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# Type Hits Seq1 Seq2 Hs1 Hs2 Hs3 ╔═══════════════════════╗
38 >Carryall [ 0] 100 7 29 0 255 49 ║··Dune ][ Editor Help··║
45 Devastator [ 11] 32,739 22 33 0 255 56 ║═══════════════════════║
29 Devastator [ 11] 29,583 23 35 0 255 40 ║···Arrow Keys = Move···║
28 Devastator [ 11] 32,761 24 44 0 255 39 ║·Left/Right = Position·║
36 Devastator [ 11] 32,717 25 15 0 255 48 ║·Home/End = Top/Bottom·║
32 Devastator [ 11] 30,824 51 34 0 255 43 ║·[A/C]-E=Type Manually·║
37 Devastator [ 11] 32,767 55 34 0 255 49 ║·[A/C]-C=Type Picklist·║
30 Devastator [ 11] 30,633 70 36 0 255 40 ║··[A/C]-H=Edit House···║
31 Harvester [ 16] 32,594 63 51 0 255 40 ║·[Enter]/[Ctrl-Enter]=·║
43 Launcher [ 7] 30,265 52 23 0 255 56 ║·Edit Hits/Tagged Hits·║
41 Launcher [ 7] 32,767 53 32 0 255 51 ║··M/N=Max/Min Current··║
40 Launcher [ 7] 30,931 54 30 0 255 50 ║Alt-M/N=Max/Min Tagged·║
42 Launcher [ 7] 32,767 73 25 0 255 53 ║···Alt-R=Tags House····║
46 Siege Tank [ 10] 30,476 89 27 0 255 57 ║Ctrl-T/U=Tag/Untag All·║
47 Sonic Tank [ 12] 32,729 26 40 0 255 59 ║Alt-T=Tags TYPE @ House║
35 Sonic Tank [ 12] 25,442 27 37 0 255 44 ║·····T/U=Tag/Untag·····║
34 Sonic Tank [ 12] 30,851 28 36 0 255 44 ║···0-8 = Change Sort···║
33 Sonic Tank [ 12] 28,369 29 35 0 255 44 ║·Alt 1-3=Change Video··║
39 Sonic Tank [ 12] 30,865 49 20 0 255 50 ║··V=Toggle Help/Debug··║
44 -=Unknown=- [ 20] 30 12 49 0 0 35 ║·Where [A/C] are used:·║
25 Carryall [ 0] 33 1 59 1 2 23 ║···[A/C]=Alt / Ctrl····║
12 Harvester [ 16] 150 39 56 1 1 9 ║Alt=Indiv., Ctrl=Tagged║
13 Launcher [ 7] 1 37 57 1 9 10 ╚═══════════════════════╝
[_SAVE045.DAT] Rec: 1/ 48 Pg 1 of 3 «» Sort#:6 #5+House on Top
This is an example of one of my saved games. I will explain here what the
numbers mean and below will be an expanded listing of the commands available
and what they do.
The first number on the left is the original order the unit was in the file.
The second is the name of the unit from an index that is 90% complete.
There are a few other units that I have not included because of the
inability to prove their existance. In the above example, #44 which the
program says is unknown, could be the actual CHOAM shuttle landing, or
anything else for that matter. The only other oddity I have included other
than the units that all 3 houses may have is the sandworm. I have found
that you can put the sandworm in your house and sort-of control it's moves.
If you do so, make sure you know where the sandworm is before you do anything
because they do not readily respond to commands, but if you click on them,
you will get 4 attack buttons and can specify who to attack so you might
be able to move the sucker next to the enemy and gobble away.. :}
The number in brackets is the number TYPE that the index calls up to get
the unit name.
Hits is the hit points of the unit. Min=0, max=32767. This is not confirmed.
I have allowed you through the F12 Menu, to change the default min/max, so
if new numbers are found to be better later, you may change them and save the
Seq1 and Seq2 are some sort of pecking order. I found these to be somewhat
linear and left them in the view screen. There are sort method(s) that
use these to present the items.
Hs1 is the House ID number. This is the true house Identification number.
This is the house that the item belongs to. This is how you would change
the sandworm or anything else for that matter, into your house.
Hs2 and Hs3 are two other numbers that at first I thought were something
dealing with the house, but ended up finding the true house ID as Hs1.
These numbers DO however, have some connection with house/availability,
so I left them in there and also, they are used in some sorts.
[If you view the Debug window instead of the help window, you will see all
of the numbers in the structure inclusive (remember hits is 2 byte integer)]
+/-=shift the items up and down the screen instead of by block
Up/Down = Move the Highlighter Up and Down.....
Left/Right = Move the Highlighter to 1/3 and 2/3 of window
Home/End = Move the Highlighter to Top and Bottom of amount of records
Alt-E=Enter a Unit Type Number manually for the current Unit
Ctrl-E=Alt-E but for all tagged Units
Alt-C=Choose a Unit Type with a pick-list window
Ctrl-C=Alt-C but for all tagged Units
Alt-H=Choose a House for the current Unit
Ctrl-H=Alt-H but for all tagged Units
Enter/Ctrl-M=Enter Hit points for current Unit
Ctrl-Enter/Ctrl-J=Enter but for all tagged Units
M=Max current unit to max as defined in main menu F12 menu
N=Min current unit to min as defined in main menu F12 menu
Alt-M=M but for all tagged units
Alt-N=N but for all tagged units
Alt-R=Tags all of the current house's units
Alt-T=Tags all of the houses units that are of same unit type as current.
T=Tag current unit
U=Untag current unit
Ctrl-T=Tags all
Ctrl-U=Untags all
0-8=Different sorts. Sort ID is on bottom right of screen.
Alt-1 to Alt-3=Switch video mode
V=Toggle Debug/Help window on right