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=== ===
=== DRAFU+ ("Draw A Function") V0.82 rel. 2302-93 ===
=== ===
=== ===
=== (c) 1990-93 by Andreas Ralph Kleinert (DRAFU+) ===
=== Grube Hohe Grethe 23 ===
=== W-5900 Siegen 1 ===
=== Germany ===
=== ===
=== & Dipl.Inform. Ulrich Degens (FWB) ===
=== Hamburger Strasse 43 ===
=== W-4600 Dortmund 1 ===
=== Germany ===
=== ===
=== ===
=== This is a freely distributable DEMO-Version of DRAFU+. ===
=== All rights reserved. ===
=== ===
=== ===
=== DRAFU+ need V36+ of the "ak_gen0.library" (FREEWARE) ===
=== and also uses some of the libraries of ===
=== Kickstart/Workbench V1.2 or greater. ===
=== The 3D-Look of OS V2.04+ is also supported. ===
=== ===
=== For use of the ARexx-commands ARexx V1.15+ ===
=== is needed. ===
=== ===
=== ===
Parts of "DRAFU+ V0.82" are :
- this documentation
- the "ak_gen0.library" and its documentation
- the other contents of this Directory, if marked as a part
of "DRAFU+"
----- Documentationfile-Version : V0.82-A-2302-93 -----
DRAFU+ stands for (D)raw (A) (Fu)nction, which seems to be a good
description of the program's abilities :
DRAFU+ V0.82 is able to display all mathematical functions - certainly
also many at the same time - on your screen.
Also there's the possibility to calculate integrals over those functions.
1. Copy the included (or a greater) version of the
"ak_gen0.library" into your "LIBS:"-directory.
(normally "SYS:libs").
2. Copy DRAFU+ onto your HardDisk or Boot-Disk.
NOTES for users of the Operating Systems V1.2 and V1.3 :
DRAFU+ is fully compatible.
NOTES for users of the Beta-Operating Systems V1.4-V2.02 (V35/36) :
DRAFU+ ignores those Operating Systems in a way, that
they are treated quite the same as a Kickstart V1.2 or V1.3.
There are no advantages taken.
(Concerns some Amiga 3000- or Kickfile-User.)
NOTES for users of the Operating Systems V2.04-V3.00 :
Under OS V2.04+ the "ak_gen0.library" used by DRAFU+ forces
the Standard-ASL-Filerequester of the Operating System instead of
its own (only, if the "asl.library" is available).
Up to today there exist Public Domain-Programs, which do allow
to "patch" the ASL-Requester, so that instead another (perhaps
better) one is used.
This may be understood as a hint, if you don't like the ASL-Requester
very much.
= HOW TO USE (wide-stepped) : =
1.1 "First Steps" or "How to display a function !?"
At first you have to select a suitable Screen-Mode and Color-Depth
inside the DRAFU-ModeRequester.
The best solution would perhaps be an Interlace-Mode, but you may also
work in the Hires-Mode quite good.
After that you have to choose the Menu "Functions" and then "f(x)=???",
where you have to select inside the FunctionRequester, which function
you would edit or that you want to enter a new one.
Also the value of a Step-Size and the borders of the interval, which
should be displayed are to enter here.
The following things then can be done with the entered function :
- "Draw"
(Draw and display the function, after clearing the
Screen before.)
- "Add-Draw"
(Draw and display the function, WITHOUT clearing the
Screen before.)
- "Def. Part"
(Enter a partly-defined function.
This is described under 1.2.)
- "Not Draw"
(Leaves the requester, but memorizes the funtion.)
After that the calculation begins and the function will be displayed.
If you chose the Close-Gadget instead of "Not Draw", the function
will NOT be memorized (Cancel-Option).
1.2 Partly-defined Functions (ASWD-Functions)
DRAFU+ also allows to display (some kinds of) partly-defined functions,
in the following called ASWD-Functions.
(German : "abschnittsweise definierte Funktionen").
