17 Bit Software 4: Phase Four
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Greetings fellow confused person!
Welcome to the all incredible NoStRoMo cheats version 2.
If you have used earlier versions of this program you will remember that I
used Robert Bromleys excellent program Bbase, I haven't used that this time
as it is a bit too memory hungry,instead I have created a totally new
interface which is soooo easy to use it is unreal!
This disk can either be auto loaded or run from the Workbench.
(If you have a weird setup on your Workbench,the title screen
MIGHT be a bit Psychedelic.Don't worry it's OK!)
If you have a hard drive you can install the complete disk to it.
Go to the workbench and open the disk,you will see a icon called
HDInstall, click on it and follow the instructions.
DON'T FORGET to ASSIGN the disk to your hard drive eg:
ASSIGN NOSTROMO: Work:Cheats etc etc....
Now on with the program...
As you will have seen you were presented with three buttons you obviously
clicked on the readme button (I hope!) and you are now reading the readme
file. If you quit from this page (in a minute!) you will be returned to that
menu and you can select whether to go into the cheats list or the adventure
EASY PEASY! Just click on the letter you want eg: if you wanted a cheat for
Gobliins click on the "G" button.The list of game cheats starting with "G"
will appear,Just scroll through using the arrows or slider until you find
the cheat you want.
If the list is a long one,you can enter a word from the game title,
into the search box,and if there is such a word it will be found for
you! Your found word will be at the **BOTTOM** of the page.
Please note,The search will only start FROM your current position.
So it is best to search from the top.
Click in the box to get a cursor,type in word,press return,easy!
If you can't find a game you are looking for,try looking under "THE"
for example "THE" Running man or "THE" Killing game show etc..
Click on the letter you want,when the list of cheats has appeared,click
on the "Print Document" icon and the FULL list of cheats will be output to
your printer.
You can only print out the Entire list of each letter,if you just want
a print out of one cheat,well,you can write it down can't you !!!
If you want to,you can enter your own cheats into the listings if you
like. Click once in the list area to get a cursor and start typing!
Remember to keep all the A's with A's and the B's with B's etc.
Just click once on the SAVE icon to save your document with it's new
cheats,messages etc.There is enough space on the disk for quite a bit
of alteration so don't worry about that.
I reccomend that you work with a backup disk just in case,you never know!
Click once on this to return to the menu screen.
When the solves screen appears you will see a load of adventure titles
with little buttons next to them,just click once on a button and the
solution will be loaded in.
You will notice that not all the solves are strictly ADVENTURE solves
But hey,these games are HARD! We need all the help we can get!
Use the listing in the same way as the cheats (arrows or sliders).
Clicking on the "PRINT" icon will print the whole solution out for you.
Click on the "Click here to return to main menu" for a surprise! (not)
See,so simple yet effective! (ha ha)
I think it must be getting close to 700 cheats now, (677) this disk!!
which makes this
the biggest database of cheats in THE WORLD! (I think!)
All of the documents on this disk are "as is" Nothing has been
packed or crunched,so you can rip 'em if you like!
There haven't been many adventures lately so the solves still have
a few classics in,such as Monkey Island 1 and 2, Operation Stealth,
Cruise for a corpse etc. Two new ones are NIPPON SAFES and WAXWORKS
and there are a few more there to help you out of that dungeon etc.
I have just got hold of SIMON THE SORCEROR Solve,so that will be
on the next list along with a load more solves.
This list is updated every week and I will release the next version
around about...er..erm... May '94.
So keep your eyes peeled for NoStRoMo cheats V3.00
If in the meantime you just can't wait for a solution to appear on
one of the solution disks.Just stick a disk in a S.A.E with a little
note to tell me which solve you want and if I have it,I will send
it back to you PRONTO! (I won't turn down any pressies either!)
My address is: NoStRoMo
4 Gabriel Close
This disk and the programmes herein are supplied "AS IS" I can
in no way be held responsible for any loss or damage to anyones
hardware or software. Thank you and Goodbye!
Greets go to: All at the EPCC,including BIG BILL,Andy,Birdy,John,Dave
and the rest of you scumsuckers!!!
Hi to Colette,Superbrain,Brenda,Syd,Steve and Family,Charles and anyone
else I haven't mentioned but should have!
Thanx to Innovatronics,Electronic Arts for OPUS,CANDO,DPAINT
All the Mags,LSD,LOONS,PUGWASH,ALLIANCE for the cheats and solves.
And to my mummy who made all this possible (boo hoo!)
The world is hollow and I have touched the sky (Star Trek)