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PPMC v1.2b
The Powerpacker Mini Clone
Copyright (c) 1992,1993 REELSOFT
Both this program and its source are freely distributable,
but remain Copyright (c) REELSOFT.
Table of Contents :
1. Introduction
2. Installation
2.1 Under OS 2.0
2.2 Under OS 2.1 & OS 3.0
3. Usage from the Shell
3.1 Syntax
3.2 Template
3.3 Notes
3.4 Examples
4. Usage from Workbench
4.1 Tool Types
4.2 Notes
5. Changes
6. Future improvements
7. Author
8. Acknowledgments
1.Introduction :
PPMC is powerpacker.library meeting gadtools.library.
It's a utility, useful for packing and unpacking text and data files.
Unlike the original Powerpacker, PPMC won't insert a decrunch header
in the packed file, so it would be useless to crunch an executable file
(except for an archival purpose)
PPMC works under 2.0(V37), 2.1(V38) and 3.0(V39) systems
and can be invoked either from the Shell or from the Workbench.
2.Installation :
PPMC obviously requires the powerpacker.library.
That is the only library to install, in order to use the Shell interface.
As for the Intuition interface, the reqtools.library is needed too.
2.1 Under OS 2.0 :
The installation program allows you first of all to compare the version
number of the provided libraries with those already installed in your
It will then update your Libs: assignement with the libraries you had
previously checked.
Note :
- Pressing the Esc key will quit the program.
2.2 Under OS 2.1 & OS 3.0 :
To execute the installation script, double-click on your language icon.
Notes :
- You will need Commodore's Installer program in your C: assignement.
- I'm sorry if your native language isn't provided.
Feel free to do the translation and don't forget to send me a copy
of the `.ct' file...
3.Usage from the Shell :
If you wish to use an Intuition interface, just type `PPMC' with
no argument.
(skip to "Usage from the Workbench" for more details)
You may otherwise be interested in a CLI-only interface.
In that case, type `PPMC ?' to display the template.
3.1 Syntax :
PPMC FROM <source> TO <destination>
[EFFECT] {1|2|3|4|5} [BUFFER] {1|2|3} [DECRUNCHING] {1|2|3|4|5}
3.2 Template :
FROM = This is the path and name of the file to be crunched.
TO = This is the path and name of the destination file.
If this argument is omitted, the destination file name
would be equal to :
- The source name plus the `.pp' extension if packing.
- The source name minus the `.pp' extension if unpacking.
( Be careful: if the source file has no `.pp' extension,
it will be overwritten ! )
EFFICIENCY = The packing efficiency :
1 = FAST
3 = GOOD
(default) 5 = BEST
BUFFER = The size of the speedup buffer used while packing :
1 = LARGE from 3K (FAST) to 33K (BEST)
2 = MEDIUM from 5K (FAST) to 65K (BEST)
(default) 3 = SMALL from 196K (FAST) to 256K (BEST)
DECRUNCHING = The effect to be used during decrunching :
1 = Flash color 0
2 = Flash color 2
3 = Flash mouse pointer
4 = Background color scrolling
(default) 5 = No decrunching effect
ENCRYPT = This switch enables encryption of packed files.
You will then be asked for a password.
FORCE = Use this switch to disable the confirmation request
before the crunching of an executable file.
QUIET = When this switch is on, no information is displayed
during the packing or the unpacking operation.
VER = This switch will ask PPMC to display its current version.
- Same as the `-v' option on previous versions of PPMC.
HELP = A very useful switch which will make PPMC display
the packing parameter's values.
- This option is localized.
- Same as the `-h' option on previous versions of PPMC.
3.3 Notes :
- The program firstly checks if the source file is already packed
and encrypted and will in that case decrunch it.
So use the same syntax to unpack a file.
- You may abort any packing or unpacking operation by hitting Ctrl-C
or Ctrl-D.
- The display of messages can be avoided by adding >NIL: at the end
of the command line.
3.4 Examples :
> PPMC file1 file2 EFF=3 BUF=2 DEC=3 ENCRYPT
- Pack and encrypt `file1' with a GOOD efficiency,
using a MEDIUM speedup buffer, and a decrunching effect on
the mouse pointer, then save it to `file2'.
- Pack `file' with the default parameters (EFF=BEST, BUF=LARGE, DEC=NONE),
without encrypting it, then save it as `file.pp', even if it's an
executable file.