Please note the following :
1.) The field, which contains the function itself, when entering "normal"
functions, is now used for a completely freely defineable identifier
for the function, which is entered later !
Also enter here the interval-borders and
the Step-Width.
2.) After that select the "Def. Part"-Gadget.
3.) You now get into a second FunctionRequester, where you have to
enter three (perhaps different) functions, and also a right interval-
border for each function.
This is quite the same like in the following mathematic term :
| f1(x) = ??? for x < 1.Border
f(x) = |
| f2(x) = ??? for 1.Border < x < 2.Border
| f3(x) = ??? for 2.Border < x < 3.Border (= Max.)
4.) As with "normal" Functions, you may also select here between
the Drawing-Modes "Draw" and "Add-Draw".
To exit completely, please click on the "Close-Gadget"
of the Window.
Certainly ASWD-Functions may later be selected within the normal
FMemoRequester and then be edited in the FunctionRequester.
Please note, that a function which once has been declared as
"partly-defined" keeps this status, which means all gadgets except
"Def. Part" (and the String-Gadgets) are not accessable with this
After a selection of "Memo : Clear" this is perhaps no longer the
1.3 More information :
Zooming of rectangles on the Screen :
After selection of the Sub-Menu "Zoom" (second Menu),
you may zoom parts of the currently displayed functions
on the Screen as follows :
What you have to do is quite the same like a simple sizing of a
Just move the Mouse-Pointer to the left,upper corner of the rectangle
to be zoomed.
Then press the left mouse-button and keep it pressed.
Now move the Pointer to the right,lower border of the rectangle
and stop pressing the button after this.
While doing this, the currently chosen rectangle is constanly shown
as a kind of a "Line-Window", so that you perhaps always
see, which part you would zoom, when releasing the mouse-button.
Note : The at last "zoomed" Part is only memorized as data in the
FMemo-Liste gespeichert, if you select the Sub-Menu
"Zoom-Values -> Memo" after that.
Otherwise the old interval border keep memorized.
"Micro-Zooming" :
If you intend to zoom a function really EXTREME, then please
remember to change the "Step-Size" within the FunctionRequester
to a smaller values, because zooming does not touch this entries
in the FMemo-Lists.
If - after zooming - the width of the part is nearly as small as the
Step-Size, you will (logically) see nothing displayed.
In this case you may select the Sub-Menu "Zoom-Values -> Memo" and
then change the Step-Size.
The Speed of Drawing :
If you think, that the drawing-speed of DRAFU+ is not high enough,
you may change the precision of drawing, which means the "Step-Size",
because normally this is set to 0.1 for each new function, which
actually a very high value.
two times faster with 0.2,
three times faster with 0.3,
four times faster with 0.4 and so on !!!
Reading of drawn values :
Well, it is not always easy to see only by the eye (no big glasses ...),
at which point, e.g. a Null-Value exists, or e.g. two functions
are crossing.
What to do ? Just zoom the critical part and then select the Sub-Menu
According to each move of the Mouse-Pointer then in the Titlebar of the
Info-Window the exact X- and Y-Values (no pixel-values !) are displayed.
Pressing of the left mouse-button exits from this feature.
Integration of Functions :
DRAFU+ also gives to you the possibiliy, to integrate functions.
This may be already entered functions (from the MemoRequester) or
other functions (static, not memorized).
ASWD-Functions cannot be integrated yet.
A graphical display of the calculated data is also not yet possible.
Also the results are not memorized.
Saving of Screens (IFF-Support) :
Generally DRAF+ gives to you two possibilites of saving the Screen
for other purposes as a Graphic-Files :
- as IFF-ILBM-File, either packed or unpacked, which can be read
with almost every Graphic- and Paintprogram.
- as IFF-ACBM-File, of course unpacked, which can be read by some
Programmes, mostly coming from the BASIC-pheres.
Saving and Loading of Memo-Lists :
Saving of a Memo-List allows to "conservate" all currently entered
functions inside the FMemoRequester.
