Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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191 lines
(* *)
(* The global constants and variables defined in this module are optional: *)
(* if you don't want to access their features, you needn't import them into *)
(* your program. The variables in the parameter lists of the procedures are *)
(* the only variables you are required to supply. *)
(* When describing the order in which certain routines are called, I have *)
(* adopted the curly-bracket notation of EBNF: routines in curly brackets {} *)
(* may be called an arbitrary number of times (0 to n). A, {B}, {C, {D}} thus *)
(* implies that A is called once, followed by an arbitrary number of calls to *)
(* to B, followed by an arbitrary number of calls to C. Each of the calls to *)
(* C may be followed by an arbitrary number of calls to D. Likewise, {{C},{D}}*)
(* implies an arbitrary number of calls to C and D in any order. *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* Version 1.00a.002 (Beta) : March 2, 1988 *)
(* *)
(* These procedures were originally written under version 1.20 of the TDI *)
(* Modula-2 compiler. I have rewritten this module to operate under the v2.00 *)
(* compiler. However, should you find any problem or inconsistency with the *)
(* functionality of this code, please contact me at the following address: *)
(* *)
(* Jerry Mack *)
(* 23 Prospect Hill Ave. *)
(* Waltham, MA 02154 *)
(* *)
(* Check the module MenuUtils for TDI's (considerably less powerful) ver- *)
(* sions of my Menu and IntuitionText procedures. The modules GadgetUtils and *)
(* EasyGadgets should also be of great help. *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* The source code to MenuTools is in the public domain. You may do with *)
(* it as you please. *)
(* *)
FROM Intuition IMPORT WindowPtr, MenuPtr, MenuFlags, MenuFlagSet,
MenuItemPtr, ItemFlags, ItemFlagSet,
FROM Menus IMPORT HighComp;
FROM Strings IMPORT String;
CONST (* set Commandkey to this if you do not want a *)
NoKey = " "; (* key-equivalent for the current Item or SubItem *)
(* common assignments for ItemSetting & MenuSetting: *)
Checkable = ItemFlagSet{CheckIt, MenuToggle};
CheckNow = ItemFlagSet{Checked}; (* requires Checkable *)
ItemOn = ItemFlagSet{ItemEnabled} + HighComp;
ItemOff = ItemFlagSet{};
MenuOn = MenuFlagSet{MenuEnabled}; (* default value of MenuSetting *)
MenuOff = MenuFlagSet{};
FirstMenu : MenuPtr; (* pointer to first Menu in Menu bar *)
CurrentMenu : MenuPtr; (* current Menu in Menu bar *)
CurrentItem : MenuItemPtr; (* current Item in Menu bar *)
CurrentSubItem : MenuItemPtr; (* current SubItem in Menu bar *)
ItemPen : INTEGER; (* color of current Item or SubItem *)
ItemSelectPen : INTEGER; (* color of selected Item or SubItem *)
LoneMenuStrip : MenuPtr; (* unattached, DISPOSEable MenuStrip *)
SelectText : String; (* (Sub)Item text shown if selected *)
VerPixPerChar : CARDINAL; (* vertical pixels per character *)
HorPixPerChar : CARDINAL; (* horizontal pixels per character *)
MenuSetting : MenuFlagSet; (* characteristics of current Menu *)
HiResScreen : BOOLEAN; (* high resolution screen? *)
AutoIndent : BOOLEAN; (* shift (Sub)Items to right? *)
RightJustify : BOOLEAN; (* extend select boxes to right? *)
Left, Top : INTEGER; (* left & top location and width & *)
Wide, High : INTEGER; (* height of current Menu, (Sub)Item *)
NewItemColumn : BOOLEAN; (* flag: start new (Sub)Item column? *)
(* all of these parameters are inputs *)
PROCEDURE InitializeMenuStrip;
PROCEDURE AddMenu (MenuBarText : String);
PROCEDURE AddItem (ItemText : String;
Commandkey : CHAR;
ItemSetting : ItemFlagSet;
Exclusion : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE AddSubItem (SubItemText : String;
Commandkey : CHAR;
ItemSetting : ItemFlagSet;
Exclusion : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE DestroyMenuStrip (WindowPointer : WindowPtr);
(* Variables reset in PROCEDURE InitializeMenuStrip : *)
(* CurrentMenu = NULL MenuSetting = MenuON *)
(* FirstMenu = NULL AutoIndent = FALSE *)
(* SelectText = NoText HorPixPerChar = 8 *)
(* MenuLeft = 0 VerPixPerChar = 8 *)
(* HiResScreen = FALSE RightJustify = TRUE *)
(* ItemSetting := Checkable + CheckNow --> this (Sub)Item can be and is *)
(* now checked; the routines above automatically set the ItemText flag. *)
(* Left, Top, Wide & High are recalculated in each subroutine to yield *)
(* a pleasing MenuStrip; if you dislike it, you may change them prior to *)
