Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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614 lines
(* *)
(* Version 1.00a.002 (Beta) : March 2, 1988 *)
(* *)
(* These procedures were originally written under version 1.20 of the TDI *)
(* Modula-2 compiler. I have rewritten this module to operate under the v2.00 *)
(* compiler. However, should you find any problem or inconsistency with the *)
(* functionality of this code, please contact me at the following address: *)
(* *)
(* Jerry Mack *)
(* 23 Prospect Hill Ave. *)
(* Waltham, MA 02154 *)
(* *)
(* Check the module MenuUtils for TDI's (considerably less powerful) ver- *)
(* sions of my Menu and IntuitionText procedures. The modules GadgetUtils and *)
(* EasyGadgets should also be of great help. *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* The source code to MenuTools is in the public domain. You may do with *)
(* it as you please. *)
(* *)
FROM Intuition IMPORT IntuitionText, IntuitionTextPtr, WindowPtr,
Menu, MenuPtr, MenuFlags, MenuFlagSet,
MenuItem, MenuItemPtr, ItemFlags, ItemFlagSet,
CheckWidth, LowCheckWidth, CommWidth, LowCommWidth;
FROM IntuiUtils IMPORT MenuNum, ItemNum, SubNum;
FROM Menus IMPORT ClearMenuStrip, HighFlags;
FROM Strings IMPORT InitStringModule, String, Compare, Equal, Length;
FROM TextTools IMPORT GetIntuiText, DestroyIntuiText, TextDrawMode,
FrontTextPen, BackTextPen, LastText, CurrentFont;
OutOfBounds = 10000; (* flag: default Menu & Item placement? *)
TextFlag = ItemFlagSet{ItemText}; (* all Menu Items must be textual; *)
NoText = 0C;
StringPtr = POINTER TO String; (* storage space for Menu text; *)
VAR (* default positions: *)
MenuLeft : INTEGER; (* left position of current Menu; *)
ItemLeft : INTEGER; (* left position of current Item; *)
ItemTop : INTEGER; (* top position of current Item; *)
ItemWide : INTEGER; (* width of current Item; *)
ItemColumnTop : MenuItemPtr; (* first Item in current column; *)
SubItemLeft : INTEGER; (* left position of current SubItem; *)
SubItemTop : INTEGER; (* top position of current SubItem; *)
SubItemWide : INTEGER; (* width of current SubItem; *)
SubItemColumnTop : MenuItemPtr; (* first SubItem in current column; *)
MenuText : StringPtr; (* permanent storage of Menu text; *)
Itemintuitext : IntuitionTextPtr; (* Menu-text structure Amiga uses; *)
PROCEDURE Min (int1, int2 : INTEGER ) : INTEGER;
IF (int1 < int2) THEN (* utility routine to find the *)
RETURN int1; (* minimum of a pair of integers; *)
RETURN int2;
END; (* IF int1 *)
END Min;
PROCEDURE Max (int1, int2 : INTEGER ) : INTEGER;
IF (int1 > int2) THEN (* utility routine to find the *)
RETURN int1; (* maximum of a pair of integers; *)
RETURN int2;
END; (* IF int1 *)
END Max;
(* *)
(* This procedure initializes the variables used in the Menu procedures *)
(* below. If you wish to build several Menu structures, save the value of *)
(* FirstMenu before the second and subsequent calls: this is the MenuPtr *)
(* used in the procedure SetMenuStrip to attach the Menu tree to a window. *)
(* *)
PROCEDURE InitializeMenuStrip;
CurrentMenu := NULL; (* no Menus currently defined; *)
FirstMenu := NULL;
SelectText := NoText;
MenuLeft := 0; (* place next Menu at left edge of Menu bar; *)
VerPixPerChar := 8; (* max. # of vertical and horizontal *)
HorPixPerChar := 8; (* pixels per character for this font; *)
HiResScreen := FALSE; (* low-resolution screen (320 hor. pixels); *)
Left := OutOfBounds;
Top := OutOfBounds; (* flags: calculate reasonable values *)
Wide := OutOfBounds; (* for positions of Menus and Items; *)
High := OutOfBounds;
MenuSetting := MenuFlagSet{MenuEnabled}; (* enable Menus; *)
AutoIndent := FALSE; (* don't shift (Sub)Items to right; *)
