - Let's see if we can try some screen design with these routines
with this example:
EXAMPLE 10: Screen design
{$M 16384,8000,8000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Wndw,Goof;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,true);
MakeWindow ( 5,19,17,41,GreenBG,White+GreenBG,VdoubleBrdr,Window1);
TWS.WSline := SingleBrdr; { Don't want VdoubleBrdr }
WLineH ( 4, 1,TWS.Wcols); { Use Wcols for full window width }
WLineH (12, 1,TWS.Wcols);
WBrdrH (8);
WBrdrV (20);
WBrdrPart ( 8,20,BrdrCL); { For the Cross Line }
When you see this executed, it is apparent that the borders are connected
with tees. Notice that the line set uses the window attribute. I'll bet
you didn't know screen design could be this easy! Why use compressed
You can make your own custom routines to be window-relative by using the
current window record. This topic will get you familiar with the window
coordinates and guide you through an example.
Coordinates - The top (or active) window record has two sets of coordinates
- one set includes the border and the other excludes it. Here are the
field identifiers for the ones including the border:
WSrow - Row of the top border.
WScol - Column of the left border.
WSrows - Number of rows from border to border.
WScols - Number of columns from border to border.
WSrow2 - Row of the bottom border.
WScol2 - Column of the right border.
The "WS" acronym means WndwStat which was used to create the window. But
usually you would want the coordinate for the text window exclusive of the
border ("W" acronym) and here are those field identifiers:
Wrow - Top row of the window.
Wcol - Left column of the window.
Wrows - Number of rows in the window.
Wcols - Number of columns in the window.
Wrow2 - Bottom row of the window.
Wcol2 - Right column of the window.
For example, to access the top row of the window, use TWS.Wrow. This uses
the same amount of code as a simple variable.
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Example - You may have noticed that there is no Wfill procedure included in
WNDW. That's because it's so simple to customize your own. Let's try to
write one:
procedure Wfill (Row,Col,Rows,Cols: byte; Ch: char);
with TWS do
Qfill (pred(Wrow+Row),pred(Wcol+Col),Rows,Cols,WndwAttr,Ch);
You can do the same to all your routines and they can work in any displayed
or hidden window, or even virtual screens.
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5. V I R T U A L W I N D O W S
Now that you have a good idea of what windows can do, virtual windows will
add a greater magnitude of power and flexibility to your windows with no
more effort than what has already been covered. This section shows the
practical applications and how to program them.
This topic will help you decide when virtual windows can meet the needs of
your programming application.
More Power - The default mode for making windows is a fixed-size window
with all of the text displayed. But what if you want variable sized
windows or want to write to windows that are not displayed or even covered?
Virtual windows to the rescue! They handle this automatically.
Definition - What is a virtual window anyway? There are two parts to a
virtual window - the screen and the view. The screen part is written in
RAM while the view is seen on the CRT. So, we can write to the screen at
any time and show only a portion to the CRT as required!
Advantages - Since QWIK has already developed low-level tools for virtual
screens, WNDW uses them to create quick virtual windows. Here's the
. Variable row-by-column screen size up to 64k.
. Extremely high speed in RAM.
. Number of screens only limited by memory.
. Can update windows even if they are overlapped, covered, or hidden.
. The view can be resized without losing text.
. The screen allows wraparound.
. Can access any screen at any time.
If your application has operations in one window that affects others, then
virtual windows are essential. An example of this is the Turbo Debugger
environment where operations in the CPU window affect items in the source
code and watch windows.
Remember, we already did some virtual window programming back in Example 7
and there wasn't anything to it. Now, in this section, you will learn
additionally how to make, write, update, view, and resize a virtual window.
Compiling - To include the virtual window code in the unit, the conditional
directive AddVirtual must be defined. The distributed unit already has
defined it for you. If you have the source code, the directive is found at
the top of WNDW55.PAS. To eliminate the code when virtual windows are not
needed, simply remove the "$" in front of "Define AddVirtual".
