explorertooltip = Windows Explorer\nRun Windows Explorer in your photo folder
copytooltip = Copy(Ctrl-C)\nCopy your photo to clipboard
completed = Completed
failed = Failed
title = Update
message = An updated version of PhotoScape is available now.\nDo you want to download the update?\nDownload from http://photoscape.org and install.
skip = Doní»t check for updates for a week.
title = PhotoScape
photorefresh = Get a photo from flickr.com and display it.
photoswitch = Turn on/off a photo
title = Viewer
tooltip = Photo Viewer Screen
title = Editor
tooltip = Screen where you can select a photo, edit it, and save it.
savetooltip = Save photo (Ctrl-S)
roundtooltip = Give the photo rounded corners and create a margin around it.
margintooltip = Create a margin around the photo.
framelinetooltip = Draw a frame line around your photo.
mergeframetooltip = Combine your photo with a frame.\nIf you combine them together, the frame will become part of the photo and all actions such as rotations and filters will be applied together.
croptooltip = Crop this area. (Enter)
cropsavetooltip = Save cropped area.
scrolltooltip = Screen Scroll Mode\nClick and drag using the mouse to move your photo.\nEven if youí»re not in Screen Scroll Mode, you can move your photo by holding down the space bar and dragging the photo using your mouse.
selecttooltip = Object Selection Mode(S)\nYou can select, move and resize your object (Photo, Icon, Speech Balloon, Figure).\nRight click your mouse on top of the object and an object modification menu will popup.\nYou can reverse the object selection status by holding down on the shift key and selecting the object with your mouse.
redeyetooltip = Red Eye Correction Mode\nDrag a small box around each eye to remove red eye.
spottooltip = Mole Removal Mode\nDrag a small box around the mole to remove it.
mosaictooltip = Mosaic Mode\nApply a mosaic effect to an area by dragging and select that area with your mouse.
clonestamptooltip = Clone Stamp Mode
paintbrushtooltip = Paint Brush Mode
linetooltip = Line Mode\nDraw a line.\nYou can draw vertical or horizontal lines by holding down the shift key and dragging.\nDraw a line between two dots by holding down the shift key and clicking.
straightlinetooltip = Straight Line Mode\nDraw a straight line\nYou can draw vertical or horizontal lines by holding down the shift key and dragging.
boxtooltip = Box Mode\nDraw a box.\nYou can draw a square by holding down the shift key and dragging.
roundboxtooltip = Rounded Box Mode\nDraw a rounded box.\nYou can draw a rounded square by holding down the shift key and dragging.
circletooltip = Circle Mode\nDraw an ellipse.\nYou can draw a circle by holding down the shift key and dragging.
polygontooltip = Polygon Mode\nYou can draw a polygon by holding on the shift key and dragging.
startooltip = Star Mode\nYou can draw a star-shaped polygon by holding down on the shift key and dragging.
round = Round
frameline = Frame Line
mergeframe = Photo + Frame
cropsave = Save Cropped Area
cropcircle = Crop Round Image
scroll = Screen Scroll
redeyeremoval = Red Eye Correction
moleremoval = Mole Removal
clonestamp = Clone Stamp
paintbrush = Paint Brush
cropcomment = Select the area you wish to crop.\nYou can move the screen by holding down on the space bar and dragging the area with your mouse.
redeyeremovalcomment = Drag a small box around each eye to remove red eye.\nLeft click the mouse and drag a small box around the area. Release the mouse to complete your selection and the red eye will be removed.
moleremovalcomment = Drag a small box around the mole to remove it.\nLeft click the mouse and drag a small box around the mole. Release the mouse to complete your selection and the mole will be removed.
mosaiccomment = Apply a mosaic effect to an area by dragging and select that area with your mouse.\nLeft click the mouse and drag a small box around the area. Release the mouse to complete your selection and a mosaic filter will be applied to that area.)