RightJustify := TRUE; (* align right edges of (Sub)Items; *)
NewItemColumn := FALSE; (* don't start new (Sub)Item column *)
ItemPen := -1;
ItemSelectPen := -1;
END InitializeMenuStrip; (* unless required to for checkmark; *)
(* *)
(* This procedure adds a new Menu to the current Menu-tree. All Menu *)
(* structures and pointers are properly allocated and linked. The only *)
(* required parameter is the string MenuBarText, which contains the text *)
(* for the new Menu. Upon the execution of this procedure, the global *)
(* pointer CurrentMenu will point to this new Menu. *)
(* *)
(* The placement of the Menus is determined by the global variables *)
(* Left, Top, Wide and High. If you assign a value to any of these prior *)
(* to calling this procedure, then that value will be used in constructing *)
(* the Menu structure. Otherwise, the procedure will calculate reasonable *)
(* values for the size and placement of the Menu. The variable MenuSetting *)
(* can also be modified by the user, although it merely enables & disables *)
(* the Menu in this version of Intuition. *)
(* *)
PROCEDURE AddMenu (MenuBarText : String);
OldMenu : MenuPtr;
IF (CurrentMenu <> NULL) THEN
OldMenu := CurrentMenu; (* link new Menu to old Menu *)
OldMenu^.NextMenu := CurrentMenu;
NEW (CurrentMenu); (* first Menu in Menu tree *)
FirstMenu := CurrentMenu;
END; (* IF CurrentMenu *)
SelectText := NoText; (* calculate Menu positions *)
CalcLeftTopWideHigh (MenuLeft, 0, MenuBarText, SelectText);
MenuText^ := MenuBarText;
WITH CurrentMenu^ DO
LeftEdge := Left;
TopEdge := Top; (* location and dimensions of Menu *)
Height := High;
Width := Wide;
Flags := MenuSetting; (* To enable or not to enable... *)
MenuName := MenuText;
NextMenu := NULL;
FirstItem := NULL;
END; (* WITH NewMenu^ *)
CurrentItem := NULL;
(* left position of next Menu *)
INC(MenuLeft, Wide+INTEGER(HorPixPerChar));
ItemLeft := 0; (* location of first Item under this Menu *)
ItemTop := 0;
IF (RightJustify) THEN
ItemWide := Wide; (* width of Item's select box >= width of Menu *)
ItemWide := HorPixPerChar;
END; (* IF RightJustify *)
END AddMenu;
(* *)
(* This procedure adds a new Item under the CurrentMenu. All the Item *)
(* structures and pointers are properly allocated and linked. The required *)
(* parameters are as follows: *)
(* *)
(* ItemText - (String) the text to appear in this Item. *)
(* CommandKey - (CHAR) the command-key equivalent for this Item; if *)
(* this is set to the global constant NoKey, then no key *)
(* equivalent will be assigned; otherwise, pressing this *)
(* key and the right Amiga-key will select this Item. *)
(* ItemSetting - (ItemFlagSet) the options desired for this Item; *)
(* several commonly-used values for this parameter are *)
(* declared in the definition module. *)
(* Exclusion - (LONGINT) the other Items in this Menu (CurrentMenu) *)
(* which cannot be selected at the same time as this one; *)
(* setting a bit in Exclusion excludes the corresponding *)
(* Item while this Item is chosen. *)
(* *)
(* The placement of the Items is determined by the global variables *)
(* Left, Top, Wide and High. If you assign a value to any of these prior *)
(* to calling this procedure, then that value will be used in constructing *)
(* the Item structure. Otherwise, the procedure will calculate reasonable *)
(* values for the size and placement of the Item. Wide and Left are auto- *)
(* matically adjusted if checkmarks and/or command keys are desired, based *)
(* upon the value of the global flag HiResScreen. Setting the global flag *)
(* AutoIndent adds the space required for a checkmark to all subsequent *)
(* Items under the CurrentMenu, regardless of whether or not the Item may *)