Creating - All we have to do to make a virtual window is use VirtualMode
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in the SetWindowModes procedure. The default size for screen is the
current screen dimensions as set by InitWindow. But suppose a different
size is needed. How can that be changed? SetVirtualSize controls the
screen size. Here's an example:
EXAMPLE 11: Virtual window sizing
{$M 16384,10000,10000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Wndw,Goof;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,true);
SetWindowModes (VirtualMode);
SetVirtualSize (20,100); { 20 rows by 100 columns }
MakeWindow (5,20,15,40,LightCyan+BlueBG,White+BlueBG,SingleBrdr,
WriteToVirtual (Window1); { Now write to the virtual screen }
Qfill (1,1,CRTrows,CRTcols,SameAttr,'?'); { Fill screen with data }
TitleWindow (Top,Left,Yellow+BlueBG,' Virtual Window ');
WWrite ( 4, 8,' >'); { Let's get our bearings. }
QwriteEos (TWS.WndwAttr+blink,'+');
QwriteEos (SameAttr,'<- Row 4, Column 10 ');
VUpdateWindow; { Update the complete window on the CRT. }
delay (2000); { Make sure we see where the cursor is. }
Notice that we chose a 20x100 screen, but what is seen on the CRT is only
15x40 which is set by MakeWindow. So, MakeWindow sets the view size while
SetVirtualSize sets the screen size.
Writing to the Screen - Since there are two areas to write on a virtual
window, the view and the screen, WNDW must be told where you intend to
place text. Right after this MakeWindow procedure, it is assumed we are
going to continue to write on the CRT. But the primary place to write is
the virtual screen. WriteToVirtual selects that screen. All subsequent
procedures will write to it - all QWIK routines, WNDW routines, and even
TitleWindow and MakeWindow. It is treated just like any other screen. The
exception of course is the cursor routines which must be handled by WNDW
routines only.
RelMode - If you do write to the virtual screen and use MakeWindow, the
mode is forced into RelMode. Otherwise, the window would be nested and
WNDW could not support it.
Memory - What does the screen actually look like in memory? It is saved in
the heap in the same way as a CRT video screen. Technically, the far
pointer QScrPtr points to the location of the screen which is a contiguous
array of Character/Attribute words. The last two rows past the screen are
reserved for the virtual titles which are seen on the CRT view when
Writing to the View - It is possible to write direct to the view on the CRT
if desired. To get back and write to the top view, use WriteToCRT and do
your writing. But the next time this window is updated with VUpdateWindow
or the like, the view will be overwritten with the contents of the virtual
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Updating - At some time, we would probably like to see the screen and we
can do this with any of five updating procedures. The main workhorse is
VUpdateWindow which has been demonstrated several times. This procedure is
so carefree is doesn't even matter when you use it. It updates the virtual
window of the current name (TWS.WSname) no matter where it is - on top,
covered, overlayed, and even hidden from the CRT! The routine actually
hunts for it and updates it. To show how it can do this, let's modify the
last example:
EXAMPLE 12: Updating covered windows automatically
{$M 16384,12000,12000 }
uses Crt,Qwik,Wndw,Goof;
InitWindow (LightGrayBG,true);
SetWindowModes (VirtualMode);
SetVirtualSize (20,100); { 20 rows by 100 columns }
MakeWindow (5,20,15,40,LightCyan+BlueBG,White+BlueBG,SingleBrdr,
SetWindowModes (0); { Back to default modes. }
MakeWindow (7,30,16,18,White+GreenBG,GreenBG,DoubleBrdr,Window2);
delay (2000); { Make sure we see where the cursor is. }
WriteToVirtual (Window1); { Now write to the virtual screen }
Qfill (1,1,CRTrows,CRTcols,SameAttr,'?'); { Fill screen with data }
TitleWindow (Top,Left,Yellow+BlueBG,' Virtual Window ');
WWrite ( 4, 8,' >'); { Let's get our bearings. }
QwriteEos (TWS.WndwAttr+blink,'+');
QwriteEos (SameAttr,'<- Row 4, Column 10 ');
VViewRC (4,10);
VUpdateWindow; { Update the complete window on the CRT. }
delay (1000);
delay (2000); { Make sure we see where the cursor is. }
With the delay inserted, it gives you time to clearly see that the covered
virtual window was updated even though it was covered by another window.