clonestampcomment = Allow you to duplicate part of an image.\nClick to select an area in the image, and then click again to clone the area.\nHold the shift key to clone dimly.\nEsc, Alt-Click: Cancel and initialize\nMouse Wheel, Up, Down: Control the brush size
paintbrushcomment = Click to paint with brush.\nHold the shift key to paint dimly.\nEsc: Cancel\nMouse Wheel, Up, Down: Control the brush size\nCtrl-Click: Pick a color
currentfolder = Current Folder
editfolder = Edited Photo Folder
querysave = Edited photo was not saved.\nDo you want to save it now?
failtoloadfile = File does not exist or is unreadable
failtoloadbitmap = Failed to read the bitmap
failtocreatenew = Failed to create a new photo
noballoon = Failed to find speech balloon image
newphoto = New Photo
newphototoobig = Your photo is too big.\nDo you want to make a new photo?
loadclipboard = Load your photo from clipboard
explorertexture = Explorer (Texture Folder)
cropfreely = Crop Freely
cropsetratio = Assign Ratio/Size
croporiginalratio = Crop by Original Photo Ratio
savecomment = Save your photo. If necessary, the original photo will be backed up in the 'Originals' folder.
saveinfoldercomment = Save your photo in the designated folder.
saveascomment = Save as a new file name.
selectsavefolder = Select your save folder
queryextrename = You can use only %s as a file extension. \nDo you want to save it as a new file name?
queryreadonly = The file's attribution is "read only".\nDo you want to change it?
failtosavereadonly = Failed to save.\nIf the file is a í░read onlyí▒ file, it cannot be saved.
richedit = Rich Edit
symbol = Symbol
phototooltip = Photo\nInput photos, clipboard images and icons
texttooltip = Text\nInput outline and shadow effect words
richedittooltip = Rich Edit\nInupt various fonts and colors
symboltooltip = Symbol\nSelect a symbol from symbol (TrueType) fonts installed on your computer
mergetooltip = Combine your photo with objects.\nIf you combine them together, objects will become a part of your photo
propertytooltip = Change Attributes (A)\nChange selected object's attributes.\nDouble-click your object in Object Selection Mode to modify the objectí»s attributes.
backtooltip = Back\nPut the selected object behind other objects\nSelected object may be blocked by deselected objects.
fronttooltip = Front\nPut the selected object in front of other objects\nSelected object may block deselected objects.
copytooltip = Copy\nCreate one more object
deletetooltip = Delete (Del)\nDelete the selected object
merge = Photo + Objects
mergeinside = Combine your photo with objects
mergeoutside = Object(s) is out of range of your photo or your frame. To show all objects, your photo should be enlarged.
mergecolor = Background Color of enlarged area
hide = Hide
properties = Edit Properties
anchor = Anchor
rotatedegree = Rotate %s degrees
front = Front
back = Back
thickness = Thickness
fill = Fill
outline = Outline
undoall = Undo All
undo = Undo
redo = Redo
undoalltooltip = Undo All(Ctrl-Alt-Z)\nUndo all and return to the original photo.
undotooltip = Undo (Ctrl-Z)
redotooltip = Redo (Ctrl-Y, Ctrl-Shift-Z)
sizesetting = Size Setting
width = Width
height = Height
maxvalue = Max %d pixels
x = X
y = Y
ratiosetting = Ratio Setting
ratio = Width : Height
outofwidthrange = Width should be between 1 and %d
outofheightrange = Height should be between 1 and %d
invalidratio = Ratio should be more than 1
title = Batch Editor
tooltip = Screen for batch editing
convertall = Convert All
convertcurrent = Convert Current Photo
processing = Processing...
savetitle = Save
destination = Location of saved files
destinationfirst = Create your output folder under the first changed photo
destinationeach = Create output folders under each changed photo
destinationfolder = Save your photo in the designated folder
naming = Naming saved files
namingoriginal = Save as the same name
namingnew = Save as a new name
format = Image Format
formatcomment = PNG files are of higher quality than JPG files, but they are bigger in size. GIF files are small in size, but can display a maximum of 256 colors. BMP files are uncompressed files and are very big in size.