(* calling AddMenu, AddItem and/or AddSubItem; also, Left & Wide affect *)
(* the placement of text in AddMenu but affect the placement and size *)
(* of the select boxes in AddItem and AddSubItem; *)
(* To what are Left, Top, Wide and High measured relative? For Menus, *)
(* they are relative to the upper-left corner of the Screen. For Items, *)
(* they are relative to the lower-left corner of the Menu. For SubItems, *)
(* they are relative to the lower-left corner of the Item. *)
(* If AutoIndent = TRUE, all Items under the CurrentMenu (or all SubItems*)
(* under the CurrentItem) will be shifted to the right to allow for a *)
(* checkmark. If AutoIndent = FALSE, then only those (Sub)Items which *)
(* request a checkmark in ItemSetting will be shifted to the right. The *)
(* amount of space added to the left of the select box depends upon the *)
(* value of HiresScreen. *)
(* If RightJustify is TRUE, then the right edge of each Item extends to *)
(* the edge of its Menu. Otherwise, the right edge of each Item is deter-*)
(* mined by the width of the longest Item in the current Item-column. *)
(* This is of most use when multiple Item-columns are desired: setting *)
(* RightJustify to TRUE ensures that the first column of Items isn't ex- *)
(* cessively wide. *)
(* If CommandKey <> NoKey, then space will be added to the right of the *)
(* (Sub)Item's select box according to the value of HiresScreen. *)
(* In addition, TextFlag is included in all Itemsetting values above, *)
(* since these routines are designed to create text Menus and (Sub)Items.*)
(* HorPixPerChar and VerPixPerChar are used to determine the width and *)
(* height of the Menus, Items and SubItems. You may change these values *)
(* to quickly obtain larger select boxes. *)
(* SelectText allows you to specify a different text be displayed when *)
(* the (Sub)Item is chosen, though it prevents use of other highlighting.*)
(* SelectText = NoText upon exit from each of the above four procedures. *)
(* As stated above, Left, Wide, Top and High are reset or recalculated *)
(* prior to exit from the above four routines. Don't change these values *)
(* unless you know where you want a specific Menu or (Sub)Item placed. *)
(* CurrentMenu, CurrentItem and CurrentSubItem point to the Menu, Item *)
(* or SubItem, respectively, which was just added to the MenuStrip. Thus,*)
(* if you require access to a particular node in the MenuStrip, you may *)
(* copy these pointers as needed following the call to AddMenu, AddItem *)
(* or AddSubItem. *)
(* DestroyMenuStrip is designed to remove a MenuStrip from a Window and *)
(* DISPOSE of its Menus, Items and SubItems, as well as the IntuitionText*)
(* structures to which they point. ANY non-NULL pointer in the MenuStrip *)
(* has its contents DISPOSED. If you wish only to DISPOSE of a MenuStrip *)
(* (one that is not attached to a Window), then set WindowPointer to NULL*)
(* and assign LoneMenuStrip to the MenuStrip of which to DISPOSE. Just *)
(* prior to exit, DestroyMenuStrip calls InitializeMenuStrip. Thus, you *)
(* need only call InitializeMenuStrip for the first MenuStrip and if you *)
(* want multiple MenuStrips defined at one time. I didn't call the pro- *)
(* cedure in the module body because it looked unusual to call it for the*)
(* second and subsequent concurrent MenuStrips but not the first. *)
(* You can easily create multiple MenuStrips by calling InitializeMenu- *)
(* Strip once for each MenuStrip. Be sure to save the value of FirstMenu *)
(* prior to the call, as that is the pointer to the first Menu of the *)
(* current MenuStrip. *)
(* Since the IntuiText routines above are used to create the Intuition- *)
(* Text structures for the MenuStrip, you may change the values of the *)
(* global variables associated with those routines to obtain different *)
(* text attributes (color, font, etc.) for your MenuStrip. *)
(* The colors of Items and SubItems can be changed by varying ItemPen and*)
(* ItemSelectPen. ItemPen assigns the foreground color of the (Sub)Item *)
(* as it normally appears; ItemSelectPen assigns the foreground color it *)
(* assumes when selected. *)
(* Be sure to add at least one Item to each Menu to prevent a crash. *)
(* In case you haven't figured it out, the order in which you call these *)
(* routines is as follows: InitializeMenuStrip, {AddMenu, AddItem, *)
(* {AddSubItem}, {AddItem, {AddSubItem}}}, DestroyMenuStrip. *)
END MenuTools.