(* be checked. (This is useful for lining up the left edges of the Items *)
(* when not all of them may be checked.) If AutoIndent is not set, then *)
(* the space will be added only to Items which may be checked. *)
(* *)
(* Since the IntuiText procedures in this module are used to create the *)
(* IntuitionText structures for this Item, you may change the global vari- *)
(* ables recognized by those procedures to obtain special effects for your *)
(* Items (e.g., different fonts, styles, colors, etc.). *)
(* *)
(* Upon returning from this procedure, the global variable CurrentItem *)
(* will point to this new Item. *)
(* *)
PROCEDURE AddItem (ItemText : String;
Commandkey : CHAR;
ItemSetting : ItemFlagSet;
Exclusion : LONGINT);
Selectintuitext : IntuitionTextPtr;
TextLeft : INTEGER;
ChangePreviousItems : BOOLEAN;
ItemSetting := ItemSetting + TextFlag; (* Item must be a string *)
ChangePreviousItems := FALSE; (* no reverse-traverse needed yet *)
LinkItemsOrSubItems (CurrentItem, CurrentMenu^.FirstItem, ItemColumnTop);
IF (NewItemColumn) THEN
MakeNewColumn (ItemLeft, ItemTop, ItemWide);
ItemColumnTop := CurrentItem;
END; (* IF NewItemColumn *)
CalcLeftTopWideHigh (ItemLeft, ItemTop, ItemText, SelectText);
AddCheckmarkAndCommandKey (ItemSetting, Commandkey, TextLeft);
CalcFinalLeftAndWide (ItemLeft, ItemWide, ChangePreviousItems);
IF (ChangePreviousItems) THEN
ReverseTraverse (ItemColumnTop, ItemLeft, ItemWide);
END; (* IF ChangePreviousSubItems *)
IntuitionizeTexts (ItemText, SelectText, TextLeft, ItemSetting,
Itemintuitext, Selectintuitext);
WITH CurrentItem^ DO
LeftEdge := ItemLeft; (* LeftEdge & Width must be same as *)
TopEdge := Top; (* values for other items under *)
Height := High; (* this menu; TopEdge & Height may *)
Width := ItemWide; (* vary as user wishes; *)
Flags := ItemSetting; (* Item characteristics *)
MutualExclude := Exclusion; (* exclude these other Items *)
ItemFill := Itemintuitext; (* text seen when Item selected *)
SelectFill := Selectintuitext; (* text normally seen *)
Command := BYTE(Commandkey); (* key equivalent *)
SubItem := NULL;
END; (* WITH CurrentItem *)
INC(ItemTop, High); (* top position of next Item *)
CurrentSubItem := NULL;
SubItemTop := 0; (* subitem select-box must overlap *)
SubItemLeft := Wide-1; (* item select-box somewhere; *)
SubItemWide := HorPixPerChar; (* ...safety precaution... *)
END AddItem;
(* *)
(* This procedure adds a new SubItem under the CurrentItem. All Item *)
(* structures and pointers are properly allocated and initialized. The *)
(* procedure is virtually identical to the above routine AddItem, except *)
(* that the parameters and variables mentioned affect the SubItems under *)
(* the CurrentItem, rather than the Items under the CurrentMenu. *)
(* *)
(* Upon returning from this procedure, the global variable CurrentSub- *)
(* Item will point to this new SubItem. *)
(* *)
PROCEDURE AddSubItem (SubItemText : String;
Commandkey : CHAR;
ItemSetting : ItemFlagSet;
Exclusion : LONGINT);
Selectintuitext : IntuitionTextPtr;
TextLeft : INTEGER;
ChangePreviousSubItems : BOOLEAN;
ItemSetting := ItemSetting + TextFlag; (* subitem must be a string *)
ChangePreviousSubItems := FALSE; (* no reverse-traverse needed yet *)
LinkItemsOrSubItems (CurrentSubItem, CurrentItem^.SubItem,
IF (NewItemColumn) THEN
MakeNewColumn (SubItemLeft, SubItemTop, SubItemWide);
SubItemColumnTop := CurrentSubItem;
END; (* IF NewItemColumn *)
CalcLeftTopWideHigh (SubItemLeft, SubItemTop, SubItemText, SelectText);
AddCheckmarkAndCommandKey (ItemSetting, Commandkey, TextLeft);
CalcFinalLeftAndWide (SubItemLeft, SubItemWide, ChangePreviousSubItems);
IF (ChangePreviousSubItems) THEN
