Frozen Fish 1: Amiga
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Text File
125 lines
## ...deleted stuff...
## s-return is a fast, simple <return>-like key; it will go to the
## left-hand column of the next line, if hit on a blank line. s-return is
## intended to be useful in some macros, primarily.
## cs-return is a variation on s-return; it does an s-return on the _next_
## line. Again, I only use it in macros.
## a-return is what is really used for the <return> key. I created the
## indirection in the <return> key, since there is a <return> in the DME
## primitive support, forcing me to do $return when I mean <return>. This
## causes problems when there are multiple $returns (appears to be a DME
## bug, but I'm not sure at this time; need to check sometime). a-return
## can split the current line, and will "remember" your indentation if you
## are on a blank line.
## Plain return is what the <return> maps to, of course. Uses a-return.
map s-return (last split firstnb down)
map cs-return (down s-return)
map a-return (split set col \$colno firstnb ifelse x=1 (if !r (set col
\$colno) ) (set col \$colno) down first while x<\$col (` ') while c=32 (del) )
map return (a-return)
# map return (ping 0 split firstnb if x=1 (if r (pong 0) ) down insline `*'
join bs del)
## these provide some (very limited) "auto formatting."
## Note that for each formatting key, the alt key must be held. This is
## simply because I use DME for various things, and at the moment don't
## want to contend with multiple config files for different things.
## a-[ is an "auto brace". It will format braces according to my taste. I
## _could_ have made it a-{, instead of a-[, but I don't really need
## square brackets formatted much, and don't want to have to push both alt
## & shift to do this...
## a-] is another "auto brace"
## a-; is an "auto semicolon." If the previous line was blank, if we are
## at the top of the file, or the previous line ended with another
## semicolon, this just tacks a ; on the end of the current line and moves
## down a line (since DME doesn't have an "and" for its expressions, I had
## to duplicate code for all of these cases; thus the inspiration for the
## <s-return>, which makes this much simpler). If there is a previous
## line has anything on it, and ends with anything other than a ;, a-;
## will do as before, but will also un-indent one level. This isn't
## really an entirely satisfactory representation. One could, of course,
## keep on adding special cases for the end of the previous line, up
## until one hits DME's 255 char limit for a command string...
## (Unfortunately, a-; is currently right up near the upper limit...
## Perhaps more work could be done to offload some of the junk to other
## keys... Presently, if the previous line ends with { or /, this key
## will unindent.)
## s-nk1 will put a `**' in the current column, REPACING wahtever was
## there before. It also drops down a line. Useful for putting in
## comment-marker columns (a variation (s-nk2), putting in `##' was used
## for writing these comments...). A possible variation would be to have
## spaces (say, 4 of'em) inserted so that `**' won't overwrite anything.
## a-nk1 will "undo" a-nk1's work.
## sa-nk1 will move the current line to be indented aligned with the
## current cursor position. It will then, like other -nk1 keys, move down
## one line.
## s-nk3 puts a double-semicolon (;;) column in, as s-nk1 does with
## asterisks.
map a-[ (last a-return `{' split firstnb down tab)
map a-] (last a-return $s-tab `}')
map a-; (set col \$colno last if l (col \$col) `;' ifelse t (s-return) (up last
ifelse l (cs-return) (left ifelse c=59 (cs-return) (ifelse c<=32 (cs-return)
(ifelse c>126 (cs-return) (ifelse c=125 (cs-return) (cs-return backtab))))))
map s-nk1 (del del `**' left left down)
map a-nk1 (del del ` ' left left down)
map sa-nk1 (insline `*' join bs del down)
map s-nk3 (del del `;;' left left down)
## These give me cursor control more like Uedit's. Not exactly the
## same, but enough to keep me happy for now.
## The nk6 key was something of a pain to write, like the return key
## above, but it got done...yay! (sorta...DME needs a break statement or
## else 'boolean' operators (and, or, etc.) for its loops.
map (nk8) (up)
map (nk2) (down)
map (nk4) (wleft)
map (nk6) (wleft wright if r (down first while r (down)) while !c<=32 (right))
map (s-nk8) (up)
map (s-nk2) (down)
map (s-nk4) (left)
map (s-nk6) (right)
map (c-nk8) (pageup)
map (c-nk2) (pagedown)
map (c-nk4) (first)
map (c-nk6) (last)
## ...deleted stuff...
map f10 arpload
map s-f10 (newwindow arpload)
## ...deleted stuff...