But that's not all. When the window was removed, you could see that it was
fully updated even under the part that was covered! That's the power of
virtual windows.
Updating Routines - There are four other updating procedures that can be
chosen other than VUpdateWindow:
VUpdateView - Updates just the window contents.
VUpdateTitles - Updates just the titles.
VUpdateCursor - Updates new cursor position.
VUpdateRows - Updates selected rows on top view, but full view if
VUpdateWindow actually executes the first three. But they are also
available as separate routines for more detailed work. When the view is on
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top of the CRT or hidden, the routines are extremely quick. VUpdateRows is
especially quick for items like data entry to the virtual screen. If the
windows are covered, the procedures have to do more work. Then
VUpdateWindow takes about the same time as either VUpdateTitles and
VUpdateView, so VUpdateWindow might as well be used. VUpdateCursor is
almost a trivial routine in any case.
Viewing - In this example, you may have noticed that the view was shifted a
bit compared to Example 11, and that the cursor was no longer in view. It
was shifted by the viewing routine VViewRC. In fact, we could view any
part of the screen. Three routines can adjust the reference point of view
of the upper left corner:
VViewRC - Changes to a given (Row,Col).
VViewRCrel - Shifts a number of rows and columns, positive or negative.
VScrollView - Shifts a number of rows and columns, and updates the just
the view and accepts mouse stepped input.
The first two only change the coordinates in the virtual window record,
while VScrollView updates the view as well. VViewRCrel is actually a
subroutine of VScrollView. All routines check for bounds and will keep the
view within screen limits.
Resizing - If the virtual window is the top view, two routines can resize
it by shifting the lower right hand border:
VResizeWindow - Shifts a number of rows and columns, and updates the
entire window. Accepts both row and column parameters
which permit mouse stepped input.
VZoomWindow - Toggles window between full size and current size.
Zooming up, the window is centered on the screen and the
view is at (1,1). Zooming down, it returns to the same
size and location, but the view remains at (1,1).
Both routines force writing to the CRT upon exit. They also completely
update the window since the view and cursor may be shifted. The titles are
also smoothly updated. The zoom can be toggled back and forth as long as
it hasn't changed size or hasn't zoomed up another window.
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6. W I N D O W M A N A G E M E N T
Some of the previous examples have already touched on the principles of
window management. Now this section provides the full scope of management
to access windows for display or writing, including multiple video pages.
The are two basic methods for accessing windows: serial access and random
access; WNDW does them both.
Serial Access - This is a simple method of stacking windows over each other
and then removing them in reverse order. Any writing is always done on the
top window displayed on the CRT. The only two procedures used are
MakeWindow and RemoveWindow. For simple menu systems, serial access may be
all that is needed. The advantages are:
. Uses less code.
. No gaps in heap memory.
. Only one place to write.
But the disadvantages are many. Once a window is removed, it is lost from
memory and must be recreated. This can cause a significant amount of
shuffle to access other windows. Serial access is a subset of random
Random Access - More and more applications require access to any window at
any time without losing the data. WNDW was designed to handle this
automatically at very high speed. The advantages to random access are:
. Free access to any window.
. Windows are created only once.
. Virtual windows can be updated even if covered.
. Ease of programming.
Any window can be randomly accessed, including fixed, virtual and hidden
windows. It's as simple as that. Try running the window management demo
WNDWMGR.PAS again and see how you can hide, show, and access any window.
The instructions are on the screen.
Three procedures select the window to be displayed as the top window:
AccessWindow - Accesses the window by name whether hidden or covered.
HideWindow - Hides the top window.
ShowWindow - Shows a window given its name.
AccessWindow hunts for the named window and, if it is hidden, it will also
be shown. ShowWindow is actually a subroutine of AccessWindow. Any window
(except PermMode) can be hidden and shown; they do not have to be created
with HiddenMode which hides it at the start.
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EOS - When using Hide/ShowWindow, the EOS is reset to (1,1) to prevent
unexpected results. However, if the window is currently displayed on the
CRT and AccessWindow is used, the EOS is restored to its previous value.