txtproptooltip = Change Property\nChange text properties
currentfolder = Current Folder
savefolder = Photo Storage Folder
savefoldernotexist = Photo storage folder has not been created
original = Original
converted = Converted
marginround = Apply Margin && Round
margin = Magin: T %d, B %d, L %d, R %d
round = Round:
photonotassigned = Photo file is not assigned
failtoread = Failed to read photo
failtosave = Failed to save photo
failed = Failed to convert photo
completed = Conversion Completed
canceled = Conversion Cancelled
noconfigfile = No Configuration
explorerconfigfolder = Explorer (Configuration)
enterconfigname = Input the file name where you wish to save the configurations.
queryconfiginit = Do you want to reset the configurations?
configread = Open Config.
configsave = Save Config.
configinit = Initialize
title = JPEG Quality
quality = Quality
low = Low Quality
high = High Quality
comment = We recommend you save your photo at high quality (95 or more).\nIf you save your photo at low quality, the file size will be small, but it will lose its resolution.
title = Overwrite?
comment = Same file name already exists.\n\nDo you want to replace it?
applyall = Apply to all files
yes = Overwrite
no = Do not overwrite
stop = Stop
title = Margin
outer = Outer Margin
inside = Inside Margin
color = Margin Color
assignsame = Assign same margins
title = Page
tooltip = Make one photo by merging multiple photos at the page frame
savetooltip = Save your page. (Ctrl-S)
edit = Edit
edittooltip = Open your working page at photo edit tab.
sizetooltip = Assign the size
pastephoto = Paste your photo
pasteclipboard = Paste your clipboard photo
deletephoto = Delete your photo
resetcoordinates = Reset the coordinates
assignsize = Assign the page size
originalsize = Original page size (Initialize)
assignratio = Assign the ratio of width and height
originalratio = Original ratio
openpspage = Open a page file
savepspage = Save as a page file
ratiovaluerestriction = Ratio value should be more than 1
title = Combine
tooltip = Screen where you can put together multiple photos horizontally, vertically or in a checkered pattern to create one photo.
savetooltip = Save your combined photo.(Ctrl-S)
edit = Edit
edittooltip = Edit your combined photo at the edit tab.
down = Down
side = Side
tile = Checker
referencesize = Reference
canvassize = Canvas
resizeratio = Resize Ratio
interval = Intervals of photos
column = Columns
refuserset = Set the reference size
reforiginal = Maintain the original size
reffirst = Set to first photo size
refbiggest = Set to big photo size
refsmallest = Set to small photo size
openpscombine = Open a combine file
savepscombine = Save as a combine file
title = Set the reference size of your photo
width = Width (Pixel)
height = Height (Pixel)
help = Only width needed for combining down.\nOnly height needed for combining sideways.\nBoth width and height are needed for checkered combination.
outofrange = From %d to %d, you can adjust your size
title = Animated GIF
tooltip = Use multiple photos to create one animation
savetooltip = Save your animated GIF file.(Ctrl-S)
preview = Web Browser Preview
previewtooltip = Preview GIF in web browser.\nYou can see what the GIF will look like on the web.
starttooltip = Start animation
stoptooltip = Stop animation
changetimeinshort = Change time
changetime = Change display time
changeeffect = Change effect
changetimetooltip = Change the display time of all frames.
changeeffecttooltip = Change the effect of all frames.
setthecanvassize = Set the canvas size
canvassize = Canvas
resizeratio = Resize Ratio
reffirst = Set to first photo size
refbiggest = Set to big photo size
refsmallest = Set to small photo size
refuserset = Set canvas size
effectnone = No effect
effectup = Slide up
effectdown = Slide down
effectleft = Slide to the left
effectright = Slide to the right
effectbgcolor = Convert to background color
effectblack = Convert to black
effectwhite = Convert to white
querylongtime = It may take long because of the big canvas. (%d x %d)\nIf you reduce the canvas size, it will be processed faster.\nDo you want to continue?
