PC: Pentium 90, 16 Megs RAM, 2X CD-ROM Drive or better RUNNING wINDOWS 95.
Pilot: 3Com/ USR PalmPilot Personal or Professional Edition, or PalmPilot 3; Pilot Desktop conduit ver. 2.0 or 3.0
Install the PalmPilot program on your Pilot PDA device by selecting "Install PalmPilot Integration Files" on the installation program of your Joy of Cooking CD-ROM on your PC. This will install integration functionality between your Pilot and the Joy of Cooking CD-ROM. It will also install the Joy of Cooking Pilot application (joy.prc) into
your Pilot Directory on your PC.
To install the Joy of Cooking Pilot application on your Pilot device, run your Pilot applicationÆs install program (if you are using Pilot Desktop application ver 2.0), or open your Pilot Desktop program (if you are running Pilot Desktop 3.0), locate the file "Joy.prc" and follow the installation procedures. The next time you perform a HotSync, the Joy of Cooking Pilot application will be installed on your PalmPilot.
Please note that when you download recipes, menus and/or shopping lists to your PalmPilot, they will NOT overwrite files already downloaded to your PalmPilot. This is so that you can be sure that variations on recipes, menus and/or shopping lists will not be removed automatically. If you wish to delete any recipe, menu, or shopping list from your PalmPilot, you can do that using the Remove button on your Joy of Cooking PalmPilot program.
Whenever you are viewing a recipe, a Menu, or a Shopping List from within the Joy of Cooking CD-ROM program, you can click on the ôPilotö button on the Navigation/Feature Bar at the bottom of the screen. When you do this, the recipe, Menu (and all its associated recipes), or Shopping List) is prepared for download to your Pilot. The next time you perform a HotSync, all recipes, Menus (and their associated recipes) will be downloaded to your Pilot. You can download any number of recipes, Menus and Shopping Lists to your Pilot limited only by the memory capacity of your Pilot. These downloads are cumulative and will not remove any recipes, Menus, or Shopping Lists already downloaded to your Pilot.
Locate the "Joy" program icon on your PalmPilot deviceÆs desktop and click on it. This will launch the Joy of Cooking PalmPilot program. The first time you do this, if you have not performed any downloads from the Joy of Cooking CD-ROM Edition program, the Joy of Cooking Pilot program will create a sample set of recipes, Menus, and Shopping Lists for you. You can delete this any time you wish. It is a good idea to delete these samples after you have downloaded your own recipes, menus, or Shopping Lists.
The Joy of Cooking "Splash Screen" appears when you launch the Joy of
Cooking program on your PalmPilot the first time you use it and any time you launch the program after having used another program on your PalmPilot device.. This will disappear after 5 seconds or immediately after you tap the
"Okay" button.
At the top of the screen is a simple menu with three buttons: Menus,
Recipes, Shopping. Tap on any of these to see a list or each. At the bottom of the screen is a button labelled "Remove a Recipe", "Remove a Menu", or "Remove a Shopping List" depending on what you have selected from the menu at the top of the screen. Tap on this button to produce a list of recipes, Menus, or Shopping Lists, then tap any item you wish to remove. A confirmation box appears asking you to confirm the deletion. Tap "Okay" to perform the deletion. The button at the bottom of the screen is now labelled "Back". Tap here to go back to the list of recipes, Menus, or Shopping Lists you were viewing before you selected "Remove" button.
When "Menus" is selected, The words "Available Menus" appears on the
screen with a list of menus beneath. Tap on any Menu title in this list to see that menu with a list of all its associated recipes. Tap on the title of any recipe to see its full text.
When "Recipes" is selected, The words "Available Recipes" appears on the screen with a list of recipes beneath. Tap on the title of any recipe to see its full text.
When "Shopping" is selected, The words "Available Shopping Lists" appears on the screen with a list of Shopping Lists beneath. Tap on any list to see the contents of that list.
The Shopping List screen shows each item with a check box to its left. As you purchase each item, you can check it off the list by tapping this check box. When you do this, a check appears in the box and a line appears through the item temporarily, then the entire item disappears from the list. To restore the item to the list with the check box checked, tap on the "Show" button on the bottom right of the screen. The item appears with the check box checked.
You can now uncheck the item if you wish. To hide items that have been
checked, tap the "Hide" button on the bottom right of the screen which is located where the "Show" button formerly appeared.
To see which recipes a list item is associated with, tap the "Notesö" icon to the right of that item. Items that have no "notes" icons are not associated with any recipe. To add an item to the current Shopping List, tap the ôAddö button at the bottom of the screen. This opens a line on the list. You cannot associate an item with a recipe. To delete an item from the list, tap on it, then tap the "Delete" button at the bottom of the screen.
Tap on the PalmPilotÆs Menu icon in the lower left of the screen to see the menu items at the top of the screen. These vary depending upon which Joy of Cooking feature is active:
Info: About Joy of Cooking This choice is available from all feature screens except whole viewing the contents of a recipe, or a Shopping List. Tap on it to see the full title and credit information for Joy of Cooking Palm Pilot edition and the current version number.
Options: Go To Top/Bottom of Page These choices navigate to the top or
bottom of the current recipe page respectively.
Edit Menu This selection provides the standard Pilot editing functions: Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All, Keyboard, Graffiti. This choice is only available from within a recipe view screen.
Find Tap the PalmPilotÆs "Find" icon to locate any word or phrase from within any of the recipes, Menus, and Shopping Lists currently in the PilotÆs Joy of Cooking database. The Pilot will then search for the word or phrase from within any other installed Pilot program that supports the PilotÆs global searching function. Tap on any of the results to go directly to it.