RemoveWindow - This procedure could be considered a form of display
control, but remember that when a window is removed, it is gone forever,
including any virtual screen.
MoveWindow - This procedure shifts the top window around on the CRT by a
given number of rows and columns allowing mouse stepped control. A window
can be limited in movement by setting the margins in MarginRec. The bounds
are conveniently checked, so the window will always stay within limits. In
the WNDWMGR.PAS demo, you can see the status line on row 25 is never
overlapped by MoveWindow. Although Window0 is a permanent one, we could
easily write to the status line at anytime by using AccessWindow (Window0).
Changing Borders - For human factors, it is often helpful to have a border
be emphasized when it becomes the new top window. Two high speed
procedures handle this well:
ChangeBorder - Changes the top window to the new given border style.
RestoreBorder - Restores the original border created with MakeWindow.
Both of these procedures work only on the top window, and they can either
be fixed or virtual. They replace all border parts including tees and also
leave all titles untouched.
Three procedures select where the writing procedures will write:
WriteToHidden - Writes to the named hidden window.
WriteToVirtual - Writes to the named virtual screen.
WriteToCRT - Writes to the current top window on the CRT.
WriteToHidden - A hidden window is saved with the border intact, but is
stripped of any shadow. It is easier to use the window-relative writing
routines because of the optional border rather than using QWIK which can
still be used. Any shadow is reconstructed by ShowWindow.
WriteToVirtual - A virtual screen can freely use either WNDW or QWIK
routines since it never has a border. If you want to write directly to the
virtual screen after it has just been created, sometimes it's easier to use
WriteToVirtual (TWS.WSname) provided HiddenMode was not used as well.
WriteToCRT - All routines continue to write to their destination until
changed. This routine will get you back to writing on the CRT. Some
procedures are forced back to the CRT after their operation. Here are
those exceptions:
AccessWindow VResizeWindow MoveWindow
HideWindow VZoomWindow
ShowWindow ChangeBorder
RemoveWindow RestoreBorder
Chapter 6, Window Management Page 29
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
REMEMBER: Use WriteToCRT to get back to the CRT. If you forget, the text
will of course be in an unexpected window.
MakeWindow - This procedure does NOT force a change in the write
destination. If you are writing to a hidden window or a virtual screen,
the resulting window created by MakeWindow is forced into RelMode.
However, the WindowModes setting is not affected.
Additional window modes are available to restrict window operations or to
detect the window destination status. Each mode has a corresponding
boolean flag.
Restrictive Modes - In some applications, you may want to restrict what the
end user can change for the windows. Before the window is created with
MakeWindow, use these modes in SetWindowModes. The flag can be used for
Set Mode Set Flag Description
------------ ------------ --------------------------------------------
NoHideMode NoHideFlag Ignores HideWindow operation.
NoAccessMode NoAccessFlag Ignores AccessWindow operation.
NoMoveMode NoMoveFlag Ignores MoveWindow/VResizeWindow operations.
Destination Modes - These modes are just for your information and are
handled automatically by WNDW. These identify the write destination of the
window. You can use the flags for testing, but the modes are ignored by
Set Mode Set Flag Description
------------- ------------- ------------------------------
ToCRTMode ToCRTFlag Writing to the CRT.
ToHiddenMode ToHiddenFlag Writing to the hidden window.
ToVirtualMode ToVirtualFlag Writing to the virtual screen.
By using Hidden or Virtual windows, WNDW enables you to make screen design
several magnitudes faster than you ever thought possible.
Comparing Speeds - Let's compare three speeds - (1) Turbo's direct video,
(2) QWIK/WNDW writing to CRT, and (3) QWIK/WNDW writing to RAM. The
following chart is striking.
---- QWIK/WNDW ----
Video Card Turbo To CRT To RAM
---------- ----- ------ ----------
CGA 100% 225% 1600-4100%
All others 100% 750% 900-1700%
Chapter 6, Window Management Page 30
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
Design Strategy - So how can you get these fantastic speeds? The simplest
way was shown in Example 3 by creating hidden windows. You may wish to
make a habit of creating your windows with HiddenMode and then immediately
show them with ShowWindow. Virtual window code is not even required for
hidden windows. Of course, the alternative is to go ahead and use virtual
windows. Either way, you can actually see the increase in performance in
your programs.