changingnow = Converting...
changingprogress = Canvas size %d x %d && Total %d frames.
savingnow = Saving...
outofdisplaytimerange = Frame display time should be between %d and %d
savesuccess = Saved\nFile size: %s
htmlcreationfail = Failed to create a preview HTML file.
gifcreationfail = Failed to create a preview GIF file.
displaytime = Display Time
displaytimecomment = Display time í░1í▒ is equal to 1/100 sec.\nIf you enter 100, the frame will be displayed for 1 sec.
changetimeselected = Change only display time of the selected frame
changetimeall = Change display times of all frames
title = Print
tooltip = Print photos
setup = Print Setup
portraitprint = Portrait Shot Print
thumbnailprint = Thumbnail Print
printer = Printer
paper = Paper
printingarea = Printable
photosize = Photo Size
rpp = Rows per page
cpp = Columns per page
ppp = %d photos per page
interval = Intervals
titleon = Filename Height
titleoff = Off
drawborder = Draw outline for photo
autorotate = Auto-Rotate by 90 degrees
printrange = Print Range
printallpages = Print all pages
printcurrentpage = Print the current page
setprintrange = Set Print Range
copies = Copies
wrongpagenumber = Incorrect page number
wrongcopynumber = Incorrect number of copies
accessfail =Failed to access printer
title = Paper Print
tooltip = Print lined paper, graph paper, music sheet, calendars, and more.
title = Set the photo size
outofrange = Photo size should be between %d and %d (mm)
title = No. of copies to add
comment = How many copies do you want to add?
outofrange = You can add between %d and %d
title = Splitter
tooltip = Divide a photo into multiple parts
load = Open
split = Split
colrowmode = Col, Row
widthheightmode = Width, Height
cellsize = Cell Size
colrow = Cols x Rows
destinationoutput = Create your output folder under the original photo
destinationfolder = Save your split photos in the designated folder
title = Screen Capture
tooltip = Capture your screenshot and save it
fullscreencapture = Capture Full Screen
windowcapture = Capture Window
rectcapture = Capture Region
repeatlastcapture = Repeat last capture
process = Capture Screen Process
clipboard = Copy to clipboard
edit = Open at Editor Tab
rect = Coordinate
size = Size
sound = Sound
clipboardcomplete = Copy the captured screen to clipboard.
title = Color Picker
tooltip = Screen for color tone
copytooltip = Copy RGB value to clipboard.\nYou can also copy the color by clicking the enlarged screen.
copytooltip2 = Copy RGB value to clipboard.
comment = If you drag your fountain pen filler, you can zoom in. If you click the enlarged screen, you can select the color.
currentcolor = Current Color
pickedcolor = Picked Color History
sound = Sound
title = Rename
tooltip = Batch Rename
comment = You can drag and drop the photo in the index window and the photo will be added.
converttooltip = Change the file name.
rollback = Rollback
rollbacktooltip = Restore the converted file.
naming = File Naming
todaydate = Today's Date
filedate = File Date
photographydate = Photo Date
startingnumber = Starting Number
separator = Separator
space = Space
example = Ex) %s will change to %s
original = Original
newname = New Name
digits = %d Digit(s)
alreadyexist = The file name, %s, already exists.\nPlease use a new file name.
completed = Completed
failed = Failed to change %d files in list.
rollbackcompleted = Restore converted files.
rollbackfailed = Failed to restore %d files among %d
query = Do you want to change the name?
queryrollback = Do you want to restore the converted file?
invalid = You cannot use %s as a file name.
