Ray Tracing Box
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Text File
357 lines
This is a brief description of the command line flags, and language
of form. This file is updated very sporadically so I'm sorry about
the lack of organisation to it.
Latest revisions give:
textures new keyword for POV support (see flagpole and webgood
for examples) can be used almost anywhere after an object.
Still in prototype stage.
-float[+-] Turn use of floats on/off when rendering to the screen
improved quality at the sake of time.
-pov_version=[1|2] the version of POV you're using default 2
-q[0|1|2|3|4|5] "Quality" I'm still working on this, default is -q0,
try other options.
-modex use VGA "ModeX" for 320x200 mode (-res1), required on
some VGA cards. This mode is slightly slower than
normal, and much faster than BIOS.
-ems[+-] use/don't use ems for ZBUFFER if present this is
sometimes a lot faster, and sometimes not at all.
-angle=number command line flag for initial rotation around y axis
scale number - scales the object by the number
twistx number - like twist only around x axis
twistz number - like twist only around z axis
spin flag, command line only -spin=frames to use.
Spins the scene through 360 degrees in the frames you specify.
Not very useful without the -save= and -k- flags
if -save specified Files are named with trailing digits, i.e.
spin=9 takes save=abcdefgh and produces abcdefg#(.gif)
spin=9999 creates abcd###(.gif)
save as Gif flag -g[+-]
and it's alias save as tga -t[-+], (SaveAs=GIF or TGA)
save background as white -w[+-] flag (SaveBackgroundAsWhite=Yes|No)
include directories -path=dir1;dir2... (path=dir1,dir2... in sstools.ini)
Propellors when parsing a file, so you know it hasn't died!
Each script is written to TEMP.FRM.
WEB now has HOLE and EXCESS
Pressing <ESC> during a display should stop the display
Saving to TGA file, use -save=filename (default temp.tga for "-save")
display at end using -display(1,2,3,4)
type 1=wire 2=flat 3=gouraud 4=phong
In the language new command "#include filename", verrrry crude and
barely tested!
NOTE: the statement "end" in an include file is ignored
"end" is only understood in the first file.
-k[+-] pause at end of display. I know I put this in for a good
reason, something to do with Batch mode and saving, but I'm
not too clear what. I've remembered ... see -spin above,
-bios[+-] Super duper Bios compatability, use bios putpixel,
and 320x200 bios mode switch, use on nasty notebooks.
-vesa use a vesa driver if found for Video Control,
the autodetect routines crash windows normally!
1. load your vesa driver if need be
2. go into windows (if you want)
3. run "form -vesa" (the default)
there isn't any apparent slowdown anyway
You can load a Vesa driver such as "univesa".
all the command line switches can be saved in the [FORM]
section of an sstools.ini file somewhere on your path.
(thanks Fractint!).
see example sstools.ini file.
form [options] [file] [options]
if [file] is ommited the form is read from stdin
options are also read from the environment variable FORM, and sstools.ini
options are:
- : no temp.pov output file
+ : produce a temp.pov file (default)
1 : output file is made of individual objects
2 : output file is made using composites
3 : output file is made using #declares (default)
- : no temp.plg output file
+ : produce a temp.plg file (default)
1 : screen display is 320x200 (default)
2 : screen display is 640x400 or 640x480 depending on memory
3 : screen display is 1024x768
1 : display at end Wireframe
2 : display at end Flat
3 : display at end Gouraud(default)
3 : display at end Phong
-dump [-|+]
Debug Dump at end
-k[+-] pause at end of display. I know I put this in for a good
reason, something to do with Batch mode and saving, but I'm
not too clear what.
-bios[+-] Super duper Bios compatability, use bios putpixel,
and 320x200 bios mode switch.
-vesa use a vesa driver if found for Video Control,
the autodetect routines crash windows normally!
1. load your vesa driver if need be
2. go into windows (if you want)
3. run "form -vesa" (is default)
there isn't any apparent slowdown anyway
-v [-|+]
Overly Verbose and useless output
******* **** ***** ** **
* * * * * * * * *
**** * * ***** * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
* **** * * * *
C style comments are allowed both /**/ and // forms
SYMBOL is a standard C symbol ie. a-z followed by any of a-z 0-9 and _.