Code Savings - Many application programs use disk-based screens that are
called from the disk when required. QWIK and WNDW require such little code
to create a full screen design, that you will actually save code and disk
space by using these routines - not to mention the increase in speed!
Most color video cards have the capacity for multiple video pages. If your
application can benefit from extra pages, WNDW handles all the data records
with simplicity.
Compiling - To include the multiple video page code in the unit, the
conditional directive MultiPage must be defined. The distributed unit
already defines it for you. If you have the source code, the directive
is found at the top of WNDW55.PAS. To eliminate the code when these pages
are not needed, simply remove the "$" in front of "Define MultiPage".
Changing Pages - To change video pages, use one of the following
WriteToPage - Directs all QWIK and WNDW routines to write to the
given page number, but still view the current page.
WriteAndViewPage - Directs all QWIK and WNDW routines to write and to
view the given page number.
Separate Records - Each video page has its own set of window records that
are completely separate including the level indexes and top window stats.
So when pages are swapped, everything is just where it was left - even the
cursor mode and EOS. However, the virtual screen records use the same
array in the heap, but, to keep them separate, they do not share records.
WNDW is perfectly suited for working in multi-tasking environments. In
order for your program to advantage of the speed and flexiblity of virtual
video buffers (MTVB) used with any environment, there is only one variable
that needs to be set:
PreferMultiTask := true;
Place this before InitWindow, and WNDW will use the MTVB if available. All
routines will then be set to write directly to this buffer. If InMultiTask
is true, then WNDW is using the MTVB. Crt.DirectVideo is set false by WNDW
and you must likewise instruct the environment that the program is capable
of writing to the MTVB by telling it that is does not write direct to the
Chapter 6, Window Management Page 31
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
screen. WNDW is extremely fast and proves itself well in environments!
Multiple Pages - Please remember that many multi-tasking environments do
not support more than one page. Be sure the ones you are designing around
do support full page control. WNDW prevents the use of multiple pages
while using the MTVB by altering MaxValidPage in the InitPages procedure.
If you have one that behaves properly and you have the source code to WNDW,
you can enable multiple page writing by deleting the following line in
If InMultiTask then
MaxValidPage := 0;
Chapter 6, Window Management Page 32
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
7. D A T A M A N A G E M E N T
Almost all of the data is handled automatically by WNDW. This section is
provided for those who are interested in the details of data management and
the inner workings of WNDW. The only required reading is Data Allocation.
Otherwise, you can skip this section.
This topic will provide you enough knowledge to budget the number of data
records needed for you program using the constants MaxWndw, MaxVirualWndw,
and MaxPageUsed.
Data Structure - For a detailed description of the data structure, you can
refer to Data Structure in Section 3 of WNDWREF.DOC. To be able to adjust
the data structure, you must have the source code. If not, the sizes have
been preassigned.
MaxWndw - Each window on the CRT, displayed or hidden, requires one window
record of statistics called WndwStat which is global data. The initial
window, Window0, is always at WndwStat[0]. They array of records is sized
by MaxWndw as the highest number of windows, hidden and displayed, that are
on the CRT at any one time on any one video page. For example, if page 0
has a maximum of 10 windows and page 1 has 6, set MaxWndw equal to 10.
MaxVirtualWndw - Each virtual window has two window records - one is in
WndwStat for the view and the other is in VirtualStat for the virtual
screen which is dynamic data. The first virtual screen is saved in
VirtualStat[0] since it is zero based. The array of records is sized by
MaxVirtualWndw as the highest total number of active virtual windows. For
example, if page 0 has 4 virtual windows and page 1 also has 4, set
MaxVirtualWndw equal to 7 (not 8).
MaxPageUsed - This is the highest page number that will be used in a
multiple video page program. If you are only using page 0, which is
usually the case, you should go ahead and undefine the directive MultiPage
and not bother with MaxPageUsed. Each page saves its own WndwStats and
Indexes in one record called PageStat in an array in dynamic memory.