Loading of a Memo-List allows to "restaurate" functions, which have
been saved before (or edited as an ASCII-File).
Loading of a Memo-List also results in a "re-drawing" of those functions.
Things like Screen-Width or color-selection are not stored inside the
the saved Memo-List, because of functional reasons.
Just set those "by hand" and then select the Sub-Menu "Draw Again".
Also the last set intervals for the X- and Y-Axis are not saved.
Loaded Memo-List would just be drawn into the current one.
If you like to create such "load-ready" Memo-Files by hand or
use them for other purposes, just look into the additional documentation-
file "DRAFU_special.doc", where the format of ".dfu"-files is described.
Hardcopies :
If you want to print a HardCopy directly from the screen, without
saving it as an IFF-ILBM-File and using a special tool, just select
the Sub-Menu "Hardcopy".
If a printer is "on-line", you'll get a fine HardCopy of the current
screen within about 1-2 Minutes (depending on the printer's speed).
Note : The HardCopy is just a "copy" of the Screen.
To save the life of your printer (or at least make it a little
bit longer), please set the Background-Color to "white"
before selecting "HardCopy".
Protection of the Display :
The last-drawn Function are conserved as long, as you select a Menu
which causes the old Display to become "overwritten".
When drawing new Functions via "Add-Draw", the Screen will
be conserved.
Grid-Lines :
Don't you really like the "Grid-Lines", which are drawn by DRAFU+ when
displaying functions on the screen ?
If you do not like those "support-lines", because you only need the
graphical "look" of a function, you may turn this "Grid-Lines" simply
Look into the Menu "Display".
X-Marks / Y-Marks :
The Number of Marks at the X-Achsis or (also) the Y-Axis are changeable.
Select the "X-Marken" or "Y-Marken".
A requester pops up, in which you see the old values, which can be modi-
fied for you own purposes.
Please remember, that too many or too less marks would perhaps destroy
the display (a GURU may not appear, but one never know ... do one ?)
Advantages in speed (the second) :
If you are interested in speeding up the calculation and drawing
of the functions, just put the screen of DRAFU+ into the background for
a while.
You also may reduce the Color-Depth (less DMA-Accesses).
Behaviour when changing Colors :
Changed colors are only displayed after the next "write-access" to the
Screen, e.g. when drawing a new function (also "Draw Again").
Only when changing the Background-Color the screen will be immediately
This is because DRAFU+ does not change color-values in registers, but
DRAFU-internal values.
So the menus keep readable and the 3-D-Effect stays there
(first four Color-Registers).
Loading and Saving the Preferences in "DRAFU_ENG.config" :
A "DRAFU_ENG.config"-File, which is to be loaded, either at startup-
time (automatically) or later by the user, has to be present in the
directories "S:" or "ENV:" or in the current directory (in this order).
Only there it can be found by DRAFU+.
Saving always is done to "S:DRAFU_ENG.config", to prevent unnecessary
The preferences done in the "DRAFU_ENG.config"-File, may be changed later
by editing the file with a Text-Editor.
See point 1.5 (below) for more and detailed information.
Screen destroyed ?
If a Screen has been destroyed without an action of DRAFU+, then
the Sub-Menu "Draw Again" will restore the old Screen-Image by
drawing it all again.
Shorter, faster, better ?
Like many other programs do, DRAFU+ allows you to make great use of
so-called "ShortCuts", which can be used instead of mouse-based
Inside many menu-items you see the Amiga-Sign, followed by a singe char.
Pressing the Amiga-Key and this Char-Key results in an immediately
selection of the corresponding menu.
(Also see 1.4, "Function-Keys" !)
1.4 Function-Keys :
DRAFU+ uses the Function-Keys F-01 to F-10, the ESCAPE- and
HELP-Key as follows :
ESC : 1/5 "Leave program"
F-01 : 2/1 "f(x)=???"
