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Greetings from Old Smaug, aka: Lawrence G. Szydlowski 73112,2216
This file contains information for the "Artifacts" that are to
be found in The Elder Scrolls: Arena, made by Bethseda Softworks. This
file was assembled in an ad hoc fashion, and is as accurate as I have
been able to ascertain as of 4 Jul 1994. I myself am currently at the
early phases of my second game. These contents will be maintained and
updated by me as required. The information is valid for the most recent
game version (1.05), and also broadly pertains to previous versions. My
thanks go out to Mara, =Bandit=(tm), Dave Konkel, Richard Gunter and
BigBad MaMa, plus the numerous CISers who help fellow gamers that have
problems - all have assisted in this endeavour.
If anyone should determine that I have omitted information, or
have included mis-information, I request that they contact me
IMMEDIATELY through CIS to help rectify my error. I have uploaded this
file knowing that the probability is that it is not completely correct;
please assist me in making it be as correct as possible. TIA
Although Arena is likely to be the CRPG Game of 1994, the
comments of fellow CISers indicate that the thief and warrior classes
in particular are having a "tough time of it" in Tamriel. I theorize
that Bethseda has included "Artifacts" to broaden and enhance the
gaming experience, and to provide a boost to those in need of such
(which is really just about everyone). The concept of an Artifact
follows the traditions of The Lost Ark of the Covenant and The Holy
Grail - the Artifacts should be pictured as legendary and supra-normal
The Arena manual was (I think) deliberately vague about the
quantity and nature of the Artifacts. This enhanced their mystique, but
also added to the frustrations caused by initial "buggy" versions of
Arena. The ability to Use an Artifact is character class dependent and
in earlier versions gamers might struggle to secure an Artifact, only
to find that they couldn't Use it. Prior to version 1.05, the CIS
Gamers Forum provided excellent support for gamers desiring to pre-
ascertain their Usage potential, and the new Arena version 1.05 appears
to present Artifact quests for -Usable items only-.
I nevertheless thought that this file might still be useful to
gamers that: are curious about Artifact Usability when choosing a
character class to begin a game, are curious about the complete list of
Artifacts in the game, would like to know all of the Artifacts that
their class can possibly get/Use, and finally are just interested in
descriptions of the Artifacts and their characteristics.
The remainder of this file has a list of all of the (known)
Artifacts by name, a cross-reference chart of classes versus Usability,
a short description of each Artifact with characteristics and some
expert commentary, and finally a mention of some undocumented "cheats"
that relate to Artifacts.
Auriel's Bow Warlock's Ring
Staff of Magnus Khajiit Ring
Volendraung Phynaster's Ring
Chrysamere Necromancer's Amulet
Ebony Blade Skeleton Key
Auriel's Shield King Orgnum's Coffer
Spellbreaker Oghma Infinium
Ebony Mail
Lord's Mail
Basically, all of the "Ornaments" can be -Used by all classes-. The
other list is consecutively 5 weapons, 2 shields and 2 cuirasses. The
following chart indicates Usability by character class. "ALL" means
that that class can Use ALL items in a group, "none" means Use none,
and a number means a partial Usage of the group - details are below the
chart. This chart presumes that the Arena manual is accurate concerning
weapon, shield and armor Usability.
5 Weapons 2 Shields 2 Cuirasses
Thief none none none
Burglar none none none
Assassin ALL none none
Rogue ALL (1) none
Acrobat none none none
Bard none (1) none
Ranger ALL (1) ALL
Archer ALL ALL none
Monks ALL none none
Barbarians ALL ALL none
Mages (2) none none
Sorcerors ALL none none
Healers (2) none none
BattleMages ALL none none
Spellswords ALL (1) none
Nightblades (2) none none
(1) - Auriel's Shield -only-
(2) - Staff of Magnus -only-
Ebony Blade: Ebony Katana ...automatic Lifesteal associated with it
...also can Cast a Lifesteal but this wears the sword out VERY quickly
...best weapon in the game
Auriel's Bow: Elven Longbow ...spell is a missile of some sort ...Not
impressive ...there are plenty of other bows as good or better
Chrysamere: Claymore ...Shielding spells, including Resist Fire ...not
impressed with this one either, but the spells may improve a lot with
experience levels ...got it at level 7 or so, and left it in permanent
Repair since I had better weapons and like to carry a shield
Volendraung: Dwarven War Hammer ...the scuttlebutt is that even
ordinary use makes it disappear very quickly.