ReverseTraverse (SubItemColumnTop, SubItemLeft, SubItemWide);
END; (* IF ChangePreviousSubItems *)
IntuitionizeTexts (SubItemText, SelectText, TextLeft, ItemSetting,
Itemintuitext, Selectintuitext);
WITH CurrentSubItem^ DO
LeftEdge := SubItemLeft; (* LeftEdge & Width must be the *)
TopEdge := Top; (* same for all subitems under *)
Height := High; (* this item; TopEdge & Height *)
Width := SubItemWide; (* may vary as the user desires *)
Flags := ItemSetting; (* SubItem characteristics *)
MutualExclude := Exclusion; (* exclude these other SubItems *)
ItemFill := Itemintuitext;(* text seen when SubItem selected *)
SelectFill := Selectintuitext; (* text normally seen *)
Command := BYTE(Commandkey); (* key equivalent *)
SubItem := NULL;
END; (* WITH CurrentSubItem *)
INC (SubItemTop, High); (* top position of next SubItem *)
END AddSubItem;
(* *)
(* This procedure removes a Menu tree from a Window, DISPOSEs of all *)
(* Menu and Item structures and pointers and then calls InitializeMenuStrip*)
(* to reset the variables used to create the next Menu tree. The only para-*)
(* meter required is WindowPointer, a pointer to the Window from which you *)
(* wish the Menu tree to be removed. If WindowPointer = NULL, then any Menu*)
(* pointed to by the global variable LoneMenuStrip is DISPOSEd of as above;*)
(* This feature is useful if you have several MenuStrips for a Window and *)
(* you wish to DISPOSE of one that isn't currently attached. *)
(* *)
PROCEDURE DestroyMenuStrip (WindowPointer : WindowPtr);
thisMenu : MenuPtr; (* pointers for traversing the Menus, *)
nextMenu : MenuPtr; (* Items and SubItems in the MenuStrip *)
thisItem : MenuItemPtr;
nextItem : MenuItemPtr;
thisSubItem : MenuItemPtr;
nextSubItem : MenuItemPtr;
IF (WindowPointer <> NULL) AND (WindowPointer <> NIL) THEN
ClearMenuStrip (WindowPointer);
thisMenu := WindowPointer^.MenuStrip;
IF (LoneMenuStrip <> NULL) AND (LoneMenuStrip <> NIL) THEN
thisMenu := LoneMenuStrip;
RETURN; (* nothing of which to DISPOSE *)
END; (* IF LoneMenuStrip *)
END; (* IF WindowPointer *)
WHILE thisMenu <> NULL DO
thisItem := thisMenu^.FirstItem;
WHILE thisItem <> NULL DO
thisSubItem := thisItem^.SubItem;
WHILE thisSubItem <> NULL DO
WITH thisSubItem^ DO
nextSubItem := NextItem;
Itemintuitext := IntuitionTextPtr(ItemFill);
DestroyIntuiText (Itemintuitext, FALSE);
IF (SelectFill <> NULL) THEN
Itemintuitext := IntuitionTextPtr(SelectFill);
DestroyIntuiText (Itemintuitext, FALSE);
END; (* IF SelectFill *)
END; (* WITH thisSubItem *)
DISPOSE (thisSubItem);
thisSubItem := nextSubItem;
END; (* WHILE thisSubItem^ *)
WITH thisItem^ DO
nextItem := NextItem;
Itemintuitext := IntuitionTextPtr(ItemFill);
DestroyIntuiText (Itemintuitext, FALSE);
IF (SelectFill <> NULL) THEN
Itemintuitext := IntuitionTextPtr(SelectFill);
DestroyIntuiText (Itemintuitext, FALSE);
END; (* IF SelectFill *)
END; (* WITH thisItem^ *)
DISPOSE (thisItem);
thisItem := nextItem;
END; (* WHILE thisItem *)
nextMenu := thisMenu^.NextMenu;
MenuText := StringPtr(thisMenu^.MenuName);
DISPOSE (MenuText);
DISPOSE (thisMenu);
thisMenu := nextMenu;
END; (* WHILE thisMenu *)
END DestroyMenuStrip;
PROCEDURE LinkItemsOrSubItems (VAR NewLink, FirstLink : MenuItemPtr;
VAR ColumnTop : MenuItemPtr);
OldLink : MenuItemPtr;
IF (NewLink <> NULL) THEN
OldLink := NewLink; (* link new (Sub)Item to last (Sub)Item *)
OldLink^.NextItem := NewLink;
NEW(NewLink); (* first (Sub)Item; link it to *)
FirstLink := NewLink; (* CurrentMenu or CurrentItem; *)
ColumnTop := FirstLink; (* first (Sub)Item in column; *)
END; (* IF NewLink *)
NewLink^.NextItem := NULL;
END LinkItemsOrSubItems;
PROCEDURE MakeNewColumn (VAR ItemLeft, ItemTop, ItemWide : INTEGER);
ItemTop := 0;