F-02 : 2/2 "Memo-Pad : Clear"
F-03 : 2/3 "Memo-Pad : Save"
F-04 : 2/4 "Memo-Pad : Load"
F-05 : 2/5 "Zoom"
F-06 : 2/6 "Zoom-Values -> Memo"
F-07 : 2/7 "Cursor"
F-08 : 2/8 "Integrate"
F-09 : 2/9 "Current Functions"
F-10 : 2/10 "Clear Display"
HELP : 1/4 "Program Info"
Inside some Sub-Menus the Function-Keys are temporarily used in
other ways. The current function will be displayed in an
Online-Help-Window after pressing the HELP-Key (Gadgets : double-press).
1.5 Internal Commands :
DRAFU+ contains a set of "internal commands", which either are used
in the "DRAFU_ENG.config"-Files, or in the Tooltypes of DRAFU+, also
in the Tooltypes of Memo-Files (Files with extension ".dfu").
Also all of these commands are available via ARexx, when DRAFU already
has been started.
ARexx has a higher priority than the Tooltypes, which just have a higher
Priority than the entries of the "DRAFU_ENG.config"-File.
The "DRAFU_ENG.config"-File so mostly contains Default-Entries.
Below you find a listing of all those commands.
The flag-combinations behind them show you, by which way
("C"=Config-File, "T"=Tooltypes, "A"=ARexx) you can reach the specific
Command-Listing :
"LOAD=<FileName>" ; Load FMemo-List [ C T A ]
"SAVE=<FileName>" ; Save FMemo-List [ A ]
"HARDCOPY" ; Do a HardCopy an [ A ]
"SAVE_ILBM=<FileName>" ; Screenshot (IFF-ILBM) [ A ]
"SAVE_ACBM=<FileName>" ; Screenshot (IFF-ACBM) [ A ]
"X_MARKS=<Number>" ; Set new X-Mark Number [ C T A ]
"Y_MARKS=<Number>" ; Set new Y-Mark Number [ C T A ]
"QUIT" ; Quit DRAFU [ A ]
"GITTER=<ON/OFF>" ; Gitter-Status [ C T A ]
"AUTOSTEP=<HAND/PRECISE/FAST>" ; Stepsize-Status [ C T A ]
EFFICIENCY>" ; Scaling-Status [ C T A ]
"Y_AUTORANGE=<ON/OFF>" ; Y-Autorange-Status [ C T A ]
"BACK_COLOR=<ColorName>" ; Background-Color [ C T A ]
"AXIS_COLOR=<ColorName>" ; Axis-Color [ C T A ]
"DRAW_COLOR=<ColorName>" ; Default-Draw-Color [ C T A ]
"MODE=<DrawMode>" ; Display-Mode (see below) [ C T A ]
1.6 The use from Workbech :
1.6.1 : ".dfu"-Files on the Workbench
Each DRAFU-Memo-File (with the ".dfu"-extension) automatically gets
a Workbench-Icon.
When clicking on such a Icon on the Workbench, automatically loading
of DRAFU+ is the result.
You'll only have specify a Screen-Mode, then the loaded
functions of the Memo-List will be displayed.
1.6.2 : Autoloading on the Workbench
Another possibility consists of an additional ToolType for DRAFU+ itself,
which would look as follows :
(The extension ".dfu" need no be written here.)
When starting DRAFU+, this File then will always be loaded automatically.
You still only have to specify a Screen-Mode.
1.6.3 : More Tooltypes
Tooltype Possible Parameters Meaning
MODE= H4, H8, H16, (see 1.7)
HL4, HL8, HL16
1.7 CLI-/Shell-Start :
Use the following Commandline-Syntax for starts of DRAFU+ from
the CLI/Shell :
DRAFU [-Mode=<Mode>] [<FileName[.dfu]>]
When starting from CLI you have the possibility to specify a single
DRAFU-Memo-File (this needs to have extension ".dfu", which nevertheless
need not be specified).
After Starting DRAFU+ this way, this file is automatically loaded.
You only need to display a suitable Screen-Mode and then directly
the loaded Memo-List will be displayed.
