17 Bit Software 3: The Continuation
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Documentation for rexxserdev.library
copyright © 1988 by Joseph M. Stivaletta All rights reserved.
This is the beta version of my serial device function library for ARexx.
Most of the functions have been implemented. I have not yet incorporated
xon/xoff flow control. I hope to have these in the next version.
This library uses ARP functions. Therefore, you must have arp.library in
your LIBS: directory. You must also place my library into your LIBS:
directory also. To use the Arexx serial device library, you must add it
to the global library list using the either the addlib() function or the
rxlib() command
The current version number of this library is 1 and the query function offset
is -30. examples follow:
addlib( 'rexxserdev.library', 0, -30, 1 )
rxlib rexxserdev.library 0 -30 1
The rexxserdev.library was written to provide an easy to use interface
between ARexx programs and the Amiga's internal serial device. The serial
device is opened as shared so take care when accessing the serial device
from more than one application. All I/O requests to the serial device are
synchronous not asynchronous. Therefore, a call to a function will not
return to the application until that function is completed. Due to the
synchronous nature of the library functions the SerStart() and SerStop()
functions may not work as designed for write calls. The actual effect
of these calls has yet to be determined. At the current time I have not
implemented SerStart(), SerStop() and SerGetParms().
Using the functions
Usage: boolean = SerOpen()
Opens the serial device and allocates the I/O requests and reply ports.
say SerOpen() ==> 1
Usage: boolean = SerClose()
Closes the serial device and deallocates the I/O requests and reply ports.
say SerClose() ==> 1
Usage: boolean = SerClear()
Clears the internal read buffer.
say SerClear() ==> 1
Usage: boolean = SerFlush({'R' | 'W'})
Aborts all queued I/O requests in either the read or write request queue.
say SerFlush( 'R' ) ==> 1
Usage: charsRcvd = SerRead(buffer,length)
Read a number of characters from the serial port. The number of characters
read is specified by length. The buffer is an internal read buffer supplied
by the calling ARexx program. This buffer is for use by the
rexxserdev.library and not by the ARexx application.
block = allocmem( 20 )
addr = c2d( block )
say SerRead( addr, 20 ) ==> A string of 20 chara
Usage: boolean = SerReset()
Reinitializes the serial device to it's default state.
say SerReset() ==> 1
Usage: boolean = SerStart({'R' | 'W'})
Restarts reading or writing stopped by a previous SerStop() function. Not
yet implemented.
say SerStart( 'W' ) ==> 1
Usage: boolean = SerStop({'R' | 'W'})
Stops the currently executing read or write command. Not yet implemented.
say SerStop( 'R' ) ==> 1
Usage: boolean = SerWrite(buffer,length)
Sends the characters in the buffer to the serial port.
text = 'send stuff out port'
say SerWrite( text, length( text ) ) ==> 1
Usage: boolean = SerBreak()
Sends a break signal.
say SerBreak() ==> 1
Usage: status = SerQuery()
Returns status of the serial device. The first substring indicates the
validity of the rest of the string. 0 indicates that an error was returned
from the query command and no additional information is contained within
the status string. 1 indicates that the call was successful and the string
contains two more substrings. The second substring is the number in decimal
ASCII of the number of characters currently in the internal read buffer.
The third substring is the status word in decimal ASCII it is defined as
Bit no. Meaning of Bit
0-2 Reserved
3 DSR - Data Set Ready (bit = 0)
4 CTS - Clear To Send (bit = 0)
5 DCD - Data Carrier Detect (bit = 0)
6 RTS - Ready To Send (bit = 0)
7 DTR - Data Terminal Ready (bit = 0)
8 Read buffer overflow (bit = 1)
9 Break signal sent (bit = 1)
10 Break signal received (bit = 1)
11 Transmit XOFF (bit = 1)
12 Received XOFF (bit = 1)
13-15 Reserved
say SerQuery() ==> 1 23 0
| | +--> Status bits
| +-----> Number of characters received
+-------> Validity of status information
Usage: boolean = SerSetParms(baud,databits,paritybits,stopbits,[flowCtl],[brkTime])
Sets the serial device parameters defined below. The optional flowCtl and
brkTime parameters are not yet implemented. I have not yet incorporated
SERF_RAD_BOOGIE so take care when using very high baud rates.
baud = allowed range is from 110 to 29,200
databits = allowed range from 1 to 8
paritybits = {'N' | 'E' | 'O' | 'M' | 'S'}
'N' = No parity
'E' = Even parity
'O' = Odd parity
'M' = Mark parity
'S' = Space parity
stopbits = {'1' | '2'}
flowCtl = {'0' | '1'}
'0' = Disable Xon/Xoff flow control
'1' = Enable Xon/Xoff flow control
the default is disabled Xon/Xoff flow control
brkTime = duration of break signal in microseconds; the default value is
250,000 microseconds.
say SerSetParms( 9600, 7, e, 1 ) ==> 1
Usage: SerGetParms()
This function returns the current serial device parameters. This function
has not been implemented yet.
say SerGetParms() ==> 1 9600 7 e 1 2500000 0
User rights
This is a beta version of my library and I do not guarantee that it is
free from bugs. It has been tested but not rigorously. I am making it
available now so that people can begin using it. I will try to keep
future versions downwardly compatible but make no promises that it will
not change slightly based on user feedback.
These programs are freely distributable in the public domain as long as
this document is included. I retain the rights to their use. This means
that they cannot be sold for profit by anyone without my written permission.
Disclaimer BS
If this software, blows up your machine, melts you hard drive, causes
loss of hair, mental anguish, mental disorders, or marital difficuties
ending in divorce, I will not be held liable. I make no warranties, either
expressed or implied, with respect to the programs described herein,
their quality, performance, or fitness for any particular purpose. These
programs are distributed "AS IS." The entire risk as to their quality and
performance is with the user. I promise only to fix the bugs and to
improve and enhance the code as I deem able in my spare time.
Problem reporting
If you find any errors or have any problems, your flames can reach me
at the following locations:
Amiga Colony BBS (617-641-1629):
Name: Joe Stivaletta
IDCMP BBS (617-769-3172):
Name: Joe Stivaletta
PIN: 72155,516
People Link:
ID: Blackhawk
ID: Blackhawk
ID: jstivaletta
Joseph M. Stivaletta
P.O. Box 125
Bedford, MA 01730
14 June 1988