NUMBERS are all real, converted to int wherever appropriate.
NUMBERS can be expressions using +, -, *, /, ^, ().
VECTORS are in the form "<" real "," real "," real ">"
ANGLES are in degrees
The form file essentially describes a scene.
it has the shape of :-
any number of: objectdefinitions
any number of: debug flag assignments
any number of: configurable item assignments
any number of: output commands (currently only display!)
at least ONE: object (usually only one)
optionally terminated with the word "end" (meaning produce some output)
simple end of file simply stops processing
an object is a set of part objects terminated by a ';'
a (part) object is :
an object followed by a FORM
an object followed by a simple modifier
an object followed by a FORM modifier
a DEFINED_OBJECT enclosed by "[ ]", this has the effect of rotating
the object by 90 degrees
an object "," object.
is a name (symbol) followed by "=" and then an object.
these have no effect on the objects or output
lexdebug <on|off> turns debug prinouts from lex on or off (default off)
yaccdebug <on|off> turns debug prinouts from yacc on or off (default off)
yydebug <on|off> turns internal yacc debug prints on or off (default off)
these affect the output not the shape
plg scale = number;
defines the plg scale used for output to plg - default 500
not used anymore
screen_res = [1|2|3];
equivalent to -res[1|2|3] command line option
screen_scale = number;
scale up the screen output, 1.2 is usually OK
display [object] [save file name] [rendering style];
will display object (default current object) in the
rendering style specified. save file name is not
actually implemented, it takes time but doesn't do
anything. This does not in any way represent the
views of the author to freeware, it's just I haven't
done it yet!
sphere radius
ellipse width , height
ellipse <vector> (vector gives x, y, z axis lengths)
box size
box vector (vector gives x , y , z size)
torus minradius , maxradius
these take an object (list of objects) and create another object from
a compound of these to which have been applied transformations
STACK number_to_stack
STACK number_to_stack IN space_of_number
STACK number_to_stack IN space_percentage "%"
This stacks number_to_stack objects with compression of:
space_of_number / number_to_stack
space_percentage / 100
The resulting object is similar to that created by a list of objects
i.e. sphere stack 2 is the same as sphere , sphere
FAN number , angle [ , tightness]
takes no_objs copies of object and fans them through 0 .. angle
degrees in a sphere (angle usually 0 .. 180), optional tightness
defaults to 1 gives a bunching effect, 0.1 shows what it does the
result is a single object of height 0;
web number1 WITH defined_object
[SCALE(number2)] number3 [hole number] [excess number]
uses number1 spokes of object webbed with number3 of defined object
which are optionally scaled up by number2.!
hole is the gap to leave in the middle (2 = 2 * length of a spoke)
excess is amount to exceed by (proportions of a spoke)
spokeobject WEB 8 WITH webbing_object 3
creates a sort of 8 spoked 3 ringed waggon-wheel.
rib NYI
these are applied to an object and are used to change the shape
DELETE delete_range e.g delete 1 or delete 10 .. 5
makes the x..y'th object in the list invisible.
MOVE <vector>
moves every object in the list by vector (remember Y is up)
TEXTURE <texture name> eg texture "Metal pigment{White}"
applies the POV texture from that point downwards.
these give a warning if they do not follow a stack but will often
work if there is a list of more than one object
GROW size
takes the stack and uniformly grows each object (about it's own
center) by an amount: 1 for the first object, and size for the
slightly different in how they actually do the growing.
Not too hot. Powered grow is the best of the lot, it isn't
linear, that's all.
BEND angle
bends the stack fromthe vertical by angle. Bend of 360 gives one
loop of a spiral, bend of 90 gives a quarter loop.
TWIST angle [ , displacement]
rotates each obj in stack around vertical axis by 0 .. angle
degrees optional offset moves stack by displcement, rotates about
original axis and then moves back. Gives a spiral effect
TWISTX angle
rotates each obj in stack around X axis by 0 .. angle.
TWISTZ angle
rotates each obj in stack around vertical axis by 0 .. angle.
interesting effect when combined with BEND.
incremental twist ILLEGAL
incremental grow ILLEGAL
incremental bend ILLEGAL
exists test token
end marks EndOfFile, REQUIRED or you don't get any output!
Andrew Rowbottom