But you also may specify this Screen-Mode at command-line level.
Please note, that first the Mode (optional) and then the File-Name
(optional) has to be specified.
The following Mode-ShortCuts are supported :
H4 : HIRES, 4 Colors (640x256)
H8 : HIRES, 8 Colors
H16 : HIRES, 16 Colors
HL4 : HIRES-LACE, 4 Colors (640x512)
HL8 : HIRES-LACE, 8 Colors
HL16 : HIRES-LACE, 16 Colors
O4 : OVER, 4 Colors (704x283)
O8 : OVER, 8 Colors
O16 : OVER, 16 Colors
OL4 : OVER-LACE, 4 Colors (704x566)
OL8 : OVER-LACE, 8 Colors
OL16 : OVER-LACE, 16 Colors
SO4 : SUPER, 4 Colors (736x290)
SO8 : SUPER, 8 Colors
SO16 : SUPER, 16 Colors
SOL4 : SUPER-LACE, 4 Colors (736x580)
SOL8 : SUPER-LACE, 8 Colors
SOL16 : SUPER-LACE, 16 Colors
Examples :
1. DRAFU -Mode=H4
Starts DRAFU+ in HIRES-Mode with 4 Colors.
2. DRAFU MemoPad.dfu
Starts DRAFU+ and loads the File MemoPad.dfu.
The Screen-ModeRequester pops up then.
3. DRAFU -Mode=H4 MemoPad.dfu
Starts DRAFU+ in HIRES-Mode with 4 Colors.
and loads the File MemoPad.dfu.
The Screen-ModeRequester does NOT pop up then.
1.8 Using the ARexx-Interface of DRAFU+ :
At first start DRAFU+ with a Screen-Mode and - maybe - a FileName
(see 1.4, CLI-/Shell-Start).
This is also possible inside the ARexx-Script.
After that you may send commands to DRAFU's ARexx-Port "DRAFU.rx".
All available commands are described under 1.5 (internal commands).
Syntax is as follows :
address 'DRAFU.rx' "Command with quotation marks"
The ARexx-Script has to be written in the following format (generally) :
Run "DRAFU -Mode=H4"
wait 2
address 'DRAFU.rx' "LOAD=MemoPad.dfu"
Please look into the special ARexx-DemoScript with the name
"DRAFU_ARexxDemo.rx" !
At the end there's a little nice example :
1. Select "f(x)=???" (second Menu)
2. Enter "x^2" as Function
3. Enter "0.5" as "Step-Size"
4. Enter "-20" as "lower X-Border"
5. Enter "20" as "higher X-Border"
6. Enter "-20" as "lower Y-Border"
7. Enter "20" as "higher Y-Border"
8. Enter "black" for "Name of Color"
Then you'll see a quite nice standard-function (simple, eh ?).
= TIP(S) : =
- If you decide to create your own Work-Disk for DRAFU+,
which wuld be quite useful, please remember to assign the
logical devices "CLIPS:", "ENV:" and "T:" inside "RAM:" or "RAD:",
by creating the following (or similar) entries in your
"Startup-Sequence" (V1.3) or "User-StartUp" (V2.04) :
MakeDir RAD:env
MakeDir RAD:t
MakeDir RAD:clipboards
Assign ENV: RAD:env
Assign T: RAD:t
Assign CLIP: RAD:clipboards
Later versions of DRAFU+ may use these assigns
(so do this work NOW, not later !).
= INFORMATION ABOUT 'ak_gen0.library' : =
This library, used not only by DRAFU+, has its own documentation.
Please read it carefully.
Thanks !
= "DRAFU+" =
= (c) 1990-93 by Andreas R. Kleinert (DRAFU+) & Ulrich Degens (FWB) =
= All rights reserved. =
= "ak_gen0.library" =
= (c) 1989-93 by Andreas R. Kleinert. =
= FREEWARE. All rights reserved. =
= Other copyrights of various products have not been explicitely =
= mentioned. =