MaxPageUsed and Qwik.MaxPage are compared and the lesser of the two will
size the PageStat array.
Program Development - When you first start developing a program, make it
easy on yourself and inflate these constants to provide enough freedom
without having to recompile. In your final program, you can trim them down
and retest.
If you are wondering where your WndwStat record is being saved, the
following will show you how it is managed.
Chapter 7, Data Mangement Page 33
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
Displayed Stack - Each window as it is displayed on the CRT has its
corresponding window record saved in WndwStat starting from the bottom of
the array and stacked upward. The base window, Window0, is permanent and
saved in WndwStat[0]. The first window displayed is saved in WndwStat[1],
the second in WndwStat[2], and so on. The top window is in WndwStat[LI]
where LI is the top Level Index.
Hidden Stack - Hidden windows have their record moved from WndwStat[LI] to
the top of WndwStat starting from the top of the array stacked downward.
As you can imagine, the hidden stack is simply inverted to the displayed
stack. So, when a window is hidden, it is placed starting at
WndwStat[MaxWndw]. The last hidden window saved is at WndwStat[HLI]. HLI
is the Hidden Level Index. Conversely, when a window is shown, it is
removed from the hidden stack and replaced in WndwStat[LI].
Random Access - Anytime a window is randomly accessed, the record is pulled
out from the middle of the stack. The stack is then dropped to fill the
VirtualStat - The records for the virtual screens are kept in dynamic
memory in an array called VirtualStat and are not shuffled like the window
records. If a window is virtual, the index to the virtual screen is
TopWndwStat - The current window stats are always maintained in the global
record TopWndwStat (TWS). Combined with a WITH statement, the code is
optimized just like simple global variables. When working with the current
window, always use TopWndwStat (TWS) in lieu of WndwStat or VirtualStat.
TopVirtualStat - Just like TWS, a copy of the current virtual screen record
from VirtualStat is maintained in the global record TopVirtualStat (TVS).
RelMode Records - RelMode windows only have the record temporarily placed
in TWS and are not saved in the stack. They are overwritten with any
change of windows.
PermMode Records - PermMode windows have a copy of its record placed in TWS
(and TVS if virtual), but the stack is not shuffled and there are no gaps.
All PermMode records must be the first ones in the stack. The highest
index of permanent windows is maintained in PLI the Permanent Level Index.
Saving Records - Again, WNDW handles this automatically, TWS and TVS are
saved in their appropriate WndwStat or VirtualStat. Remember, when writing
to virtual screens, TWS and TVS are reversed. It may be helpful to think
of TVS then as the Top View Stat on the CRT.
Finding Records - Since the records are shuffled, just how do you find the
record you want? Given the window name, GetLevelIndex returns the index in
WndwStat for the window record.
Page Records - When swapping pages, WNDW swaps the entire WndwStat array,
top window records, indexes, margins, cursor mode and window modes for
each page.
Heap - Virtual screens and hidden windows are saved in the heap. To
Chapter 7, Data Mangement Page 34
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
figure your heap requirement, please refer to Appendix A in WNDWREF.DOC.
For your own program, you can also use the HeapOK procedure to test for
MaxAvail. If there is insufficient heap space, then HeapOK will terminate
the program through the GOOF unit.
Stack - Stack checking has been turned off in the units. Less than 2k is
used for any procedure.
Chapter 7, Data Mangement Page 35
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
8. U T I L I T Y U N I T S
Two other units are required with the WNDW package - GOOF and WUTIL. The
GOOF unit handles programming errors while WUTIL has some high speed
screamin' routines to add zing into many of the window operations. WUTIL
is already compiled into WNDW, but the unit is available for your other
programs as well.
All programmers make mistakes, right? So, what happens when you try to
make more windows than there are records available? Since WNDW is so
powerful and can even write in RAM, there is a good possibility that your
mistake may not even show up on the screen. How do you know if anything
has gone wrong? The GOOF unit was made especially for handling errors.