ItemLeft := ItemLeft + ItemWide;
ItemWide := HorPixPerChar;
END MakeNewColumn;
PROCEDURE CalcLeftTopWideHigh (DefaultLeft : INTEGER;
DefaultTop : INTEGER;
DefaultText : String;
SelectText : String);
IF (Left = OutOfBounds) THEN Left := DefaultLeft; END;
IF (Top = OutOfBounds) THEN Top := DefaultTop; END;
IF (High = OutOfBounds) THEN High := VerPixPerChar+2; END;
IF (Wide = OutOfBounds) THEN
Wide := ( Length( DefaultText ) + 1 ) * HorPixPerChar;
IF (Compare (SelectText, NoText) <> Equal) THEN
Wide := Max (Wide, ( Length( SelectText ) + 1 ) * HorPixPerChar );
END; (* IF Compare *)
END; (* IF Wide *)
END CalcLeftTopWideHigh;
PROCEDURE AddCheckmarkAndCommandKey (VAR ItemSetting : ItemFlagSet;
Commandkey : CHAR;
VAR TextLeft : INTEGER);
IF (CheckIt IN ItemSetting) OR (AutoIndent) THEN
IF HiResScreen THEN
TextLeft := CheckWidth; (* left edge of IntuitionText *)
INC(Wide, CheckWidth); (* must be placed to right of *)
ELSE (* checkmark; also, the width *)
TextLeft := LowCheckWidth; (* of the (Sub)Item must be in- *)
INC(Wide, LowCheckWidth); (* creased to prevent the Intu- *)
END; (* IF HiResScreen *) (* itionText from being clipped;*)
TextLeft := 0; (* left edge of IntuitionText *)
END; (* IF CheckIt *) (* = left edge of (Sub)Item; *)
IF (Commandkey <> NoKey) THEN
INCL (ItemSetting, CommSeq); (* add space to width *)
IF HiResScreen THEN (* of Item to allow *)
INC(Wide, CommWidth + HorPixPerChar); (* for command key; *)
INC(Wide, LowCommWidth + HorPixPerChar);
END; (* IF HiResScreen *)
EXCL (ItemSetting, CommSeq); (* don't want key-equivalent; *)
END; (* IF CheckIt *)
END AddCheckmarkAndCommandKey;
(* compute left position and width required by (Sub)Item; if either *)
(* of these exceeds the corresponding values for previous (Sub)Items *)
(* under this Menu(Item), then must reverse traverse the MenuStrip; *)
PROCEDURE CalcFinalLeftAndWide (VAR CurrentLeft : INTEGER;
VAR CurrentWide : INTEGER;
VAR ReverseTraverse : BOOLEAN);
IF (Left < CurrentLeft) THEN
IF (RightJustify) THEN
Wide := Max( Wide, CurrentWide + CurrentLeft - Left );
CurrentWide := Wide;
END; (* IF RightJustify *)
CurrentLeft := Left;
ReverseTraverse := TRUE;
Left := CurrentLeft;
END; (* IF Left *)
IF (Wide > CurrentWide) THEN
CurrentWide := Wide;
ReverseTraverse := TRUE;
Wide := CurrentWide;
END; (* IF Wide *)
END CalcFinalLeftAndWide;
PROCEDURE ReverseTraverse (StartItem : MenuItemPtr;
NewLeftEdge : INTEGER;
NewWidth : INTEGER);
thisItem : MenuItemPtr;
thisItem := StartItem;
WHILE (thisItem <> NULL) DO
WITH thisItem^ DO
LeftEdge := NewLeftEdge; (* NewLeftEdge always <= LeftEdge *)
Width := NewWidth; (* NewWidth always >= Width *)
thisItem := NextItem;
END; (* WITH thisSubItem *)
END; (* WHILE thisItem *)
END ReverseTraverse;
PROCEDURE IntuitionizeTexts (ItemText, SelectText : String;
TextLeft : INTEGER;
VAR ItemSetting : ItemFlagSet;
VAR Itemintuitext : IntuitionTextPtr;
VAR Selectintuitext : IntuitionTextPtr);
SavedPen : INTEGER;
SavedPen := FrontTextPen;
FrontTextPen := ItemPen;
GetIntuiText (ItemText, TextLeft, 0, Itemintuitext);
IF (Compare (SelectText, NoText) = Equal) THEN
Selectintuitext := NULL;
ItemSetting := ItemSetting - HighFlags;
FrontTextPen := ItemSelectPen;
GetIntuiText(SelectText, TextLeft, 0, Selectintuitext);
END; (* IF Compare *)
FrontTextPen := SavedPen;
END IntuitionizeTexts;
PROCEDURE ResetGlobals;
Left := OutOfBounds;
Top := OutOfBounds; (* flags: calculate reasonable positions *)
Wide := OutOfBounds;
High := OutOfBounds;
SelectText := NoText; (* default: no alternate text for (Sub)Item *)
NewItemColumn := FALSE; (* default: no new column for (Sub)Items *)
END ResetGlobals;
InitStringModule; (* initialize Strings module *)
LoneMenuStrip := NULL;
END MenuTools.