If the file is already packed, it will be unpacked and saved.
4.Usage from Workbench :
To run PPMC from Workbench, simply double-click on its icon,
which has several Tool Types that you may want to set before.
To load a file, you can either :
- Drop an icon on PPMC window (the fastest way),
- Click on the GetFile gadget, then select a file in the requester,
- Use the Load item from the Project menu (right Amiga + L).
Once the file is chosen, the program analyses it and whether it's already
packed or not, enables the appropriate button.
4.1 Tool Types :
PUBSCREEN : The public screen name on which PPMC should open
its window
Default : Default public screen (or Workbench)
LANGUAGE : The language to use for localization (OS 2.1+ only)
Default : System default if available, English otherwise
EFFICIENCY : Sets the crunching efficiency at startup
Range : 1-5
Default : 5 (BEST)
BUFFER : Sets the speedup buffer at startup
Range : 1-3
Default : 1 (LARGE)
DECRUNCHING : Sets the decrunching effect at startup
Range : 1-5
Default : 5 (NONE)
ENCRYPT : Sets encryption at startup
Default : OFF
VERBOSE : When this tool type is OFF, the `size', `% gain' and
`%' gadgets, as well as the percentage gauge will be
disabled during the packing operation.
Default : ON
ASL : PPMC will use the reqtools.library file-requester
by default.
If you prefer using the asl.library file-requester
or any other library providing an ASL patch program
(KDfreq,MFR,etc..), set this tool type to ON.
Default : OFF
PATTERN : You may avoid the use of a backfill pattern by
launching PPMC with this tooltype OFF.
Note : This is particularly appropriate for owners of a
slow processor Amiga, who use an 8 or 16 color
Workbench screen under Kickstart 2.0 or 2.1.
(Intuition windows are sped up a lot under V39).
Default : ON
COLOR : Sets the window pattern color.
Range : 0-255
Default : 3
4.2 Notes :
- The Esc button aborts the crunching operation.
- Decrunching is too fast to be aborted.
- You will be warned by a requester, every time you will attempt
to load an executable file.
5.Changes :
v1.2b - Dutch catalog
- Icon Tool Type parsing
- Invisible password prompting from CLI
- All UNIX style options replaced by new switches
- Recompiled with SAS/C 6.1
v1.2a - File overwritting detection
- Gadget shortcuts corrected
- `-b' option
v1.2 - Localized
- Unpacking possibility
- Complete CLI/Shell interface
- ASL file requester
- Custom Password prompting
- New look
- Internal font changed
- Hypertext documentation
- bugs fixed
v1.1 - Encrypts files
- Warns the user if an executable file is loaded
- Internal font purged
- Few bugs fixed
v1.0 - First released version
6.Future improvements :
- Pack and unpack multiple files
- Scan a directory for a recursive packing and unpacking
- Make window & gadgets sizable
- Add an icon to the destination file(s)
- Optimize the code with a custom startup
- Replace ppErrorMessage() with a localized function
- Translate the documentation to French
Note :
Theese improvements will mostly depend on the needs of PPMC users...
7.Author :
PPMC was written by
35, av Mac Mahon
75017 Paris
Using a very slow Amiga 500+ (1Mb CHIP),
a GVP A500-HD8+ 52Mb SCSI hard drive (4Mb FAST),
under Kickstart 39.106 (loaded in RAM with SKick)
and Workbench 39.29
Comments, suggestions, bug reports, flames, gifts, etc...
are welcome.
8.Acknowledgments :
Thanks to :
Nico Francois Fred (Torchi) Servant
Jan van den Baard Alex Tsopeis
Michael Berg Denis Gounelle
SPECIAL Thanks to :
Jan van den Baard for his awesome GadToolsBox,
the Dutch localization and for helping me on several bugs.
Michael Berg for the Danish localization.
Nico Francois for having resolved the password problem
and of course his exceptional reqtools and powerpacker libraries.
Fred Fish for his prodigious PD collection.
Alice in Chains for the music.
PPMC was written with :
SAS/C Compiler v6.1 (c) SAS Institute Inc.
CygnusEd Pro v2.12 (c) CygnusSoft Software
GadToolsBox v1.4 (c) Jaba Development
powerpacker.library v35 (c) Nico Francois
reqtools.library v38 (c) Nico Francois