Displaying Errors - When an error is found in your program, the ShowGoof
procedure is called and the program is terminated. The CRT will display an
error message in a flashing window. There are eight fatal errors that are
listed in APPENDIX B in WNDWREF.DOC to identify problems before they
happen. Please refer to it for the error messages and their solutions.
Flexibility - ShowGoof is accessed indirectly with an indirect call. This
means that you can freely edit the GOOF unit without needing to recompile
WNDW. You can even edit it for use in your own applications. The error
message numbers 1-50 are reserved. So, for your own applications, it is
suggested that you start with number 51. If you have thoroughly tested
your program, some of the messages can be eliminated.
Using GOOF - It is very important that GOOF be included in the USES list.
You may find that it compiles without it, but if an error does occur, your
system will surely crash. Notice that GOOF is the last unit in the USES
list as it uses both QWIK and WNDW.
To help make WNDW into a fast unit, some maximum/minimum functions and move
procedures were included in the separate unit WUTIL. Since WUTIL is an
independent unit, you can also use it by itself in your own programs.
Maximum/Minimum - These high speed functions compare two values and return
the result whether maximum or minimum. They have been trimmed down to
operate on specific data types and only use 112 bytes total.
MaxI - returns the maximum of two integers.
MaxL - returns the maximum of two long integers.
MaxW - returns the maximum of two words.
MinI - returns the minimum of two integers.
MinL - returns the minimum of two long integers.
MinW - returns the minimum of two words.
Chapter 8, Utility Units Page 36
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
Move16/MoveWords - Since WNDW needs the highest speed move procedures, two
routines were developed.
Move16 - Drop-in replacement for TP's Move that is twice as fast using
16-bit transfers.
MoveWords - Faster than Move16, but Source cannot overlap Dest[0].
Chapter 8, Utility Units Page 37
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
A P P E N D I X A : A P P L I C A T I O N P R O D U C T S
Eagle Performance Software has developed identical products for both
Turbo C and Turbo Pascal. Our pledge is to provide you quality products
with unparalleled performance and ease of use. All registered users
receive the complete source code when a signed license agreement is
QWIK - For direct screen video, QWIK is the highest performance screen
writing tools available today for all text modes in any video
configuration. QWIK provides capabilities far beyond those in the
unit/library that comes with your compiler. Here are some of the
- Writes on all IBM compatible computers, displays and adapters
including MDA, CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA, 8514/A, Hercules and 3270 PC.
- Superior video detection routine.
- Eliminates snow and flicker.
- Writes directly to the screen in absolute rather than relative
- Writes in all text modes and column modes.
- Writes on all video pages.
- Writes on virtual screens in RAM.
- Writes text and attribute, text only, or attribute only.
- Reads strings, characters and attributes.
- Uses End-Of-String (EOS) marker for quick string chaining.
- Provides standardized cursor shapes for all adapters.
- Enhanced cursor movement.
- Compatible with DESQview and similar multitasking environments.
- Over 650% faster than standard direct screen writing.
- Only 2.7k bytes of code if all 43 utilities are used.
- Optimized by the compiler and drops unused code.
- Used in all other Eagle products.
- Excellent documentation like this document.
Here are the product versions:
File name CIS Name Compiler Release date
----------- ---------- -------- ------------
QWIK42C.ARC QWIK42.ARC TP4(TP5) 10-01-88
QWIKC20.ARC QWKC20.ARC TC2 12-03-88
WNDW - Here are the current product versions of WNDW:
File name CIS Name Compiler Release date
----------- ---------- -------- ------------
WNDW42B.ARC WNDW42.ARC TP4(TP5) 10-15-88
WNDWC20.ARC WNDC20.ARC TC2 02-01-89
Appendix A: Application Products Page 38
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
PULL - For multi-level pull-down menus, PULL is fully featured and fully
configurable. Includes execute, single, and multiple choice menus,
unlimited nested submenus, data entry windows, help windows, directory
windows, message system, and fully completed interfaces. Some of the
features are:
- Uses QWIK and WNDW.
