Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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222 lines
# My own settings for DME
# © Mikael Karlsson
# Distribute as you wish but don't claim them for your own creation.
topedge 4
leftedge 3
addpath s:
#Proper arrow keys
map `left' `ifelse l `ifelse t `left' `up last'' `left''
map `right' `ifelse r `ifelse b `right' `down first'' `right''
map `s-up' `pageup'
map `s-down' `pagedown'
map `s-left' `-left while !ca `-left' while ca `-left' -right'
map `s-right' `while ca `-right' if !r `while !ca `-right'''
map `a-up' `top'
map `a-down' `bottom'
map `a-left' `first'
map `a-right' `last'
map `c-up' `top'
map `c-down' `bottom'
map `c-left' `first'
map `c-right' `last'
#Block commands
map `c-ret' `block'
map `c-del' `bdelete'
#Extra stuff
map `s-help' (newwindow)
map `csa-del' (escimm `unblock top first block bottom block bdelete')
map `a-c' (wright wleft while !ca (right) while cn (right) if cl (tlate -32) right while ca (if cu (tlate +32) right) wright)
map `a-l' (wright wleft while !ca (right) while cn (right) while ca (if cu (tlate +32) right) wright)
map `a-u' (wright wleft while !ca (right) while cn (right) while ca (if cl (tlate -32) right) wright)
map `a-t' (block block down down bmove up)
map `c-t' (scanf %1s del right `\$scanf' left)
map `s-bs' (left while c=32 (del left) ifelse ca (while ca (right bs left)) (while !ca (right bs left)) right)
map `c-bs' (left ifelse c=32 (del) (right))
map `s-del' (ifelse r join remeol)
map `tab' (ifelse t (tab) (up s-right down))
map `a-f' (wright wleft while !ca (right) ` ' while ca right ` ' wleft scanf %s bs while ca (right) del find $scanf)
map `a-n' (next)
map `bs' (ifelse l (up last join if !l (del)) (bs))
map `return' (split first while c=32 (down ` ' up) if c=123 (down ` ' up) while c=32 (down ` ' up) down)
map `a-9' (settoggle 40 while 40 (-left if c=41 (a-9 -left) ifelse c=40 (resettoggle 40) (settoggle 40)))
map `cs-b' (tlate 128 tlate 128 tlate 128 tlate 128 tlate 128 tlate 128)
map `(' (`()' left)
map `)' `ifelse c=41 `ping 9 a-9 repeat 12 `cs-b' tlate 40 pong 9 right' ``)'''
map `{' (`{ }' left)
map `}' (ifelse c=125 (c-bs c-bs right) (`}'))
map `[' (`[]' left)
map `]' (ifelse c=93 (right) (`]'))
map `"' (ifelse c=34 (right) (`""' left))
map `;' (ifelse c=125 (`;' -return) (`;'))
map `a-del' (if c=123 (block while c<>125 (down) block bdelete))
map `a-/' (ifelse c=42 (` ' right right) (`/* */' left left))
#XDE Style
map `f9' `first scanf %s block block bdelete newfile \$scanf'
map `f8' `saveold iconify'
------------------------cut this-------------------------
My .edrc file for DME.
Blinking of matching parentheses
Automatic C indentation (My own style, of course)
Automatic level matching of {}, [], "" and ()
Fast 'newfile'
Blinking of matching parentheses
Matching parentheses are accomplished by the use of a recursive
DME macro. Unfortunately DME isn't very quick at executing it's
macros so I don't recommend using it for Lisp, Scheme and other
parentheses-intensive languages. I think it's adequate for C or
Modula etc. It works like this:
* When you type a left parentheses, both the left and the matching
right one is inserted and the cursor is placed on the right one.
* As you type your expression the right parentheses is moved ahead.
* When you type the closing parentheses DME sees that the character
under the cursor is the needed closing parantheses and therefore
blinks the matching one and moves the cursor to the right.
Automatic C indentation
C code is automatically indented. If you don't like my particular
style, too bad. Here's an example of what it looks like:
int function(x, y) /* Pretty stupid function actually */
int x, y;
{ int temp;
if (x<y)
{ temp = x;
x = y;
y = temp;
******** NOTE FROM MATT: I don't like his indenting scheme, but I have
not the time to modify the macros so they remain as-is.
Here's how it works:
* When you type a left bracket '{' a space and a closing bracket
is automatically inserted and the cursor is placed on the
closing bracket.
* Now you type your line. The closing bracket is moved to the right.
* When the line is finished you type a semicolon. Now DME sees
that the cursor is placed on a right bracket. DME supposes
that this line is finished, inserts a newline and indents the
next line to the same level as the previous line.
* When you're about to finish a block with a right bracket the
cursor should be placed on the closing bracket of this block.
Therefore, when you type a right bracket it is ignored and
the closing bracket that already exists is moved two steps to
the left, thereby closing the current block.
Automatic level matching of {}, [], "" and ()
{} and () are described above. [] and "" works the same way but
without blinking or automatic formatting. That is, when the
opening character is typed the closing one is inserted immediately.
If the closing character is typed when the cursor is standing on
that same character the cursor is just moved one step to the right.
If you for some reason want to override the special interpretation
of these characters I recommend typing them with Alt held down.
Fast 'newfile'
This is a ripoff from XDE (Xerox Development Environment) found
on the Xerox machines.
To load a file:
1. Open a new DME window
2. Type the filename
3. Press f9
That's it. When you press f9, DME scans the filename, removes it
from the document and loads the file.
On the Xerox the f9 button is labelled "DO".
Other features
To remember things one can think of the functions keys f9, f8 an
f10 (Yes, in that order) as DO, DID and DONE.
The actions performed by these keys are:
f9 DO this file. See "Fast 'newfile'".
f8 DID this file. Executes 'saveold iconify'.
f10 DONE. Executes 'saveold quit'
For inserting comments type alt-/. This inserts "/* */" and places
the cursor on the second "*" ready for typing the comment. When
you're finished type alt-/ again and the cursor is moved after the
closing "/".
Shift-Help opens a new DME window.
Ctrl-Return executes 'block'
Ctrl-Delete executes 'bdelete'
Tab moves the cursor to line up with a word on the row above the
current one. Actually if performs 'up word-right down'.
Shift-left and shift-right moves a word at a time.
Shift-up and shift-down moves a page up or down.
Alt-left and alt-right moves to the start or end of the line.
Alt-up and Alt-down moves to the top or bottom of the document.
Ctrl-"arrow" works as alt-"arrow".
Ctrl-t swaps two characters.
Alt-t swaps two lines.
Shift-Delete deletes from the cursor to end of line. If the cursor
already is at the end of the line the "newline" is deleted.
Well, that's it. Have fun.
Mikael Karlsson
Lövsättersvägen 10