Staff of Magnus: Staff ...gives Spell Absorption and Regeneration
...the Necromancer's Amulet is a much better deal in every way ...as a
weapon it's just an ordinary staff
Auriel's Shield: Kite Shield (AR -3) ...spell gives (1) a very strong
Shield which lasts until it absorbs a maximum of hit points; the max is
probably related to your level, but is a good strong shield; (2) Spell
Reflection; (3) Fire Resistance ...can only Cast the spell about five
times before the shield poofs on you, but it'll see you through even a
big dungeon if you're reasonably careful with it ...Repair between
staff dungeons is a must after about the fourth staff piece.
Spellbreaker: Dwarven Tower Shield (AR -4 or -6) ...spell gives Spell
Resistance ...liked Auriel's Shield a lot better!
Lord's Mail: (AR -9) a Plate Mail Cuirass ...spell gives Spell
Resistance, Regeneration (i.e. Troll's Blood) and Protect vs. Poison
(?) ...can be Used about 20 times ...Spell Resistance is good vs.
HellHounds, SnowWolves etc but doesn't last that long. [more info
needed here!]
Ebony Mail: Ebony Plate Mail Cuirass ...spell gives Shielding, Spell
Resistance and Fire Resistance [more info needed here!]
Warlock's Ring: ...highly recommended for any thief or fighter class
which cannot equip Auriel's Shield ...can equip an additional ring when
wearing it ...can equip multiple artifact rings, but this MAY cause
problems at level raises ...spell gives Spell Reflection, Heal and a
large SPD boost ...possibly also Resist Fire ...the Spell Reflection is
the best of these ...can Cast the spell about 10 times before it needs
Khajiit Ring: (AR -6) ...spell gives Sanctuary and Invisibility ...be
careful with Sanctuary against some spellcasters -- they fire spells at
you even if you're a non-target and keep firing off their spells at
close range instead of switching to melee ...can also get quickly
"crisped" by a fire demon when Using this ...but at lower levels it
can be very nice if you're not in the mood for hacking, or if you just
like to pick your targets instead of having them pick you ...doesn't do
much for you that potions won't do as well, and more flexibly ...some
classes that can't wear armor may benefit from the AR.
Phynaster's Ring: (AR -6) ...spell gives Shock Resistance, Poison
Resistance and Spell Resistance ...prefer the Warlock Ring's Spell
Reflection to this one ...the additional AR doesn't do a lot unless
you're desperate ...might be useful for acrobats and monks
Necromancer's Amulet (AR -9) ...can also equip at least one other
amulet ...spell gives Spell Absorption and quick Regeneration of hit
points plus a boost to INT ...great for Mages and their ilk
...Sorcerors don't really need it
Skeleton Key: ...can only be Used once a day ...can be Repaired ...has
a lot of Uses on it ...will open some (not all!) of the riddle doors
that can't be opened with standard Open spells or Pick skill, as well
as any non-magically locked doors ...might be nice at early levels for
those who want to indulge in a little burglary (or for riddle-haters)
King Orgnum's Coffer: ...can only be Used once a day ...yields from 15
to 100 gp per Use ...Not Repairable: you have to drop it if you want to
get another artifact ...advice: don't get this thing -- killing your
average monster gives a better return
Oghma Infinium: ...gives 50 points of Attribute Raises to distribute
...can be repeated indefinitely (as can all of the other Artifact
quests) ...as far as I know there's nothing to keep you from toting
three or four Auriel's Shields around, too
Artifact "cheats":
1. The game was designed to prevent you from getting a quest
for an Artifact while possessing one; this can be dodged by putting the
Artifact in for Repair.
2. The Artifacts were originally to have limited Uses, but Use
your Artifact at least once before Repairing it, and it will be
returned with a restored amount of Uses.
3. When Repairing, offer to pay 99 gold for the Repair work,
the Artifact will then be ready in 10 days (i.e 240 hours), regardless
of what you are told (not yet verified for 1.05 by me).
4. Artifact quests can be received/completed more than once;
this is particular useful for the Oghma Infinium <g>.
Adventure good... <G> 4 Jul 94, 1000 EDT