naming_name = Original File Name
naming_namenumber = Original File Name - Number
naming_namedate = Original File Name - Date
naming_namedatetime = Original File Name - Date - Time
naming_number = Number
naming_numbername = Number - Original File Name
naming_numberdate = Number - Date
naming_numberdatetime = Number - Date - Time
naming_datename = Date - Original File Name
naming_datenumber = Date - Number
naming_datetimename = Date-Time - Original File Name
naming_datetimenumber = Date - Time - Number
naming_datetime = Date - Time
title = Raw Converter
tooltip = Convert RAW to JPG
comment = Convert RAW to JPG (Photos taken with a DSLR camera)
options = Conversion Options
halfsize = Half Size (Faster)
autowb = Auto White Balance
camerawb = Camera White Balance\n(if possible)
stop = Stop
converttooltip = Convert Raw to JPG
previewtooltip = Show your selected RAW file in preview window.
previewsavetooltip = Save the preview photo.
previewedittooltip = Edit the preview photo.
previewcopytooltip = Copy the preview photo to clipboard.
queryconvert = Convert RAW to JPG?
result = Converted %d photos among %d
title = Face Search
tooltip = FFind similar faces on the Internet.
howto = Upload your photo and click the "Face Search" button.
failtofind = Failed to find the face search engine.
failtoconnect = Failed to connect to the face search engine.
noface = Face could not be found in the selected photo.\nTry again with another photo.
title = Online Development
tooltip = Develop photos from the online studio
title = Photo Bookmark
tooltip = Photography Web Links
title = HomePage
title = Help
tooltip = Help\nOpen the help page
cartoon = Cartoon
face = Face
makeup = Makeup
heart = Heart
office = Office
pencil = Pencil
realpicture = Real Picture
stamp = Stamp
effect = Effect
sign = Sign
number = Number
illust = Illust
logo = Logo
christmas = Christmas
travel = Travel
etc = More
title = Options
tooltip = Options\nSet up options
viewerdblclick = Double-click the thumbnails in the viewer tab for full screen view
multiresize = Enable multi-step resizes
windowsfileopen = Use MS default "File Open" window
thumbnailcache = Enable cache database for thumbnail images (Performance enhancement)
circularmenu = Use circular menu
backup = Creates a backup of the original photo in the "Originals" folder.
new = New Folder
delete = Delete
favorites = Folder Favorites
favoritestooltip = Folder Favorites\nAdd to favorites, then you can access them easily.
addtofavorites = Add your folder to Favorites
managefavorites = Manage folder Favoritesíª
addsuccess = Added to Favorites
alreadyadded = Already added to Favorites
notexist = Selected folder does not exist.\nDo you want to delete it from Favorites?
queryclear = Do you want to delete all folders in the list?
shortcut = Shortcut to
delete = Delete
deletetooltip = Delete Photo (Del)\nSend photos to the recycle bin.
title = Wallpaper
paperfull = Paper Full
center = Center
tile = Tile
stretch = Stretch
query = Do you want to set it as your wallpaper?
title = Slide Show
menuzoomoriginal = Original Size
menurestore = Restore
menupause = Pause
menurestart = Restart
menuduration = Display Time (%dsec)
menusec = %dsec
menunoeffect = No Effect
menuoverlap = Overlap
menuoverlapslow = Overlap (Slow)
menubgmopen = BGM Open
menubgmplay = BGM Play
menubgmpause = BGM Pause
menubgmstop = BGM Stop
menubgmautoplay = BGM AutoPlay
menucolor = Set the Background Color
menutitle = Show Photo Name
menuexif = Show photo EXIF
title = Full Screen
stretch = Stretch
paperfull = Paper Full
imagefull = Image Full
imagefullfine = Image Full (No Enlargement)
72dpi = 72 DPI
96dpi = 96 DPI
120dpi = 120 DPI
300dpi = 300 DPI
zoomin = Zoom In
zoomout = Zoom Out
preview = Preview Zoom
originaltooltip = Zoom 1:1 (Ctrl-Alt-0)
windowfittooltip = Window Fit (Ctrl-0)\nThe photo is enlarged or reduce to fit window
whitebalancecomment = Corrects yellowish or bluish photos taken indoors or in the dark.\nClick the white area with your mouse to regain the original color.\nFind and click white areas such as white dishes, white clothing or white walls.