- Work window(s) and complete interface for menus
- Pull-down menus with 3 menu modes and 8 line modes
- Pull-down file directory
- Highlighted command letters
- Unlimited levels of submenus
- Unlimited data entry windows for 9 types of data
- Data entry for the work window(s)
Free field entry with either fixed column or flexible column
Full editing capability including insert cursor mode
Full field selection with cursor keys
Automatic NumLock for numerical data entry
Right or left justification for data entry output
Error messages for invalid data entries
Error messages for data entries out of range
- Automatic sizes and locations for menus.
- Operation by cursor
keys or command keys
- Pull/Pop between work window and nested submenu(s)
- Programmable control of pull and pop sequences
- Context-sensitive help
- Message lines for prompts and processing
- Full working shell for user development
- Excellent documentation like this document.
Here are the product versions:
File name CIS Name Compiler Release date
----------- ---------- -------- ------------
PULL42B.ARC PULL42.ARC TP4(TP5) 01-03-89
CompuServe - All updated files and later versions can be found on the
CompuServe Borland Forums (GO BPROGA for TP and GO BPROGB for TC) or the
IBM Programming Forum (GO IBMPRO).
The Eagle BBS - You can also get the latest files on our 24-hour BBS at
(214) 539-9878, 1200/2400 N81.
Appendix A: Application Products Page 39
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
A P P E N D I X B : R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y
Version 4.0 (12-12-87):
. Incorporated QWIK40.TPU for full IBM compatibility.
. Combined all modes into one variable - WindowModes.
. Added the following procedures/functions:
. Added 7 background constants.
. MakeWindow now requires a WindowName.
. TitleWindow requires one more direction parameter.
. Current WndwStats are kept in TopWndwStat rather than
. LIcurrent was deleted.
. Changed BrdrRec type for easier modifications.
. Added 3 more borders - VdoubleBrdr, ThinSolidBrdr2, UserBrdr2.
. Changed the following names:
MixedBrdr to HdoubleBrdr
ThinSolidBrdr to ThinSolidBrdr1
Tattr to TextAttr { Assigned by Borland }
Version 4.0a (12-12-87):
. Set the correct dates for WNDWVARS.TPU and WNDW40.TPU.
Version 4.2 (10-22-88):
. Major revision over WNDW40; over 50 procedures added or changed.
. Added professional documents WNDW42.DOC and WNDWREF.DOC.
. Added virtual window power.
. Enabled direct writing to hidden windows and virtual screens.
. Added multiple video page routines.
. Added 28 window relative routines.
. Replaced Qbox with MakeWindow RelMode.
. Replaced ScrollWindow with WScrollUp, WScrollDown, WInsLine, WDelLine,
and WEosLn.
. Changed WSwhereR and WSwhereC to be window relative.
. Added window-relative stats in WndwStat.
. Changed BrdrRec acronyms.
. Changed and added window modes.
. Added full line drawing procedures.
. Changed WndwVars unit to an include file.
. Changed ClearWindow to WClrScr
. Changed ClearTitle to WClrTitle
. Deleted Attr function.
Appendix B: Revision History Page 40
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
Version 5.X (12-20-88):
. Compiled WNDW42 under TP5. No other changes.
Version 5.Xa (01-11-89):
. Provided initialization code for systems with improperly set cursor
Version 5.Xb (03-04-89):
. Integrated QWIK55.TPU for multi-tasking detection.
. Added feature for self-centering windows.
. Fixed RelMode window placement in virtual screens.
Version 5.Xc (05-29-89):
. Fixed PermMode Virtual window updates.
. Virtual cursor now updates in any write-to mode.
. Added CrtWI index for the active window on the CRT.
Appendix B: Revision History Page 41
WNDW Multi-level Virtual Windows User's Guide, Version 5.5
A P P E N D I X C : C R E D I T S
Fundamental Ideas - The initial concepts of serial-access windows were
developed by Michael Burton in his copy of WINDO.INC, ver 2.4. The
concepts were used by written permission.
Special Effects - Special effects concepts were graciously suggested by
Rick Fothergill.
Copyright (c) 1986-1989 by James H. LeMay for Eagle Performance Software.
All Rights Reserved. Protected by the United States Copyright Laws.
Appendix C: Credits Page 42