colorbalance = Color Balance
removecolorcast = Remove Color Cast
removecolorcastcomment= Remove colorcast and adjust white balance.\nThe higher the level, the more colorcast will be removed.
colorize = Colorize
colorizecomment = Add color and saturation to the original photo.\nIf you lower saturation, it will become a black and white photo.\nThe higher the level, the stronger the color.
colorenhance = Color Enhance
autolevel = Auto Level
autocontrast = Auto Contrast
brighten = Brighten
darken = Darken
deepen = Deepen
grayscale = Grayscale
sepia = Sepia
negative = Reverse black and white
negativeinshort = Negative
gammacorrection = Gamma Correction
gammacorrectioninshort = Gamma
gammabright = Gamma Bright
exposure = Exposure
sharpen = Sharpen
sharpencomment = Set the radius between 0.1 and 1.0\nand adjust the amount between 10% and 100%
blur = Blur
bright = Bright
contrast = Contrast
decolor = Decolor
bloom = Bloom
bloomregion = Set the area for bloom
lce = Contrast Enhancement
lceinshort = Contrast Enhance
smartblur = Smart Blur (Clear Skin)
noisereduction = Noise Reduction (Clear Skin)
film = Film Effect
filmcinema = Cinema
filmcrossprocess = Cross Process
filmprovia = Provia
filmvelvia = Velvia
filmportra = Portra
filmagfa = Agfa
old = Antique Photo
dilate = Dilate
erode = Erode
mosaic = Mosaic
regionfilter = Region (Out of Focus)
regionfilterreverse = Reverse the area
lineargradient = Linear Gradient
graduatedtint = Graduated Tint
graduatedtintcomment = Makes the upper side of your photo deeper. Good for landscape-sky photos.
graduatedtintfeather = Feather
graduatedtintshade = Shade
faketiltshift = Fake Tilt-Shift
faketiltshiftcomment = Makes aerial photos of real scenes look like miniature models.
lensflare = Lens Flare
lensflareshape = New Shape
lensflarenegative = Negative
fadestyle = Fade Style
contrastmasking = Backlight Correction
contrastmaskinginshort = Backlight
texture = Texture
noise = Noise
jitter = Jitter
crystallize = Crystallize
edge = Edge
embossing = Embossing
cellophane = Cellophane
pictorialization = Pictorialization
impressionistic = Impressionistic
pastel = Pastel
pen = Pen
waterpainting = Water Painting
waterpaintingbrushsize = Brush Size
oilpainting = Oil painting
pencil = Pencil
colorpencil = Colored Pencil
watercolorpencil = Watercolor Pencil
cartoon = Cartoon
colorengraving = Color Engraving
monochromeengraving = Monochrome Engraving
distorts = Distorts
glasstile = Glasstile
doublefacedglasstile = Double-faced Glasstile
verticalglasstile = Vertical Glasstile
horizontalglasstile = Horizontal Glasstile
window = Window
illusion = Illusion
fisheye = Fisheye
fisheyelensvalue = Lens Value
motionblur = Motion Blur
motionblurstep = Step
zoomblur = Zoom Blur
radialblur = Radial Blur
wave = Wave
wavelength = Wavelength
waveamplitude = Amplitude
swirl = Swirl
box = Make a box
boxrightside = The box that shows the right side
boxleftside = The box that shows the left side
reflection = Reflection
perspective = Perspective
newsprint = Newsprint
sepiatooltip = Sepia\nCreate an "old-fashioned" effect by changing your photo to a reddish brown tone.
grayscaletooltip = Grayscale\nGrayscale is to convert your images into black and white tones. Grayscaling eliminates hue.
thresholdtooltip = B&W. Threshold\nChange a color photo to a black and white photo.
negativetooltip = Invert. Negative\nReverse colors of all pixels.
bloomtooltip = Bloom (Ctrl-G)
autoleveltooltip = Auto Level\n Adjust hue automatically
autocontrasttooltip = Auto Contrast\n Adjust contrast automatically